Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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VNL KZ binds/aliases
By femboy número um do brasil
Note that some of them may get you banned from some servers (not gbanned).
Some of them might be questionable. Use AT YOUR OWN RISK (from getting banned from servers, not gbanned).

All of those are better if you create a .cfg file to exec them through your console. Note that all aliases will be gone once you restart your CS. This can make some of your keys useless and you will need to re-bind them appropriately.

For any alias/bind, copy and paste EACH line ONE BY ONE into your console. Replace <key> with your key (e.g bind <key> +lj becomes bind mouse1 +lj)
Commands from a .cfg file can be executed (exec) through your console by typing exec <filename>. This is very useful for things like long jump binds which have multiple lines to be imputed in the console.


My cfg is called lj.cfg. To execute any commands in the file, I would type: exec lj in my console.

How to make one:

Go to steam client > right click csgo > manage (browse local files) > csgo > cfg.

In this folder, create a notepad and name it however you’d like with .cfg at the end (notice the dot).
From there, you can write any commands line by line.
Longjump bind
Both of those aliases give you a perfect crouch jump (which gives you more height) on pressing a single key. Binding long jumps is what is referred to as “binding” in VNL.

(without W release) alias +cj "+duck; +jump"; alias -cj "-duck; -jump"; bind <key> +cj
(with W release) alias +lj "+duck; +jump; -forward"; alias -lj "-duck; -jump"; bind <key> +lj
Note: You will get banned from servers that do not allow -forward (not gbanned).

A way to crouch jump or lowjump with scroll: bind <key> "bind mwheeldown cj1"; alias cj2 "-duck;-jump;bind mwheeldown +jump"; alias cj1 "+duck;+jump;bind mwheeldown cj2"; (scroll down, replace by wheelup for up)
Pressing <key> will make the next jump with your mouse wheel either a crouch jump (slow scroll), low jump (fast scroll) or a normal jump (very, very fast scroll). You can add -forward to the cj1 if you want W release.
You can bind a key to multiple functions as well. bind 2 "sm_gocheck; bind mwheeldown cj1" to enable this every time you teleport.

If you want to bind a key to this along with a "+" function (eg. +duck) use the example below:

alias +duck2 "+duck; bind mwheeldown cj1"; alias -duck2 "-duck"; bind ctrl +duck2;
Lowjump bind (48 height)
Also known as the minijump, 48 height jump or 1 tick bind, this bind allows you to consistently get 48 height jumps. All the binds except gliptal’s bind uses mouse1 and mouse2 as keys. To know if you low jumped, you can enable !distbug or !jsalways. You can replace mouse1 and mouse2 by any other 2 keys.

BEST lowjump bind at the moment bind <key> "+jump 1; -jump 1; +duck 1; -duck 1; -forward"
Gives you full pre, includes -forward (which can get you banned on some servers, not gbanned)

alias _48 "bind mouse1 48"; alias 48 "+jump 1 ; -jump 1 ; +duck 1 ; -duck 1 ; -forward ; bind mouse1 +jb"; bind v "_48"
Pressing your “v” key (or bind to something else) will make your next left click a lowjump
Ladder jump bind
alias "+fc" "+back; +moveleft"; alias "-fc" "-back; -moveleft"; bind "<key>" "+fc" (this is to LAJ while looking backwards)
Replace +back; +moveleft etc with any 2 directions you want depending on how you LAJ.

Some keyboards cannot input 2 keys at the same time (required for straight up LAJs of ~70+ units). This alias allows you to bind a key to bypass this problem and make those types of LAJs consistent.

Ladder jump bind on scroll with -W alias ladder1 "+forward; +moveleft 1; bind mwheelup ladder2"; alias ladder2 "-forward; -moveleft 1;" bind 2 "sm_gocheck; bind mwheelup ladder1";
This bind will make you LAJ on scroll (has W release). To use it, you need to make sure your timer isn’t shown in the !menu (menu with TP, CP, pause, etc). Disable your menu to make this bind work. Pressing 2 will TP you to your most recent CP and will activate the bind. To get different LAJ pres, replace right/left and replace mwheelup/down

Ladder jump bind with -W alias +lajbindL "+mleft; -mfwd"; alias -lajbindL "-mleft"; alias +ljlajL "+mfwd; +mleft"; alias -ljlajL "-mfwd"; alias Llajbind "bind a +lajbindL; bind w +ljlajL; bind d +mright"; alias ljlajLt "bind space +ljlajL"; // bind a key to "ljlajL" to make the LAJ feel more like a LJ (bind space back to whatever you had it binded as before) // type "Llajbind" in console to use the bind for left pre // type "nulls" in console after you're done using the bind alias +lajbindR "+mright; -mfwd"; alias -lajbindR "-mright"; alias +ljlajR "+mfwd; +mright"; alias -ljlajR "-mfwd"; alias Rlajbind "bind d +lajbindR; bind w +ljlajR; bind a +mleft"; alias ljlajrt "bind space +ljlajr"; // bind a key to "ljlajr" to make the LAJ feel more like a LJ (bind space back to whatever you had it binded as before) // type "Rlajbind" in console to use the bind for rightpre // type "nulls" in console after you're done using the bind // nulls are required for the binds to work alias nulls "bind a +mleft; bind w +mfwd; bind d +mright; bind s +mback"
Checkpoint bind
Bind mwheelup “sm_checkpoint” (scroll up)
Bind mwheeldown “sm_checkpoint” (scroll down)

