Lords of Infinity

Lords of Infinity

31 értékelés
Aetoria Path Guide
Készítő: Tiago
Guide for the Aetoria path, from chapter 2a to 6a.
Chapter 2a: Townhouses
First chose your estate manager, i always recommend Loch if possible.
  • Saunderley
    • Achievement On Retainer
  • Brother
    • Achievement My Brother's Keeper
  • Brother-in-law
    • Achievement By Law
  • Loch
    • Achievement A Dragoon on a Dun, a Cossack on the Run
I will not allow myself to be robbed by common thieves. I fight back!
if has runegun or >= soldiering: reputation %+10
Achievement So Anyway, I Started Blasting...
otherwise: wealth -20, loses the sabre if had it
Perhaps I may talk these men down?
if charisma >= 45: more options below
otherwise: wealth -20, loses the sabre or runegun if had it
You could choose to work for me
I will not go back on my word.
It seems rather counter-productive to me, to hire these men only to betray them.
+30 expenses
or if feuding:reputation %-10 and respectability %-20
These men must hang, and I will ensure that they do.
later: reputation %+10 and content %+1
You can choose not to rob a man trying to help you
if charisma >= 65: reputation %+10
otherwise: wealth -20, loses the sabre or runegun if had it
Choose to rob me, and things will get a great deal worse for you
if charisma + intellect >= 100: reputation %+10
otherwise: wealth -20, loses the sabre or runegun if had it
I can sympathise at least, I was in Antar too.
if did forlorn hope or has reputation >=65 and is a kinght : reputation %+10
otherwise: wealth -20, loses the sabre or runegun if had it
What choice do I have but to do as he says?
wealth -20


townhouse level
I mean to make a real splash. I shall rent out the largest townhouse.
inf_wulframite + 25
later: reputation %+15
The medium-sized townhouse seems best suited for me.
inf_wulframite + 15
I will take the smallest of the three.
inf_wulframite + 5
later: reputation %-15
Former trading house or no, a huge townhouse is worth the price.
inf_royalist + 25
later: reputation %+15
I will settle for the new build, it is more my style
inf_royalist + 15
A converted shop may not be ideal, but it is affordable.
inf_royalist + 5
later: reputation %-15
Money is no object. I will have the most extravagant house in the city.
inf_royalist + 15
inf_wulframite + 15
reputation %+15
inf_grenadier_sq + 25
later: reputation %+30
Achievement The Rent is Too Damn High
Something grand, then—but not too grand.
inf_royalist + 5
inf_wulframite + 5
reputation %+15
inf_grenadier_sq + 20
later: reputation %+15
I will choose something modest—by the area's standards, anyhow.
inf_grenadier_sq + 15
reputation %+15
If I am to live in such a wretched hovel, it shall at least be a spacious one.
reputation %-15
reputation %+15
I must be economical, even if it means cramped hallways and tasteless wallpaper.
reputation %-15
later: reputation %-15
I fear I can only afford the cheapest possible accommodation.
reputation %-15
later: reputation %-30

rent discount
if intellect >= 50 and charisma >= 65: -100
if intellect >= 50 or charisma >= 65: -50
if intellect >= 50 and charisma >= 65: -70
if intellect >= 50 or charisma >= 65: -35
if intellect >= 50 and charisma >= 65: -50
if intellect >= 50 or charisma >= 65: -25
if intellect >= 50 and charisma >= 65: -40
if intellect >= 50 or charisma >= 65: -20
if intellect >= 50 and charisma >= 65: -30
if intellect >= 50 or charisma >= 65: -15
if intellect >= 50 and charisma >= 65: -24
if intellect >= 50 or charisma >= 65: -12
if intellect >= 50 and charisma >= 65: -15
if intellect >= 50 or charisma >= 65: -7
if intellect >= 50 and charisma >= 65: -12
if intellect >= 50 or charisma >= 65: -6
if intellect >= 50 and charisma >= 65: -8
if intellect >= 50 or charisma >= 65: -4

Chapter 2a: Clubs

How to join:

  • if region = 4 #I apply to join the Rendower Club.
  • if region not 4 #Surely there must be some other way to gain membership…
    • inf_wulframite >= 50 #I shall appeal personally to the Duke of Wulfram.
      • if charisma <60: inf_wulframite - 10
    • If I must fabricate a royal connection to get into the Rendower, then so be it.
      • #Surely there are professionals whom I may engage in such work? -250 wealth
      • inf_RTI >= 35 #Surely Royal Intelligence owes me a favour or two, after all I've done for them.
        • Very well, we have an agreement.
          • Achievement Lzerdmitriy

    if forged
    if favour:+10
    charisma >= 55: inf_club +10
    if region = 4
    *if inf_wulframite >= 35: +15
    if asked Wulfram

    How to join:
    If Lefebvre is an enemy, do not visit the club otherwise you will not be able to join.

    • if reputation >= 75: #I will cite my excellent reputation.
    • Medals: Cross of Saint Jerome or 2 Gryphon medals: #My military record is all the argument I need.
    • if visited the club and lefebvre >= 65: What of Lefebvre, did he not say he would support me?
    lefebvre relationship
    >= 65: +10
    or >= 35: +5
    Medal: Cross of Saint Jerome
    has only 1 Gryphon medal
    has 2 Gryphons medals

    How to join:
    • #"My estate offers me a reliable source of potential investment capital."
      • if (house_debt <= 5000: +1 approval
        • house_debt = 0: +1 approval
      • or if fief_gross_income + income >= 575 +1 approval if fail: -1
    • #"I am a Lord of the Cortes, surely that means something?"
      • if reputation >= 55: +1 approval if <35: -1 approval
    • #I have a great deal of influence in certain circles."
      • approve + 1 if: inf_wulframite >= 40, inf_royalist >= 40 or inf_grenadier_sq >= 40
      • otherwise -1
    • if invested in Garing:"I already possess some experience in regards to financial investment."
      • +1 approval
      • Accepted if approval >=1,if 2 or 3 inf_club + 10, 4 or more inf_club + 120

    How to join:
    • if reputation >= 75: #"I offer my reputation as a man of honour and propriety."
    • if inf_RTI or inf_grenadier_sq >= 40 #"I have influence within certain factions of the government."
    • if katarina or welles>= 55 or lewes >= 65 #"Your own members will vouch for my abilities."
    • if rank = "lieutenant-colonel" #"The Reform Club could use the perspective of an experienced soldier."
    • if feminist >= 2: inf_club + 10
    • if (intellect + charisma) >= 120 inf_club + 10 or >= 80 inf_club + 5

    How to join:
    • #Perhaps it is. I shall apply to join immediately. inf_club +20
      • if rank = lieutenant-colonel: inf_club + 5
      • If a knight: inf_club + 5
      • if has only one Gryphon medal: inf_club + 5
      • if has two Gryphon medals inf_club + 10

    After joined: Achievement Veterans of a Foreign War

    At the end of the chapter gain: Club influence +15 and if in Admiralty or Rendower gain reputation %+15
    Achievement Gone Clubbing
Chapter 3a: Factions at Cortes
You begin this chapter by meeting Wufram or Isobel, with the later being the one met if royalist influence is above wulframite plus Welles and Katarina not being enemies.

