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Vanilla flavoured tweaks
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Vanilla flavoured tweaks

I like tinkering in games like this, it's part of the fun for me. Thus, the mod is a work in progress, with the intent of giving some more flavor to aspects of the game, mainly civics and authorities, without excessively deviating from vanilla.

Civics and Authorities changes log:
Other changes log:

Some other miscellaneous tweaks intended improve ai challenge are separated in another mod:

LATEST CHANGELOG (only recent changes)
Most living standards gain +3 additional rulers power, for a total distribution of +12, except shared burden, basic subsistence and utopian abundance.
Academic/Theocratic living standard favored specialist jobs power +2>1.5, base specialist power +3>2.5, worker +1>1.5
Basic Subsistence power +5/+1.25/-0.25
Shared burden now has the same pop power distribution as utopian.
Residence now has -50% resettlement cost and +200% resettlement chance. Species switched to residence will have their rulers instantly demoted.

Low council legitimacy issue: removed.

Ethics shift chance greatly increased for the first 6 months of the game.
The first batch of recruitable leaders at game start will have greater variety of ethics.
Low faction approval pop resources and happiness penalties reduced to -10%. Very low approval faction pop happiness -40>-30%
Imperialist: Artifacts usage 5>0 (removed), Strong diplo stance 10>5, Oppresive subjugation 5>0 (removed), Imperial Hegemony: now also counts being galactic emperor or being leader of a martial alliance, Martial Alliance 5>0 (removed).
Prosperity: Defensive Stance 10/-10> 5/-5, Artifacts usage 5>0 (removed), Solid liquidity 10>5, Aggressive diplo stance -10>-5
Progressive: Anti-stratification -10>-5, Legal Inequality -5>-10
Totalitarian: Extranational Authority now requires having a vassal, being the leader of a hegemony, or being galactic emperor.
Traditionalist: Consecrated worlds issue will show only after the player has 3 owned planets.
Xenoist: Zoos 0>2.5 (restored)
Thrall World: enactment time 720>30
Syncretic Evolution: Serviles trait point cost 0>1, happiness and resources 10>20%. Changed starting pop proportion between main/serviles from 16/12 to 24/4
Subterranean: Removed pop growth, assembly, empire size penalties, housing usage penalty: +20%.

- New Citizenship type: Limited Citizenship. Pops can't generate leaders, but unlike residence, benefit from high amenities bonus. -5% ruler happiness.
- Residence Citizenship: Pops now cannot work ruler jobs. Tooltip specifies that species won't get happiness from high amenities.
- Reverted battle thralls slavery to vanilla, mod's version of battle thralls deleted.
- Reverted thrall worlds to vanilla, but they can still be enacted without destroying buildings (will autodestroy invalid structures)
- Slaves trade vale 0.5>0.25. Chattel slaves now generate +0.25 tv.
- Arc welders origin: now also available for organic materialist empires.
- Tree of Life origin: now also available to individualist organic spiritualist empires. Colony ship food cost increase 500>200. Trees no longer have food upkeep, produce food instead, bombardment threshold to destroy them increased from 50% to 75%. Main tree grants +80 lifespan to empire owning it. Main tree/sapling housing and research bonuses replaced with +10/5% resources from jobs to organic pops. Adapted fluff to match the changes.
- Very high/low faction approval thresholds adjusted from 80/20 to 90/10, respectively.
- Negative faction resource from jobs penalty ramped to -15/30%. Low approval unhappiness -10>-20%.
- No councilor issue -15>-20
- Marginalized faction -10>-5
- Opposing ethics ruler approval -30>-15
- New common issue: Low Council Legitimacy: -5. Council legitimacy falls below 50%.
- Councilor common issue is now scaling: No Councilor/Represented on Council/Council Enroachment/Council Dominance -20/+5/10/15, have 0/1/3/5 councilors of faction's ethics.
- New common issue: Hostile Council, 3 or more councilors have opposite ethics to the faction
Further changes to factions issues:
- Xenoist: Multiculturalism 10>5. Zoos 5>0 (removed). Celebrate Diversity 5>0 (removed)
- Supremacist: Aggressive first contact 10>5. Oppressive Subjugation 10>5. Asserting Dominance 10>5. Disdain of History 5>0 (removed)
- Technologist: New Issue: Marvels of Engineering. +5/0 have a megastructure. Bleeding Edge 10>5. Cooperative Diplo Stance 5>0(removed) Research fed 5>0 (removed). Knowledge of the Past 5>0 (removed)
- Traditionalist: Spiritualist fed 5>0 (removed). Shroud Boon/Curse 5/-5>0 (removed). Comfort in the Past 5>0 (removed). Pious Polity/Secular State 5/-5>0 (removed). Psionic Pursuit (non-teachers version) 5>0 (removed). Spiritualist machines demand ascension 15>5. New issue: Secular State/Hermit's Retreat/Places of Pilgrimage/Consecrated Trinity: -5/5/10/15 Have 0/1/2/3 consecrated planets.
- Progressive: Anti-stratification: Now counts Decadent living standards as stratified.
- Totalitarian: new issue: Authoritarian Politics: +5/-5 Keep at least 3 other factions supressed, needs 5 factions to appear. Stratified Society: now counts Decadent living standards as stratified. Anti-democratic -10>-25. Hegemony Fed 5>0(removed)
- Imperialist: Strong Diplomacy 10>5, Oppressive Subjugation 5>0 (removed)
- Prosperity: Mercantile stance 10>5

