Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Artículos (69)
宠物增强(Pets Enhancement)
Creada por 心悦卿兮
让更有用的小宠物陪着单人联机的你吧 本模组修改了所有宠物以及添加了其他额外功能,详细内容参见模组内容区/模组设置页面末尾。 PS:如果你喜欢这个模组,就给作者点个免费的赞吧!Click for Google's English translation. 题外话: 1、我的其他模组推荐:更多物品。 2、假如你只想要本模组的额外功能,可以在模组设置里的“精确开关”那里把宠物的所有改动都关掉。 3、本模组并没有使用覆盖法,理论上和其他宠物修改的模组应该是部分兼容的,但是你要注意有没有功能重复的地方,比如都给宠物加...
掉落堆叠(Drop & Stack)
Creada por 凉时白开
新模式: 真正的全堆叠. 旧模式兼容项: 标准掉落(砍树,挖矿,鸟笼,杀怪,等等); 交易(猪王,鱼王,蚁狮,神话聚宝盆); 猪人便便; 石果开采; 熊大毛丛;邪天翁羽毛;格罗姆黏液; 灰烬; 风滚草采集;包裹拆解; 地皮挖掘; 食物腐烂; 刮剃(牛毛人须). New Mode: The Really All Stacking. The list of supported drops by Old Mode: Standard drops(Chop, Mine, Birdcage, Kill, etc.);...
能力勋章 Functional Medal
Creada por 恒子while(1)
Brief Introduction Addition of the Medal System, you can use the cartographer's desk to make various medals. Functional Medal is an extended mod with the theme of "growth". It adds a new type of prop "medal" on the basis of the original game. Different med...
Creada por fais0n
dig and transplant : reeds cactus oasis cactus mushroom lichen cave flower cave banana tree wormlight plant ...
Always fresh
Creada por 菜鸟老李
Always fresh 冰箱里物品永远不坏 中文mod
Boss Indicators
Creada por Ryuu
Tired of chasing after bosses or want to know if they're near? Then look no further. What this mod does This mod adds a player-like indicator to bosses to know if they're lurking around, so that you can go and smack them in their face - or run away from th...
Bug tracker
Creada por 老王天天写bug
More detailed crash logs. This mod is fully localized, but now I haven't finished writing the English version of the document, please wait patiently. What Bug tracker does? This mod helps you quickly locate the crash point.
Combined Status
Creada por rezecib
Supports all versions of Don't Starve (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together). You can also download from GitHub, although that won't auto-update for you. (code contributions also welcome via GitHub) This mod enhances the HUD...
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, DST]
Creada por IvanX
Client mod that adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot. Doesn't matter what server you join, modded crock pots, modded recipes, this mod serves them all on a plate and helps you cook whatever your heart desires by displaying the exact recipe....
Don't Drop Everything
Creada por Shang
If You like this, give a thumbs up! Hint: When a player dies, The player must have amulets, A will drop. Players into a state of the soul after death, not drop all the items. ...
Extended Map Icons
Creada por michi
Add more icons to the map. Includes all the mobs, basic tools, flowers, gold nuggets, rocks, flints, and more. It have 123 mobs icons (includes all monsters of vanilla, RoG and Shipwrecked). Request for changes! Report any b...
Geometric Placement
Creada por rezecib
Compatible with all versions of the game (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Don't Starve Together-- separately listed on the Single-player workshop). You can also find it on the Klei Forums Snaps objects to a grid when placing and displays a build gri...
Global Positions
Creada por rezecib
Map sharing works again! You don't even need to be in the A New Reign beta anymore! Code contributions are welcome: Features Show other players on the map (and hover over them to see who they are). Show player in...
Increased Stack size
Creada por ChaosMind42
Allows you to collect even more items All stackable items can be stacked up to a configurable amount from 20 to 999 (default is 99). In addition, the stack size can be configured independently for different item sizes (large, medium, small and tiny). Works...
