La Tale

La Tale

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Questing/Unfunded Leveling Guide: Starting Out! Lv 1-50.
By Lumina
This is a Beginner walkthrough aimed at players starting off in LaTale. This one in particular lays out a very specific path for players to follow and proceed through the levels via quest maps, as opposed to grind maps. It will be detailed right down to managing your ely and starter resources as efficiently as possible while introducing and explaining features of the game at a reasonable pace and with good timing. This guide also assumes the player will not be buying astros (Except for a single warp crystal in due time) and works around that.

If you're not much for grind maps, give this guide a shot and I'll do my best to efficiently guide you through the levels and gear and all manner of progression!
This walkthrough is a beginner tutorial! Its directed at players totally new to the game. It will also help players who don't have access to astros follow a standardized path that makes the most of the ingame resources via quests and such to help keep reliance on astro items as minimal as possible. Feeling lost? This guide will set a path for you to focus on step by step. Once you feel more confident, you can branch out and play the game however you feel motivated to!

This is the walkthrough for level 1-50. Seperate Walkthroughs for 50-100, 100-170, and 170+ are planned for the future. So keep an eye out!

If you're new to latale or MMOs in general, or even feel as though you're too 'poor' to keep playing. Give my guide a try! Hopefully you'll find out something you never would have thought of otherwise!
So you just made a character!
First thing you'll do here is go through a basic tutorial to explain movements, jumping around and all that fun jazz. Be sure to take each quest and follow the directions listed. By the time you finish the basic tutorial, you should have enough exp to hit level 2. Also the Tutorial? End Quest will give you 15 grape starter potions, and a Special Hat, Top, and Bottom Armor. These are very useful pieces that will last you until Lv 25. Hold on to them!

Once you do, the skill menu will open with a skill point for you to spend! This menu can be accessed at anytime with the "K" key by default, but you can set it to any key whenever you wish. Most skills you can simply click and drag to a key slot as you wish.

  • Skill Menu Breakdown

As you can see, there's 3 main tabs, across the top part of the skill menu. On the bottom however, there are subtabs for each major category!


This is a list of generic/basic actions, ones such as jump and plain attack and fishing (to be covered later) can be hotkeyed and used at will, if you accidentally lose the hotkeys from your main tab, this is where you'll grab them from.
(tip: I suggest setting "Loot" to the space key. as the looting menu usually requires you to use space bar to claim items when opened. By setting loot to space, then it saves you the trouble of using 2 keys for the sake of picking up items!)

> Submenu: Emoticon: This is a menu where you can find, and use, many of LaTale's emoticons! Most of the time, you need a "Guidebook" to learn an emote. Books will drop from monsters that have a random success rate to learn an emote! While there's a handful that drop from monsters; you can get many more from the astro shop, various events, and ladeck too!


This tab contains weapon mastery passives, and attack skills for your class. If you're using a class that uses multiple Weapons. Along the bottom of the menu will be different weapon categories. If you're new, i suggest sticking to a single weapon. Try not to accidentally place skill points into another weapon class once you've made your initial choice.

(Dual weapon builds do exist, but they're not very effective so early on in the game, and its better to become more accustomed to gameplay before trying them out.)

Magic (Wizards Only)

This category contains magic skills. For Wizards to use magic skills, they need to have a Elemental Stone equipped. As this is where their magical power comes from. Wizards have 4 elements to choose from and allocate skill points to. Check your different element skills by clicking them from the submenu at the bottom. At lv 50, Sorcerors maintain access to all all 4 elements... but the wizards that choose to become bards will only have access to the Water element. (Don't worry, they get some pretty cool Guitar skills to make up for it!)

(Tip: Wizards can use all 4 elements at once. However, its best to focus on 2 elements as a new player. Take time to try them out and see which ones appeals to you most! I suggest getting the skills and masteries of one element, and only the skills , but not masteries, of your "lesser" element.)

