Human Fall Flat
รายการ (127)
The Leap Of Faith [PART1]
สร้างโดย Buler
A dream that perfectly resembles the fear of falling! Challenge yourself and your friends to complete this HUGE, AMAZING map!!! Let me know your thoughts and where you struggled the most!...
สร้างโดย Flower。
糖豆人2 Fall Gays Ⅱ
สร้างโดย Flower。
本次更新关卡如下: 1五花八门 2水涨爬高 3旋转木马 4目眩山巅(暂未完成) 5登山比拼(暂未完成) 这次的更新拖了很久很久,因为这几个关卡的模型量太多太多了 感觉头发都要掉完了,但是还好有几个朋友一直支撑着我 所以先奉上这张半成品,后续的两个关卡等我休息完了再看情况叭 ~ 有问题请留言反馈,谢谢 ! 特别感谢:阿鹏不会飞...
糖豆人Fall Guys
สร้างโดย Flower。
是你的糖豆人嘛 场景里所有的模型都是自己制作的 所以目前关卡不是很多 如果你们有喜欢的关卡 欢迎留言告诉我 或者加我好友告诉我嗷~ 作图不易 如果喜欢的话麻烦涨个分呀...
สร้างโดย Gotcha
The long-awaited sequel to Space Mountain! #GiveDogsVotingRights Follow me on Twitter for workshop updates!
Space Mountain
สร้างโดย Gotcha
Start at the bottom and utilize the space base's heavy machinery to climb to the top of space mountain! #DogLaw Follow me on Twitter for workshop updates! You can make levels too! I had never touched Unity before making ...
Space Station
สร้างโดย Gotcha
Explore the Space Station while collecting the batteries to escape! This is a difficult and puzzling level, completing it will may be hard. After you find and install all the batteries, pull the heavy door open to the party room! *Obligatory seizure warnin...
สร้างโดย Kupo
Version 1.03 Please let me know if you encounter any bugs or issues. Thanks 如果遇到任何问题或哪个部分太难了请留言, 谢谢。 Updates: - Fixed issue where Exit does not trigger after flying through the wreath - Updated Plane controls Special Thanks to Play Testers: - Sashimi - Fea...
สร้างโดย Kupo
Version 1.02 Please let me know if you encounter any bugs or issues. Thanks 如果遇到任何问题或哪个部分太难了请留言, 谢谢。 Updates: - Added notice to not load checkpoint - Increased speed of ski lifts Special Thanks to Play Testers: - Sashimi - Fearless - lally.mahmamamaamamama...
一起向未来!|Together for a Shared Future!
สร้างโดย 阿鹏不会飞
热烈庆祝2022北京冬奥会取得圆满成功!难忘的2022年北京冬奥会正式闭幕,本届冬奥我们不仅领略了冬季运动的魅力,更是见证了运动精神的伟大! 我们也用人类一败涂地的方式庆祝这一份喜悦,对冬奥会的内容进行了复刻,关卡包含冬奥会开幕式以及比赛项目的部分内容,还有大家熟悉的核酸检测,希望大家能够在游玩本图中收获快乐。 欢迎涨分、收藏和关注,我们将继续为大家带来更多好玩的作品 Warmly celebrate the complete success of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olymp...
สร้างโดย Marto_0
Becouze who doesn't like standing in an elevator while you wait for your friends!...
奇异游乐场/Singularity Playground
สร้างโดย Masaicker
奇异游乐场建议 攻略或简介视频再下方: 视频1 视频2 请和朋友一起游玩。 同时最好进行一个项目。 多人动画仍有部分BUG,一切以主机显示为准,当然,万事皆可重置,BUG读个档先。 读档不要怂,不会往家送。 未经授权,禁止转载。 项目介绍 提前注意: 取消常规检查点,变更为床,床需主动触发,为可选传送点,读档重新开始关卡仍有效。 勿要在管道里面耍,会被搅得稀巴烂。 同位球: 胜利条件:人在球里,球在碗里,坚持100秒,人或球脱离所属区域皆会重置...