Sm_checkpoint is the GOKZ console command to set a checkpoint. This bind allows you to set many checkpoints VERY quickly. This is what is used to set checkpoints on bhop triggers.

alias "scroll" "scroll2"; alias "scroll2" "unbind mwheelup;bind mwheelup sm_checkpoint;playvol buttons/combine_button1 1.5;alias scroll scroll3"; single line alias "scroll3" "unbind mwheelup;bind mwheelup +jump;playvol buttons/combine_button7 1.5;alias scroll scroll2"; single line bind "F5" "scroll"
This bind allows you to toggle between having mwheelup as jumping or setting checkpoints. Once pressed, it will make a sound to tell you whether you used it or not. You can replace F5 by any other key.
Jumpbug bind
alias +jb "+jump; -duck; -forward"; alias -jb "-jump"; bind <key> +jb
The JB bind makes you uncrouch at the same tick that you jump with the binded key. This causes you to get a perf JB almost every time (no perfs are very, very rare).

Note: This may get you banned from servers that do not allow -forward.

JB bind toggle on/off alias "+JB" "+jump; -duck; -mfwd"; alias "-JB" "-jump; -mfwd"; alias tick "bind mouse1 +duck; bind mouse2 +jb"; alias notick "bind mouse1 "+attack"; bind mouse2 "+attack2""; alias jbbindt "bind mouse1 +duck;bind mouse2 +jb;bind key nojbbindt"; alias nojbbindt "bind mouse1 +attack;bind mouse2 +attack2;bind key jbbindt"; Allows you to toggle JB bind on or off.
Scroll JB bind #1 alias +reset "+forward;-jump;bind mwheelup +jb1"; alias -reset "-forward"; bind w +reset; alias "+jb1" "+duck"; alias "-jb1" "bind mwheelup +jb2"; alias "+jb2" "-duck;+jump"; alias "-jb2" "bind mwheelup +jb3"; alias "+jb3" "-jump"; alias "-jb3" "bind mwheelup +jump"; bind mwheelup +jb1;
Scroll up to use it (or change it to scroll down). Gives the same advantages as normal JB bind. It should make drops much easier to JB bind. The reset key is on W (forward) but you can change it to whatever you like. Notice that this is on scroll up.

Scroll JB bind #2 bind w +reset alias +reset "+forward;bind mwheelup tick" alias -reset "-forward" alias tick "+duck;bind mwheelup tick1" alias tick1 "-duck;+jump 1;-jump 1"
Works the same way as scroll JB bind #1 but is more consistent. Notice that in this bind, it is scroll up.

JB binding on couch release alias +jb "+duck" alias -jb "-duck;+jump 1;-jump 1" bind "mouse2" "+jb"
To use this bind, press mouse2 to activate it (can be replaced by anything else). Once activated, releasing crouch on the right timing will automatically make you jump and hit a perf JB

Half sideways bind
alias +hsw1 "-back;+forward" alias +hsw2 "-forward;-moveright;+back;+moveleft" alias +hsw3 "-forward;+back" alias +hsw4 "-back;-moveleft;+forward;+moveright" alias -hsw1 "-forward" alias -hsw2 "-back;-moveleft" alias -hsw3 "-back" alias -hsw4 "-forward;-moveright" bind w +hsw1 bind a +hsw2 bind s +hsw3 bind d +hsw4
This bind will make you HSW (go in diagonal) by pressing a combination of forward/backward + A/D.
Note: This may get you banned from servers that do not allow -forward.
(normal nulls, inferior) bind W "+mfwd" bind S "+mback" bind A "+mleft" bind D "+mright" alias +mfwd "-back; +forward" alias +mback "-forward; +back" alias +mleft "-moveright; +moveleft" alias +mright "-moveleft; +moveright" alias -mfwd "-forward" alias -mback "-back" alias -mleft "-moveleft" alias -mright "-moveright"
“Normal” nulls will prevent you from overlapping by preventing you from inputting A and D simultaneously. You cannot “1 key” with normal nulls as holding A/D and pressing the other will cancel the input until you release and press again. (1 key’ing is when you hold A/D and press/release the other to strafe).

(better nulls KEKW) alias +mfwd "-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward" alias +mback "-forward;+back;alias checkback +back" alias +mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft" alias +mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright" alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none" alias -mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none" alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none" alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none" alias checkfwd none alias checkback none alias checkleft none alias checkright none alias none "" bind w +mfwd bind s +mback bind a +mleft bind d +mright
The better null script will also prevent you from inputting A and D simultaneously but allows you to 1 key. If you hold A and then press D (while still holding A), the A input will cancel. Releasing D (while still holding A) will cause you to have the A input back.