Support Skills

This category contains passive skills, buffs and minor skills for each class! Bonus damage, extra hp, luck and more effects can be gained from support skills.

Mind the color of the skills in the window! Yellow/Gold colored skill icons are primarily passive (always on) skills. While Grey/Silver skills are primarily Active buff skills; they have to be used before they provide benefit.

> :Event Skill: This tab contains skills learned from events and quests and utility skills, such as mining, ignite, digging and even evasion skills such as an Explorer's "Backflip" (found via the power of an iris Stone) If you learn any such skills, be sure to check here for them.
>Item Skill: Items sometimes only allow for certain abilities while they're equipped, this tab is where you go to access them. Not many items give them though. However, plenty of events give items that bestow skills needed for event participation: this is the tab you check to find those.
>Ely: This tab contains Ely passive skills,as well as skills that are learned from certain items/guidebooks then leveled with ely spending INSTEAD of using Skill points. these are very expensive for new players. They're not neccessary for the most part. However if you got the cash to spend, they're very nice stat boosts.

Okay! Now that we've covered that, you're prolly wondering whats the best thing to do for your build... well... thats not the focus of THIS guide in general, try to keep the following "guidelines" in mind and you'll be sure to at least make a passable build for early game.

General Skill Build Tips

-Skill levels and Masteries are generally always useful to place points into. Always level the skills you seem to use the most or like the most.

-In Support, usually anything that adds Critical damage, Critical Rate or Max/Minimum damage as well as "Attack" (base damage) are solid passive skills to go for. So is any passives that reward Target Defense Decrease (Physical or Magical) for Wizards, Wind Walk is the go-to of choice. If you can't get any points into your masteries or any skills, try reaching such skills through the support tree. Anything that adds bonus effects such as stun or extra knockback is also good.

Everything else is usually lower priority and can be ignored if better choices exist. Though depending on the class... speed bonuses are great too!

Now that that's covered. Lets move on!
Entering the World.
The common goals in LaTale are many, some people go for all of them, some only care about a few. But there's always something.

-Discover and see all there is in the game at least once.
-Progress through the scenario quests.
-Have fun playing and sharing the game with other people.
-Beat up bosses.
-Collect neat loot.
-make gear.
-Have cool fashion.
-gradually improve their character.

Don't decide what you wanna focus on just yet. but later on its something to think about, for now you should just get used to the game itself!

After getting through the tutorial area you should now be in a sleepy little town called Belos!


What's in Belos?
*Unique to Belos*

-Home of the Rainbow Fishing Hole, a place you can fish for various items.

-Toma's Event Map: this place contains the Toma and Gema NPCs, Super puzzle coupons, Toma Coupons , Fashion Sets and more are usually claimed here. Additionally, Ely Boxes, special random item boxes are sold here with unique goods.

- Coliseum: Prove your strength in these arenas that spawn massive mobs of monsters at a limit of 30 runs a day. Unique beads and badges will drop here that allow you to claim boxes for coins. Which can then be used to claim special Coliseum armor and weapons. These however, are highly expensive for a new player, and isn't necessary for the early game. We may come back to it in the future though!

- Abio Red: This guy gives you a reward for every 10 levels you gain in the game! As well as every time you make a class upgrade! The majority of these are potions and exp pots. But you also get special boxes called Ding boxes, which give you random items! There's also ressurrection potions which are very useful. They revive your character on the spot. Without exp/ely loss. Use them carefully!


*Common resources in most towns*

- Tool/Puzzle/Cube Shop Esther: NPCs with the title [Tool&Puzzle&Cube] are npcs you can buy potions, Warp Capsules and Puzzles (The game's armor upgrade resource) from. If you need more potions, you know where to go.

- [Auction House] Muya: This lady is how you access the auction house. You can sell items automatically here and they can be sold while you're offline, no astros needed, all you have to pay is a modest ely fee. How convenient!

