Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

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Totally Needed Mods that Fixes Everything !
By Princess Sereniel
Totally Needed Mods that Fixes Everything

Unit # Cap, Sucession, Agent Spam, Major Factions being Weak
Global Mods
Overview: These 4 mods are medicine for your every problems including:

Unit Capped in an Army, Succession,and Being Agent Spammed, and missing variety of units.

These 4 mods are compatible with almost any mods you would like to use.

1. 41 units per Army
Total war is only really enjoyable when you can allocate any dream army composition as you
like.(As long as money can support)
This mode allows you to recruit as many Calvary, archers, or artillaries for your back up.

You are no longer required to max your armies with best units possible up to 20.
The cheap units are finally useful as they can be used for number advantage !!!!!!

2. No Cilvil War
As game difficulty rises, the chance of losing your army and land goes very high.
This mode let you focus on campaign and battle rather than spending money on politics.
Absolutely must needed.

3. No agent Actions against Armies and Settlement
If you play at very hard difficulty, you will probably face enemy dignitary
makes your army to disaband 1 unit per turn or more depending on how many
war you are in. At one point I was getting 3 units disabandoned per turn
when I only had 2 wars going on.
The chance of succeding of disabandoning your unit is way too high(almost 100%)
and they perform this every turn, without cool down, following your army, making
the game unplayable.
This mode completely fixes that by removing agent actions against armies or settlements.

4. Meogron Unit pack.

Adds 400+ units and compatible with New World Campaign introduced below
in Campaign Mods.

Campaign Mods
These are whole new campaign remade or makes exisitng campaigns more challenging
by making major factions bigger such as Rome.

1. New World

It is two entirely new campaign with new units and new factions such as,
Troy, Amazon, Atlantis, and Jews from bible and etc. It is also being updated to be total of 5 campaigns included.

Recommended to use with Megron Unit pack mode introduced from above Global Mode section.

2. Rome 1 Conversion
This is a total overhaul campaign. Each factions are much bigger and
Rome is now 4 factions, including S.P.Q.R

3. Spartacus Rise

A whole new campaign with extremely big Rome and a slave faction
lead by Spartacus. Very challenging campaign for Spartacus or any other
faction except Rome.

4. Refreshed Grand Campaign
This mode increases major faction sizes including Rome and Carthage

5. United Rome for Imperator Agustus

This mode unites all 3 Roman faction into one S.P.Q.R in Imperator Agustus Campaign.
This makes very challenging and interesting campaign.

5. Refreshed Empire Divided

This mode makes major factions bigger mostly for the Rome in Empire Divided Campaign.

Music Mods
1. SPQR music
Changes music to 1980 Roman Movie Style. (in fact I think it actually is from there)
Recommended for playing Rome.

2. AJ's Music
Changes music to Two Steps from Hell and Audio Machine stuffed battle musics.
Recommended for generally any campaign.

Changes music to ancient war movies such as Troy, Gladiator, Alexander, and many others.
Lists are in the link
1. No Population or Supply for DEI

The popular DEI mode attracts niche players for extra difficulty and slow campaign

due to supply and population system.

If you would like to play vanilla style but still would like to enjoy

new buildings and units from DEI, this is the mode for you.

Viper 6 Jun, 2023 @ 10:52am 
I had it working but now I am unable to install on my new PC windows 10 can any one help me ?
Viper 6 Jun, 2023 @ 10:51am 
total war ll medieval mod pack