War Thunder

War Thunder

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[ENG] How to almost AFK upgrade War Thunder (ARB Edition).
By クルテス
In the previous guide, I told you how to fully upgrade your flight equipment in AFK mode through Simulator Battles. This guide will also help, mainly tankers and beginners, to upgrade their skills for joint battles but in a more active Aviation Realistic mode.
1. The essence of leveling up.
The method will be less primitive than in air SB, but we will use not heavy bombers for leveling up, but attack aircraft with suspended weaponry. Experience farming will involve destroying bases, ground vehicles, and, when possible, enemy aircraft.
1.2. As brief as possible.

1. We pick up our shock projectile with broken suspensions.
2. We fly out at the first spawn and fall towards the nearest enemy base/farthest from the enemy spawn.
3. Bomb bases.
4. Destroy bots (howitzers, air defense, air bot)
5. We don’t click our faces and regularly look around, we pick out attack aircraft that are heading towards us.

P.S. We return to bases for new bombs extremely rarely, and in general this is undesirable, as it takes a lot of time. It’s better to bomb, steal the bots and take 1-2 planes.
2. Selection of aircraft and suspended weapons.

We will choose aircraft from the attack aircraft branch aka attack aircraft/deck attack aircraft (I recommend the USA/USSR for starters), because we have air spawn, which gives advantages over opponents and allies (yes, we will also compete with allies).

Such a branch can be easily identified by the aircraft card and mainly stretched diamonds.

We use bombs as suspended weapons, exclusively bombs. Not torpedoes, not missiles, only bombs. And we take bombs with the heaviest mass of explosives (this indicator is displayed in the suspension card). I will write in a little more detail about bombs and bases below.

The guide will use the American AM-1 attack aircraft.
3. Start of the battle.

С самого начала вы появитесь в воздухе:

1. Wait 10 seconds for the bases to be drawn and fly to:

1) The furthest base from the enemy airfield.
2) The closest base to your plane.
P.s. If you are in a mode without bases, then we do not take the suspensions and, due to the height, we try to intercept enemy beavers, attack aircraft, and fighters. This happens extremely rarely, but it does happen.

2. Due to the altitude, we go into a shallow dive to gain speed and get to the bases faster than:
a) allied attack aircraft and bombers (although beavers spawn higher, they often will not catch up with you due to the low flutter threshold)
b) fighters from the airfield (this is why we choose the airfield farthest from their field)
4. Bombs, bases, bots.

I’ll say right away that at the moment there is no information about the HP of the enemy bases inside the game. Moreover, their HP depends on the BR of the current mission, and not your vehicle. Therefore, you will often encounter the fact that in one battle you only had enough bombs for one base, and in the second for one and a half. (this does not apply to 2000 lb+ bombs). There are tables on the Internet, but:
a) They are difficult to understand.
b) By the time you read this, these tables may no longer be relevant.

1. Here we just fly to the base, at approximately an angle of 45 degrees, and drop bombs. A small bonus for tank RBs. To hit tanks with bombs, throw them when the target is between the sight and the nose of your plane. Yes, it depends on the plane and the location of the bombs, but it will come with experience. (The bomb will need to be dropped later than you see in the screenshot, I can’t afford this, since my 2000 pound bombs will kill my plane).

The AM-1 carries three 2,000 lb bombs. This is enough to take one whole base and half of the second on any BR. On your airplanes, you can only learn what's what through trial and error. If your bombs cause different damage depending on the BR, drop half the bombs and see how many are destroyed, but only if you have time for this (there are no enemy vehicles or allied beavers are far away)

2. After we have gotten rid of the load, we act according to the situation. If the enemies are far away and do not appear, we kill enemy air defenses, Howitzers, light vehicles, and enemy air bots. It is extremely important to look around at this stage so as not to let an enemy fighter on your tail.
5. Shooting, air combat and impact tactics.

1. Shooting.

a) If you are going head-on at the same height or higher, then we shoot a little higher than the enemy, about a kilometer away, and make a maneuver, or go to the end.

b) If the enemy is lower than us, then we shoot slightly under the enemy or at the silhouette, depending on the angle of collision and distance.

2. Tactics.

The tactics are simple - as you understand, we will withdraw enemy fighters and impose a frontal attack. In 99% of cases, the course armament of attack aircraft is not experienced by anyone. The fighter will need to fire a good burst or hit the pilot exactly in order to take us out of the battle, when a hit is enough for us to tear the plane apart.

A) Since we are flying low and bombing bases, killing with a bot, fighters will need to descend towards you. Pretend you don't see them and go about your business until about 2 km from approaching. Then smoothly move the car towards the enemy and start shooting. In 70% of cases, a descending fighter at the beginning of the battle will do everything to kill you, since he began to lose altitude for you. You have already fulfilled your plan by at least destroying the bases and are not afraid of death.

B) If the allies are close, move the fighters under them.

This way you will not only be a selfish farmer, but also useful to the team.
Pros and cons of this method.

  • A fairly good way for beginners to get used to aviation.
  • You benefit the team because you burn points for your opponents.
  • You benefit the team because you provoke enemy fighters to lower their altitude, which is extremely useful and benefits your team.
  • Often it’s possible to take bases + a couple of planes before the jets.
  • It will help improve your skill in head-on collisions and shooting on airplanes.
  • Personally, I felt comfortable in dogfights on the Americans and it was good practice.

  • Selfish farm, we take everything from the beavers (usls class, let them go swing in SB).
  • If at the beginning you meet with the same attack aircraft and lose head-on, you will go into the next battle without points, at most with an exchange.
  • Monotony can quickly get boring, but that’s what semi-AFK farm is for.
If there are additions, suggestions, comments - everything is welcome. I will definitely read everything you write and add useful points to the guide. This guide is made primarily for beginners and tankers who want planes, but are intimidated by the large amount of information that is needed to upgrade from fighters. Good luck to everyone and fair winds on the battlefields.
chaseair 26 Jun @ 2:37am 
Gonna plug this base bombing spreadsheet thats incredibly well made and kept updated for extra reading!

クルテス  [author] 22 Jun @ 9:56am 
luckytiger 21 Jun @ 11:27pm 
this is useful