  • #Very well, I'll do as you say.
    • inf_wulframite %+15 and promise to sabotage ARC
  • I fear I must decline
    • # I would like to stay clear of your dispute with the King.
      • inf_wulframite %-10
    • # I do mean to join the Commission, but on my own merits
    • # The Commission must go forward unimpeded, the army must be reformed.
      • inf_wulframite %-10

  • I do not think I am qualified to offer an opinion on dressmaking.
    • inf_royalist %-10
  • I accept, Your Highness.
    • promise to help ARC succeed

Now Welles if relationship >= 55

  • #The separation was not of my choosing, my lady
    • welles %-5
  • #It is good to see you as well, my lady.
    • welles %+5
  • if helping ARC: #Will I see you on the Army Reform Commission?
    • if feminist >= 1: welles %+5 otherwise %-5
  • #I fear we have drifted apart these past years. Perhaps that is for the best.
    • welles %-25 and end romance
  • #Good day then, my lady.
    • if welles >= 65: welles %-5 or if if welles < 65: welles %+5
  • #I would find it unbearable if we could not see each other again, and soon!
    • if welles >= 65 and romance: welles %+10 and romance +1 or otherwise welles %-10

The Cortes

  • #A reputation as Wulfram's ally will serve me well. I vote in favour.
    • inf_wulframite %+10 and inf_royalist %-10
  • #This is a dispute I want no part of. I abstain.
    • inf_wulframite %-10 and inf_royalist %-10
  • #Wulfram goes too far! I vote against!
    • inf_wulframite %-10 and inf_royalist %+10

Getting into ARC:
Achievement Rich Country, Strong Army

  • #Perhaps someone already on the Commission might recommend me?
    • if havenport >= 65 or welles >= 65, elson >= 65 and met Hawthorne
  • #I shall cite my expertise as a soldier.
    • soldiering + intellect >= 100
  • #I mean to appeal to the King for a recommendation.
    • if royal >= 35 or inf_royalist >= 40
  • #I need only allow my reputation to do the talking for me.
    • if lieutenant-colonel and reputation >= 50
    • or major and reputation >= 65
    • or captain and reputation >= 80

The ARC:

Stats: arc_cav 40, arc_inf 40 and arc_wreck 40
If did the Secret Mission (10a) in Guns: arc_wreck +10

The Cortes Again

  • #I will vote with Wulfram, regardless of the matter at hand.
    • if inf_royalist >= inf_wulframite + 20: inf_royalist %-30,
    • reputation %-15 and inf_wulframite %+10
      • if inf_wulframite >= inf_royalist + 20: inf_royalist %-10,
      • reputation %+10 and inf_wulframite %+10
        • otherwise: inf_royalist %-10 and inf_wulframite %+20
  • #My vote is the King's, for better or worse.
    • if inf_wulframite >= inf_royalist + 20: inf_royalist %+10,
    • reputation %-15 and inf_wulframite %-30
      • if inf_royalist >= inf_wulframite + 20: inf_royalist %+10,
      • reputation %+10 and inf_wulframite %-10
        • otherwise: inf_royalist %+20 and inf_wulframite %-10
  • #Such blatant factionalism offends me. I vote my conscience!
    • if intellect + charisma >= 120: reputation %+10, inf_royalist %+10 and inf_wulframite %+10
      • if intellect + charisma >= 80: inf_royalist %-5 and inf_wulframite %-5
        • otherwise:reputation %-10, inf_royalist %-10 and inf_wulframite %-10
  • #I shall take care to stay out of any partisan entanglements.
    • if intellect + charisma >= 120: reputation %+10, inf_royalist %+10 and inf_wulframite %+10
      • if intellect + charisma >= 80: inf_royalist %-5 and inf_wulframite %-5
        • otherwise:reputation %-10, inf_royalist %-10 and inf_wulframite %-10
  • #I must see what benefit I might secure for my home region.
  • reputation %-15

    intellect + charisma >= 100
    inf_wulframite %+15, inf_royalist %-15, prosperity %+20, content %+15, respectability %+10 and fiancee %+10
    Salt Coast
    (intellect + charisma) >= 100
    prosperity %+10, content %+25, respectability %+15 and fiancee %+15
    (intellect + charisma) >= 100
    prosperity %+25, content %+10, respectability %+5and fiancee %+5
    (intellect + charisma) >= 100
    inf_wulframite %-15, inf_royalist %+15, prosperity %+20, content %+15, respectability %+10 and fiancee %+10
    (intellect + charisma) >= 65
    inf_wulframite %+10, inf_royalist %-10, prosperity %+15, content %+15, respectability %+10 and fiancee %+10
    Salt Coast
    (intellect + charisma) >= 65
    content %+20
    (intellect + charisma) >= 65
    prosperity %+20
    (intellect + charisma) >= 65
    inf_wulframite %+10, inf_royalist %-10, prosperity %+15, content %+5
    (intellect + charisma) < 65
    inf_royalist %-10
    (intellect + charisma) < 65
    inf_wulframite %-10
  • #A divided Cortes? Oh, there is profit to be made here!
    • Condition
      #I must take care to avoid any suspicion of wrongdoing.
      if intellect >= 50: Compromised =1 and reputation %-5
      otherwise: Compromised = 2 and reputation %-10
      wealth +200
      #I mean to make as much coin as I can without getting caught.
      Compromised = 2, reputation %-20, inf_wulframite %-5 and inf_royalist %-5
      if intellect + charisma:
      >= 120 wealth +1600
      >= 80: wealth +1200
      <80: wealth +800
      #I don't give a damn about my reputation if it means getting rich!
      if intellect >= 50: Compromised 2 and reputation %-30
      if intellect < 50: Compromised 3 and reputation %-40
      wealth +2000
      if inf_royalist >= 45: inf_royalist %-20
      and wealth +1500
      and if charisma >= 50: wealth +500

      if inf_wulframite >= 45: inf_wulframite %-20
      and wealth +1500
      and if charisma >= 50: wealth +500

      inf_club >= 35: inf_club %-20
      and wealth +1500
      and if charisma >= 50: wealth +500