This is much better in a .cfg file which you can exec through your console.

Note: This will get you banned from servers that do not allow nulls.

Ladder glide bind
alias "+lagleft" "+jump;+moveleft;-forward"; alias "-lagleft" "-jump;-moveleft"; bind space "+lagleft";
This bind is for left side LAG (A+jump) and has -forward included. Replace +moveleft by +moveright in all the alias lines if you want the right LAG bind

RIGHT PRE alias "+lagright" "+jump;+moveright;-forward"; alias "-lagright" "-jump;-moveright"; bind space "+lagright";
Misc binds
Jump while holding bind alias +lj "+jump 1 ; -jump 1 ; +duck ; -forward" alias -lj "-duck"
This bind allows you to jump with scroll while holding down bind. This is useful in kz_ggurk

Toggle sensitivity alias precision "toggle sensitivity <your sens> <new sens>" bind <key> precision
Replace <your sens> by your original sensitivity and <new sens> by what you want it to become when you use the bind

alias precision "toggle sensitivity 1.6 0.01"
bind “x” precision

Instant block measure alias measure "sm_measure; menuselect 4; menuselect 9" bind <key> measure
Allows you to measure blocks when aiming at their front. The faces of the blocks must be parallel to each other for this to work

Turn bind alias "+turnleft" "+left;+moveleft"; alias "-turnleft" "-left;-moveleft"; alias "+turnright" "+right;+moveright"; alias "-turnright" "-right;-moveright"; bind a "+turnleft"; bind d "+turnright"
This will basically strafe for you when you press A/D. It’s not really useful for VNL but meh..

Note: Since no one really uses this in VNL, use this at your own risk. It might or might not get you banned. In addition, stats landed with turn binds do not register.

TP run bind alias +e "+use"; alias -e "-use; sm_r"; bind <key> +e
This bind will make you get 1 teleport every time you press the start button

Insta strafe bind (for right pre) alias +first "+duck; +jump; -forward; +moveright"; alias -first "-duck; -jump"; bind <key> +first
This bind will press D (moveright) as soon as you jump and make your first strafe better. The bind above is for right pre. If you are left pre, replace +moveright by +moveleft on the first line

Note: This bind ONLY works when nulls are ON. This may get you banned on servers that do not allow -forward.
alias +plusA "exec null" alias -plusA "exec unnull" alias +plusD "exec null" alias -plusD "exec unnull" bind a "+moveleft;+plusA" bind d "+moveright;+plusD" This alias rebinds your A and D keys and makes your first strafe nulled (and the follow strafes NOT nulled). To get this to work, you have to name your null cfg to “null.cfg” and another cfg to cancel nulls named “unnull.cfg”. You also need to unbind W, A, S and D.
Toggle insta strafe bind alias +rlj "+jump;+duck;+mright;-mleft;-forward" alias -rlj "-jump;-duck" alias rightpre "bind KEY +rlj" alias +llj "+jump;+duck;-moveright;+moveleft;-forward" alias -llj "-jump;-duck" alias leftpre "bind KEY +llj" alias rightlj "bind space +rlj;bind KEY leftlj" alias leftlj "bind space +llj;bind KEY rightlj"
Enter “rightpre” or “leftpre” in your console to switch between left or right pre insta strafe bind

Insta strafe bind without null alias +a "+moveleft" alias -a "-moveleft" bind a +a alias +d "+moveright" alias -d "- moveright" bind d +d
Insta bind mwheel version (without nulls) alias +reset "+forward;bind mwheelup tick" alias -reset "-forward" bind w +reset alias tick "+duck;+jump;+moveleft;bind mwheelup tick1" alias tick1 "-jump;-duck;bind mwheelup +jump"
“i use "+moveleft" in "tick" as the first strafe for a example but u can displace to moveright if u rightpre or just remove it if u dont want to use it as a Insta bind but use it as a cj bind
btw i bind it to mwheelup but u can change to mwheeldown aswell
everytime u press w to reset the mwheelup or down to Insta bind and everytime u used it the bind should be reset”

Toggle bind/no bind alias +lj "+jump;+duck;-forward" alias -lj "-jump;-duck" alias +wb "+jump;-forward" alias -wb "-jump" alias ljbindt "bind <key> +lj;bind key nobindt" alias nobindt "bind <key> +wb;bind key ljbindt"
Stop jumping by accident alias jumplock "jumpreset;bind mwheeldown +jump" alias jumpreset "bind mwheeldown jumplock" bind "w" "+forward; jumpreset" bind "a" "+moveleft; jumpreset" bind "s" "+back; jumpreset" bind "d" "+moveright; jumpreset"
Replace <key> by the key you want. On pressing that key, it will toggle between bind and no bind.

femboy número um do brasil  [author] 21 Jan, 2024 @ 10:48am 
new binds
zerch 11 Nov, 2023 @ 4:21am 
upd to CS2 someone
cran 23 Sep, 2023 @ 1:08pm 
Phil Minigan 24 Aug, 2023 @ 6:37am 
respect for the effort put in to making this