Extra Equip Slots+3
Creada por 郗水
This Mod is currently maintained by me, and the update frequency is about 2-3 months. If you need a faster maintenance frequency, please use the Beta below! Tencent QQ communication group:75...
Item Info
Creada por Ryuu
This is a CLIENT mod. Can be used on any server! Inspired by the popular mods Display Food Values & Detailed Tooltips, I bring you Item Info. What this mod does It displays items' values when hovering over them (hunger, sanity, health, spoilage, insulation...
Creada por 大钢炮plus
v1.01 Add sound in configuration Fix can't open fox Choose language and sound in configuration Kagura hunger 150 san 200 health 150 Happy new year!! Thank you very much for your support 1.Have a paper umbrella.Extra damage to shadowcreature. 2.Have a pet f...
Minimap HUD
Creada por squeek.
Adds a minimap to the HUD The minimap is fully functional; it can be zoomed using the zoom map binds (defaulted to the mousewheel) and can be panned by clicking and dragging. The minimap can be collapsed by hovering over it and clicking the "Close Minimap"...
Myth Characters-神话人物
Characters here! Welcome to the Myth Characters mod. Hello survivors, welcome to our world, may the spirits be with you… For our world is filled with many dangers, many challenges, all waiting for you. Will you choose to enjoy the beautiful sights, lounge ...
Quick Pick
Creada por 辣椒小皇纸
The mod removes the animation of harvest grass, sapling, berrybush and other things, which makes them picked like a carrot. It makes almost everything pick quickly. Changelog Version 1.3.0 -Quick cooking foods on firepit. Version 1.2.0 -Added Wormwood Crop...
Setpiece Config Revisited
Creada por CheetoJesus
Add setpieces to your worldgen! Credits to original source code goes to Joeshmocoolstuff, mod here: Setpiece Config is a mod that allows for setpieces to be generated consistently at time of ...
Show Me(中文)
Creada por 傳說󰀘覺悟
For modules used by your own server, please move to the original author's module,For use and rewards, please go to: 自用,请勿搬运WeGame 就是Show Me(Origin)一样,将未能正确显示中文的修正,并兼容部分模组显示; showme v0.59.9.5 ...
Simple Health Bar DST
Creada por DYC
Click for DS Version Click for OLD Version if the new one crashed A simple health bar! It will be displayed in the combat status automatically. (It will not be displayed when the game is just loaded !!!!!!!!!!!! don't tell me the mod no longer works becaus...
Smart Chest
Please leave me a comment with any bugs or feature suggestions. My own tests have always been inadequate. You are a mature chest. Learn to collect itemss up by yourself Basic function: Enable the nearby chest with minisign to collect corresponding items. _...
Smart Minisign
救救孩子的英语吧 go die! You have to learn to draw by yourself! 1.1.4 Support Skin (Can be disabled in the settings) 1.1.1 Update Now can draw spiced foods. 1....
Special Events
Creada por adai1198
"Let there be special event!" Admins can apply special events after the world is generated. This mod will send the following two commands for you: ApplySpecialEvent("event") TheWorld.topology.overrides.specialevent = "event" in which "event" could be the f...
[DST] Legion
Creada por ti_Tout
Mod encyclopedia This mod's exclusive introduction website, which details all aspects of it. address: Author's words If you find a bug, I hope you can tell me in detail, I'll fix it as soon ...
[DST] WhaRang
Creada por JinYering
* (DS to DST) MOD Scale down. <!> Excluded: Pets, Wall, Skills, etc. * This mod is not complete. If experience frequent errors or crashes, stop using them. Check for Change Notes Subscribe to Single version Version 1.4 Released Hello. There was a mod updat...
[Onmyoji]Teruterubozu~The sunny fairy
·Code:小开心 ·Art:魔法少女唐间竹子 ·Support:ShootShootNitori 风铃草 ·Thanks:半夏微暖半夏凉 青木. ·The original: Onmyoji 陰陽師本格幻想RPG ·This character is belong to the original NetEase.