News about the estate

If in a feud:
if fief_content >= 40: respectability %-5 and reputation %-5
or if fief_content < 40: respectability %-15 and reputation %-15

content %-45, if shrine built content %+10, manager fund -500 or if not enough -500 wealth next turn
content %+10
content %-20, manager fund -250 or if not enough -250 wealth next turn
content %-5 and respectability %-5
Chapter 4a: Kian
The chapter begins with the arrival of the new Kian ambassador and a few dialogues:

if katarina >= 50
  • if charisma >= 55: # He really didn't, did he?
    • katarina %+5
  • #He speaks well of us; that must mean something?
    • leannejouwe %+5
  • #He has said enough for me to mistrust his motives.
    • leannejouwe %-5 and katarina %+5

  • #Do as you wish, you always do.
    • katarina %-5

if elson >= 50 and met him before
  • #Personally, I thought he was quite gracious.
    • leannejouwe %+5
  • #I don't mean to trust a word he says, if that's what you're worried about.
    • leannejouwe %-5 and elson %+5

No one
  • #He speaks graciously, I suppose that is cause for optimism.
    • leannejouwe %+5
  • #I mistrust him already.
    • leannejouwe %-5

Winter: decay to all stats %-5

  • #Very well, I shall make a donation.
    >= 2000
    reputation %+20
    >= 1000
    reputation %+15 and wulframite power + 2
    >= 400
    reputation %+12 and wulframite power + 4
    >= 150
    reputation %+8 and wulframite power + 6
    >= 50
    reputation %+6 and wulframite power + 7
    >= 10
    reputation %+4 and wulframite power + 8
    < 10
    reputation %+2 and wulframite power + 9
  • #I fear I must decline, Dame Lucretia.
    • reputation %-5 and wulframite power + 10

Estate manager reports:
content %+15, respectability %+10, prosperity %+5, reputation %+10 and tenants + 65
content %+10, respectability %+5, reputation %+5 and tenants + 15
reputation %-10 and tenants + 10

Choices: 4 picks

Option: Socializing
  • 1#I would like to make some calls upon my friends and acquaintances.
  • if katarina >= 50:
    • 1.1#I reacquaint myself with Lady Katarina.
  • if welles >= 50
    • 1.2#I will pay a call on Countess Welles.
  • if holt >= 50
    • 1.3#It has been some time since I've spoken to Lord Cassius…
  • if met warburton and warburton >= 50
    • 1.4#Perhaps it is time to pay a visit to the Duke of Warburton…

Option: Reputation and Influence

  • 2 #I mean to see about enhancing my reputation and influence.
    • 2.1#I should host a few dinners, invite my neighbours, and gain their friendship.
    • 2.2#I should work towards increasing my stature within the Club.
    • 2.3#I work towards swaying my fellow club members towards the King's faction.
    • 2.4#I'll try to convince my fellow club members to back the Duke of Wulfram.

Option: The Cortes

  • 3#I mean to see about enhancing my reputation and influence.
    • 3.1#I endeavour to support the King and his faction.
    • 3.2#The Duke of Wulfram and his faction will have my support.
    • 3.3#My vote will be directed not by faction, but by my conscience.
      • reputation %-10, inf_wulframite %-10 and inf_royalist %-10
    • 3.4#No matter how difficult, I must try to avoid committing to either faction.
      • reputation %-10, inf_wulframite %-10 and inf_royalist %-10
    • 3.5#I mean to be mercenary and sell my vote to the highest bidder.

Option: Army Reform Commission
only if joined and as third option

4.#I must turn my attention to the Army Reform Commission.

Option: Hunter's Sainthood
if sainthood progress = 3

5.#I should do what I can to support the cause of raising Hunter of Wolfswood to Sainthood.

Chapter 4a: Relationships, Hosting and Clubs

1.1: Katarina
katarina %+15

If romancing:
  • #Then what is to become of…us?
    • if engaged romances ends
    • if romance is >3 it increases by +1
    • #It doesn't matter! I'll fight for my beloved's hand, impossibility or not!
      • turn fake romance (for interests) into real one
    • #Leoniscourt is too rich a prize to give up, even at such odds.
      • Makes fake romance stronger
    • #I must face reality and give up on this fool's errand.
      • ends romance

1.2: Welles

  • #Perhaps I might provide some pleasant company in her work?
    • if charisma >= 45: welles %+20 otherwise %+10
  • #Might I aid her more directly in her research?
    • if intellect >= 65: welles %+20 otherwise %+10
  • #My soldiering experience may prove of some use to her.
    • soldiering >= 55: welles %+20 otherwise %+10
  • if romancing:
  • #I care not how, so long as it gives me an excuse to court her more closely.
    • #The truth is that I have…admired you greatly for a long time.
      • Set romance to 4
    • #I value you greatly as a friend, that is all
      • Ends romance and welles %+20

1.3: Holt
holt %+15


  • #Perhaps if I were to invite some of the ladies to dance…
    • if charisma + soldiering >= 100: Success
      • otherwise if failed: charisma %+5
  • #I've wit and anecdotes enough for this crowd, I hope.
    • if charisma + intellect >= 100: Success
      • otherwise if failed: charisma %+5
  • #It shall suffice to simply be my normal charming self.
    • charisma >= 75: Success
      • otherwise if failed: charisma %+5
    • #I shall be gallant—but well within the bounds of propriety.
    • #The truth is that I have…admired you greatly for a long time.
      • warburton %-10 and reputation %+15
    • #Certainly, it would not be too amiss to have a little harmless fun tonight…
      • reputation %+5
    • #I'll be more than happy to pursue such an opportunity with…utmost vigour.
      • warburton %+15, reputation %-10 and became a RAKE
    • #The ladies do not interest me. Some of those young gentlemen, though…
      • warburton %+10 and reputation %-5

