Guardians of Middle-earth

Guardians of Middle-earth

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By TheDuke-TheKey
Most people, seeing as Eowyn is a Defender, immediately make the assumption that the best way to play her is as a straight-up tank with all green gems/relics. This playstyle is good, but not the best.
About the Author
When I downloaded this game, one of the first things I noticed was the lousy guide on the Steam page. Please ignore that Agandaur guide, as it was completely, utterly, horrendous. I played with the best GoME players on the PS3 and now that it has shut down, I plan on bringing this game to it’s full potential, meaning getting more players to join, and getting 5 v 5’s in BG. Ledzepiv, who I’ve played with on PS3 and steam, and I will be making a guide to every GoME character. These guides will include tactics, lane-partnering ideas, and loadout ideas, which include, potions, relics, gems, and commands.

Since Eowyn was, is, and always will be my favorite character, I will be starting with her.
Most people, seeing as Eowyn is a Defender, immediately make the assumption that the best way to play her is as a straight-up tank with all green gems/relics. This playstyle is good, but not the best.

*Note- Everything in this guide applies to 3-LANE.
Abilities and Leveling
The following is a list of Eowyn’s abilities as well as a rough guide of leveling each one. Keep in mind different matchups may warrant a change.

Ability 1- Shieldmaden- Grants herself and nearby allies a damage shield at medium range. Leveling this ability increases damage blocked.

Ability 2- Great Renown- Heals nearby allies at medium range at the cost of her own health. Leveling this ability increases both the percentage of Eowyn’s health recieved by allies, and the amount of health Eowyn loses.

Ability 3- Know My Fury- Roots nearby enemies at short range. Leveling this ability increases the length of time enemies are rooted.

Ability 4 (Ult.) - I Am No Man!- Stuns and damages target enemies and fears all enemies around Eowyn. Damage is increased for every stack of Lady of Rohan. Leveling this ability increases it’s damage.

Passive- Lady of Rohan- Every time Eowyn takes damage, she gains a stack, which grants health regeneration, and gives bonus damage to Eowyn’s I Am No Man ability.

The following table shows how to level up Eowyn’s abilities.

2 Know My Fury
3 Shieldmaiden
4 Know My Fury
5 I Am No Man
6 Know My Fury
7 I Am No Man
8 Shieldmaiden
9 I Am No Man
10 Shieldmaiden
11 I Am No Man
12 Great Renown
13 Great Renown
14 Great Renown

When I first started playing GoME, I used Eowyn with a fully green belt. This can be good in some 1 v 1 situations, but Eowyn really shouldn’t be used for 1 v 1’s. Later in my GoME experienced, I happened to stumble upon a belt that worked quite well.
This belt was Miruvor(For every Emerald in your Belt, get +1 Health Regeneration per second)/Shadow’s Reach(Deals 3 Damage per Level to all Enemies within 4 meters of you every second. Does not stack)/ Caradhras(For every Emerald in your Belt, get +3% Max Health). I was amazed at how well this belt worked, but (WAIT!!!) I found better. I realized that having only 4 green gems wasn’t really enough to make using Miruvor and Caradhras worth it, so instead I used something else as a much better substitute. UDUN RELIC!!!(Gain +15% Basic Attack Resistance and Ability Resistance, +10% Movement Speed, and +25% reduction of Controlling Effects while you have over 50% Health). This relic was PERFECT for Eowyn’s playstyle! It allows her to charge into the enemy team faster, and harder to stop, while also giving her the tankiness she needs. So, the belt that I am recommending for YOU, is Shadow’s Reach/ Udun!!! The Shadow’s Reach is very important because it makes Eowyn less reliant on her teammates because of the extra damage it gives her. (Rooting enemies does nothing if you can’t follow up with damage!!!).
the enemy team and lock them down. She will need to take a lot of damage in order to do this, so afterwards, she will most definitely be low health. Therefore, instead of spending precious time going back to base, just pop a potion!!!
(P.S. Gems are really up to you. Totally a personal preference).

I would recommend all healing potions on Eowyn. Her job is to run into the enemy team and lock them down. She will need to take a lot of damage in order to do this, so afterwards, she will most definitely be low health. Therefore, instead of spending precious time going back to base, just pop a potion!!!

Here are the commands I would recommend for Eowyn-
Command 1- Heal. Heal is necessary on all Guardians.
Command 2- Spiked Armor. The damage resistance/reflection can make a HUGE difference when running into the enemies.
Command 3- Summon Archers. Archers are necessary on all guardians.
Command 4- Summon Defense. This can really push you team over the edge in a team fight, and it is also GREAT for taking out the all-important top troll.
Eowyn excels in many different ways. She can heal her allies, but her main strengths come from her damage, sustain, and lockdown potential. This being said, she is best laning with a Guardian that can really pour on the damage to a helpless Guardian. Some of the ideal partners are Ori, Bilbo, Gloin, or Radagast.

Thanks for reading,

Feel free to comment, ask questions, request a guardian, or add me on Steam! See you on the battlefield!
TheDuke-TheKey  [author] 29 Jul, 2014 @ 9:05pm 
Thanks for the feedback!
Spooky Veggie 29 Jul, 2014 @ 8:29pm 
Great tips! Looking forward to other guides. :gandalf:
battletoad 29 Jul, 2014 @ 8:23pm 
Never thought to build her that way. Thanks for the tip!