สร้างโดย MoQiangShou
恐解RPG 注:胆小或者患有心脏病者请不要玩 莫枪手 作品...
สร้างโดย MoQiangShou
幽灵列车,幽靈列車 “这是一个没有终点的火车……”...
Room Escape - The Sewer
สร้างโดย MoQiangShou
This dream is Mo Ling's childhood nightmare. Genre: Horror Puzzle....
haunted house
สร้างโดย MoQiangShou
An exorcism ceremony in the haunted house...
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
写在前面,出生点左右两边有文字,请一定遵循 Write in front, birth point on both sides of the text, please be sure to follow 你迷失在山间,发现一幢宅邸,前去寻求帮助,但是发生了一系列让你毛骨悚然的事...... You get lost in the mountains, find a mansion, go for help, but a series of creepy things happen... 如果您愿意支持我请关...
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
承接迷失庄园I:庭院—— 当你毅然决然地进入了地下室后,你眼前一黑...... 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和steam账号,谢谢您的支持!!!...
毛骨悚然(The Thrillingness)
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
神秘的洋馆究竟隐藏着什么?为了破解谜题,你需要进入洋馆找到相关的资料记载,然后离开,最后,注意安全,祝你好运! What is hidden in the mysterious pavilion? In order to solve the puzzle, you need to enter the library to find the relevant records, and then leave, finally, pay attention to safety, good luck! 如果您愿意支...
长廊(The Long Corridor)
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
剧情紧接《毛骨悚然》, 当你走出大门的时候, 发现自己来到了一个陌生的长廊, 这是哪里?往前走能离开这里吗? The plot follows 《The Thrillingness》, When you walk out the door, I found myself in a strange corridor, Where is this? Can you get out of here by going on? 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和steam账号,谢谢您的支持!!!...
Stardew Human
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
The Three系列最后一作,游戏内容基于星露谷物语。 具体内容请亲自体会,如果你游玩的版本低于V1,说明该图尚未完成,只能玩到一小部分,单人作品更新较慢BUG较多请谅解。 免责:所有模型均来自互联网! 无限期拖更! 版本号V0.6 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和steam账号,谢谢您的支持!!!...
The Three I
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
由三个小版块组成,运用你的智慧、勇气和技巧,完成挑战。 It consists of three small sections, using your wisdom, courage and skill to complete the challenge. 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和steam账号,谢谢您的支持!!!...
The Three II
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
由三个小版块组成,运用你的智慧、勇气和技巧,完成挑战。 It consists of three small sections, using your wisdom, courage and skill to complete the challenge. 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和steam账号,谢谢您的支持!!!...
The Three VII
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
由三个小版块组成,运用你的智慧、勇气和技巧,完成挑战。 It consists of three small sections, using your wisdom, courage and skill to complete the challenge. 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和我的steam(Mr.三鹿),谢谢您的支持!!!...
The Three VIII
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
常回家看看~ Wlecome Home! 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和我的steam(Mr.三鹿),谢谢您的支持!!!...
The Three VI
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
V4.2(弃坑) 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和我的steam(Mr.三鹿),谢谢您的支持!!!...
The Three III
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
现已改版 Has been revised 40X40像素画——矢泽妮可 40X40 Pixel Painting——nico 制作原图来源于互联网 The original drawing is from the Internet 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和steam账号,谢谢您的支持!!!...
The Three X
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
竞速滑雪~~ Ski racing~~ 弃坑啦~~ 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和steam账号,谢谢您的支持!!!...
The Three IV
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
由三个小版块组成,运用你的智慧、勇气和技巧,完成挑战。 It consists of three small sections, using your wisdom, courage and skill to complete the challenge. 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和steam账号,谢谢您的支持!!!...
The Three IX
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
恐怖地图——医院 Horror map —— hospital 任务:将所有的蛋带回出生点。体验性地图,没有过关。蛋有六个。 Mission: bring all the eggs back to the birth site.Experiential map, no clearance.There are six eggs. 免责声明:高血压心脏病玩家请勿进入!所有素材来源于网络! Disclaimer: hypertension heart disease players please do not e...
