Friday the 13th: The Game

Friday the 13th: The Game

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A Guide on How To Actually be a Good Jason.
Bởi Golumhasir
In this guide i am Going to show you How to acctually play Jason,i know there are many Tutorial videos and guides out there,but most of them are Outdated or they aren't on steam,so i made this one.
Also please keep in mind that english isn't my first language.
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Jason Abilities
Before you choose your Jason,you should know what His Strenghts and weaknesses do and how his abilities work.

Let's start this with Jasons 4 Abilities.

Every Jason Has the Same 4 abilities: Morph,Sense,shift and Stalk.
Of course Everyone Knows What they do,right?

well yes but also no.

Jasons Morph Ablility allows him to teleport Across the map.
After Jason selected where he wants to go with it,there will be a short period of time where he stands still and can't move,once this time (about0.5 seconds) are over,he will be teleported to a spot at the map that is Close to where he placed the Morph.

there are moprh spawns all over the Map,the developers placed them where they thought it would be fair,This means he will spawn for example next to the road or next to a exit gate,but never On the road or in front of the gate.
This prevents him from For example Appearing directly in front of a car,which would result in the car being stopped without the driver having a chance to react.
His Morph Also causes a Static to appear on your screen.

The next ability that you will unlock is Called Sense,if you activate it it will show you the aura of counselors and buildings with counselors inside.
Keep in mind that if a counselor is inside of a building,the building will glow read,you won't see the exact position of the counselor so that the counselor can hide from you without you knowing
Also if you are inside of a cabin and you activate sense,you won't see if a counselor is in the same cabin with you,you need to go outside for the house to glow red.
Also sense doesn't show you counselors on the other side of the map,it will only show you those who are in a radius of about 60-100 m. from you

The 3rd ability that you unlock is called shift.
Shift will Turn your jason invisible and give you a Speed boots for a Short ammount of time.
You won't be able to pass through objects like the nurse in dbd tho.
If somebody hits you while you are shifting,his weapon will still take damage,however jasons mask won't get damaged and you can't get stunned while being in shift.
You can also Out-Shift shotguns,flare guns,bear traps and weapon hits.

The Last Ability that Jason unlocks is Called Stalk.
If you Use the Stalk ability,your Chase music will stop,giving the counselors around you false hope of security,it Will also cause a static to appear on the Counselors Screen,just like Morph and Shift does.
Keep in mind that stalk Runs out faster when Jason is moving or shifting.
Strengths and Weaknesses
So with the Abilities covered,let's talk about the strengths and weaknesses.
Every Jason has 3,you can see them when you select your jason,They will also be shown to you right after the match starts,but they will only appear on your screen for a split second.

Let's start with shift.
A jason without + or - shift will Take about 30 seconds for his shift ability to be ready again after he used it,one with + shift will take about 15 seconds while a jason with - shift will take about 45 seconds.
+ shift does not make your jasons shift faster,it will still be as fast as a jason with regular shift.
however - shift will Decrease your Jasons shift speed,making it waaayyy slower then a car.

Next let's talk about destruction.
If your Jason has Destruction,it will take him only 3 hits to break a door instead of the average 6,this makes a Jason with Destruction good for putting pressure on counselors.
keep in mind there is no such thing as -destruction.

+ is the Same as + shift,it will decrease the time it takes for your Jason to get his morph ability back after using it.
- Morph will Increase the time it takes for your jason to get his morph back.

Can run:
A Jason who can run will be able to run,shocking,right??

Grab Strength:
If your Jason has Grab strength,it will be Harder for counselors to break out of your grab.

Water Speed:
A Jason with + Water speed will be Faster then a Boat if the driver doesn't use the perk that increases the boats speed.
- Water speed Jasons Are Slower then The Boat.
Average water speed jasons will be as fast as the boat.

Most Jasons start with 5 traps.
- trap Jasons will start with 3,+ Traps Jasons (only one in the game) will start with 7

Most Jasons start with 2 knives.
There are 2 Knives in his shack,if you take them you will have 4
There are 2 Jasons ingame with + knives,they start off with 6 instead of 2,if they collect the 2 in the shack they will have 8.

Stun resistance:

If your Jason has stun resistance,there is a smaller chance that he get's stunned After a Hit from a counselor.

Less hit points:

If your Jason has less hit points,his mask will come off faster.

Traps and Objectives
Now that you know how the strengths and weaknesses work,let's Talk about Trapping.

Every Jason Has traps.
- trap jasons Have 3,+ trap Jasons Have 7
Average Trap Jasons Have 5.

you can Use traps to Block Counselors from Working on objectives,you can also Use traps to block windows and doors.
However Using a trap on a window or a Door is Wasted potential.

Traps Should Always be Used to Block Objectives.

There are 3 Objectives in the Game,so every Jason has Enough traps to Trap down every objective at least once.