-Weapon and Armor Shop: NPCs sell all the weapon and armor you need. Each town has a select level range of gear. Elias is the odd one out. as it has items for sale all the way from lv 1-140! Every 10 levels or so, be sure to check your armor and see what can be upgraded! Not keeping your weapons/armor up to date can really slow down your killing speed or make surviving needlessly harder.

-Postman: Items can be mailed in towns via postmen, to other players, as well as other characters on the same account. Each mail costs 50 ely to send. You can hold up to 40 pieces of mail in your mailbox at anytime (10 pages worth)

-Bank: this NPC holds items and ely for you! you can bank 4 items by default. It costs astros to buy bank bags and upgrade that maximum. The bank is shared among all characters on the same account. So the best use for it is transferring items and ely between characters. There is also a "Gift Bundle" option, certain OGP events reward items! Most of the time, this option is what you use to claim them.

-Fancy Shop: hate the look of your Armor? Most of the starting towns sell ely-buyable fashion for you to wear and mask that armor. They're pretty pricey. But in the future they'll be affordable, feel free to window shop the selection each town has though!

-Pet Shop: Sells the Ugly Egg: a default pet that can be enchanted with a modest amount of stats. It also sells the gemstones needed to enchant pets (astro or otherwise) with stats that apply on your character. She also sells level up capsules, these can be used when your pet is at 100% exp to bring it to the next level; making them more useful for your character!

-Town Portals: Use ely to move from town to town here! Only the first couple of towns are covered but its very useful.

-Tombstone of Return: These reside in every town. Be sure to save at each one at least once. You get bonus exp for doing so, and they get registered in your waypoint list for doing so (Y key). Allowing you to warp to them at will with a Warp Crystal or Warp Crystal Shrapnel. You also get a bit of story regarding the area you're in. If you die, you can choose to be revived at the last Tombstone you saved at

-Iris Stones: while not in town, you'll encounter these in fields, and just like the tombstones can be saved and warped to at anytime so long as you have a crystal/shrapnel on hand. Unlike the Tombstones though, you can use an "Iris Stone Fragment" to warp to the one you last saved at. Making them useful to stock up on.

You can use the Waypoint menu to check which was the last tombstone and Iris stone you saved at. The menu even includes a shortcut button for them, so you don't need to scroll through to pick them out.

A thing to note: Many quests give warp crystal shards, a useful 3 day item that lets you use the waypoint system (Y key) to warp to any ressurection stone/Iris fragment in the game at will. Without using a warp capsule. Be sure to use them when you get them!

Warp Crystals are a astro item which provides a rechargable access to the waypoint system. It costs 121 astros, which is about the equivalent of 6-7$ USD depending on your payment type. Not necessary,but so you know!


Now that i've lightly gone over a lot of basics, please take a minute to open the "Help" Menu. Either through the Menu Button or the H key on your keyboard. This explains a lot of the games' basic subjects in visual detail. Be sure to look through: Skill, Pet, Quest, Map, Party, Trade Auction, Enchant and Upgrading Help menus in particular. These are things you will be using very often from here on. So take a moment to read through those, so that you're not confused going forward.
The Questing Begins
Now you should still be in Belos. Run back to Abio Red and take the quest "Start ? Item Purchase" and open the quest menu (Q key default). The Quest should show up under the tab named "Belos Quest". From there, click the name of the quest and the quest briefer menu should show up.

Quest UI?

There are two tabs at the top, Talk, and Summary. Talk is generally small talk describing some snippet of story around the quest. Summary, tells you specifically what to do to clear the quest. Always be sure to check both if a quest's "Purpose" text isn't clear, as oftentimes the "Summary" and sometimes "Talk" menu boxes will explain it better.

Additionally; there are 2 buttons here: NPC LOCAL shows where the NPC that gives the quest is located. and PERFORM AREA shows where your target for a quest is located. Sometimes they're not that reliable, so check summary and talk before using these 2 buttons for your quest.

