Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Germany Soviet Practice kai2
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2023년 2월 18일 오후 9시 08분
2024년 7월 5일 오전 12시 23분
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Germany Soviet Practice kai2

uy0311님의 1 모음집
innovative balance とその環境下シナリオmod
아이템 16개
序盤ドイツ有利 終盤ソ連有利となるIC変動式独ソ演習
댓글 1
mindaugas 2024년 6월 25일 오전 9시 03분 
Hitler: Do you think I'm pretty?
Stalin: Yes.
Hitler: Do want to be with me forever?
Stalin: Yes.
Hitler: Do you even like me?
Stalin: Yes.
Hitler: Would you cry if i walked away?
Stalin: Yes.
Hitler heard enough and was hurt... Hitler walked away with tears in his eyes.
Stalin grabbed Hitlers arm.Yes.
Stalin: You're not pretty...you're beautifulYes.
Stalin: I don't want to be with you forever...I need to be with you forever.Yes.
Stalin: I don't like you...I love you.
Stalin: I wouldn't cry if you walked away......I would die if you walked away.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.
Stalin Whispers: Plz stay with me.
Hitler: I will...
*Tonight at midnight Germany will anschluss Austria.
*Something good will happen to you at Stalingrad.
*If u dont post this to 5 other comments... You will have bad luck in Stalingrad for the next 10 years