Guardians of Middle-earth

Guardians of Middle-earth

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By TheDuke-TheKey
Saruman is all about timing your abilities and surprising your enemies with a huge burst of damage. In this guide, I will show you how to do that, as well as what relics to use for maximum damage output.
Abilities and Leveling
Here is a list of Saruman's abilities.

1- Focused Magic- Stuns targeted enemies, and deals damage al around Saruman. Leveling this ability increases the damage and stun length.

2- Burst Shield- Saruman gains a shield, which after six seconds, or the shield being destroyed, detonates, causing damage and a silence to nearby enemies.

3- Spies of Saruman- Saruman sends out swarms of birds that damage, slow, and reveal enemies they attack.

4- Power of the White Wizard- Saruman deals damage to all enemies in front of him for two seconds.

Passive- Saruman gains bonus damage resistance.

Here is how to level up your abilities:

2 Burst Shield
3 Spies of Saruman
4 Burst Shield
5 PoTWW(Power of the White Wizard)
6 Spies of Saruman
8 Burst SHield
10 Spies of Saruman
11 PotWW
12 Focused Magic
13 Focused Magic
14 Focused Magic

When using Saruman, I normally stick to 2 different loadouts. Both of these loadouts include Westernesse (You get +2 Ability Penetration per Level and +16 Ability Power per Level). This relic is great on all Enchanter, but particularly good on Saruman because he has no true damage, meaning his abilities can be easily weakened by ability resistance. This is why Ability Penetration is very good on Saruman.

Which loadout you use really depends on the rest of your team. The first loadout is Westernesse/ Black Gate (Using an Ability gives you a Shield that blocks 20 damage per Level for 15 seconds. While the Shield is active, you get +10 Ability Power per Level. 20 second Cooldown). The bonus shield really allows you to stay alive in the middle of a team-fight. This should be used when you don't have a tanky team, and you will be the one in the middle of the team fights.

The second loadout is Shadow's Reach(Deals 3 Damage per Level to all Enemies within 4 meters of you every second. Does not stack)./ Westernesse. This loadout gives you some bonus wave clear, as well as yet another AoE (Area of Effect) Ability. I use this loadout when I have tanks on my team that can distract the enemy team while I melt them down with the added damage.


On Saruman, I use two Healing potions and two XP potions.


Tier 1- Heal- Necessary on all guardians.

Tier 2- Smite- Can add to your amazing combo.

Tier 3- Amplify Ability- Combine it with your abilities and Shadow's Reach, and watch your enemies MELT.

Tier 4- Archers- Necessary for pushing towers .

*Note I do not use a 4th tier, but instead I use two 3rd tiers.
Saruman should be going solo-mid lane whenever possible. He is great in a 1 v 1, and has amazing lane- control and wave clear, so combine him with a few XP potions, and he will be outleveling his. opponent by a long shot!!!

In order to get the most out of Saruman's burst damage, you need to know when to use each of his abilities.

In the early game, when playing mid-lane, your opponents will have no idea what hit them when you burst them down. The way to do this is to this is to lead with your shield. Then, you run in and unleash your spies, causing more damage and a slow. This will allow you to catch up to your opponent, so you can stun them with Focused Magic. If you time it correctly, the damage from Burst Shield should go off right as the Focused Magic damage goes off, allowing for a huge burst of damage. Use Smite before you use Focused Magic if possible. Also, if you have your ultimate, that can be used to finish off your opponent if they survive.

Later, in the team fight, I recommend getting into the thick of the battle. Your shield/s will make you nearly indestructable, while you damage the enemy team with the rest of your abilities. Again, your ultimate should be used for retreating enemies. If you use it in the middle of the fight, you will likely be interrupted.

I hope this guide really helped,
TheDuke-TheKey :)

Feel free to like, comment and add me on Steam at TheDuke-TheKey.

See you on the batlefield.
Lifhiy 11 Jun, 2015 @ 5:42am 
Spooky Veggie 30 Jul, 2014 @ 8:17pm 
You should do a Sauron or Elrond build next! :gandalf:
DR34DPIRATE 30 Jul, 2014 @ 6:09pm 
Excellent work. Nice detail.
battletoad 30 Jul, 2014 @ 3:47pm 
Great post! i tend to level the spies first, as it is typically most consistent damage, but am eager to try your leveling tactics! Hope you post more!
Spooky Veggie 30 Jul, 2014 @ 11:56am 
Will have to give this a shot sometime!