The Three V
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
由三个小版块组成,运用你的智慧、勇气和技巧,完成挑战。 It consists of three small sections, using your wisdom, courage and skill to complete the challenge. 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和steam账号,谢谢您的支持!!!...
The Three XI
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
免责声明:警告!心脏病高血压者,请勿游玩! Disclaimer: warning! People with heart disease or high blood pressure, please do not play! 你在踏青途中,掉入了一个不知名的洞穴,活下去,然后想办法离开这里! You friend fall into an unknown cave on a hiking trip, survive, and find a way out! 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和...
The Three XII
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
探索神秘恐怖的地牢,找到逃出的道路。 Explore the mysterious horrors of the dungeon and find your way out. 免责声明:高血压心脏病玩家请勿进入!所有素材来源于网络! Disclaimer: hypertension heart disease players please do not enter!All material comes from the network! 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和steam账号,谢谢...
The Three XIII
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
封面在更新的时候给弄错了,这是第二幕! 免责声明:警告!心脏病高血压者,请勿游玩! Disclaimer: warning! People with heart disease or high blood pressure, please do not play! 你在踏青途中,掉入了一个不知名的洞穴,活下去,然后想办法离开这里! You friend fall into an unknown cave on a hiking trip, survive, and find a way out! 如果您愿意...
The Three XVI
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
迷宫玩吐了?跑酷自闭了?赶快进来放松一下吧~~ 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和steam账号,谢谢您的支持!!!...
The Three XIV
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
爱的魔力转圈圈~ 因为动体很多,不保证多人游戏的正常,以及低配电脑的流畅! 所有图片素材来自网络! 通过迷宫后的神秘大厅,请未成年人不要进入!警告,未成年人不要进入! 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和steam账号,谢谢您的支持!!!...
The Three XV
สร้างโดย Mr鹿鹿鹿
免责声明:警告!心脏病高血压者,请勿游玩! Disclaimer: warning! People with heart disease or high blood pressure, please do not play! 你在踏青途中,掉入了一个不知名的洞穴,活下去,然后想办法离开这里! You friend fall into an unknown cave on a hiking trip, survive, and find a way out! 如果您愿意支持我请关注我的B站账号(Mr鹿鹿鹿)和...
สร้างโดย Ukatan Hunter
Pack your trusty backpack and go outdoors! Enter the island filled with rivers and waterfalls, wander through the fields and hills. Take a deep breath of fresh air and hear the birds singing. From warm beaches to frozen mountain peaks, from deep caves to s...
The Portal
สร้างโดย Pirate_90
Description: Solve puzzles and find ways to reactivate a portal that will lead you to another world. Music by: Secession Studios Warning: The portal can glitch. To reduce the risk, make sure not to grab anything and don't jump during transport. Updated Jan...
Human: Fall Guys - Jump Club Lobby
สร้างโดย Polum47
Saber Arena 2
สร้างโดย Polum47
-WORK IN PROGRESS- --added falltriggers inside blades (probably temporary)-- Battle it out with your friends! Suggestions welcome! UPDATES PLANNED: Sparks on clash, blades pass through everything but blades, sound effects, light flash on clash, ragdoll on ...
Tumbleweed Canyon v.003
สร้างโดย Spudster
The Rootinest Tootinest Wild West Map Any suggestions or ideas are welcome! I will be updating as often as I can to make more objects moveable, and I plan to make all doors functioning, and possibly the train work in the future....
Journey to Valhalla, Part 1 (OLD)
สร้างโดย VodkaZombie
**THIS VERSION IS OUTDATED. I HAVE RELEASED A REWORK OF THIS MAP** Valhalla is the most glorious achievement any viking can achieve. Seek the glory of Valhalla, as you venture through the north to find a way into the majestic hall of the slain. Travel thro...