Make using and reading all the information available to you a habit; it'll save you from being lost where a solution hides in plain sight! Also, familiarize yourself with using both the minimap and main map (M key default) to get around in the game. Locations can be clicked to see greater detail from the World Map (W Key) , and NPCs can be highlighted from the map to see who they are and what they do. Same with portals in maps! Making good use of the map will help you become more familiar with the game so that you don't get lost as easily!


Foray into the Forest.

Lets put these skills to use now then. After reading the summary tab of this quest, you should know to go to the Esther Shop NPC and buy a lesser potion from her. Do that and you should get a quest objective complete message, head back to Abio red and turn it in.

Continue to do his quests till he directs you to Ases. She's going to give you her quests, but before you go, be sure you go to the Weapon and Armor shop: you should now have enough ely to buy a full armor set.

Head, Top, Bottom, Gloves Shoes. And be sure to grab the weapon you want to use for your class. Some arent usable right away, so you'll have to get to lv 5 or so before equipping it, while using another weapon's normal combo.

If you did the tutorial however, you should have a very effective Hat. top and bottom that gives max hp and good defense, if you do, keep them, they will last you till lv 25, where we'll get some really cool armor. Update Everything else as you level except for those two pieces okay?

Continue to do quests in this area, following directions in the talk and summary tabs of each quest.

You'll mostly be working in Forest and Ancient Forest and eventually the Temple of Pluton. Be sure to buy a couple of Belos Warp Capsules and Iris Stone fragments; you can use them to bounce back to town after you finish quests to save time. as well as warp back to saved iris fragment to get right back into the action after accepting new ones. This will save time and make the levels come quicker!

Note:You don't always have to go for every quest. Some, like the quests "Tidy Up the Forest Area" and "Organization of collected items" by the [Forest] Ases NPC request a bit more work than the standard quest. If the drops for certain quests are proving to be a bit too much for the drop rate, (however, they do give a bit better items than the average quest such as that 30 day Priring fashion hat!) feel free to look around for less demanding quests and continue on if you're focused on leveling a bit quicker.

Also, at the Potion NPC: Buy potions equivalent to your current level, at least 150 of them: this makes a difference in the long run regarding your ability to survive this early in the game: you shouldn't need instant potions at all for normal grinding: if you are, it means you're mobbing too many monsters at once; try to limit yourself to fighting 3-4 at the most. Especially if they're Elite rank (3 Arrow) monsters.
Level 10: First Scenario Quest.
As you might have noticed.This game actually has a main plot. I'll try to put aside sections for clearing them as you level! They're usually referred to as Scenario Quests, and the majority of them will be automatically handed to you in a seperate quest count. Known as "Essential (or Mandatory) Quests"

Despite the urgent name, you don't have a time limit on these so you can tackle them as you wish, or even ignore them. However, access to certain bosses later on in the game will depend on your story progress. (Siam in particular.)

I'll try to keep these spoiler free as possible.

The first one you'll encounter is "Lady of the Flower" at Lv 10. This quest will start automatically by entering Ancient Forest 4. at portal shown next to the green icon here.

Simply progress the dialog and talk it out with the npc here to progress.
To Elias and Beyond!
Lv 1-25 Summary

Areas and Towns

Belos 1-10
Elias 10-20
Yong Guyong 20-30
Forest 1-5
Ancient Forest 5-10
Temple of Pluton 9-15
Underground Cave 17-22
Mountain Area 22-25

Noteworthy Items

Starter Grape Potion: Notice that you get quite a decent stack of these when you start the game, they are effective up till lv 50. Once you're past this level, you can no longer use them. Eventually you're going to enter your first instance dungeon... if you want to solo this dungeon. Save them!

Noteworthy Quests

Here i'll go over quests that have some useful items for you or are just plain good. Not much at this level range but worth noting anyway. I'll be sure to mention any note worthy quests for every 10 levels.

