DUCK: Dangerous Ultimate Cartridge Kidnapper

DUCK: Dangerous Ultimate Cartridge Kidnapper

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Finding and Entering the Duckymi Code
By bleep
This guide will show you where to find and enter the Duckymi Code to unlock both the achievement and the Decoration Panel for DUCK: Dangerous Ultimate Cartridge Kidnapper.
Where to Find the Duckymi Code
While similar to the Konami Code, the Duckymi Code differs just enough that you aren't likely to stumble upon it by mashing buttons. It's all arrows and the development team has hidden one part of the code in each of the 10 Japan Box games. The code itself is Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right Left Right, but I've included screenshots of each code part below for those interested.

The first part is in the Alex bros. minigame and can be seen in the upper right hand corner:

The second part is in the Battle town minigame and can be seen in the bottom right hand corner:

The third part is in the Bubble battle minigame and can be seen in the upper left hand corner:

The fourth part is in the Circus Sandra minigame and can be found on top of the tent in the top middle:

The fifth part is in the Explosive duck minigame and can be seen in the bottom right hand corner:

The sixth part is in the Freezy Sergio minigame and can be found on the left side rocks:

The seventh part is in the Greg the gorilla minigame and can be found in the middle of the screen:

The eight part is in the Highway bully minigame and can be found on the right hand side of the road:

The ninth part is in the Pool with Dennis minigame and can be found in the upper left hand corner of the table:

The tenth and final part is in the Quack-fu minigame and can be found on the left hand pillar:
Where to Enter the Duckymi Code
This might seem obvious after learning the code, but go to the Decoration Panels section under options and find the panel that says "Enter the Duckymi Code". While on this screen enter the code as follows: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right Left Right and you'll unlock the Arcade System DPS 3 Decoration Panel as seen below.

Thanks for Reading!
Thank you for checking out my guide for the Duckymi Code! I really hope it helped you out. If it did, and you would like to return the favor, please consider subscribing to my Watch the Gameplay YouTube channel listed below:

I'm constantly uploading no commentary gameplay and guides and will soon be adding reviews and previews. Make some pretty good shorts, too! Thanks again, and I hope you have a great day.
optium90  [developer] 17 Mar, 2023 @ 8:24am 
It's amazing how quickly this secret was discovered! Maybe you also found the secret duck in the credits?:bb_rubber_duck:
𝕃𝔸ℙ𝕀ℕⅢ*ʲᵖ 5 Mar, 2023 @ 10:06pm 