Journey to Valhalla, Part 4 (Niflheim)
สร้างโดย VodkaZombie
After the realm of fire, the dwarves decided to cool off by making the next challenge in the coldest of all the realms. The next challenge was made in Niflheim, the realm of fog. Don't fall into the endless fog as you traverse the challenge. Solve puzzles,...
Journey to Valhalla, Part 3 (Muspelheim)
สร้างโดย VodkaZombie
After Svartalfheim, the dwarves decided to increase the danger. The next challenge they created is in Muspelheim, the realm of fire. Avoid the dangerous lava while jumping from rock to rock, performing difficult jumps and acquire Surtr's fiery sword to pro...
Journey to Valhalla, Part 2 (Svartalfheim)
สร้างโดย VodkaZombie
If one wishes to journey to Valhalla without being slain, one must first overcome all of Odins challenges. Odin tasked the dwarves of Svartalfheim to craft these challenges. Each realm has its own unique challenge you must complete, starting with Svartalfh...
Journey to Valhalla, Part 7 (Helheim)
สร้างโดย VodkaZombie
The final realm for you to conquer is Helheim. Escape a cold and brutal prison, avoid the ice cold winds, traverse slippery ice and avoid falling off the dangerous icy cliffs. Will you complete the journey and reach Valhalla? This is the seventh and final ...
Mcdonalds Lobby
สร้างโดย YeetoBorito
Happy happy meal in this lobby. IF you play this level in Local press F8 twice. 95% Done...
ZODIACS 十二生肖(春节大厅 New Year Lobby)
สร้างโดย bxqazxsw
本地图为大厅地图,并非普通关卡!请按以下方式打开: 开始>在线>公共主机>选择大厅关卡>订阅的大厅>十二生肖 This map is a lobby map and not a level! Please find it by following the method below: play>online>host>select lobby level>subscribed lobbies>ZODIACS 春节主题参赛大厅!欢迎订阅与回顾! Lobby map for the Lunar New Year ...
Wipeout Lobby
สร้างโดย kikivin
Who will stay the longest? Note: this is a lobby and not a level: to select this lobby, host a server online and click "select lobby level". Don't hesitate to leave a comment or a suggestion!...
สร้างโดย sherlocklini
When was the last time you went to an arcade? Have you ever been to an arcade? Well...Now you will be able to dive into an arcade world. Will you be able to solve all the puzzles? Play in singleplayer or with up to seven friends! This is not a beginner lev...
Yuuki's Lobby
สร้างโดย yuuki_ftw
This lobby includes 4 sections, Play area, Fly area, Battle area and Slider area. There are 3 hidden eggs. 2021/05/30 ・Added benches ・Added breakable lever contact : このロビーは遊ぶエリア、飛ぶエリア、バトルエリア、スライダーエリアの4つからなっています。 隠しタマゴが3つあります。 2021/05...
Yuuki's Adventure
สร้างโดย yuuki_ftw
This is my 2nd level. Definitely better than my 1st level! Many 3D models were made by me using Blender and Probuilder. May look weird. contact :
Tropical Park
สร้างโดย yuuki_ftw
My 3rd level for the Fantastic Machines Competition. This level contains some weird machines. contact :
สร้างโดย Święty Krab
Deep in the frigid mountains lies a hidden mining complex only waiting for meddling adventurers to venture into it's depths. Will you be able to uncover what lies ahead? Just to clear things up, make sure to play the official version of the map in the extr...
สร้างโดย ๑暖暖的团儿๑
玩前须知: 文字信息很多,有地点信息的一般都是提示性的,要学会辨别。该房间里的物品不一定是该房间里用到的,你要是非在一个房间里死卡着……那估计要卡到天荒地老。个人觉得谜题有点难,比较烧脑,可以适当配合攻略游玩。多人游戏尽量一起走,以免错过剧情。全图两个保存点,请房主尽量不要载入存档点,测试的时候没有测载点会不会出BUG。本图只有两个保存点,请各位不要CP跳关,跳关就直接到结束大厅了!!!PS:结尾展示图均来自网络。 工坊已上传配套校服皮肤,可换好衣服游玩体验更好哦~ 攻略入口:
สร้างโดย MY
สร้างโดย 伊人淺笑醉長安
v2 夜晚娱乐、休闲、放松的娱乐场所,是沙雕,就来嗨。 若发现bug欢迎反馈 ...