I usually go with trapping the cars first,and then the Phone Box.
If you have a -traps Jason,you can use one trap on each objective,if you have an average or + traps jason you should use 2 Traps on the phone and one on each car.
Also you should trap the Gas on one car,and the battary on the other,so that if a counselor fails a skill check,you know which car you have to go to.
the reason why i trap the phone twice is that the phone is the fastest way to escape because once the police is called,there is no stopping them.

The Hunt Begins
Now that you Trapped the Objectives,you can begin your Hunt.

You wanna Make sure Nobody Escapes? Then you should Kill The counselors with good repair first,if you see a Vanessa and A Deborah,focus on the Deborah because she can repair the objectives way faster then the vanessa could.
Of course if you get a free kill on a vanessa,that doesn't hurt you so take it.
But usually you should focus on these counselors first:


these counselors are bad at repairing but good at fighting,so leave them alone as long as you have others to kill:


So Always focus on counselors with a good repair,they usually don't have much stamina So catching up to them shouldn't be very hard.

Tommy Jarvis
Now,how do you get rid of Super Man?

Tommy Jarvis has 10/10 everywhere so he is the Strongest counselor.
If someone contacts him using the radio,he will arrive after you killed the first two counselors,one of them will become tommy Jarvis.
If the first two people who died are completely incompetent,then they can still be a threat as tommy,not only has he great repair,but also stamina and every other stat.
Taking him down can sometimes be a challenge.
The fact that he spawns with a Health Spray,a Pocket knife and a Shotgun doesn't make it easier for you to kill him.
A Good Tommy can single handedly win the match for the counselors.

So how do you fight him?

Tommy Has A shotgun,that means he can stun you at least once if he isn't completely ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ at aiming.
He Also has one Knife,so if you grab him he will automatically break free.
And he Has one Spray,so you will have a hard time slashing him.
The best way to Kill him is to Eat the shotgun (or out shift it)
Then combo him if you get close enough.
A combo is when you slash him,then throw a knife,then slash again,you then just keep slashing until he's dead. (more on Comboes Later in the Guide)

you can also Grab him,eat the knife and grab him again,but the first method is safer.

If you fail to kill tommy early in the game,make sure to get rid of the other counselors fast.


This guy has a lot of stamina and all the ressources to loop you for quite a bit,focus on the other survivors instead to make sure nobody repairs objectives while you are being looped.

Tommy can also kill you,more on that later.
Knives are the most imoprtant and strongest weapon that a Jason has,if used in the correct way.

So Imgine a counselor has 100 health points,A slash from a jason without weapon stregth deals 20 damage,a slash from a Jason with weapon strength deals 30.
A knife Always deals 30 damage.
It takes 2 knives until a counselor is limping,that means he can't run away anymore.
you can then catch up and kill the counselor.

watch out,don't make this mistage:
Do not Aim your knife for ages before throwing,that will only give the counselor a chance to hide,Some counselors will also run towards you and hit you because you can't move while aiming a knife.

Instead do this:

Go into Offline bots,if your target is in line with Jasons Right shoulder,hold up the knife.
Then you wull see that the knife is On your target,if you would throw now,it would be a hit.
as soon as you perfected the pre aiming/fast aiming,just go into a public lobby in quick throw knives completely without aiming.

If the counselor that you are throwing knives at realises that you know how to quick throw,they will usually start running in a Z Shape.
This will slow them down.
They can also run into your next knife that way.
This will cut chases short.

Stopping the Car
Ok so what if the Car get's Repaired and is Rolling? how do you acctually stop that?
The answer is acctually pretty simple,collision.
Yes,Jason Has to collide with the car to stop it.
either in the front or in the back,If Jason crashes ino the right or left side of the car,nothing will happen.
You can Also stop the Car by standing infront of it and pressing E,this only works when it's not Moving.
A Alternative is Walking up to the Drivers seat And pulling out the driver,but this is Very risky,The car won't Move any more,but someone else can enter it and Drive off or if the Person that you just grabbed has A pocket knife,they can just enter the car again and keep driving while you're still stunned.
But if you need to pull someone out,and you still have a trap,place it at the drivers door and then pull the driver out,that prevents others from getting in and escaping before you secured the kill.

So what if you Stopped the car,pulled the driver out and they don't Get back in?

well,if they are running away from you after you stopped the car,they most likely don't do that because they are acctually afraid.
They want to bait you into gowing away from the car so one counselor can start it up while you aren't around anymore.
There are multiple ways to handle this situation.

First you can Just wait at the car,and let them run away.

You could also go into a nearby cabin or hide behind a wall and activate stalk,remember,stalk causes a static just like morph and shift does,so sometimes that will give the counselors a false sense of security and they will enter the car again.
as soon as they try to start it up,you walk over,pull them out and kill them or you shift over if the distance is too large and walking over would take too long.