Creada por 燕子
1.厨师袋可以放入物品栏; 2.厨师袋只能放能放入冰箱的东西; 3.所有人可以在角色栏制作,且修改配方为 5个触手皮+3个绳子; 4.保鲜效果和保鲜背包一样...
更多物品扩展包(MoreItems Expansion)
Creada por 心悦卿兮
更多物品 的扩展包,依赖于更多物品,单独运行是无效的。(2023-02-05) 由于更多物品目前运行稳定,故新物品和部分新内容都将更新在此模组中。 虽然更多物品是可以单独运行的,但是该扩展包还是建议订阅配套使用的! 该扩展包也和更多物品一样,大部分功能都是允许开启和关闭的。 PS:你的点赞,是我持续更新的动力。 功能类 1、鼠标移到物品上可以显示代码,默认关闭。 物品类 水桶 水资源(水壶装水)、25格、可以存放`食物和耕作`栏以及一些种田必需的物品 抽屉 只允许被玩家摧毁的不可燃的普通箱子。分拣机不会将物...
更多物品(More Items)
Creada por 心悦卿兮
邮箱 这么多物品总归有一款适合你吧?尤其是可以帮忙分拣物品的雪球发射机、可以随身携带的容器、拥有特殊效果的物品和食物、扩大容量的箱子和冰箱等等。 PS:你的点赞,是我持续更新的动力。 模组介绍:添加了一些新物品(共50+种且可以选择是否允许制作),诸如:武器、容器、食物等。 辅助功能:显示当前时间、容器 UI 可以移动、关闭容器自动整理、物品优先进容器等。 其他功能:添加了内容平衡选项,尽量平衡一下模组内容。 拓展功能:小宠物增强。目前已经整合为独立模组,...
Creada por 珞璃
改自 初始攻击力30,攻击距离1.4 初始耐久为-10(前10刀相当于开刃)负耐久有未知bug会本地崩溃,尽早叠到1% 攻击有血肉的生物可以提升耐久度,(耐久度相当于等级) 耐久度越高则持续伤害量越高,伤害间隔越短。(伤害间隔指后续伤害,不是攻速) 升满耐久的方法:打10+2000下 叠满后效果,这三个数值都和等级有关(数...
花样风滚草 Interesting Tumbleweed
Creada por 恒子while(1)
花样风滚草,也可以叫作“四次元风滚草”,为风滚草增加了更多的可能性。 推荐玩法:少资源模式,除了风滚草外,将其他资源均调成无,一切资源均靠风滚草,考验人品的时候到啦~ -----新增属性----- 幸运值: 1.每个人在加入世界时都会获得50点初始幸运值,幸运值将决定你从风滚草中开出好东西或者坏东西的概率。 2.幸运值的上限为100,下限为0。幸运值越高,开出好东西的几率越大;幸运值越低,开出怪物的几率越大。 3.默认情况下,每开一个风滚草,幸运值会下降一点,当然也可以通过mod设置界面设置游戏难度来控制下...
ActionQueue RB3 (New action compatible)
Creada por Cutlass
This mod is an updated version of ActionQueue RB2 Added actions related to "Reap what you sow" Fixed Tall Palmcone trees compatible Fixed a snazzy pitchfork compatible Added Erase paper action Added Ocean trawler raise action Added Ocean trawler lower acti...
All roles' ability(No longer maintained)
Creada por 繁花丶海棠
You can now add the technology, main buff, initial items and friend animals of all the official characters for the role you are playing. Webber’s ability will change spider hat,spider is still monster for you without spider hat Woodie's ability will change...
Epic Healthbar
Creada por Tykvesh
Spice up your combat experience with this stylized health bar! Epic Healthbar is a new widget which provides information about the current boss: Displa...
Let Lady WhiteBone Wear Functional Medals!
Creada por Godfrey
Ahoy! Now you can play Myth Characters along with Functional Medals mod to a better extent! Woo-hoo! Much thanks to Flora, our beloved coder of Myth Words and Sweet House, who offered huge amount of help (almost 100%) into building the codes of this mod! P...