Lv 7 Mirin (Belos):Adventure with a Pet!
-Gives a handsome Egg,which is a pet that lives 7 days and provides FREE autoloot! I suggest saving this quest for a period of time you know you'll be able to play fairly often and make as much progress as possible with it.

Lv 10 Mirin (Belos) Sell Yourself!

- Gives a Free Channel mic, shout out to people on a channel! If you plan to use it to sell something, do it on channel 1! Or you can be silly with it and use it for another purpose. Your choice. Just don't be rude or harass others in its use. GMs will moderate reports of such.

Lv 25 Ases @ Temple of Pluton: Power to Defeat Invoke!

-Gives a ring and earring that gives 100 hp each! This will prove essential for your first scenario quest!


Questing your way through vs Grinding

Now as a new player, if you've been questing your way through you should have no problem affording keeping your armor up to date and maintaining proper potion stock. If you don't. It means you've been trying to straight grind: this does not work well for new characters without prior funding, as your equipment will begin to fall behind and you'll have trouble affording up to date potions.

This will ultimately make the game -harder- for you in the long run.
-Monsters will hurt more.
-you won't have up to date potions to keep up with that extra hurt.
-And you'll have to stop grinding to work on building up funds.

Stick to questing until you can afford to grind. Remember to upgrade your basic npc weapon, gloves and shoes, every 10 levels or so. If you have the special Hat. Top. And Pants from the tutorial that give 100 hp a piece, continue to use those. if not. Upgrade your basic npc bought top bottom and hat too!

As you do quests, be sure to make use of the World Map, (W key default) and Area map (M key Default). The Summary or Dialog of each quest will tell you where to go. The Map will show you where the locations are. As you play more you will need to rely on the map less often, but if you're new, keep looking at it.. a lot!


I found a card with a ? on it....?

Monsters in LT all have an associated monster card that drops! Check the Menu for a option called Monster Illustration. Plenty of blanks right? Those cards help you fill it. Each card has a success rate, if you succeed. You Activate the card in your illustration book. Which gives permanent stats on your character and allows you to read up on a snippet of that monster's background!

The monster illustration book, if properly maintained, will give you a lot of extra power that will make your leveling experience much easier. If you continue to quest through the game and collect cards in the process, you'll have a lot more base stats compared to someone who simply used grind maps to get to the same level. Of course, someone who chooses to grind can always get the cards later on. They just have to play catch up!


Eventually, at about lv 13 and dabbling around with Temple of Pluton Requests... You'll be introduced to Elias.


Whats unique to Elias?

-(Tool/Puzzle/Cube) NPC (Dora/Hanui): Sells NPC potions From lv 10- 150.
-(Weapon Shop) Sean, (Armor Shop) Nemy: Sells Weapons and armor from Lv 10-150.
-(Beauty Shop) Bonnie, (Change Gender) Gruman
-PVP Arena
- (Drill Instructor) Ignate:
Manages Item Codex, Blacksmith Coupon,Ignate Title Coupon,Epic Armor Coupon and Bundle of Love Exchange.
-Premium Shop: A special Room where you can access a group of services you can't find anywhere else. Look for a big Red "!" Sign! Inside you will find...
> (Guild Management) Shubur: Lets you enter the Guild Room, as well as create (With the use of Guild Crystals) and delete guilds.
> Item Lock Shalo: Allows you to lock equipment and protect it from being destroyed, traded, accidentally sold, enchanted OR upgraded. All for free! Keep this in mind when you have valuable equipment you consider finished. No more worrying about selling valuable armor/weapons by mistake! It can also serve as the last line of defense should your account be compromised. The first line of defense is being careful with your account password and avoiding phishing schemes along with the email account associated with your OGP account.
> (ReAllotment of Options) Tonio: This npc can CHANGE the blue line enchants on your armor for a fee. This is generally preferred for good armor with bad basic enchants. Do this BEFORE enchanting armor yourself; as the stats you get on reoption WILL erase what you do manually, including the purple, player added stat you made. IF you find good armor/weapons with high dura, and several blue line enchants that arent what you need. You come to this guy.
> (Union) Bianca: This npc will help you choose your first craft! For a new player, i suggest Alchemy for a new player, its much easier to level overall and you can make useful consumables that you'll use even at endgame! Accessory is also a good choice, as eventually you'll be able to craft some useful ones. Refining, Armor and Weapon require a bit more dedication and knowledge to make the most of. Again, my suggestions for new players are Alchemy and Accessory! Choose wisely!