The next way to handle this situation is by chasing the counselors who want to distract you,and activate your sense ability.
you will then be able to see if someone enters the car.
Then you either shift or morph over.
But keep in mind,morph spots are placed fair,so you won't land directly in front of the car as long as the car didn't get stopped right next to a morph spawn.

You can Also Ghost in front of the car,more on ghosting later.
Stopping the Cop call
The car is cool and all,but how do you stop the counselors from calling the police?

Well,if the Trap(s) that you placed to prevent them from fixing the Fuse box got activated and you morph over and see the box is shining blue instead of red,you can of course just walk up to the box and break it again,but sometimes,the counselors are guarding the box from being broken,while another counselor is inside and Calls the police.

It's a very smart move to break the door(s) of the phone house in the beggining of the Round after you placed the traps and locate the phone inside the house.
If counselors are guarding the phone from being broke,you can just go inside and kill the person calling.
Sometimes the phone is Visible from a Window,you can then throw a Knife at the person calling.
that will reset the progress of the call so that they have to call again.
You can also Try to slash the counselors who guard the box,if you're fast enough you can still break the phone.
But killing the counselor inside is the Smartest thing to do,fighting the guards is way to risky.

Please keep that in mind,the cops are the easiest way to escape,so stopping them is really important.
Stopping the Boat
If you have a Boat on your Map and it get's repaired,stopping it is very easy.
you can swim under it and press E.
You can then drown the counselors

(Also please don't try to trap the boat,it's a waste of traps)
Selecting Grab Kills
I know,you probably wanna be the Jason with the Coolest kills and stuff,but that really doesn't make sense.
Most Cool looking kills Are not only long,but also require a lot of space.
that means that you can't kill someone in a tight Hallway or a tiny room with a kill that requires a lot of space,you have to walk around and find a place where you can do the kill.
That gives the counselor enough time to Break free or gives other counselors enough time to go for a save.
You should select kills that you can do almost everywhere and kills that are fast.
I Sometimes only select two kills:

Choke and Head punch.

Choke is a kill that requires almost no space,you can do it almost everywhere,the head punch is the fasted kill in the game and doesn't require a lot of space either.

Also keep in mind,if you grab someone and press your Left mouse button,jason will Automatically do the 2nd kill that you have equipped.

if you grab someone you can also do enviromental kills,such being Throwing a counselor out of a window or Pinning them to a sharp object on a wall or to a tree.

Sometimes it is smarter to do a enviromental kill.
When do i slash and when do i grab
There are two ways of killing.
grab killing and slashing.

But when is it smart to grab,and when should i slash?

It's acctually very simple.
Grabbing means that you get the kill 100% if the counselor doesn't have a pocket knife.
However,if you grab someone it will take 2 seconds for Jason to lift the person up,during this time other counselors can Use their weapons to Hit you,this will result in Jason letting go of the counselor,and sometimes it will even stun you.
Slashing is a safer way to kill someone if other counselors are arround.
So if you fight two or more counselors,don't grab.
They will just save your target from being killed.
But if you are one on one with a counselor and you close in,go for a grab but keep in mind,if you miss,they will run away.
So don't grab immedietly.
if they come close to you and then Turn around,they are 100% trying to bait you into grabbing early so that they can run past you and escape.
Most of the time they will be in a tight hallway that ends at a closed door and they don't have enough time to open the door.
Then they will try to bait you into grabbing too early so they can esape.
So don't fall for that.
Keep pushing them into the corner,if you don't grab they will run around you and try to escape,you should rotate with them and grab when they are tight next to you so you don't miss the grab,sometimes you can even pre grab so that they walk into it.

Also,the longer the match goes,higher is the chance that the counselor has a pocket knife,if you are ten or more minutes into the game,just slash them.
You remember when i explained the abilities? the Small icons in the lower right corner?
Well you probably already noticed the icon in the top left corner,right?

that is your Rage.
The more often you get hit,the more it fills up,it also fills up by itself but that takes long.
So hitting Jason will make him get Rage faster.
Once you get your rage mode,You can walk through doors and walls.
Your cooldown for abilities will get cut in half and you can't get stunned anymore unless the counselors take your mask off or you walk into a trap or get shot by a shotgun.
so you can't get stunned by normal hits anymore and with your Ability cooldown being cut in half you become almost unstoppable in a public lobby.
most casual players will die when you get your rage,but proffesional groups or even single counselors with experience will still be able to loop you around for quite a bit.

Many Jasons make the mistake that they think they become unstoppable with rage,this is not the case.
You can still lose your mask and die,so keep playing like you would if you woudn't have rage.
don't take hits unless you have to,block incoming attacks and try to avoid shotguns.

But use your abilities whenever you can because you'll get them back Fast AF.

Combat Stance (CS)
When i Said "block incoming attacks" i meant it.
You can block Incoming attacks with combat stance,sadly most pc players don't know that.

