Hunt: Showdown

Hunt: Showdown

94 ratings
How to be an amazing teammate
By Local Shower Shitter
This guide will teach you how to be an amazing teammate!
After playing this game for 800+ hrs, I thought I'd put together a guide on how to teach people to be amazing teammates! I hope you all enjoy!
Number 1: Always bait your teammates
Under no circumstances should you ever be the first one to charge into a fight. Remember, YOU are the strongest player on your team, and no one else is good or capable of doing anything but being baited. If your teammates do not go first, repeatedly scream that you will team kill them to the enemy team, and if they still do not push, continue onto the next tip.
Number 2: Team killing is appropriate when you deem it is
Remember, team killing isn't just for trolls, it can also be useful for teaching your teammates a lesson such as they should've baited themselves so you didn't die, or they shouldn't have hit that noise maker. Remember, when you hit the noise makers, you're doing so on purpose. This helps trick yourself into justifying team killing others for doing so even though you do it as well.
Number 3: Complain IMMEDIATELY as you get rezzed that your teammate should've played differently
You have to remember, YOU died because YOUR TEAMMATES played poorly, and it had nothing to do with you losing a fight you should have won or you got outplayed. So when they res you, remember, COMPLAIN THE WHOLE TIME ABOUT HOW THEY PLAYED. Make sure to tell them they should have done X, Y, and Z and how if you were alive, you would've killed them all 10 minutes ago, your teammate will really enjoy the thanks!
Number 4: Hit EVERY noise maker/shoot EVERYTHING, even if it's not warranted
Those crows were born to fly, and them horses were born to neigh, so why not help them out by running right on by them, I'm sure they're feeling lonely sitting there all this time. Also, dogs are a man's best friend, so make sure to pet the puppies inside the dog pens as they too are lonely. And when you do activate dogs/chickens, NEVER shoot the lantern because THAT'S too loud. Make sure you never try to reroute around noise makers either, cause you're a man and you won't be guided by some game's mechanic.
Number 5: Shoot enemies from as far away as possible
If they can't see you, they can't hear you either! Your teammates will love you for doing this, especially if there's no cover around and they're trying to enter a compound. Get as much chip damage off as possible, that way IF you get to the compound, they will clearly have no healing left. You may also headshot one of them from bum♥♥♥♥ nowhere, and then forget/lose track of it just for them to get rezzed! Sitting in bushes is by far the best play style in this game, and you should never get within a mile radius of the boss compound, even if your team is there fighting. If you have a sniper, you are the American Sniper, and you will guaranteed hit every shot you take from miles out.
Number 6: If your teammates are dead, cower in fear and never move
This one is pretty important. Again, YOU are the most important part of your TEAM. Who gives two ♥♥♥♥♥ if you queued for TEAMS, your teammates don't exist, and are useless. By sitting still in a corner as far away as possible, you might have a chance to rez your teammates when the fight is over and the bounty has already ran miles away! On top of this, NEVER EVER bring necromancer, this shows weakness, and you are clearly a man sitting in that corner doing nothing!
Number 7: Follow right in your teammates' footsteps the whole game
Never think for yourself. You chose to play with teammates so you can follow DIRECTLY behind them the entire game. Make sure you're always directly next to/in front of them too, that way when they go to shoot, you can kindly body block for the enemy team and they will greatly appreciate you for this. If your teammate enters a compound through a doorway quietly, you follow directly behind while elephant stomping the whole way. Never watch any other side of the building aside from the side your whole team is on either, and remember, always let the enemy team run out of the compound to extract.
Number 8: Never bring chokes
This one is pretty self explanatory, never under any circumstances should you bring chokes, they cost too much and they take WAAAAY too long to unlock.
Number 9: Concertina EVERY entry way into the compound
The only thing that matters is that enemies can't get in. Lock you and your teammates inside the compound and eventually the enemies will get bored and leave. Your teammates with rifles will never want to peek outside the compound, and you don't have to worry about them dying to these peeks either, WIN WIN!
Number 10: Die in the open
This one is the most important one. Always make sure that when you die, it's in the open so that way your teammates can clearly see where your dead body is. This one is especially important when you have the bounty as well. NEVER play the compound when your team possesses the bounty, and make sure you put a bow on the bounty as you die in the open with it!
Don't be a complete douche nozzle when you queue for teams, it really is not that hard, and it's just a game.
BONUS: Loot, NEVER shoot
Make sure you stop at every compound, check every corner, random little hut, every tower, and under the floorboards for every single perk, coin purse, cash register, poster, and weapon you can find. When you get cut off from your team because you lagged behind doing so, just shrug it off and continue on looting. As soon as you think the coast is clear, run out into the open and loot every body ASAP before the corpses decay. If it's an event requiring looting for points, never actually play the intended game and just farm the event points by going compound to compound getting every point.
DEEZNUTZ 19 Dec, 2023 @ 1:28pm 
number 6 isn't a tip its a necessity for all randoms i play with
NameOf†hyFa†her 11 Feb, 2023 @ 1:07pm 
I loved reading every bit of this, stand up comedy.
†BangBang Crusher† 11 Feb, 2023 @ 8:15am 
Totally true!! player with average random teammate is dumb....
神隠し 5 Feb, 2023 @ 6:32pm 
0. Do Get a good headphone.:steamhappy:
Sehby 5 Feb, 2023 @ 3:16pm 
Ah yes, best guide I've seen in a while 10/10 :hunter0:
ChaozMatt 5 Feb, 2023 @ 12:32am 
this is amazing Kudos sir
JJshotty 4 Feb, 2023 @ 12:38pm 
You forgot if you hear a shotgun, run right towards it punching zombies with the second perk of grounded.:hunterprofile:
grizzo 4 Feb, 2023 @ 4:00am 
yagodron 31 Jan, 2023 @ 1:41pm 
+ rep
†Jimmysik† 29 Jan, 2023 @ 11:45am 