สร้างโดย 传说中的小木头
สร้างโดย 传说中的小木头
22日大更新:1:碗关卡优化中间无洞。 2:迷宫减负,玩偶娃娃就在通往出口的路上,顺路拿即可。并且增设两块超大地图! 3波浪关卡取消,没有意义,更改为滑冰板。 4最后一关开车车路更改,现在需要好好开车才可以! 作者大大一点心里话:下面几条,从上往下看咯,看完吧! 你们这一堆臭弟弟们,这么简单的关卡,能不能像我一样,秀一点咯,秀一点你不就过去了吗?你摸跟我说秀不起来呀,练呀,两耳莫问窗外事,一心只玩 虎门 佛尔 福奈特 ,看我,老李(李先森),500个小时的萌新,啥子为萌新?我跟李先森就是萌新,这就是我跟李先...
สร้างโดย 传说中的小木头
精神病院--解密 吓人
สร้างโดย 好多鱼
第一次做这种类型的图,也不晓得会不会出问题,BUG啥的。 进游戏后加载中,会有一小会的卡顿!!!密室逃脱 恐怖解密 酸菜鱼...
【滑稽馆】Funny House
สร้างโดย 小凯丽0v0
趣味性整蛊解谜密室 游玩需开启音效,音效包含提示! 需要至少两个人合作闯关(At least two people play this map.) 愿游玩此张地图的玩家们天天开森!笑如滑稽! 噗哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!点个赞 拜托啦! PS:有bug请指出、有问题评论留言...
สร้างโดย 小凯丽0v0
emmm…… Respect to jigsaw. 不喜勿喷 - - 有啥不懂的评论问我 啊 ~~ 真香...
สร้างโดย 小布点的布-okk
大家好啊,我是可爱多,这次为大家带来新地图:十二生肖 2020已经过去了,祝大家在新的一年里顿顿有肉吃~ 新的一年新的开始~ 加油! 终点有烟花看哟~ 坚持就是胜利! 游戏愉快,冲冲冲~...
สร้างโดย 小颜夕呐~
团子家捉迷藏2!(此图进法:需要玩家在大厅 一起开始游戏!全部玩家必须要订阅本图 否则那个人会进不了!)规则:不要爬墙,不能按v,只能在屋子里面!娱乐而已,可不要作弊~ 作者:小颜夕 如想学做图做皮肤可以找我喔 目前拜师送感染者全套~ QQ:2568794654 微信公众号:灵域云端 如小团团对本图有什么意见,邮箱 会及时整改!...
สร้างโดย 歪货☺
墨:这将是最后一张图,图里只有十关偏萌新,没有任何套路。 玩的愉快~~~~...
浪味仙的极限巅峰 STEEP!
สร้างโดย 激辣浪味仙☆
极限巅峰 STEEP 更新了滑雪板!!!Added snowboard!!! 欢迎订阅另一张全新图【极限巅峰:顶点】 Welcome to subscribe NEW LEVEL 【STEEP:TOP OF THE WORLD】 演示视频
浪味仙·STEEP:The Spring Festival
สร้างโดย 激辣浪味仙☆
超好玩的大厅游乐场~STEEP:The Spring Festival~ 小贴士 (Tips) : ·每个烟花的效果都不同,共有8种烟花, ~烟花可被手枪点燃~ ·The VFX of each firework is different, there are eight types, ~Fireworks can be ignited by guns~ ·过山车为物理驱动,如卡住请按过山车复位按钮 ·The roller coaster is physic-based. If it gets stuck,...
สร้างโดย 激辣浪味仙☆
If you have confidence in your own strength, try to get all the gold coins!...