You enter Combat Stance by Pressing C,you can block by holding Right mouse button.
if someone Hits you while you're in CS you won't get stunned and your mask will ony take a little bit of damage.
if you want to exit combat stance again,fast walk (press shift and W)
you Can't Block Shotgun and Flaregun Damage.
Same goes for traps,but if you are smart you can walk around traps while being in CS.
Everytime you get hit in CS,you have to press Right mouse button again because Jason lowers his guard again after blocking a Strike.
So if you Fight Multiple counselors,make sure to Press right mouse button again after blocking a strike,otherwise you will still get stunned and get the normal damage.

You can still attack in combat stance,just not when you're blocking,so if you want to slash someone,Make sure to let go of RMB before you slash.
You can also do a Heavy Attack by Holding The left mouse button when you are in CS.
Heavy attacks Have more reach,swings can hit multiple counselors.
Heavy attacks can also break windows easier then The E prompt or a Normal slash.
You can also break windows while someone is climbin/jumping through them by heavy attacking and they will still get damage.
You can also Hit someone with a Heavy attack who is standing in front of a window when you are outside.
So Heavy Attacks are Very Useful
Play it Safe/jason kill prevention for noobs
So first of all,this chapter is titled "Jason kill prevention for noobs"
this is because i personally think a advanced player would Handle a kill attempt in a different way then a New player would.
there is going to be another chapter About kill prevention for advanced players.

So here we are now,you played your first jason rounds and you finally run into people who are worthy oponents,by the way you play,you know that they will try to kill you.
you don't know yet how you have to handle this situation.
But of course i'm going to explain how you should play the round with them trying to kill you.
First of all,keep your cool.
Everyone got killed at some point,so it doesn't make you a bad player if you lose and get jason killed.
Don't start to panic.
Make sure to ot take much damage.
so if you chase someone,look at the ground before going through a door,if there is a trap,find a way around it or break the chase to go and kill someone else.
Yes,trap damage is mask damage.
Avoid groups of players,focus on people who are alone,but act quick so they can't join a group of people,that would only make it harder for you to survive.
Use your knives wise,don't trow them because you feel like throwing a knife.
instead close in on seperated counselors and throw a knife,then slash.
Don't grab people unless they are alone,most of the time you will get stunned by a nearby counselor and then they will give you a "free hit"

If you still have a spare trap,go and place it on the entrance of jasons shack or use it during confrontation either by blocking off a group of counselors who are in a house from going outside to fight you while you are fighting with a group already,or by placing it on the ground when you are engaging a group,someone is probably going to walk into it.

Avoid shotguns.
shotguns take away a big chunk of your mask health.

If a car get's started,let it go.
Your priority is surviving,and cars can later be used against you when they walk the car out with the sweater or try to bait you into attacking the car.

If you see a limping counselor,go for a kill,less counselors means less danger for you.
The Mask comes off
What do you do when you ultimately get your mask knocked off?
Morph away and Collect as much knives as possible and avoid the counselors.
Also only Attack the sweater girl or Tommy Jarvis.
Use water to travel,but don't hide in the water to avoid being killed,yes you could do that but that only makes others lose any respect for you and it only wastes the time of everyone else in the lobby,so don't sit in one place and hide like a fool,but use water to travel because traveling on land is obviously dangerous for you.
Advanced Section begins
All the Stuff that you just read is Basic Knowledge that you Need to Make up a Decent Jason.
We Now enter The Advanced Section of The Guide.
Everything that I covered earlier Is Just a Base that you need to Become a good Jason,so if you still struggle with executing some of the stuff like Preventing the cop call or Stopping the car for example,please practice your shift and start to Think Logical,otherwise the Knowledge that follows now will not Help you and could acctually Become an obstacle.

Here are a few things that you need to know before you continue reading.
I will not Keep Saying "left mouse button" Or "mouse wheel" or "Right Mouse Button"
Instead i will call Them LMB,MMB and RMB.

With that Said,let's Continue.
Speed Shift Tech/Lock on Shift
So you know when you Press 3 to shift,Jason will stand there for roughly a second and won't move.
This Is Wasted time Because there is a Button Combination that you can press That will allow you To Instantly Enter shift.

The button Combination is As follows: W>3+C>C

You Hold W to Walk,then Press 3 And C at the Same time,let go of 3 and C and wait for about One Second,you then Press C again,if you forget to Press C A second time,it will kick you out of shift again.
This is because you Basicall start your Shift In combat stance and after one second the game will kick you out because the Game Doesn't allow you to use Combat stance and your abilities at the same time.
In order to keep shifting you have to press C again.

So again,the Inputs are W>3+C>C

If you Replace W with A,S or D,you will Shift into that Direction.
This Is great For Catching a car when you are next to the road or catching counselors off guard.

Speed Shift will Acctually allow you to cover more ground then a normal shift does.
Your shift will bring you further then the normal shift,how much further depends on if your Jason has average or - shift.

But watch out,if you activate sense and then Speed shift,you will cancel the sense because you Shift in Combat stance.
Make sure to Activate sense after You started shifting,otherwise you will waste your ability.

