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Makeshift Bio-weapons
By Sputnik
Alterra won't give you anything much deadlier than a letter-opener. So consider using the planet's own biology against it's hungriest residents.
Why Bother?

There's probably no good reason to take down leviathans in this game, and probably easier ways to do it. But it was fun shooting poo at stuff to find that out,

Using the Propulsion Cannon

Loading the PC from your inventory seems a little slow when you're staring down a Reaper's gullet. You're better off dropping a pile of bio-ammo somewhere sheltered, then using RMB to grab and shoot from your ammo-pile quickly.

Acid Mushrooms
Average Damage = 100
Note: Nasty acid damage

Deep Shrooms
Average Damage = 105
Note:: "Oh God not the face!"

Alien Feces
Average Damage = 85 (compare to launched Quartz for 80)
Note:: Yes alien poo, really. Each lump takes up 4 inventory spaces.
Suitable only for the most extreme acts of vengeance

Gas Pods
Average Damage = 12 per second on targets lingering in each gas cloud lasting 8 seconds. Delivering a potential max 96 damage against slow targets
Note:: Can't be dropped in an ammo pile (but trying that has humorous results)

Special Cases
Damage = Unknown, but 'high' the Fandom wiki tells us.
Note:: Works only with individual wild-caught crashfish - so it's more of a one-off gag.
Home-bred crashfish can no longer be held or launched with your propulsion cannon..

Tiger Plant
Damage = Unknown, but less than launching Quartz (80 dmg), says the wiki.
Note:: This one you just hold with the PRAWN's PC. It will shoot enemies you point it at. Trying this with your ordinary PC will have tragic consequences.

Gas Torpedoes
Alterra's survivor-emasculation policy seems to have overlooked this one. Gas Torps are the game's official bio-weapon, via upgrade modules for either the Seamoth or the Prawn suit. The expendable gas torpedoes require gas pods collected from the Gaspod creatures.

Gas Torpedoes are said to be more effective than Gaspods launched from your Propulsion Cannon. The resulting gas cloud lingers for about 5 seconds longer and is stronger, dealing up to 550 damage per gas cloud to creatures remaining in it. So you'll probably need at least 6 torpedoes against leviathans rocking around 5000 HP.

They're tricky to aim at small prey, but easy against leviathans. If there is a Leviathan Class Predator nearby, it will automatically lock onto it regardless of other nearby creatures.

Creating Biohazard Zones
The idea is to breed up some pet monsters in you Alien Containment tank, release them in the patrol zone of an enemy, then sit back and watch them all duke it out!. A typical Reaper has 5000 HP, so that might take awhile.

Note that some farm-able hostiles have been omitted from this list. That's because the likes of Stalkers and Bone Sharks turned out to be wimps and just fled from our test Reaper.

Ampeel's Playground
Individual Hit Points:: 3000
Attacks: Bite 45, Shock:15
Number vs Reaper: 2 or 3

Notes: Each one released from you inventory deals you 15 damage. Be sure to carry a Band-Aid.

Gasopod Fart Zone
Individual Hit Points:: 300
Attacks: Constant high damage to anything in their gas clouds
Number vs Reaper: ?

Notes: Simply way too many Gasopods here

Tiger Plant Beds
Individual Hit Points: Unknown
Number vs Reaper: x Growbeds with 6 in each

Notes: Beware - they hate you too.

Special Treatment:

Baiting the Bonesharks
It's not just cats that get killed by curiosity, Bonesharks have an odd fascination with flares. To destroy a school of them drop flares into any Biohazard Zone you've set up near their patrol area.

dragonbornzyra - Ideas for bio-hazard areas
dreamrider - Ideas for bio-hazard areas
livin' - Gasopod consultant

An early hiccup experienced during testing