สร้างโดย 激辣浪味仙☆
---HAPPY WATER PARK--- Nine amusement projects !!! 1: RIVER RAFTING 2: SNAKE PIT 3: GRAND SLALOM 4: WHALE SURF 5: RAPID FALL 6: HUGE HORN 7: FLUME RIDE 8: WATER SLIDE 9: KILLER WHALE SPRINT There are also recreational attractions, beach volleyball, basketb...
สร้างโดย 电瓶之王
电瓶出品,必属精品。欢迎来到电瓶之王为您创造的恐怖探险系列地图,地图恐怖因素较多,心脏不好勿玩,喷子请轻喷。Battery products must be high-quality products. Welcome to the horror Adventure Series maps created by the king of batteries for you. There are many terrorist factors on the map. Don't play with a bad h...
สร้างโดย 萌萌酱
地图更新了版本 进不去需要重新订阅 有跳脸的鬼,有跳脸的图,胆小慎玩!!! 这图去年开始做,鸽到现在终于做完了~ 以后主做这种类型的地图啦~ 喜欢的点点关注呀~ 攻略群:305749000 ...
among us [어몽어스]
สร้างโดย ol6l6l
. * ' . * . ` * * . , " * . * . 이히히 는 임포스터 였습니다. ' . * ' . * 임포스터가 1명 남았습니다. * . * , * , ' * . * ` * , * ' . ....
สร้างโดย MO.o
鸭鸭萌新闯关 非常简单的图 随便搞了搞 ...
สร้างโดย 脸红
สร้างโดย 不吃肉肉-
我与旧事归于尽 来年依旧迎花开 -------------------------------- 季节轮换,总有新的事情值得期待 祝我们都好在新的一年 愿你走完山水万程,仍与理想重逢 -------------------------------- 岁末将至 敬颂冬绥 平安喜乐 万事胜意 岁岁常欢愉 年年皆胜意 -------------------------------- 时间有限关卡不多 也就图个热闹 祝大家新年快乐!! 难度四星 关卡测试:花裙子 测图:调弦症 夜猫QA...
安全城堡大厅(Security castle lobby)
สร้างโดย LCHID
สร้างโดย Lemon小莫
merry christmas 可以用来拍照哦 有过山车~...
春节(The Spring Festival)
สร้างโดย Yo_kukei
这是一个以中国春节为主题的游戏大厅,可以让各位玩家在等待的过程中尽情玩耍,如果在游玩的过程中发现问题或者是有什么好的建议,可以留言告诉我,祝你玩得开心! This is a lobby as the theme of Chinese Spring Festival, Let the players play games in the process of waiting,If you find problems in the lobby or have any good suggestions,Please...
สร้างโดย 森森
第四张图了哦 感谢 北方 和 杰尼龟 的指导...
สร้างโดย 伊人淺笑醉長安
สร้างโดย 脸红
สร้างโดย 猫又又Pink
喜欢动漫的可以加我一起玩~ 作图不易 给个涨分~ 啾咪~ n(*≧▽≦*)n...
豪宅(Villa lobby)
สร้างโดย LCHID
趁着疫情假期,在家自学了制图,可能有些地方建模和逻辑上做得不太好,还请大家多多支持! 另外希望疫情早日结束,不再耽误大家的工作和学业! 中国加油!武汉加油!外国朋友也要加油!希望大家平平安安度过疫情!! In holidays, learn to make maps at home, maybe not artistically or logically. In addition, I hope the epidemic will end as soon as possible, and not delay...
สร้างโดย 薄荷味的猫(Miao)
保护视力1.0(如果卡模,请房主多载入几次存档点) 请多多支持“薄荷味的猫”,“与之无期”两位萌新作者。...
olympic sports 스포츠한국
สร้างโดย seong_20
Soccer, baseball, volleyball, basketball, tennis, tag, weightlifting, parkour, boxing, wrestling, swimming, diving, fencing, golf, skateboarding, bowling, and more, all in one map! 축구 , 야구 , 배구 , 농구 , 태니스 ,술래잡기 ,역도 , 파쿠르 , 복싱 , 레슬링 , 수영 , 다이빙 ,팬싱 , 골프 , 스케...