Speed Shift will Also Put you into 3rd Person,that is great for shifting outside,once you enter a cabin with your shift,it can become a pain in the ass so make sure to practice your Speed shift in Close quarters in offline bots.

Lock On:
Combat stance Is lock on,that means you will automatically Shift at the closest counselor.
Once you press C a 2nd time the lock on get's deactivated again and you can shift normally.

Lock On is Great for Shift Grabbing at short distance.
Shift Slashing
When you do a Speed shift,you can attack during the First second of the Shift,jason will then slash while being in shift.
So yes,if you aren't in Slash range and have a shift ready,you can do a shift slash,the shift will then Close the distance between you and your Target and you can then slash.
You can then exit the shift directly and can slash again.
This can be a deadly combo and you can always throw in a knife ;)
Normal 3rd Person shift
if you just want to Do a 3rd person shift because you think you have more control over your shift,just Aim a knife,cancel the throw and then shift.
So it's MMB>RMB>3
Quick Trapping
There are more ways to Quick trap then just one.

Quick Trap Grab: R>R>RMB

Quick Trap Slash: R>R>LLB

Quick Trap Knife: R>R>MMB>(cancel with RMB) Throw

Quck Trap Block: R>R>C>RMB
(this is the only wariant that works off host,the others only work on host)

Quick Trapping Allows you to Place a trap and still Engage in Combat,so you can still Damage the counselors or grab a counselor while setting the trap.
that can be useful when you Try to Stop the counselors from killing you.
Shift Trapping
if you want to grab Kill someone and you want to make sure that A mate can't save the counselor,Shift trapping is what you want to do.
You of course know how to shift grab,and if you read this guide,you also know how to quick trap.
Shift Trapping is Basically Exiting the shift while being in grab range,then Quick tap grabbing.
This will Place a trap behind you and the grabbed victim.
A counselor who want's to go for a save will run into a trap because Literally Nobody Expects this move.
So again,exit shift,then quick trap.

Here a video that shows how it will look:
R1 Tech
You know when you Slash at something in Combat stance (for example a door)
After Hitting the Door,the animation of Jason will still continue for a Short time until you can move Again.
Would be Cool if you could cancel that,right?
Well there is a Way Of Doing exactly that,and it's called R1 Tech.

It's acctually very simple and it works both as Jason and as counselor,so try it next time you play counselor.
After You Hit At a Door,window etc. Press RMB because remember,you are still in combat stance,and in combat stance you can block.
Then Right after tapping RMB,Press Shift (the button on your keyboard,not the ability) and A.
This will Allow you to Move as soon as you hit what you wanted to hit without having to wait for the animation to finish.
Car Reset Tech
Imagine a situation where one counselor is starting up the car,and others are guarding him.
If you pull him out,they will hit you and you will most likely get stunned.
A situation like this is pretty common and Many Jasons don't know how to handle this,which then Most likely results in the Counselors escaping.
What if i'd tell you that there is a Way to Stop the car from Starting?

It exists and it's called Car Reset Tech.
when you face the drivers seat in combat stance and turn a little bit to the left and then do a light attack,you can hit the counselor inside the car and it will reset the Car start up so that they have to do it again.
you can repeat that as many times as you want.
Keep in mind that the counselor won't take any damage from te hit.

You can also do this with a spear or savini's pitchfork by facing the driver from the Drivers seat and Doing a Heavy attack.

Short weapon = Light Attack

Long Weapon = Heavy Attack

Knife Cancel
I made a Knife Cancel guide a few months ago,but of course i'm going to Explain it in this guid too.

So knive Cancel is A Method to Cancel Almost All Animations that you start by Pressing E.
The Inputs are E>MMB>MMB>RMB

But the Inputs alone won't help with understanding how it works,because of that i will explain the Whole process now.

You walk up to For example a Throwing knife,then Hit E,wait a Very Short ammount of time and Hit MMB,you Hold MMB until Jasons Hand Makes Contact with the Stuck knife,then Let Go Of MMB and Hit RMB.
If you did it correctly you will see the Crosshair on the screen while You grab the knife.
You can Cancel a Door open by oing the Same,only that you don't have to wait.
you can Do the whole thing way quicker then you can do it on a knife.
You can Cancel A Window smash or a Phone box smash or a Powerbox or a Radio.
the timing for each animation is different.