2.1 Hosting

Host Power
I mean to spare no expense whatsoever.
-750 wealth
I'm willing to pay any price…within reason.
-250 wealth
#It would be best to be frugal, I think.
-100 wealth
neighbourhood = castle
neighbourhood = square
neighbourhood = park
neighbourhood = prince
host_power + charisma >= 150
reputation %+30
host_power + charisma >= 100
reputation %+20
host_power + charisma >= 60
reputation %+10
host_power + charisma < 60
reputation %-10

2.2 Influence promoting in Club

inf_club %+15
if charisma >= 55:
inf_club %+10
inf_wulframite %+10
inf_club %+15
if soldiering + intellect >= 100:
inf_club %+10
reputation %+5
inf_club %+15
if intellect >= 55:
inf_club %+10
+500 wealth
inf_club %+15
Become debater
if charisma + intellect >= 100:
inf_club %+10
inf_royalist %+10
inf_club %+15
if soldiering >= 55:
inf_club %+10
inf_grenadier_sq %+10

2.3 Royalist promoting in Club

if charisma + inf_club >= 100:
inf_royalist %+15 and wulframite_power - 15
otherwise: inf_club %-15
if charisma + inf_club >= 80:
inf_royalist %+10 and wulframite_power - 10
otherwise: inf_club %-10
if charisma + inf_club >= 80:
inf_royalist %+10 and wulframite_power - 10
otherwise: inf_club %-10
if charisma + inf_club >= 60:
inf_royalist %+5 and wulframite_power - 5
otherwise: inf_club %-5
if charisma + inf_club >= 60:
inf_royalist %+5 and wulframite_power - 5
otherwise: inf_club %-5

2.4 Wulframite promoting in Club

if charisma + inf_club >= 60:
inf_wulframite %+10 and wulframite_power + 5
otherwise: inf_club %-5
if charisma + inf_club >= 80:
inf_wulframite %+15 and wulframite_power + 10
otherwise: inf_club %-10
if charisma + inf_club >= 80:
inf_wulframite %+15 and wulframite_power + 10
otherwise: inf_club %-10
if charisma + inf_club >= 100:
inf_wulframite %+20 and wulframite_power + 15
otherwise: inf_club %-15
if charisma + inf_club >= 100:
inf_wulframite %+20 and wulframite_power + 15
otherwise: inf_club %-15

Chapter 4a: Cortes, A.R.C and Sainthood
3.1 Supporting the King at Cortes

1:reputation %-5
2:reputation %-10
3:reputation %-15
if inf_wulframite is 20 or more above inf_royalist
inf_wulframite %-40, reputation %-20 and inf_royalist %+5
if inf_royalist is 20 or more above inf_wulframite
inf_wulframite %-20, reputation %+5 and inf_royalist %+5
if inf_royalist is less than 20 above inf_wulframite
inf_wulframite %-25 and inf_royalist %+10

3.2 Supporting the Wulfram at Cortes

1:reputation %-5
2:reputation %-10
3:reputation %-15
if inf_royalist is 20 or more above inf_wulframite
inf_royalist%-40, reputation %-20 and wulframite %+5
if inf_wulframite is 20 or more above inf_royalist
inf_royalist %-20, reputation %+5 and inf_wulframite %+5
if inf_wulframite is less than 20 above inf_royalist
inf_royalist %-25 and inf_wulframite %+10

3.5 Selling Votes

+2500 wealth
reputation %-20
inf_royalist %-10
inf_wulframite %-10
Compromised +2
+2000 wealth
reputation %-25
inf_royalist %-15
inf_wulframite %-15
Compromised +2
+1750 wealth
reputation %-30
inf_royalist %-20
inf_wulframite %-20
Compromised +2
+1500 wealth
reputation %-40
inf_royalist %-30
inf_wulframite %-30
Compromised +2

4. Army Reform Commission

#Hawthorne is right. It is the senior officers who best know the science of war.
arc_inf + 10
elson %+10
#We'll learn the most from the experiences of the junior officers. I vote with Palliser.
arc_cav + 10
palliser %+10
#It is time for the common soldier to be heard. I vote with Castermaine.
arc_wreck + 10
inf_wulframite %+10
if did the Secret Mission in Guns (10a)
arc_inf - 10
arc_cav - 10
Castermaine Wins the Vote
if arc_inf is the biggest
arc_inf +20
Hawthorne Wins the Vote
if arc_cav is the biggest
arc_cav +20
Palliser Wins the Vote
if arc_wreck is the biggest
Castermaine Wins the Vote

5. Hunter's Sainthood

#The Dowager's campaign will continue to have my support.
sainthood progress to 5
#If Wulfram insists upon associating himself with this campaign, then I must oppose it.
sainthood progress to 4
#If this cause is bound to become a politickal battleground, then I must withdraw from it.
sainthood progress to 6

If partied with Warburton and became a rake:
  • if engaged: Fiancee %-25
  • if romance with Welles >= 4: welles %-20
  • if romance with Katarina >= 3: katarina %-10

Voting Wulfram's budget

#I vote for the Duke of Wulfram's budget.
inf_royalist %-10, inf_wulframite %+5 and wulframite_power +1
#I vote against the Duke of Wulfram's budget.
inf_royalist %+10, inf_wulframite %-5 and wulframite_power -1
#I abstain.
inf_royalist %-10, inf_wulframite %-10 and reputation %-5
if wulframite_power > 50
wulframite_power +15

The treaty

#If the Kian are willing to assist us, then that is only for the good.
leannejouwe %+5
#I suspect the Kian have some hidden motive. I do not trust them.
leannejouwe %-5

Report from the estate manager

tenants - 10, content %-10, respectability %+15 and reputation %+5
+3 tenant if hired the roadsmen in 2a
tenants - 10, content %-10, respectability %+15 and reputation %-10
tenants - 5, reputation %-10
manager fund -250, respectability %+5 and content %-10
or if the fund is not enough -250 wealth next turn, respectability %-5 and content %-20
tenants - 15, content %-15, respectability %+5 and reputation %+5
+3 tenant if hired the roadsmen in 2a

The winter

Reputation suffers

if influence with a factions is at least 20 higher than with the other
reputation %-5
if influence with factions are less than 20 apart
reputation %-10
if influence with a factions is at least 40 higher than the other
reputation %-15

Choosing to stay or to leave to the estate

If you leave:

  • the rent of the townhouse is ended
  • club influence is reduced by %20
  • influence with the factions is reduced by 30%

Chapter 5a: The Treaty (Rendower and Admiralty)
First the support for the treaty will be determined by 100 minus Wulframite power.

