Entropy : Zero 2

Entropy : Zero 2

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Translation guide
Mihai Pantazi tarafından
Do you want to translate Entropy : Zero 2 into your language, but don't know where to start? The purpose of this guide is to make it easier for you.
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Do you want to translate Entropy : Zero 2 into your language, but don't know where to start? The purpose of this guide is to make it easier for you.

This guide is intended to be used with version 1.3.1 of the stable branch, and includes a few tweaks that I have discovered along the way and have made the process easier for me. For any questions, just write in the comments and I will try to answer as soon as possible.

Wait, sure it works? Of course, here's my translation: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2924017995
Step 1
Download the .zip file I provide here: DOWNLOAD [drive.google.com]
Paste the contents of the .zip file over the EntropyZero2 folder inside your ..\SteamApps\common\ folder, and edit it as described below.
  • bin
    • captionmaker.bat
      You don't have to run the file yet, just edit it with a text editor so that the paths match those of your computer. This is the format you should follow:
      "full path of the captioncompiler.exe file" -v -game "path where the gameinfo.txt file is located" "name of your subtitle file" pause
      For example:
      "D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\EntropyZero2\bin\captioncompiler.exe" -v -game "D:\STEAM\steamapps\common\EntropyZero2\entropyzero2" "closecaption_spanish.txt" pause
      The purpose of this file is to compile the subtitles once translated.

  • entropyzero2
    • cfg
      • autoexec.cfg
        This forces the game to start with the language of your preference. Just replace the word %LANGUAGE% to match your language, following the usual format: "English", "Spanish", etc.

        For example:
        cc_lang "Spanish"

    • maps
      • ez2_c4_1_auto.txt
        All you have to do is paste the file in the corresponding location. Its purpose is to reference a string, so that it can be translated from another file.

    • resource
      • closecaption_%LANGUAGE%.txt
        This file contains the subtitles of the game. First rename the file (for example: closecaption_spanish.txt), then translate the "Language" "%LANGUAGE%" string (for example: "Language" "Spanish") and finally the content.

      • entropyzero2_%LANGUAGE%.txt
        This file contains general text. Again, translate the file name, the "Language" "%LANGUAGE%" string and finally the content.

      • mapbase_%LANGUAGE%.txt
        This file translates the name of several missing weapons. Translate the name, the "Language" "%LANGUAGE%" string and the content.

      • optionssubdifficulty.res
        This file translates the difficulty menu. Here you only have to translate six strings:
        "labelText" "Metrocop" "labelText" "Combine Soldier" "labelText" "Combine Elite" "labelText" "Shoot because you feel like it." "labelText" "Shoot to win." "labelText" "Shoot to survive."

    • scripts
      • mod_lessons.txt
        You only have to paste this file in the corresponding folder. There is no need to edit it.
Step 2
Once the content has been translated, run the captionmaker.bat file and let it finish executing. Then press ENTER. This should have generated a new .dat file in the resource folder.

At this point, you should be able to run the game and play it in your language. Feel free to upload it to Workshop so other people can enjoy it as well.