If you Knife cancel The animation of pulling out a counselor from the car,you can acctually walk them into the hitbox of the car and they will die.
Rage Sidestep
You know how you can Break doors and walls in rage?
Sometimes a counselor will stand behind the door and Hit you to give your mask more damage.
In orger to avoid this,turn your camera away from the door and then knife cancel.
The animation of Jason walking through the door will still be played,but this time he will walk away instead of walking right into the hit.
It's Just another animation cancel but it's too important in my opinion so i had to make it a own chapter in this guide.
Higgins Small Rock Glitch
If you Play on Higgins Haven Small,and your shack is on the Left side of the map,on the right side where your shack could've spawned is a graveyard,on the left side of the graveyard is a Rock,counselors can glitch on top of the rock by Dodging into it.
They think they're safe up there,but they are not.
If you Walk up to the Edge of the rock,go into combat stance and Do a Heavy Attack,jason will Glitch up there too and you can kill the counselors.
Higgins Large Roof Glitch
On higgins Large,on the right side near the water you have two Cabbins,the right one is Right next to a rock.
The rock is in the North of the cabin.
Counselors can dodge twice in the air if they're fast enough and then they will land on the Roof of the cabin.
You as Jason can get up there too.
If you stand on top of the rock i mentioned before and do a speed shift right on the edge,it will bring you on top of the cabin.
You can Also do it with a regular shift but i've been struggeling to do it so a speed shift is the easiest method.

Packanack Cabin Door break
You can Break the door Of this Cabin without standing close to it.
If you stand where i stand in the screenshot and heavy attack with a one hand weapon,you can break it.
You can grab counselors through the fence aswell.
Someimes the autofocus of the Combat stance focusses through the wall,it will become hard to destroy the door in combat stance.
If you turn your camera 180 degrees and then swing,the door gets damaged without jason going into the breaking animation,which is way faster then doing the normal way.
Hitting through doors
You can hit and throw knives through closed doors and injure counselors.
If you use combat stance and Swing at a door at close ragen (doesn't matter if you heavy attack or swing)
You can injure a counselor who stands behind it.
You can also Stop them from closing the door by injuring them.
You can Also throw a knife at them through the door if you walk up to it and then aim at the ground,if someone is closing it and you then throw the knife,it will definetly hit and the animation will be stopped.
You can then open the door or break it.
if you keep swinging or heavy attacking while someone is right behind it,it can acctually kill them.

Hitting trough walls:
You can Throw knives through thin walls aswell,but i never had an situation where it would've been useful.
Double Tap (off-Host only)
To start this off,what is the double tap?
Basically,you swing twice in a very short ammount of time.
Thanks to Combat delay,it only works off-host in the Base game,however in modded builds like camp blood you can do it on host and off host.

Start in CS,Then Press M1 and Shift and C at the same time,after impact you press C again,that will make jason do a Overhead swing.


You can just spam C After the first C and it will usually work.

I made a Tutorial video on it So i will link it here:
Slide Tech (Off host only)
Sliding is very OP against Most counselor players,if you use the Slide tech you will be Invisible for a short ammount of time,allowing you to catch up to Counselors on short distance or counselors that hide behind or loop you around furniture.

the Inputs for slide are C>M1+M2>shift+the direction that you wanna go.

For Counselors,it will look like you are Slashing the air,for you it will look like you are slashing and walking,due to you hittin,there is no walking animation,that's why it's called "slide"
So for about 1.5-2 seconds,you are invisible.
You can use it When counselors are hiding behind objects or are trying to Regenerate stamina and Take a small break during a chase,since you are invisible,they will think that they have more time to regenerate then they actually have,it will sometimes grant you the opportunity to slash them or land a good grab.
it can also catch other counselors off guard because they see you hitting the air and out of nowhere,you grabbed their team mate.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that it only works off host and only works on Off host counselors,the host will See you walking normally so using it on the host will not work and is a waste of time.
Swinging through Firecrackers
You can swing through Firecrackers/avoid being unable to move when you get stunned.

If you Walk up to a Firecracker and Enter Combat stance,then do a Heavy Attack at the right distance,you will still be able to move,you won't be able to hit again until the stun is over but you can move.
this is great when you are stuck in a room because someone threw firecrackers and you don't want to use your abilities in order to continue the chase.

You can sometimes even hit someone who's standing in firecrackers to heal or regenerate when you do this.
Morph Cancel
You know that when you Morph away,Jason will still stand there for a small ammount of time and you can't move?
Morph Cancel will allow you to Move,block,slash,grab a knife and start breaking animations after selecting your morph location.

The Morph cancel inputs are 1>M1+1>1>1>whatever you want to do

For example,if you want to slash,the inputs are 1>M1+1>1>1>LMB

You can break windows or closets by Pressing E after pressing 1.
or you can grab knives.
jason will turn invisible during the whole process and as soon as the animation is over,you will morph away.
You can block aswell if you want to morph away from a group of counselors without them giving you a free hit.

Bomber Shift

Bombershift will allow you to be visible during your shift,making it easier to land a grab.

if you want to 1st person bombershift,press 1>M1+1>1>1>3

if you want to 3rd person bomber shift,Press MMB and RMB before you press 3


Vehicle Abduction
The Normal abduction sadly got patched,you could morh cancel and then grab,which would result in the counselor getting teleportet with you.
you had to press 1>M1+1>1>1>RMB

you can still do it in modded builds like camp blood,but it doesn't work in base game anymore.