If is MC arriving from the estate will chose the manager and pick a house:
  • Saunderley
    • Achievement On Retainer
  • Brother
    • Achievement My Brother's Keeper
  • Brother-in-law
    • Achievement By Law
  • Loch
    • Achievement A Dragoon on a Dun, a Cossack on the Run
townhouse level
The medium-sized townhouse seems best suited for me.
inf_wulframite + 15
A converted shop may not be ideal, but it is affordable.
inf_royalist + 5
later: reputation %-15
I fear I can only afford the cheapest possible accommodation.
reputation %-15
later: reputation %-30

Then chose a club to join:

  • #Perhaps I ought to consider joining the Rendower Club.
  • if region = 4 #If my blood entitles me to join the Rendower Club, how can I refuse?
    • inf_club +20
  • if region not 4 #I must find some way into the Rendower. Perhaps a direct appeal to the Duke of Wulfram…
    • if charisma <60: inf_wulframite - 10
    • if inf_wulframite + reputation >= 80: Join and inf_club +20


How to join:
  • #I suppose the Overseas Club merits further consideration.
  • #Yes, I think I would like to join the Overseas.
    • inf_club +20
    • if rank = lieutenant-colonel: inf_club + 5
    • If a knight: inf_club + 5
    • if has only one Gryphon medal: inf_club + 5
    • if has two Gryphon medals inf_club + 10

After joining: Achievement Veterans of a Foreign War

Holt will meet you if holt >=55

  • #"You have been a good friend, and I should hope to see you again one day."
    • holt %+5
  • #"To tell the truth, you've been a pain in my backside."
    • if holt +>75: holt %+10


Rendower (Opposing)

if inf_wulframite >= 55 or inf_club >= 50: become a member of the inner circle
  • #"Forgive me, but why is this treaty so important?"
    • if intellect + charisma >= 100: inf_wulframite %+5 and inf_club %+5
  • #"If we mean to appeal to the commons, why not go directly?"
    • if charisma >= 50: inf_wulframite %+5 and inf_club %+5

If not inner circcle:
  • #I will offer what assistance I can to Wulfram and his inner circle.
    • inf_royalist %-15 and if charisma + intellect
      • >= 90: treaty support - 10, inf_club %+5 and inf_wulframite %+5
        • >= 50: treaty support - 5,
          • otherwise: inf_club %-5 and inf_wulframite %-5
  • if inner circle:#I mean to involve myself in Wulfram's scheme as heavily as possible.
    • inf_royalist %-15 and if charisma + intellect
      • >= 120: treaty support - 15, inf_club %+20 and inf_wulframite %+20
        • >= 70: treaty support - 5, inf_wulframite %+5 and inf_club %+5
          • otherwise: treaty support + 5, inf_wulframite %-5 and inf_club %-5
  • #There's little point in going through intermediaries; I appeal directly to the people.
    • inf_royalist %-20 and if charisma
      • >= 70: reputation %-10, inf_wulframite %+10, inf_club %-10 and treaty support - 25
        • < 70:reputation %-25, inf_wulframite %-30, inf_club %-30 and treaty support - 10
  • #I would really like to stay out of this whole affair.
    • inf_club %-30, inf_wulframite %-10 and inf_royalist %-10
      • If in the inner circle: inf_wulframite %-20 and not inner circle anymore
  • #I do believe I would rather hinder Wulfram than aid him.
    • if intellect + charisma >= 120: treaty support + 10, inf_club %+10,inf_wulframite %+10
      • if intellect + charisma >= 120: treaty support + 10, inf_club %+10,inf_wulframite %+10
        • otherwise:treaty support + 5,inf_club %-25 and inf_wulframite %-25, if in inner circle expelled

Admiralty (Opposing)

  • #"I think it is ill-advised and will do us no good."
      • inf_club %+10, lefebvre %-10 and inf_royalist %-20
    • #I shall seek to convince those Lords still undecided.
        if charisma + reputation
        • >= 80: treaty support - 5, inf_club %+5 and inf_wulframite %+5
          • otherwise: inf_club %-5
    • #I mean to talk the treaty's supporters into turning against it.
        if charisma + reputation
        • >= 120: treaty support - 10, inf_club %+15 and inf_wulframite %+20
          • otherwise: treaty support + 5
    • #I should stop the treaty's supporters from convincing others to join them.
        if charisma + reputation
        • >= 100: treaty support - 5, inf_club %+5 and inf_wulframite %+20
          • otherwise: inf_club %-10
  • #"A treaty with the Kian would be in our best interests."
      • inf_wulframite %-20 and inf_royalist %+5
    • #I'll sway those Lords who are yet shaky in their opposition to the treaty.
        if charisma + reputation
        • >= 100: treaty support +5, inf_club %-5, inf_royalist %+10 and lefebvre %+5
          • otherwise: inf_club %-5 and treaty support - 5
    • #I mean to persuade the die-hard anti-treaty men, the true believers
        if charisma + reputation
        • >= 140: treaty support +15, inf_club %-5, inf_royalist %+20 and lefebvre %+15,
          • and Club becomes Neutral
            • otherwise: inf_club %-15 and treaty support - 5
    • #I must ensure that my own allies are not lured away by anti-treaty arguments.
        if charisma + reputation
        • >= 120: treaty support +10, inf_club %-10, inf_royalist %+15 and lefebvre %+10,
          • and Club becomes Neutral
            • otherwise: inf_club %-20 and treaty support - 5
    • #I refuse to get any more involved in this than I already am.
          lefebvre %-10 and treaty_support - 10
  • #"I fear I really have no opinion."
    • inf_club %-10, reputation %-5 and lefebvre %-10

Chapter 5a: The Treaty (Shipowners, Reform and Overseas)
Shipowners (Neutral)

  • #"Very well. Let us set our efforts to this scheme."
    • Shorting scheme begins
    • #"We must tell every investor who will listen."
      • Reveal 4
    • #"Tell only those with Cortes seats, to maximise the chance of success."
      • Reveal 3
    • #"No, I think it would be best if we kept this to ourselves."
      • Reveal 2
    • if intellect >= 60: #"No, I think I shall tell them the treaty is bound to fail instead…"
      • Reveal 1
    • #"This venture is too risky, and I cannot afford the cost of its failure."
      • No scheme
  • #"This scheme is wrong. I shall not countenance it."
    • No scheme