-Spooky Dungeon 30, 60, 90, Nightmare village: These are powergrinding areas that take a lot of ely and gear to successfully grind in. 30 and 60 with a party should be managable grinding for most players, but 90 may require some gearing work. Be very careful not to go broke, or waste your time soloing while undergeared here. But if you have the gear, the levels will fly by, especially with a EXP potion!

-Elias Airport: Janice Janice: Warps you To the Wedding hall, which lets you get fictionally married in LT (YAY). The Big Apple, which lets you challenge the Monster Tower and reach machine city; or go to Webfoot Octopus Temple, a high level area which will probably get you killed this early in the game.

Phew, that was a big list. Don't worry, the rest of the towns won't be so complex. Elias and Belos are your major hubs in the game, its better to know what they all do now. Back to your quests!

Also, at this point in the game, you may outlevel quests at the rate you get them, if you have higher level quests available. Ignore the lower level ones for the higher level ones unless they seem easy enough, or give noteworthy prizes... or they're the only ones left.

The only exception, is that you often get quests that simply tell you to talk to another NPC. Those are usually fast, and noticable exp for the small time commitment. Always do those. Matter of fact, around the 14ish level, Yawhi of Elias gives a chain of them!
(SQ)Lv 15: Der's Bow (1)
For this quest. You have to start a auto dialog in Temple of Pluton 1.

Would be roughly the spot.

After that dialog, go to Pluton Shrine 3, and kill the goblins until Serestia drops. Turn in is at [Temple] Ases.

Der's Bow (2)

  • Equip Serestia.
  • Go to the Restaurant in Belos. Far right of town.
  • Use normal and hard attack to eliminate the goblin kings.
  • Unequip Serestia and turn in quest at Yawhi NPC.

First Dungeon Run?
At lv 25-26 or so you can gain access to your very first instance dungeon armor set. The Invoke Armor set. There's an instance dungeon deep in Temple of Pluton you can enter for it. It requires you to kill all of the monsters in each room to open the portal to the next map.

Now is the time for you to try out the Party Indexing System! Press the ] (Right Bracket) key and you will see a menu like this.

Type in what you're making the Party for in the title, make it simple but clear for people. Then in detail you put in well. any specifics, such as who or what you need. After you hit make, you'll become registered and anyone can click "join party" from the index menu to request being added. So there's a bit of a waiting game. However you just might get that party you'll be needing for this.
Its much better to run this with a party. BUT. if after a long wait you don't. IT IS possible to solo this dungeon, but it requires you achieve at least 1000 hp and that you have SAVED those Grape Starter Potions i mentioned before. The run will also take in the range of 40 minutes. Again, you don't have to solo, but if you're up for the challenge... You should probably brush up on your Grinding habits[] here.

-Most rooms in the dungeon open up when either all, or the majority of monsters have been killed. Keep an eye out, and whatever you do. Don't draw the aggro of too many monsters at once. Just run away till they lose aggro: and try again.
-Time your usage of grape soda potions well as you run the dungeon, if your normal potions can do the job and arent on cooldown, use those instead mid fight. Only when you're on the ropes or in trouble should you be using the Grape potions. Conserve them!
- You don't have to constantly attack, do a bit of running around so the monsters have to waste time chasing you, this gives your potions more time to cooldown and can make the difference between needing instant potions and only needing normal potions.
- If you have a party member on your side: work with them, it will save you tons of potions and time: if the monsters are aggroing on one of you, the other should start attacking them from behind: this renders extra damage, and the person attacking from behind won't be getting hit... until they draw aggro.
- Nues are DANGEROUS for a Lv 25 and are the reason you need at least 1k hp. Its actually BETTER to stay up close to Nues, mainly because they have several attacks. The one that hurts the most is the green electricity they fire from their tails, and Nues will spam it repeatedly if you keep a distance gap. By staying close to the nue, it uses that attack less often, and uses its punching instead, which is much less damage overall. This monster WILL make you use those starter grape potions.
- The invoke boss itself is actually much easier than the Nues, its just more time consuming. Keep attacking as much as you can and use grape sodas as needed. Its Danger attack is best avoided by jumping into the lava, going under the platform and ducking. Even IF he attacks the platform you're ducking under, you won't get get hit by the fire blast. You'll take trace damage from standing on lava, its much better than eating a full on flamethrower, but keep an eye on your hp if it runs low.

Once you're done, you'll find plenty of invoke armor pieces. This set gives a lot of Stamina and can be enchanted up to lv 12! Now. Here's what you should do, try to get one of every piece at least: THEN. Try to get multiple copies of any pieces you can find,


Because now its time to formally introduce you to the Enchant system!

Our First Enchanting run!

Let's go over the basics. Enchanting is the process of using a "Puzzle" to level up one of the "Options" (Blue and Purple Colored stat upgrades) on the weapon and armor. They can be bought from [Tool/Puzzle/Cube] Title NPCs. Once you have a puzzle purchased and a piece of equipment to enchant. Go into the item menu and click the enchant icon on the bottom there. The icon of a Sword with a gold ring around it. Put the Weapon in the first box. The Puzzle in the 2nd. Then hit Execute. Mind the success rate. If it succeeds,the stat will increase.
Keep in mind that each normal puzzle carries an ely fee the higher the level of the enchant. Super Puzzles however don't carry that fee. So if your budget is super tight, might wanna back off from enchanting for the time being.

Most every Weapon and Armor has a numerical Durability. This stat is reduced everytime you enchant or upgrade them. Normal puzzles will eat anywhere from 5-15 dura. However, your success rate in enchanting is reduced by 1% for every point below 105 dura the equipment is. Keep this is mind. As you can choose to risk below this amount. or "Play it safe" by enchanting things down to that 100ish dura range and keeping them as is.

For now, we'll only be enchanting those spare pieces of Invoke we managed to find. Do not. I repeat, do not ever risk your last copy of an armor set on enchanting. Just keep it for the time being.

Your homework with the spare invoke pieces is to enchant the following stats on the following armor pieces as close to lv 10 as you reasonably can.
-Head: Stamina
-Top: Stamina
-Bottom: Stamina
-Gloves: Critical Damage (Physical or Magic depending on your class.
-Shoes: Movement Speed

You can settle for a lower level if you want for any of the enchants... the set itself already gives an impressive amount of stats to handle everything at your current level. The extra stats we're enchanting will make your soloing go even more smoothly should it be necessary. If you have the extra dura you can actually go for extra stats too. However, the more enchanting you do the greater risk of blowing up things. No Risk, no Reward. Check out The Role Of Gear Section in my grinding guide[] for some extra study on what to aim for beyond this basic setup.

Hopefully you made a good first dungeon set. This lovely setup of gear will get you to Lv 46 without needing to update your 5 main pieces of armor. Where they'll be replaced by another armor set! Congrats!

So now we're at lv 25 with a nice set of armor and some decent knowledge of the game under our belt. Halfway to our first class promotion! I'll continue this walkthrough at another time. for now. Continue questing, mind your gear, make friends and have fun. To Be Continued
Versuft 25 Jul, 2015 @ 7:46am 