However,you can still vehicle abduct.
If you Morph cancel and then pull somebody out of a car of a boat (if you can reach the boat from land)
they will be teleported with you.

The inputs are 1>M1+1>1>1>E

This can be useful if you stop the car close to a exit and you fear that the counselor has a pocket knife.
if you then Do a vehicle abduct,the person will break free after you both got teleportet to the spot that you selected.
So they'll have to walk back to the car,that gives you more time to kill them.
Stationary Ghost
Stationary ghosting is a way to turn invisible as jason,as the name suggests,you can't move during the whole process,however,it is a great way of blocking people or vehicles in.
For example,you back a car into a corner,then ghost.
It's very likely that the counselors will move to a different place as soon as they see that they can't free the car anymore.
That will allow you to continue the chase without having to risk that someone starts the car and speeds away.

In order to do the stationary ghost,you have to select a morph spot and then spam 1 and M1 (M1 is LLB) before you morph away.
as long as you keep spamming these two buttons,your jason will be stuck.
Jason won't be visible and you can't take damage,if the car runs into you,it will get stopped automatically.

after you stop spamming,you will morph away.
Keep in mind that you sometimes get morphed to a random location.

Also: Part 6 Jasons belt won't turn invisible and savini jasons eyes will still glow orange.
If part 2 is de-masked,his hair will be visible too

keep that in mind

there is also a thing called "ghost walking"
it allows you to move durng ghost,but this is extremely extremely difficult if you do it on Pc with keyboard and mouse,i never managed to do it so i will probably not cover it in this guide.
i will maybe later give you the inputs for controller because it should be possible if you have a controller connected while you play on pc.
Advanced combat section begins
Injured counselor get's healed
What do you do when a counselor that you injured get's help from another counselor?
How do you keep them injured and maybe even get a 2nd kill out of the situation?

So when a counselor is limp,another counselor can spray them.
You can stop them from doing so by injuring them too.
So imagine you are fighting with a vanessa and a chad comes up to spray them,if you are close enough you can stop them by hitting them mid animation,so slashing or throwing a knife at them will do the job.
If you are sure that the injured counselor has no spray anymore then you can even chase the other counselor off and then focus on the injured one again.

if you know that the injured counselor is only one hit from dying,finishing them is sometimes an even better option.
If the healing animation got started and you then kill them mid animation,the other counselor is stuck in the animation and you can get a grab on them as long as they don't know how to spray cancel.

Sometimes it happens that a counselor body blocks you so that the injured counselor can heal,if you are good at knife throwing,you can throw a knife over the body blocking counselor.

if the injured one is right behind the body blocking counselor,you can do a heavy attack and it will hit both of them and it will break the block of the blocking counselor.

Another way to handle the situation is by letting the injured counselor off the hook so that you can kill the one who went for a save.
A good combo for that would be Slash>Shift-Slash>knife>slash>keep slashing if you don't use a weapon strength jason.

if a counselor starts a healing animation,you can grab the other counselor and kill them because the healing counselor will be stuck in the animation as long as they don't use spray cancel.

You can also combo the saving counselor,then you'd have two limp counselors and you could kill both of them.
Hitting knifes out of shift
If you are shifting,you can throw a knife as soon as you exit shift.

Exit shift and throw a knife as soon as you're right behind your target to minimize the chance of missing.
So don't try it from far away.
Stopping counselor animations (Extremely powerful)
You can stop counselors mid animation by hitting them.

so say someone is vaulting a window,if you throw a knife,the whole animation will be stopped and they'll stand in the room again.
they then have to vault again.
if you are fast enough,you can grab them during the vault.

you can stop all animations like that.
For example:
Someone is closing a door on you,you throw a knife and the door won't get shut.
you can grab them/slash them.

You can stop the animation of a counselor entering the car.

You can stop the phone call or tommy call by throwing a knife at them.
You can stop a counselor from putting the battary in or filling the gas tank.

If a counselor attacks you with a weapon,you can throw a knife or slash them and it will stop the animation without you getting stunned or taking mask damage
How do i effectively pressure a counselor?

In order to effectively pressure a counselor,you have to deplete their ressources.
So for example,a counselor with a med spray,a firecracker and a pocket knife has enough ressources to loop you arround for a bit.
If you hit them with your knives,the counselor has to use the spray.
That's a big problem because now if the counselor get's injured,there is nothing that will save the counselor from being slow af.
now imagine you chased the counselor for a bit,the counselor used the spray and needs to regenerate stamina,now there are two things they can do,number one: hitting you with a meele weapon (yes,if you hit jason,you gain stamina)
Nuber two: using the firecrackers to stop you and regenerate while you are stunned.

it's much more likely that the counselor will use option two so they don't have to risk being grabbed which would result in the loss of their pk.
what you should do now is Swing through the firecrackers so you can keep pushing them,even if you don't successfully do the glitch,it's still better to take the stun so they have less time to regenerate.
now you depleted almost all their ressources.
they can't risk anything anymore.
if they combat you,the chance is very high that they'll get slashed and even if you take the knife,they still don't have a new knife to replace the old one.
This will cause them to pannic and make mistakes.

always put pressure on counselors,don't give them time to regenerate or think of a plan.
splitting up a group
What do you do if you encounter more then just one player?