If reveal is 3 or 4 club now Supports the Treaty
If reveal 1 and charisma >=60: Treaty support -10

Later profit if treaty passes with 4001 to 10k shorted:

wulframite_power when shorted
wulframite_power < 65
with >60charisma
wulframite_power < 65
wulframite_power < 65
wulframite_power < 65
wulframite_power < 65
wulframite_power >= 65
wulframite_power >= 65

if 4000 to 1501: add 15% to %profit
if 1500 to 501: add 25% to %profit
if 500 or less: add 30% to %profit

If the Treaty Fail you pay 100%-%Profit=Loss% multiplied by how much you shorted

Reform (Supporting)

Debating starts at: 2
  • #"Very well. I'll take part, in support of the treaty."
      • if charisma + intellect >= 100: +1 debating or if <70:-1 debating
    • #I'll not win with facts and reason; I must use eloquence instead.
        if charisma >= 65: +1 debating or if <35: -1 debating
    • #I'll explain rationally how the treaty's benefits outweigh its costs.
        if intellect >= 65: +1 debating or if <35: -1 debating
    • if Reyes >= 65 #I could unbalance him with something underhanded, something…personal.
        reputation %-5, inf_club %-30, Reyes %-25 and +1 debating
  • #"You've convinced me. I'll debate against the treaty."
      • if charisma + intellect >= 125: +1 debating or if <85:-1 debating
    • #"It is my earnest belief that the Kian treaty will do us no good."
        katarina %-10
    • #I'll argue against the treaty's architects as forcefully as I can without straying into sedition.
        if charisma >= 75: +1 debating or if <50: -1 debating
    • #Maybe I could find some logical inconsistency in Lady Katarina's argument?
        if intellect >= 75: +1 debating or if <50: -1 debating
    • if katarina >= 60 #One bad turn deserves another; I go for something personal.
        reputation %-10, inf_club %-20, Katarina becomes 35 and +1 debating
        • if romancing her: katarina %-20 and romance becomes 2


inf_club %+15 ,inf_royalist %+15, inf_wulframite %-15,
treaty support + 5, wulframite power - 10 and
Achievement You Pronounced This Nonsense
inf_club %+5 ,inf_royalist %+5, inf_wulframite %-5,
inf_club %-10 ,inf_royalist %-15,treaty support - 10,
wulframite power + 5 and
Club becomes Neutral
inf_club %+15, inf_wulframite %+20, inf_royalist %-20, treaty support - 15, wulframite_power + 10,
Club becomes Neutral and
Achievement You Pronounced This Nonsense
inf_club %+5, inf_wulframite %+5, inf_royalist %-5, treaty support - 5
inf_club %-10, inf_wulframite %-15 and wulframite_power - 5

Overseas (Supporting)

  • #"Bazaine is right. The treaty is in our best interests."
    • inf_wulframite %-20
    • #Surely I've enough wit to turn the tables on a fellow like Morris, don't I?
        if charisma >= 45: treaty support + 5,inf_royalist %+10 and inf_club %+10
        • or if <45: inf_club %-10
    • #It will be enough to answer forthrightly and honestly, sticking strictly to the facts.
        if intellect >= 45: treaty support + 5,inf_royalist %+10 and inf_club %+10
        • or if <45: inf_club %-10
    • #It won't be hard to convince this crowd. I'll let my reputation do the talking.
        if reputation >= 40: treaty_support + 5,inf_royalist %+10 and inf_club %+10
        • or if <40: inf_club %-10
  • #"You have a point, Morris. This treaty will come to no good."
    • inf_royalist %-20
    • #I can talk them around, so long as I choose my words carefully.
        if charisma >= 60:treaty support - 10, inf_wulframite %+15 and inf_club %+15
    • #The facts are on my side. I mean to use them. i
        if intellect >= 60:treaty support - 10, inf_wulframite %+15 and inf_club %+15
        • if < 60: inf_club %-20
    • My reputation alone ought to be argument enough.
        if reputation >= 60:treaty support - 10, inf_wulframite %+15 and inf_club %+15
  • #"I am not one to speculate on affairs of state."
    • inf_club %-15, inf_wulframite %-20 and inf_royalist %-20

Chapter 5a: The Treaty voting and ARC

if did the Secret Mission in Guns (10a)
arc_wreck +10
if didn't do the Secret Mission in Guns (10a)
arc_cav + 10
#I speak out against Palliser's proposal to train the junior combat officers first.
if charisma + reputation
>= 100:arc_cav - 30, arc_inf + 15 and arc_wreck + 15
>= 70:arc_cav - 10, arc_inf + 5 and arc_wreck + 5
#I argue against Hawthorne's proposal to prioritise training staff officers.
if charisma + reputation
>= 100:arc_inf - 30, arc_cav + 15 and arc_wreck + 15
>= 70:arc_inf - 10, arc_cav+ 5 and arc_wreck + 5
#I'd better stop Castermaine before he scuttles the idea of standard officer training altogether.
if charisma + reputation
>= 100:arc_wreck - 30, arc_cav + 15 and arc_inf + 15
>= 70:arc_wreck , arc_cav+ 5 and arc_inf + 5
#I'm not getting involved in this mess. I shall remain seated and wait it out.
if arc_inf is the biggest
arc_inf +10
ARC will recommend the training of regimental colonels, along with those assigned to their staff
if arc_cav is the biggest
arc_cav +10
ARC will recommend that junior officers receive regular training before they receive their commissions.
if arc_cav = arc_inf and the biggest
arc_inf +10
ARC will recommend the training of regimental colonels, along with those assigned to their staff
if arc_wreck is the biggest
arc_wreck + 10
No reomendation

Promises of support in ARC

Promised Wulfram and voted against him
inf_wulframite %-35
Promised Wulfram and Abstained
inf_wulframite %-20
Promised Wulfram and failed
inf_wulframite %-10
Promised Isobel and voted against her
inf_royalist %-35
Promised Isobel and Abstained
inf_royalist %-20
Promised Isobel and failed
inf_royalist %-10