สร้างโดย 脸红
Single dog immersion experience, the map belongs to the ornamental category, if the operation is tired, come to experience the first person single dog day, the whole process only needs to drive twice If possible, try to play alone ...
Big Room
สร้างโดย MoQiangShou
Huge living room, kitchen, bedroom and toilet. Here is your playground!...
สร้างโดย MoQiangShou
Return to Lilliput...
happy new year
สร้างโดย 脸红
happy new year...
สร้างโดย 激辣浪味仙☆
The lava is hot. Please try to evacuate as soon as possible. Humans, don't fall into lava. Vehicle control Forward: hold the steering wheel Get off: grab the edge of the vehicle...
Bob ball 2
สร้างโดย 脸红
It's more exciting and more difficult to call your friends to become hamsters...
สร้างโดย 脸红
Hammer Time
สร้างโดย Polum47
**work in progress** overhead smashes seem to work best crush your friends :)...
Hidden Wonders
สร้างโดย MoQiangShou
An underwater entertainment level, in which you can enjoy the Chinese drum set rhythm game, watermelon chopping competition and so on......
Journey to Valhalla Part 1 (Midgard)
สร้างโดย VodkaZombie
** THIS IS A REWORK OF PART 1** This map is almost completely different from the old version. Only one or two parts are the same as the old. Valhalla is the most glorious achievement any viking can achieve. Seek the glory of Valhalla, as you venture throug...
Save Halloween
สร้างโดย 脸红
Come and experience the human Halloween atmosphere and save the Halloween circus together! Game Tips【拯救万圣节】
สร้างโดย 激辣浪味仙☆
Defeat the enemy! Find the way to escape! Capture the treasure! A variety of customs clearance routes are waiting for you to explore. Conquer this land with your superb marksmanship!...
Scoria Adventures (Chapter II)
สร้างโดย しろ妖夢
After a short rest in the outpost. At daybreak, the warriors got up and headed to Tempestory, a castle surrounded by a snowstorm ...... Using the CP command may cause the level to not work properly! ! ! ! ! Host are strictly prohibited from loading checkpo...
HUMAN: Automata
สร้างโดย 激辣浪味仙☆
HUMAN:Automata Defeat all enemies and complete the challenge!...
Stone Age
สร้างโดย MoQiangShou
Four islands... Four dishes... A volcano... A hot pot......
Sumo Stadium (相撲スタジアム)
สร้างโดย Jfones
(Make sure you turn down the Music Volume in options for BEST Experience!) (BEST Experienceのオプションでは、必ず音楽の音量を下げてください!) Welcome to the world of Humans Somu Flat Stadium! Where you and your friends can battle each other to become the next Yokozuna! Battle eac...
สร้างโดย MoQiangShou
Legend has it that there is a temple under the water of Tianhu Lake near the mountains, and there are ancient ruins hidden in it. Not long ago, a villager went fishing in the lake and caught some broken porcelain pieces when collecting the net. This brings...
สร้างโดย 激辣浪味仙☆
The best kart racetrack! Must read before playing In order to prevent the crash of the game caused by not reading the instructions, it is recommended not to play with strangers in the open room Don't let client players load checkpoints in the cab! Don't le...
สร้างโดย 激辣浪味仙☆
WINTER GAMES Use your skills to beat your opponents and win the championship☆...
Ultimate Bulls
สร้างโดย 激辣浪味仙☆
The bulls are crazy. Who can subdue him?...
สร้างโดย 激辣浪味仙☆
Show off your football skills! *Please reload the level before returning to the lobby, otherwise it will cause a bug*...
What is a good name
สร้างโดย 脸红
Two or more people to cooperate, as far as possible to ensure that two people play, such as multiplayer Please ensure that there is no trouble with the unlucky Can not carry points, can only reopen the map, please note that when playing, encounter the situ...