Exactly,you try to split them up.
You pressure only one counselor so they have to leave the fight early to survive,you then kill the other counselor.
After that,you end the other counselor who bailed out earlier.

A classich example would be a fight on a road,to the left is a cabin.
you face a vanessa and a A.J.
Aj has less stamina,that means she is the perfect target.
Push the A.J. towatds the building and make sure the vanessa doesn't stun you.
At some point the A.J. is going to jump through a window and you can kill the Vanessa,if the A.J. doesn't jump,you can combo her and then kill the vanessa.

Pinehurst has about 20 knives

Packanack small has 17

Packanack Large has 40

Higgins Haven large has about 30 knives

Higgins Haven small has about 20-25 knives

Jarvis residence has about 25-30 knives

keep that in mind,never waste your knives.
Controller Section
now let's talk about stuff that you can only do if you have a controller connected.
Strafe shifting
Xbox controller:Strafe shifting works by Pressing R1+X to activate your shift,then let go of both and press R1 again,then use Your stick to move around.

PS : it's the same lmao you just activate the shift with square instead of X

Fence Shift tech
If you Have a Controller connected,you can slash and Instantly Shift using the Speed Shift tech.
If you Do that and shift Into a Breakable fence,the Fence will collapse due to the game thinking that you are hitting the fence,this allows you to Basicalls Shift thru the fence.
if someone is Behind a fence,Doing this will most likely catch them Off guard,allowing you to get an Easy kill on them via shift grab or Combing them instantly.

Can be extremely useful against a car.
if you morph and it puts you behind a fence,seperating you from the road,you can use this technique to Quickly catch up or destroy the car without having to shft around the barried.
Ghost walk
Xbox Controller: RB+B > A > RB > B > A > then repeat RB > B > A > keep Repeating

PS controller:R1+O > X > R1 > O > X > then repeat R1 > O > X > Keep Repeating
Advanced ghost
Just knife cancel really really fast
Jason Kill Prevention For Advanced players
Alright,as i said we will have another chapter talking about Jason kill prevention.
this one is probably going to be a lot shorter then the last one though because i will only talk about a Few things that are important when you face a Skilled group of counselors who want to kill you.

Avoiding Damage:

The Most important thing is to avoid damage.
there is a thing called "free hit"
if you get stunned,jason will recover from the stun slowly,there is a very short window of time in which the counselors can hit you and you can't react to it,you will still take damage though.
So avoid Free hits at all costs.
do not run into Crackers,even if you know how to swing through them,the risk of getting stunned and then getting a free hit is just too high.

Always Look out for bear traps:

smart counselors will place bear traps which will give you mask damage,yes you get mask damage if you STEP into a bear trap.
Of course you can use a knife to look through closed doors,so do that to see if there is a bear trap at the door.
sometimes the counselors will trap your throwing knives,watch out for that.
The most evil bear traps are probably the Morph spawn bear traps.
Very good counselors will place bear traps on morph spawns so that when you morph you get that mask damage.
If that happens to you,don't use that morph spawn anymore,instead morph to a spot close to the one that is trapped.

Use your own traps:

If you have traps that are unused,place them on the ground when you encounter counselors,it is very likely that one of them will step into the trap,giving you the oportunity to kill them.


if you face a group of counselors,stay about 5 m away from them,keep that distance,if someone attacks you you can easily walk out of the weapon range and avoid that hit.

Combat stance:

use your Combat stance early,you don't want to fail a block so block before they even hit.

Avoid Shotguns:

If a counselor with a shotgun is around,try to speed shift through the shotgun.
If you remember,you are visble during the speed shift,sometimes a counselor will panic and shoot.
If you can't shift,do not engage them at all costs.

Please read/end
This is the end of this guide,if you acctually have read all this and have the dedication to become a good jason,you have all my respect!

I will keep updating this guide whenever i can,there are a few things that i didn't cover because i really struggle with doing them myself (for example double tapping)
but i will update this guide when i figure this stuff out.

I wanna say thank you to Lukas 532,GuruRM and Haies 09 for explaining some of these things to me.
If you want to see outstanding jason and counselor gameplay,check them out their channels are linked right below this sentence:

Lukas 532:


Haies 09:

Also,feel free to Join my Friday the 13th the game discord server:

and btw,i have a youtube channel aswell,i'd appreciate it if you'd check it out:

: )

1 bình luận
ItzFufix 11 Thg06, 2023 @ 11:28am 
geiler guide sehr hilfreich:j9: