Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

42 个评价
All commands of HexToMax's Customizable HP Regen Script
由 Hex To Max 制作
[Commands applied to all functions]
!hpregen_enable [value]
Range of values: 1 enable / 0 disable (default: 1)
Enable HexToMax's Customizable HP Regen Script

!hpregen_adrenaline_value_original [value]
Range of values: 0~100 (default: 25)
When adrenaline is used the survivor will get this amount of temporary HP instantly (this command will function regardless of the value of '!hpregen_enable'

!hpregen_pill_value_original [value]
Range of values: 0~100 (default: 50)
When pain pills are used the survivor will get this amount of temporary HP instantly (this command will function regardless of the value of '!hpregen_enable'
[Commands applied to main HP regen]
!hpregen_enable_onfire [value]
Range of values: 1 enable / 0 disable (default: 0)
If disabled(0) HP regeneration will stop when the survivor is on fire

!hpregen_enable_onvomit [value]
Range of values: 1 enable / 0 disable (default: 1)
If disabled(0) HP regeneration will stop when the survivor is covered by vomit

!hpregen_enable_onsi [value]
Range of values: 1 enable / 0 disable (default: 0)
If disabled(0) HP regeneration will stop when the survivor is seized by special infected(Charger, Hunter, Smoker, Jockey)
[Commands applied to main HP regen when the survivor is NOT IN black and white]
!hpregen_value [value]
Range of values: 0~100 (default: 1)
Amount of HP to regenerate every interval (max HP can't exceed 100)

!hpregen_interval [value]
Range of values: 0~1000 (default: 20)
HP will regenerate every this interval (unit: second)

!hpregen_threshold [value]
Range of values: 1~100 (default: 40)
Threshold to which HP will regenerate

!hpregen_enable_onlystop [value]
Range of values: 2 / 1 / 0 (default: 0)
If the value is 2 HP will regenerate only when the survivor is standing still (current speed = 0)
If the value is 1 HP will regenerate only when the survivor is standing still or walking or crouching (current speed < 86)
If the value is 0 HP will regenerate regardless of the survivor's current speed

!hpregen_hurttime [value]
Range of values: 1~60 / 0: disable (default: 0)
Delay time (unit: second) for which HP will not regenerate after receive damage

!hpregen_type [value]
Range of values: 1 permanent / 0 temporary (default: 1)
HP type to regenerate
[Commands applied to main HP regen when the survivor is IN black and white]
!hpregen_enable_blackandwhite [value]
Range of values: 1: eanble / 0:disable (default: 1)
If disabled(0) HP regeneration will stop when the survivor is in black and white

!hpregen_value_blackandwhite [value]
Range of values: 0~100 (default: 1)
Amount of HP to regenerate every interval (max HP can't exceed 100)

!hpregen_interval_blackandwhite [value]
Range of values: 0~1000 (default: 25)
HP will regenerate every this interval (unit: second)

!hpregen_threshold_blackandwhite [value]
Range of values: 1~100 (default: 40)
Threshold to which HP will regenerate

!hpregen_enable_onlystop_blackandwhite [value]
Range of values: 2 / 1 / 0 (default: 0)
If the value is 2 HP will regenerate only when the survivor is standing still (current speed = 0)
If the value is 1 HP will regenerate only when the survivor is standing still or walking or crouching (current speed < 86)
If the value is 0 HP will regenerate regardless of the survivor's current speed

!hpregen_hurttime_blackandwhite [value]
Range of values: 1~60 / 0: disable (default: 0)
Delay time (unit: second) for which HP will not regenerate after receive damage

!hpregen_type_blackandwhite [value]
Range of values: 1: permanent / 0: temporary (default: 1)
HP type to regenerate
[Commands applied to extra HP regen of pain pills]
!hpregen_pill_enable [value]
Range of values: 1 enable / 0 disable (default: 0)
Enable extra HP regen of pain pills

!hpregen_pill_type [value]
Range of values: 1 permanent / 0 temporary (default: 0)
HP type to regenerate

!hpregen_pill_threshold [value]
Range of values: 1~100 (default: 100)
Threshold to which HP will regenerate

!hpregen_pill_value [value]
Range of values: 0~100 (default: 10)
Amount of HP to regenerate every tick (max HP can't exceed 100)

!hpregen_pill_maxtick [value]
Range of values: 0~10 (default: 5)
Maximum value of the tick
When the survivor uses pain pills HP will regenerate every tick
the tick value starts with 0 and every time HP regenerates the value will increase by one
HP regeneration will stop when the value reaches to the maximum

!hpregen_pill_interval [value]
Range of values: 1~10 (default: 1)
Interval between ticks (unit: second)

!hpregen_pill_onsi [value]
Range of values: 1 enable / 0 disable (default: 1)
If disabled(0) HP regeneration will stop when the survivor is seized by special infected(Charger, Hunter, Smoker, Jockey)

!hpregen_pill_onfire [value]
Range of values: 1 enable / 0 disable (default: 1)
If disabled(0) HP regeneration will stop when the survivor is on fire

!hpregen_pill_hurttime_enable [value]
Range of values: 2 /1 / 0 (default: 0)
While in delay time(means 'hpregen_hurttime' command)
If the value is 2 HP regeneration will stop and current tick value increase by one
If the value is 1 HP regeneration will stop and current tick value be kept
If the value is 0 HP regeneration will continue
[Commands applied to extra HP regen of adrenaline]
!hpregen_adrenaline_enable [value]
Range of values: 1 enable / 0 disable (default: 0)
Enable extra HP regen of adrenaline

!hpregen_adrenaline_type [value]
Range of values: 1 permanent / 0 temporary (default: 0)
HP type to regenerate

!hpregen_adrenaline_threshold [value]
Range of values: 1~100 (default: 100)
Threshold to which HP will regenerate

!hpregen_adrenaline_value [value]
Range of values: 0~100 (default: 10)
Amount of HP to regenerate every tick (max HP can't exceed 100)

!hpregen_adrenaline_maxtick [value]
Range of values: 0~10 (default: 5)
Maximum value of the tick
When the survivor uses adrenaline HP will regenerate every tick
the tick value starts with 0 and every time HP regenerates the value will increase by one
HP regeneration will stop when the value reaches to the maximum

!hpregen_adrenaline_interval [value]
Range of values: 1~10 (default: 1)
Interval between ticks (unit: second)

!hpregen_adrenaline_onsi [value]
Range of values: 1 enable / 0 disable (default: 1)
If disabled(0) HP regeneration will stop when the survivor is seized by special infected(Charger, Hunter, Smoker, Jockey)

!hpregen_adrenaline_onfire [value]
Range of values: 1 enable / 0 disable (default: 1)
If disabled(0) HP regeneration will stop when the survivor is on fire

!hpregen_adrenaline_hurttime_enable [value]
Range of values: 2 /1 / 0 (default: 0)
While in delay time(means 'hpregen_hurttime' command)
If the value is 2 HP regeneration will stop and current tick value increase by one
If the value is 1 HP regeneration will stop and current tick value be kept
If the value is 0 HP regeneration will continue
[Commands of each preset]
hpregen_enable = 1
hpregen_threshold = 40
hpregen_threshold_blackandwhite = 40
hpregen_enable_blackandwhite = 1
hpregen_interval = 20
hpregen_interval_blackandwhite = 25
hpregen_value = 1
hpregen_value_blackandwhite = 1
hpregen_enable_onfire = 0
hpregen_enable_onvomit = 1
hpregen_enable_onsi = 0
hpregen_enable_onlystop = 0
hpregen_enable_onlystop_blackandwhite = 0
hpregen_hurttime = 0
hpregen_hurttime_blackandwhite = 0
hpregen_type = 1
hpregen_type_blackandwhite = 1

hpregen_pill_enable = 0
hpregen_pill_type = 0
hpregen_pill_threshold = 100
hpregen_pill_value = 10
hpregen_pill_interval = 1
hpregen_pill_onsi = 1
hpregen_pill_onfire = 1
hpregen_pill_hurttime_enable = 0
hpregen_pill_value_original = 50
hpregen_pill_maxtick = 5

hpregen_adrenaline_enable = 0
hpregen_adrenaline_type = 0
hpregen_adrenaline_threshold = 100
hpregen_adrenaline_value = 5
hpregen_adrenaline_interval = 1
hpregen_adrenaline_onsi = 1
hpregen_adrenaline_onfire = 1
hpregen_adrenaline_hurttime_enable = 0
hpregen_adrenaline_value_original = 25
hpregen_adrenaline_maxtick = 5

<Preset_1 (Modern Warfare like)>
hpregen_enable = 1
hpregen_threshold = 70
hpregen_threshold_blackandwhite = 40
hpregen_enable_blackandwhite = 1
hpregen_interval = 3
hpregen_interval_blackandwhite = 3
hpregen_value = 10
hpregen_value_blackandwhite = 10
hpregen_enable_onfire = 0
hpregen_enable_onvomit = 1
hpregen_enable_onsi = 0
hpregen_enable_onlystop = 0
hpregen_enable_onlystop_blackandwhite = 0
hpregen_hurttime = 10
hpregen_hurttime_blackandwhite = 15
hpregen_type = 1
hpregen_type_blackandwhite = 1

hpregen_pill_enable = 0

hpregen_adrenaline_enable = 0

<Preset_2 (Delayed healing for pain pills and adrenaline)>
hpregen_enable = 1
hpregen_value = 0
hpregen_value_blackandwhite = 0

hpregen_pill_enable = 1
hpregen_pill_type = 0
hpregen_pill_threshold = 100
hpregen_pill_value = 10
hpregen_pill_interval = 1
hpregen_pill_onsi = 1
hpregen_pill_onfire = 1
hpregen_pill_hurttime_enable = 0
hpregen_pill_value_original = 10
hpregen_pill_maxtick = 4

hpregen_adrenaline_enable = 1
hpregen_adrenaline_type = 0
hpregen_adrenaline_threshold = 100
hpregen_adrenaline_value = 5
hpregen_adrenaline_interval = 1
hpregen_adrenaline_onsi = 1
hpregen_adrenaline_onfire = 1
hpregen_adrenaline_hurttime_enable = 0
hpregen_adrenaline_value_original = 5
hpregen_adrenaline_maxtick = 4

<Preset_3 (only to prevent very slow move when HP is 1)>
hpregen_enable = 1
hpregen_threshold = 2
hpregen_threshold_blackandwhite = 2
hpregen_enable_blackandwhite = 1
hpregen_interval = 3
hpregen_interval_blackandwhite = 3
hpregen_value = 1
hpregen_value_blackandwhite = 1
hpregen_enable_onfire = 0
hpregen_enable_onvomit = 1
hpregen_enable_onsi = 0
hpregen_enable_onlystop = 0
hpregen_enable_onlystop_blackandwhite = 0
hpregen_hurttime = 5
hpregen_hurttime_blackandwhite = 5
hpregen_type = 1
hpregen_type_blackandwhite = 1

hpregen_pill_enable = 0

hpregen_adrenaline_enable = 0

<Preset_4 (slow heal when don't move)>
hpregen_enable = 1
hpregen_threshold = 100
hpregen_threshold_blackandwhite = 100
hpregen_enable_blackandwhite = 1
hpregen_interval = 4
hpregen_interval_blackandwhite = 4
hpregen_value = 5
hpregen_value_blackandwhite = 5
hpregen_enable_onfire = 0
hpregen_enable_onvomit = 1
hpregen_enable_onsi = 0
hpregen_enable_onlystop = 2
hpregen_enable_onlystop_blackandwhite = 2
hpregen_hurttime = 4
hpregen_hurttime_blackandwhite = 4
hpregen_type = 1
hpregen_type_blackandwhite = 1

hpregen_pill_enable = 0

hpregen_adrenaline_enable = 0

<Preset_5 (good thing I'm indestructible)>
hpregen_enable = 1
hpregen_threshold = 100
hpregen_threshold_blackandwhite = 100
hpregen_enable_blackandwhite = 1
hpregen_interval = 1
hpregen_interval_blackandwhite = 1
hpregen_value = 100
hpregen_value_blackandwhite = 100
hpregen_enable_onfire = 1
hpregen_enable_onvomit = 1
hpregen_enable_onsi = 1
hpregen_enable_onlystop = 0
hpregen_enable_onlystop_blackandwhite = 0
hpregen_hurttime = 0
hpregen_hurttime_blackandwhite = 0
hpregen_type = 1
hpregen_type_blackandwhite = 1

hpregen_pill_enable = 0

hpregen_adrenaline_enable = 0
22 条留言
T626 9 月 21 日 上午 6:45 
@Hex to Max Just to be clear. I've copied and pasted preset 5 Good Thing I'm Indestructible into a new text document, titled "hpregensettings.cfg" that I've put into the hpregen_hextomax ems folder. To activate it, I just have to type in !hpregen_enable 1 in the game chat, right?
Hex To Max  [作者] 8 月 14 日 下午 6:21 
@鄢桀蚀荼 into chat box not in console
鄢桀蚀荼 8 月 14 日 上午 7:52 
Where to input the command
I input command like "!preset_default", "hpregen_interval_blackandwhite_1" , "!hpregen_adrenaline_hurttime_enable " in console ,but show Unknown Command
the file "hpregen_hextomax" created successfully , but with nothing in it
please show me a currect example command to test for its work
logan 6 月 13 日 上午 7:56 
thank you very much :steamthumbsup:
Axel ♾ 3 月 8 日 上午 11:50 
question: where you have to put the commands
Hex To Max  [作者] 2023 年 3 月 21 日 上午 6:52 
@Siti Isabella Wulansari as said in instructions the value of all commands must be integer not floating point so there's no way to put float value in it
Siti Isabella Wulansari 2023 年 3 月 21 日 上午 1:57 
Hello there, @Hex To Max
I love this mod HP regen. But, 1 question here:

have a "float"s here, What kind of these?
Warda 2023 年 2 月 20 日 上午 10:43 
Nice work
Hex To Max  [作者] 2023 年 2 月 7 日 上午 6:33 
@OwO it's a good thing you found the cause:steamhappy:
OwO 2023 年 2 月 7 日 上午 6:04 
oohhh now i discovered why it wasent working, i had put threshold on 2 because i missread and thought this was the cooldown between heals
so the mod was working, it was just healing me if i got to 1 health XD sorry mate