[Punishing: Gray Raven] KI.GAL Archives EX-03 (Camu + Sharkspeare)
"Just record my run of EX-03 (KI.GAL Archives) to remind me how cheap difficulty design can be. I don't want to trash on this great game, but sometimes developers just throw cheap combination of enemy buffs and call it a challenge.
After several days of countless retries, I had to rely on certain extra shield buffs (Strike Hawk + Tank). Otherwise, you've high chance to get one-shot from any moment especially right after your ultimate end or during characters rotation. Not to mention amount of visual cluster♥♥♥♥ and hyper aggressive boss with inconsistent hitbox that drove me insane.
Yeah, it's quite a rant, but I don't enjoy artificial difficulty that only way to overcome is to abuse buffs and in-game martix."