Gal Guardians: Demon Purge

Gal Guardians: Demon Purge

27 ratings
[Spoiler][v1.0.2] Map of stages and items with background 背景付きステージ、アイテムマップ
By munyan
[Eng] Map for stages,items,and achievements. [Jpn]ステージ、アイテム、実績のマップです


Map of the stage.

There may contain mistakes.
The room connection numbers on the map are not correct reference.
I tried to draw a line between rooms, but it became a mess, so I gave up.
Please understand that it is difficult to search connections.

Please do not ask me how I made it.
Symbols Description
<A> 実績
[H] help 要救助者
[P] 二週目以降の収集アイテム
[R] アップグレードアイテム
[M] 転送パーツ

<A> Achievement
[H] Students for help
[P] Items to be collected after NG++
[R] Rare Upgrade items
[M] Transfer parts (I don't know how to say it in English)
Stage 1: 城門前/Castle Gates


<Achievement>:The bridge at the entrance can be broken by bomb weapons
[R]:Bullet up.
Stage 2: オペラホール/Ceremony Hall

[R]:WPアップ 右側の崖から傘を使って飛行、途中に空中足場があります。

<Achievement>: In the secret kitchen, Burn a firewood in cooking grate by using an umbrella.
[R]:Weapon point up
Flying from the cliff on the right side using an umbrella, there is an aerial platform on the way.
Stage 3: 謎の洞窟/Mysterious Cave

Purify the ghost with the use of a sacred stick.

WP Up:Freeze a pillar of fire to enter the room.

Freeze rivers of magma.
Stage 4: 中庭/Courtyard
<実績>: 十字キー上で椅子に座り、キャラクターを交代してもう片方に座ります。
[R]:HPアップ 移動する足場を伝います。

<Achievement>: Sit on a chair by D-pad up, switch characters and sit on the other one.
[R]: HP Up, Ride moving platforms.
Stage 5: 大図書館/Library
[R]:Def Up

[Jpn] 爆弾で壊れる岩の上に乗った本棚を爆破します。
[Eng] Dropping a bookshelf on top of a rock that can be broken by bomb weapons.
Stage 6: 時計塔/Clock Tower

Ring the bell.

[R] HP Up
Stage 7: 尖塔/Castle's Peak
[R]:Atk Up
[Eng]When you enter the room, you will find eggs. For the achievement you need to leave the room without breaking the egg.
You can get them by simply leaving the room as soon as you enter.

Stage 8: 次元の狭間/Dimensional Rift

Use an umbrella.
文字なしマップ/No text maps
Click to expansion.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4

Stage 5
Stage 6
Stage 7
Stage 8
Shin ★ 16 May, 2023 @ 7:42pm 
I did not expect someone to extract the maps from the game. Thank you! This is of great help!
munyan  [author] 23 Mar, 2023 @ 12:25am 
Sorry, I can't make any further fixes.
These numbers are automatically drawn by tools, so it was hard for me to redraw each of the correct symbols.
RealPredhead 22 Mar, 2023 @ 10:22pm 
This was very helpful. The maps were a little hard to follow. It may have been easier if the numbers were just two colors so Red 1 goes to Blue 1 or something.
munyan  [author] 21 Mar, 2023 @ 9:03pm 
All right.
I've got it ready, but it might take a little while to upload it ,because there is a safety check on STEAM.
Guang_meng 21 Mar, 2023 @ 5:51am 
Thanks for sharing the map! But those numbers are a bit confusing. I wonder if there a no text version map? Maybe someone, like me will need it.
I don't speak japanese so I used Google Translator. Hope you can understand it.
地図を共有してくれてありがとう! しかし、これらの数字は少し混乱しています。 テキストなし版の地図はないのかな? 私のような誰かがそれを必要とするかもしれません。
私は日本語を話せないので、Google 翻訳を使用しました。 ご理解いただけると幸いです。
munyan  [author] 3 Mar, 2023 @ 11:50am 
You're welcome!
colthearts.edge 3 Mar, 2023 @ 3:10am 
thanks for the help i was having a hard time searching for "pantsu" great job.
munyan  [author] 1 Mar, 2023 @ 12:30pm 
I may upload the remaining images today.
Zulandratronics 1 Mar, 2023 @ 5:58am 
awesome work! maybe an update?