War Thunder

War Thunder

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Best Guide For Depressed War Thunder Players
By tindus

Playing War Thunder is a challenge, so here are some tips and tricks on how to do it...
Find The Will To Live...
First you have to muster up enough willpower to even enter the game and look at your hanger for a solid five minutes with your mouth agape, and drool pooling up on your keyboard...
Leaving The Spawn...
This is a big hurdle for depressed players, because we reason out that leaving the spawn without Parts and FPE is the same progression as just being AFK...
Getting A Kill...
This helps somewhat with motivation, until you look back at the replay and discover your opponent is level 4 and was shooting his machine guns all over the place to announce his position and heading...
Coming Back For More...
If you can spawn more than one vehicle, then you're a winner in my book...