More Useful BOSS Spoils
Creada por 蛋挞
I often see people saying that they have played for hundreds of hours and have not beaten the boss several times. I think the difficulty of the boss is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the property of the boss's drops makes people not interested in ...
Multi Rocks
Creada por Shang
If You like this, give a thumbs up! More rocks Make the mines have more duration, more mines for players. Let boulders pick longer. Avoid boulders depletion. ...
No Thermal Stone Durability
Creada por Przemolsz
Like seriously Klei, it was the last item you would've ever wanted to nerf. Server-side only....
Creada por kuluopai󰀍
🔎原版模组传送门:全球定位-Global Positions 🔍 🔎全球定位-汉化新版🔍 🔎模组ID:2199027653598521242🔍 自用,仅供学习与参考(原mod来源steam;后续更新mod来源WeGame) mod介绍 帮你找到小伙伴的位置! 这个模组能够将所有在同一世界探索地图在玩家的地图共享给所有人,并且能够用ALT+鼠标左键在地图上标记给其他人看(当然,这是可以配置的) @@@按住TAB键,可以选择是否将自己的地图共享给队友...
装备附魔-怪物强化-信息面板 冲突: 某些多格装备栏由于自身逻辑问题 穿戴护符/护甲执行另一个装备栏物品函数 从而导致属性错乱(生命/攻击无限上限) 解决方案:换个五格 推荐:Extra Equip Slots (Modified) 工坊id:2075943614 q群 660565238 附魔石来源 拆解含有词条的装备有概率出随机一个词条的附魔石 其中词条数量>=3的必定获得一个附魔石 小于三个的0.1概率拆解出随机词条附魔石 词条装备来源 1.怪物掉落的装备 2.使用附魔卷轴随机附魔 宝石来源 击杀任意...
Auto Cooking
Creada por Tony
GitHub Repo (check out README if you wanna make supports for modded cookwares): Usage To start auto cooking: Choose an Integrated Key in the mod settings Put the materials in to a cookware (cookpot, seasoning st...
Creada por 黑老板
原mod地址 BUG修复: 修复了便携锅,研磨罐,调味盘不能使用的问题 修复了技能点天赋在重进房间时失效的问题,查询剩余技能点键为k键,每次查询会检测一次天赋是否正常 杂项: 添加了部分新增书籍 曼德拉草洗点等级下降调整至1,即食用后为19级99经验 ...
ActionQueue RB3 CN
Creada por Ling
简介 此mod是在Cutlass的RB3基础上汉化的 汉化了配置界面和游戏内提示语句 如果你认为这个mod对你有帮助,请到这里 RB3原版 给作者Cutlass点点赞 低创,勿送点数,仅供学习与参考 原作者简介 This version of ActionQueue Reborn updates eXiGe's version to add basic support for the Reap What You Sow update. This mod is an updated version of Ac...
Auto-Unequip on 1%
Klei Forums: Client mod. Automatically unequips your magiluminescence upon reaching 1% durability to prevent it from breaking. Feature also applies to similar equippables such as eyebr...
Attack speed increase
Creada por 大雄O∧O
所念皆山河,山河皆是你。 所目皆繁星,繁星不及你。 所思皆美好,美好远是你。 所归皆初心,初心不负你。 If you like, you can:Give the thumbs-up,Subscribe,comment . If you don't like it, don't forget it:Point difference,Cancel the Subscribe,Comment on garbage. Anyway, thank you for having fun. Thank you. htt...
Beefalo Milk
Creada por uooɔɔɐɹ
You can now milk beefalos! Milk regeneration is slower in summer and faster in fall. You can't milk beefalos when they are asleep or shaved. Beefalo can kick you when you milk it! (80% chance to get kicked without wearing Beefalo Hat, and 25% to get kicked...
