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Space Engineers

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HRGT - Railgun Turret (Assembly) V2
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Type: Blueprint
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28 jan. 2023 às 5:43
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HRGT - Railgun Turret (Assembly) V2

Heavy Railgun Turret, or just HRGT for short. Assembly version.

The HRGT is a custom experimental Railgun turret for big ships and long range engagements, best used with manual aiming. It is configured to be able to be built in both survival and creative mode.
Elevation is limited to 23 degrees but have full rotation. The rotation is set very low (1.5) to prevent excessive wiggling when AI controlled.

Full buildable version: Here.
Buildable turret only:
Assembled version:

I most likely wont be doing much more with this so feel free to use, edit and modify it however you like.