Faction agendas preparation cost is now dependent on tier: tier 3 7000, tier 2 5250, tier 1 3500

New corporate Civic: Corporate Dynasty. Requires authoritarian. Incompatible with Cybercreed origin, Free traders civic. Swaps oligarchic election for imperial succession. Rulers have imperial effects, reign for life. +20% agenda effect duration, +1 leader capacity. Councilor: +2% trade value and office value, can only be occupied by Imperial Heir.
38 comentário(s)
consoomer  [autor(a)] 4 de ago. às 14:07 
Yes, automodding does not provide the leader effects for erudite, only the pop modifiers. I'll specify this in the changelog, sorry!
Aphyxia 4 de ago. às 13:19 
Regarding the Erudite trait being available for auto-modding. The problem with it is I want Erudite on my species for the leader traits but auto-modding does not provide that so I would have to take it separately anyway.
Grail Knight 26 de jul. às 13:11 
Yeah, they work fine now, thanks!
consoomer  [autor(a)] 24 de jul. às 4:45 
Hey, thank you! I fixed the rangers.
Grail Knight 23 de jul. às 18:46 
Ummm, sorry to bother you, but there's seems to be a problem with rangers from Enviromentalist civic.
They don't get bonus from blockers, I tested it with only this mod enabled, and it still was the case. Otherwise brilliant mod, but can you please look into this issue? I

Thanks for great mod anyway.
Melkorian 14 de jul. às 8:09 
hmmm ok, my mistake then, guess I've got some more tinkering to do 😂
consoomer  [autor(a)] 14 de jul. às 4:14 
Hello, Criminal Heritage can be selected just fine, I just checked it. Maybe you're using another mod that causes this behaviour?
Melkorian 14 de jul. às 1:35 
Hi letting you know that when I have this mod enabled, the Criminal Heritage civic disappeared/ becomes unavailable to be selected. I'm not sure if this has been brought up before or not it's just something I've noticed.
Aphyxia 9 de jul. às 15:07 
Okay. Thanks for the info.
consoomer  [autor(a)] 9 de jul. às 12:56 
No, is_playable_country = yes is a custom scripted trigger from ZoFE that would make this mod require other mods to function. You can make a mass replacement locally with notepad++ directly onto this mod's directory: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\281990\2929915062
or make your local copy to avoid it being overwritten on mod update.