สร้างโดย 小颜夕呐~
此图可用于娱乐 躲猫猫 感染者 拳击 众多娱乐模式!如有bug反馈即可!小颜夕 QQ:2568794654 微信公众号:灵域云端 此图吃电脑性能...
สร้างโดย shiyi
สร้างโดย 小颜夕呐~
此图为娱乐观赏休闲图,本图由小颜夕 土申兄 阿挺联合制作!感谢各位游玩!不足或者有bug反馈!...
สร้างโดย 小熊帕瑞
好久不见 小熊帕瑞自制的第六张萌新闯关图 依旧没有高难度操作 简单易上手 有的关卡可能合作比较好过 作图不易有bug来留言反馈 留言不了可以加我好友 感谢游玩 这张图本来是教朋友做图用的 然后说做的还可以就发出来给大家玩玩 关卡没那么多 细节没那么完善 喷子滚出我的图...
สร้างโดย MoDe莫得名字
在一座古老的宫殿,有很多 孤魂野鬼,这次你化身为招 魂师,踏进宫殿,开始你的 招魂之旅!!!(最少四人玩)...
สร้างโดย 传说中的小木头
สร้างโดย 纳西妲
สร้างโดย 不吃肉肉-
感谢订阅!!! 如果卡模请房主多载入几次就好了!! ========================= 闯关 多人合作 需要爬墙 后几关需要合作过关 ========================= 把烦心事丢掉 腾出地方放鲜花 ========================= 感谢测图:调弦症 看着你啊 鱼鱼 改图参与:李先森不爱闹...
สร้างโดย 不吃肉肉-
萌新闯关 无坑 难度不高 感谢订阅 测图:爬爬...
荒宅魅影(微恐解谜)Abandoned Shrine
สร้างโดย ๑暖暖的团儿๑
Now that the English prompt has been updated, welcome to play 昏昏沉沉中醒来,你发现身处一个破旧的有点像神庙的地方,眼前只有一个门,你只好硬着头皮走进去,一筹莫展之际,头顶传来一个甜美的声音…… 开启双结局模式,更加紧张刺激! Turn on dual outcome mode for more intense stimulation! 本地图内容改编自奥秘之家于2021年发布的实体解谜盒《荒宅怪谈》,剧情方面做了重新编写,谜题部分根据人类一败涂...
需要提示请加群 q:961497403 在群文件里 剧情向密室逃脱,很多故事哦 不会在工坊这里回复问题的,要么自己解开,要么加qq群问里面的人。 ...
สร้างโดย 脸红
88080狂欢派对(军训图 建议多人 较难)
สร้างโดย 小颜夕呐~
工具人小颜夕又来新图了,强烈建议创意工坊订阅再加载 方便进图!这次是非常得劲的军训图 第一章 以后还会有 欢迎各位新手来挑战自己!...
สร้างโดย Dave
Take a hike through a lucious landscape where magical watering cans will assist you on your journey! Open a portal to a secret bonus area by finding and touching all 3 magic orbs! This map is my entry to the Outdoors Competition. A special thank you to the...
Hide and Seek map: Train Station
สร้างโดย Rick
Hide and seek map which is designed like a train Station. Supports up to 8 players! Medium sized map. Now with launch pads at the spawn so you can spread out easier and get around the map faster! There is also an entrance to get to the sky base, so you can...
Hide and Seek map: Space Planet
สร้างโดย Rick
Space themed hide and seek map! My third one in the series. Supports up to 8 players! Medium sized map. Include launch pads, a spinner and a respawning bowling hall at the counting hut. This map is designed to play hide and seek on. You can play with your ...
Hide and Seek Map: Castle
สร้างโดย Rick
Castle themed hide and seek map. The total size of the map is Small-medium and it supports up to 8 players! Counting hut is behind the spawn You can play with your own rules or ours. Our hide and seek rules were: -The seeker enters the mansion near the spa...