Celestial HUD
Creada por Koary
Celestial themed HUD for Don't Starve Together Current HUDs: • Crafting Tabs, Skin Container • Chests, Chester and Hutch • Sanity, Hunger, Health and Enlightenment • Wet Meter, Beaverness Meter, Boat Meter and Abigail Meter • Age Meter • Clocks, Temperatur...
Furniture Megapack
Creada por Neckpunch!
enjoy base building? have a ton of extra materials lying around and nothing to do with it? maybe you just like turning every game you play into animal crossing? hoo boy do I have the mod for you. introducing character-inspired furniture packs! adds a new t...
Cherry Forest
Creada por ADM Follow and help us on Ko-fi to support our creative work ♥️ Almost daily uploads of sketches, videos and in-dev mods to try out early All donations and memberships allow us to continue and provide you all with more > https://...
Creada por 风雪烟飘渺
profile: Start with a lot of food, three-dimensional 233, moving speed 1.233, twice the hunger rate! The collection speed, production speed and tree cutting speed are slightly faster than other characters, and the soul state moves fast! You can read books,...
Mineable Gems
Creada por star
Server side mode (only). Tag: "mineable gems" Configurable. Gives boulders a chance to drop gems. ----- Uses proper API style. New updates of the game won't affect the mod (99.999%). Maximum compatibility with any other existing and future mods. Stealable ...
Creada por ADM
A new Equip Slot offering lots of fun and possibilities, and a lovely NPC to trade with. It's Shoetime ! Check out Shoetime page on our wiki To learn about all of the shoes and other details of the mod. 18 unique footwear to find one's feet for all occasio...
Simple Health Bar DST (Old)
Creada por DYC
This is the old version of simple health bar. Click for new version...
Snow Tile Disabler
Creada por CarlZalph
Copyright 2016-2023 "CarlZalph". This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named CarlZalph. Removes the snow for performance/logistical reasons. You may find Weather FX Disabler to be useful. Mod config settings and t...
New Boat Shapes
Creada por Cuikui
A complete mod to craft custom and preset boats Compatible with most mod 5 new boats with unique shapes Rectangle, Caravel, Moon, Raft and Bridge https://i.imgu...
Wirlywings - Cherry Forest Client
Creada por ADM Follow and help us on Ko-fi to support our creative work ♥️ Almost daily uploads of sketches, videos and in-dev mods to try out early All donations and memberships allow us to continue and provide you all with more > https://...
Your Skeleton Respawn
Creada por Беккит
Resurrection from your skeleton! Allows you to resurrect yourself on your skeleton. ----------UPDATED---------- + Added the ability to configure health penalty Bloody sacrifice - | 0% | 5% | 10% | 25% | 30% | 40% | 50% | 60% | 70% | 75% | -----------------...
[DST] Wharang (Tweaked)
Creada por xsamurajxd
Disclaimer! I'm not the author of the mod! This version of the mod is meant to improve original that was abandoned. Original: WhaRang Based on: WhaRang (thank you NekoNya for allowing me to use it as starting point) There is also one that I would like to m...
Realistic Placement
Creada por Duckies
Allows you to place buildings, plants, or whatever you please closer together....
[API] Gem Core
Creada por Zarklord
Version 5.1.45 Library of powerful modding tools for mod developers. Visit Gem Core Wiki for API info For bug reports and feature requests go to the Gem Core Issues Page page and create a issue documenting your bug/feature request. Contribute to this mod o...
[Tips]Show attack time for hounds and bosses
Creada por
function To prompt the attack time of the hound (worm) and the Boss. The coordinates will be displayed when the Boss already exist. If not, it indicates that the Boss doesn’t fit the conditions for generation. To display the attack time of the hound and th...
Wormhole Marks [DST]
Creada por Black Mirror
Changes wormholes icons on mini map to colored icons. Every pair of worlmholes get its color icons after you use one of the wormhole. Can support up to 22 pairs of wormholes. If colors of the icons are not visible enough you can enable Draw over FoW in mod...