The Treaty
  • #It is my duty to speak in support of the Kian treaty.
    • inf_royalist %+15 and inf_wulframite %-25
    • if club is supporting: inf_club %+20 or if opposing: inf_club %-20
    • if charisma + reputation
    • >= 100:treaty support +10 and leannejouwe %+20
    • >= 65: treaty support +5 and leannejouwe %+10
    • <65:leannejouwe %+5
  • #I must speak against the Kian treaty.
    • inf_royalist %-25 and inf_wulframite %+15
    • if club is supporting: inf_club %-20 or if opposing: inf_club %+20
    • if charisma + reputation
    • >= 100:treaty support -10 and leannejouwe %-10
    • >= 65: treaty support -5 and leannejouwe %-5
  • #I mean to stay on neutral ground, no matter how difficult it may be.
    • if club is supporting, opposing or neutral: inf_club %-10
    • inf_royalist %-25, inf_wulframite %-25 and reputation %-15

if there is 50 or more treaty support:

  • #I vote in favour of the treaty and the King's budget.
    • treaty support +1, inf_royalist %+10 and inf_wulframite %-15
  • #I vote against the treaty and the King's budget.
    • treaty support -1, inf_wulframite %+10 and inf_royalist %-15
  • #I remain in my seat: I abstain.
    • inf_wulframite %-10 and inf_royalist %-10

The treat passes!

if there less than 50 treaty support:
  • #I vote for Wulfram's budget and to kill the Kian treaty.
    • treaty support -1, inf_royalist %-15 and inf_wulframite %+10
  • #I vote against Wulfram's budget.
    • treaty support +1, inf_wulframite %-15 and inf_royalist %+10
  • #I remain in my seat: I abstain.
    • inf_wulframite %-10 and inf_royalist %-10

The Treaty fails, unless your vote changes support to 50 and it wins by one vote causing a gridlock.

If it fail the King uses the Veto.

Shorting Scheme

Here you receive your monetary gain or loss, Achievement The Big Short if passed, plus other results:
inf_club %+30
inf_club %+5
inf_club %-20
inf_club %-40 and reputation %-15
inf_club %-35 and reputation %-10
inf_club %-20
inf_club %-5
inf_club %+10 and reputation %+5
Chapter 6a: Cortes Debates
If Royalist influence is at most 20 behind Wulframite or if the MC did sabotage with the pamphlets he will meet Isobel:


If kept the promise about the ARC:inf_royalist %+10
  • #"The Crown has my support, Your Highness."
    • Becomes officially Royalist, inf_royalist %+25 and inf_wulframite %-25
  • if sabotaged the pamphlets:#"It would…be in our common interests if I retained my current position within Wulfram's faction."
    • Becomes officially Wulframite, inf_royalist %+25 and becomes saboteur
  • #"I will not make myself agent to the Crown, but nor would I be its enemy."
    • inf_royalist %-15
      • #In truth, I mean to align myself with the Duke of Wulfram at soonest possibility.
        • Becomes officially Wulframite and inf_wulframite %+15
  • #"If those are the only choices allowed, I must regretfully declare myself the Crown's enemy."
    • Becomes officially Wulframite, inf_wulframite %+25 and inf_royalist %-25


  • #"The rioters would have done immeasurable damage had they not been stopped."
    • inf_wulframite %-5
  • #"That the King would turn his troops on his own people…it is unforgivable."
    • inf_wulframite %+10
  • #"I will, Your Grace. You have my support."
    • Becomes officially Wulframite, inf_royalist %-25 and inf_wulframite %+25
  • if sabotaged the pamphlets: #Yes, I will work against Wulfram from within his own faction.
    • Becomes saboteur
  • #"I would not be your enemy, but I cannot risk the enmity of the Crown."
    • inf_wulframite %-10
      • #On the contrary, I do mean to join a faction—specifically, the King's.
        • Becomes officially Royalist and inf_royalist%+15
  • #"No, Your Grace. From what I have heard, I fear we must be enemies."
    • Becomes officially Royalist, inf_wulframite %-25 and inf_royalist %+25


  • #Yes, I think I will make a donation.
    reputation %+15
    reputation %+12
    reputation %+8
    reputation %+5
    reputation %-5
  • #I can do no charitable giving this season.
    • inf_wulframite %+10
  • #"I will, Your Grace. You have my support."
    • reputation %-10
  • #What would be an appropriate donation? I should make some inquiries.
      • If doing charity activity: #It would be more useful to fund my own charitable enterprise.
        • Donation
          Donation 5, inf_club %+20, Antari support +25,
          Soldier support +25, Merchant_support + 25
          Donation 4,inf_club %+15, Antari support +20,
          Soldier support +20, Merchant_support + 20
          Donation 3, inf_club %+10, Antari support +15,
          Soldier support +15, Merchant_support + 15
          Donation 2, inf_club %+5, Antari support +10,
          Soldier support +10, Merchant_support + 10
          Donation 1, Antari support +5,
          Soldier support +5, Merchant_support + 5

If not in a faction %-10 influence with both factions and %-15 reputation

Debating in Cortes

  • if in a faction:#They will not drive me out of the Cortes!
    • #No, I will go after the opposition with all the powers at my disposal.
      • reputation %-20 and conversion power: (charisma + 25)
      • if royalist:inf_royalist %+20 and inf_wulframite %-30
      • if Wulframite :inf_royalist %-30 and inf_wulframite %+20
    • #I cannot allow myself to be insulted without impunity.
      • reputation %-10 and conversion power: (charisma)
      • if royalist:inf_royalist %+10 and inf_wulframite %-15
      • if Wulframite :inf_royalist %-15 and inf_wulframite %+10

    • #I must restrain myself and avoid making myself too obvious a target.
      • reputation %-5 and conversion power: 1

  • if not in a faction: #I stay in the chamber, to show that there is still common ground betwixt us.
    • if charisma >= 65: reputation %+15
      • or if if charisma >= 45: reputation %+5,inf_wulframite %-10 and inf_royalist %-10
        • otherwise: reputation %-15, inf_wulframite %-20 and inf_royalist %-20
    if not in a faction: #If the Wulframites and Royalists want a fight, I'll give them one!
    • if charisma >= 65: reputation %+25, inf_wulframite %-30 and inf_royalist %-30
      • or if if charisma >= 35: reputation %+10,inf_wulframite %-20 and inf_royalist %-20
        • otherwise: reputation %-5, inf_wulframite %-20 and inf_royalist %-20
  • #Perhaps some publick acts of charity would improve my reputation?
    • #I shall volunteer my services to the Order of Saint Octavia for the winter.
      • reputation %+10 and soldiering %-5
    • #I'll hire a printer and start a pamphlet campaign.
      • -100 wealth and reputation %+10
    • #I'll vow myself to bread and water, to express my sympathy for the poor of the Old City.
      • reputation %+25, soldiering %-10 and health %-5
  • #Sod all this. I'll go to the club instead.
    • Clubs in next part
  • #Now would be an excellent time for me to advance the campaign to see Hunter of Wolfswood sainted.
    • Support Sainthood in next part
  • #I'll use this time to do what I can to oppose Hunter of Wolfswood's sainthood.
    • Oppose Sainthood in next part
  • #Sod the Cortes, I'll seek out the prize-fights instead.
    • Prize-fights Activity
  • #Damn the Cortes, I'd rather play Tassenswerd.
    • Tassenswerd Activity
  • #I'd rather be in the Old City, where I can do some real good.
    • Charity Activity

