Amalgamation: Pistoleer Specialization
71.107 KB
2023年2月9日 3時52分
4月7日 6時15分
4 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
このアイテムを使用するには、 DLC が必要です。

Amalgamation: Pistoleer Specialization

This mod adds a brand new primary Amalgamation specialization built around dual-wielding pistols, with some action movie-style abilities sprinkled in throughout.

How does it play?
With access to dual pistols from the get-go, the Pistoleer excels at bringing the pain, provided both shots hit their mark. This double-hit mechanic is at its strongest against unprotected foes, but armor or other forms of damage reduction may prove tougher to crack.

The spec's skill tree generally focuses on utility over increasing damage further, though a fully-grown Pistoleer should not be underestimated. A lot of skills interact in ways that may not be immediately obvious, often dealing additional damage or even applying twice outright.

Important info:
Dual-wielding is a bit of a weird system, and not all abilities work well with it. Some abilities may be a bit off on their damage previews, or will only use one pistol. I've tried to catch the worst combinations out with spec exclusions, but expect this to be a moving target going forward.

How balanced is it?
If you can manage to offset the lowered accuracy, the Pistoleer is quite strong indeed! Expect the spec to land a bit above baseline.

Shameless plug:
If you're looking for some fun weapons to use alongside this spec, I'd recommend checking out my Mass Effect Weapon Overhaul! It's what I did all my testing with, and the many custom pistols made for some really fun combinations.

Special thanks:
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2023年2月9日 10時03分
ピン留め: Spec abilities
36 件のコメント
XpanD  [作成者] 5月13日 5時21分 
Update: Got some testing in, found and reproduced the issue with a mod list consisting of just 4 mods. Seems like it is indeed related to Mitzruti's pack, so I've reported it there! Hope it's an easy fix.
Paddon 4月28日 7時46分 
I have that one in my pack too, so it's entirely possible! Enjoy the vacation :)
XpanD  [作成者] 4月28日 0時55分 
Got it. I'm heading off for vacation soon (and am working on getting a big update for another of my mods out before I leave), but I'll see if I can reproduce the issue when I get back.

For what it's worth... I'm still thinking it's a bad update somewhere, possibly from Mitzruti's Perk Pack? I've now seen the issue reported by several people, and the abilities have all been from that pack... Though that could always be a bad interaction with another mod, too.

Stay tuned!
Paddon 4月27日 17時08分 
I'm using a ballistic shield from Musashi's mod as a secondary weapon, the pistol is technically the primary. No other weapons
XpanD  [作成者] 4月20日 8時46分 
What's your secondary weapon? Any other weapons equipped? (e.g. a Dedicated Pistol Slot weapon or the like)
Paddon 4月20日 8時31分 
So it's a primary mag pistol (3-6 damage) with a superior scope and speed loader. The other skills along with pistolier are grenadier and knight. Not seeing any other equipment that could have modified the damage
XpanD  [作成者] 4月19日 22時23分 
Yeah, that's definitely not right. Damage will depend on which pistols you had equipped -- that minimum value of 8 does sound about right, but I'd expect the maximum to be only a few points above that.

Weirdly enough, I saw a similar issue on a stream yesterday, where there was another skill (Abyssal Shot) scaling like crazy too. Same exact issue (plausible minimums, crazy maximums), but different Amalgamation specs. Maybe there was a recent mod update somewhere that's causing issues?

Which exact pistols were you using? Any other equipment that could've affected damage? Also, which spec combo did your character have?
Paddon 4月19日 19時23分 
Okay I can confirm I just did 59 damage with that skill, not really sure what could be causing it
Paddon 4月19日 14時19分 
Honestly hard to say, I've only used it the one time (doing honour-man so trying not to cheat if possible) and had a visual bug where the damage number didn't actually appear on the pop-up so I'm not sure if it was low or high.

I'll see if I can work out if the damage is crazy or not. What sort of damage range should it be?
XpanD  [作成者] 4月19日 1時38分 
...alright, haven't seen that one yet. Predicted damage numbers are a bit weird with dual pistols, but they're usually too low, not... this. What does it do when you actually use it?