Chapter 6a: Clubs, Sainthood and end of debates.

inf_club %+20
if saboteur: wulframite power -10
inf_club %-20, inf_royalist %+15 and conversion power=20
inf_club %-10
if lefebvre >= 65:Nothing
or if lefebvre >= 35: inf_club %+15 and lefebvre %-10
or if lefebvre < 35:inf_club %-15
if intellect + charisma >= 125: inf_club %+20,
inf_wulframite %+10 and conversion power=60
or if intellect + charisma >= 75: inf_club %+10,
inf_wulframite %+5 and conversion power=20
otherwise: inf_club %-5 and inf_wulframite %-5
if intellect + charisma >= 125: inf_club %+20,
inf_royalist %+10 and conversion power=60
or if intellect + charisma >= 75: inf_club %+10,
inf_royalist %+5 and conversion power=20
otherwise: inf_club %-5 and inf_royalist %-5
if intellect + charisma >= 125: inf_club %+20 and
inf_club %+10
or if intellect + charisma >= 75: inf_club %+10 and
inf_club %+5
otherwise: inf_club %-5 and inf_club %-5
inf_club %-15
inf_club %-15
inf_club %+15

Supporting Sainthood

Conversion Power =1
  • #There's no need to involve others. I will go it alone.
    • Condition
      if intellect + charisma >= 120
      Sainthood support + 15
      Sainthood influence + 30
      if intellect + charisma >= 80
      Sainthood support + 10
      Sainthood influence + 20
      if intellect + charisma < 80
      Sainthood support + 5
      Sainthood influence + 10
    #Perhaps there are those within the Wulframite faction who might help.
    • Condition
      if inf_wulframite >= 60
      Sainthood support + 30
      Sainthood influence + 10
      if inf_wulframite >= 35
      Sainthood support + 20
      Sainthood influence +10
      if inf_wulframite < 35
      Sainthood support + 5
      Sainthood influence + 10
  • #I ought to see if any within the club are interested.
    if Rendower, Admiralty or Overseas and inf_club >= 25
    Sainthood support + 25
    Sainthood influence + 20
    if Rendower, Admiralty or Overseas and inf_club < 25
    Sainthood support + 10
    Sainthood influence +15
    if Reform and inf_club >= 40
    Sainthood support + 20
    Sainthood influence + 20
    if Reform and inf_club < 40
    Sainthood support + 10
    Sainthood influence + 15
    if Shipowners
    Sainthood support + 10
    Sainthood influence + 10

Opposing Sainthood

Conversion Power =1
  • #I cannot act too openly. I'll warn the King's allies and hope it will be enough.
    • Condition
      if inf_royalist >= 60
      Sainthood support -10
      if inf_royalist >= 35
      Sainthood support -5
    #I'll warn the city's society that the bid to elevate Wolfswood is a mere Wulframite plot.
    • Condition
      if charisma + reputation >= 100
      Sainthood support -20
      inf_wulframite %-20
      if intellect + charisma < 100
      Sainthood support -10
      inf_wulframite %-10
  • #If I must slander the valiant dead to frustrate Wulfram's schemes, then so be it.
    • Sainthood support -20 and reputation %-20
    • if club is Admiralty: inf_club %-15 and if lefebvre > 50: lefebvre %-20

End of Debate

Conversion Power
>= 90
wulframite power -10
and inf_royalist %+40
>= 65
wulframite power -5 and inf_royalist %+25
>= 40
if went to club: inf_royalist %+10
otherwise: inf_royalist %+20
>= 1
wulframite power +5 and if went to club: inf_royalist %-10
wulframite power +10 and inf_royalist %-20
>= 90
wulframite power +15
and inf_wulframite %+40
>= 65
wulframite power +10 and inf_wulframite %+25
>= 40
wulframite power +5
if went to club: inf_wulframite %+10
otherwise: inf_wulframite%+20
>= 1
if went to club: inf_wulframite %-10
wulframite power -5 and inf_wulframite %-20

28 megjegyzés
Tiago  [készítő] aug. 19., 10:36 
Yep, weird how i got only the first part there wrong.
maroder11223 aug. 19., 7:17 
and inf_royalist %-15
maroder11223 aug. 19., 7:17 
il guess #I must speak against the Kian treaty.
inf_royalist %+15 and inf_wulframite %-25
it should be inf_wulframite %+25 haven't cheeked code but it would be very weird if it was something else
Tiago  [készítő] aug. 19., 6:06 
Thanks for the reminder, i add it.
maroder11223 aug. 19., 5:46 
in chapter 5a if infantry and cavalry school have same points which can most happen then infantry win's
check is as follows (arc_inf >= arc_cav)
Tiago  [készítő] júl. 21., 19:50 
@Jake_From_State you can chose to recover stats in Chapter 9, younger MCs can increase a stat by 10%, older ones by 5%, up to how much it was at the start of Lords.
Its' just that it isn't worth it as there is better option and stats will matter less from then on.
On another matter your stats are rather low if not a single one was above 50 after decay.
Jake_From_State júl. 21., 0:52 
that %-5 stat decress during winter was brutal, put all my stats below 50, and there is now way to get it back, feels bad man
homeroromagnoli2020 2023. okt. 4., 16:44 
Yeah, she'll complain if youd on't stop Castermaine in 5a.
Tiago  [készítő] 2023. okt. 4., 8:37 
The vote for maintaining the ARC always happens, if are not a member it's not mentioned, but if you are you always go to it.
Tiago  [készítő] 2023. okt. 4., 8:33 
She will complain if you don't try to stop Castermaine in 5a. In the first meeting you can support whoever you want, but in the second you must focus in undermining her enemy for her to approve.