This is a Ghost
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This is a Guide (v0.2.78)
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A comprehensive guide on This is a Ghost, including the entities and how to approach the game.
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At the time of writing, This Is A Ghost is a very new game that follows in the waves of games that started with Phasmophobia. Let's be clear, this game tends to be compared to Phasmophobia a great deal, however, This Is A Ghost is nothing like Phasmophobia and is very unique and stands out with it's own personality. Nuci, the Developer, is very active, open and listens to his community. He designing This Is A Ghost with the specific intention of making the game both fun and challenging, and challenging it most definitely can be! Hence why this guide exists!

This guide will be updated to reflect any future updates by myself and SubmssvHellkitten.
The first order of business is you, the player. What is your role in all of this? What do you get for hunting down these entities? You get XP for your character's level for starters, and it costs 10,000 XP just to level up once.

You also accumulate XP for your reputation with the three secret societies. When choosing your mission, you must select which secret society you want a contract with for that one mission, then any successful contract will grant you XP to build up your reputation with that one secret society. From lowest to highest, it goes: Hated > Unaware > Neutral > Friendly > Respected > Legend (Unaware being the starting rank).

You also have money which you get rewarded with for successful contracts. This money in turn can be used to buy things from the Merchant which we will talk about in the following section. Due to the nature of the game though, you want to spend your money as soon as you have enough funds to purchase absolutely anything. Even if you're a saver like me, you will inevitably be saving funds anyway when you're grinding for reputation XP.

Another reason to spend your money at any given opportunity is because you LOSE money if you die! You also lose reputation XP for the secret society with which you had a contract, either by you dying or failing to complete at least 25% of the contract. When you are completely new to the game and/or starting from scratch with a fresh character, your money-making potential is incredibly limited so your first plan of action is to rectify that.

Each of the three secret societies have things for sale via the Merchant. First, you must unlock whatever it is you wish to purchase by having the required reputation with whichever secret society you're looking to buy from. And second, you must of course have the necessary funds to complete the purchase.

When you start making your first bucks, this is the situation you're in: Easy difficulty is the only difficulty setting you have available so you're not getting any extra rewards for that, and you will only come across a maximum of 5 entities.There is such a thing as the entity multiplier in the rewards that reflects how many entities you have unlocked. and because you only have 5 to begin with, that reward multiplier is set to x0.5. Yes, it halves your rewards!

In order to fix this problem, you must accrue enough funds to unlock the other 10 entities on offer via the Merchant. Each entity unlocked will add +0.1 to the entity multiplier, going all the way up to x1.5. Instead of having your funds slashed in half, they can get boosted by 50%!

Once you have all the entities unlocked, then you want to work towards unlocking the other difficulty settings: Medium (Normal) and Hard. Obviously playing on them boosts the difficulty multiplier which grants you even more money and XP. Then consider the craft enhancements as they have the potential to make a huge difference in your future games. Things such as new maps or upgrades to equipment cost the most money and should be purchased last. Speaking of equipment...
You don't need to purchase your equipment in This Is A Ghost. Every single game, you will always have all the necessary equipment. You will not lose any equipment if you die or fail to complete the contract, nor is there even an option to buy more stock from the Merchant.

This is the equipment that each individual player has with them: it is NOT shared between the group. Whatever values you see for any of this equipment are relevant only to you.

Flashlight is quite basic: it helps you see things in the dark. You can have it switched on even if you are holding onto another piece of equipment.

UV Flashlight is bound to the same key as the standard flashlight and you can toggle between them. This allows you to see certain things such as fingerprints for example.

Photo Camera is a money-making tool. Each individual player has their own photo camera as well as their own albums. You have a maximum of 8 photos to take.

Night Vision Goggles are great: not only can you see in the dark pretty well with them but they can also allow you to see different types of paranormal evidence that you couldn't possibly see without night vision! A very important piece of equipment, and you can use other items while wearing them. Night vision uses batteries, so when fully upgraded, you'll have 16m40s of use.

EMF Tracker is a very useful gadget as it measures the level of the interaction that occurred. Most of the time you use this in conjunction with the Photo Camera, on a few other occasions it can be used to gather more paranormal evidence.

Pistol counts as a firearm. It can temporarily stop any entity that is trying to hunt you but it will have varying degrees of effectiveness depending on the entities you shoot at. It is a solo weapon because even in multiplayer, each player has their own Pistol with 10 loaded bullets. It can help to permanently banish entities that are vulnerable to it, but it's not as effective as the other firearm for which you can craft specific ammunition to greatly deplete the entity's HP.

Shield is like a paranormal defence system. You hit the key and it just springs up: the entity will be stopped if it runs into the shield. But it's also very easy to break the shield: friends of yours can walk into it and break it. Even you can break your own shield by walking out of it! If your shield ends up serving no purpose, it costs 10 energy per wasted use when it only has 100 energy max. Shields are great for fending off aggressive entities and for protecting yourself while you're doing certain actions that render you immobile.
The following equipment listed is shared by the entire group if you happen to be playing in a multiplayer game. Whatever values you see by them on the HUD can be directly impacted by other players in the group as well as yourself.

Shotgun is your main weapon of choice to permanently dispose of the entity, so long as it is loaded with the right type of shells, something to be explored later on. Just to clarify one thing: all of you have your own shotguns. What you do NOT have however is your own shells: they are shared with the entire group which is why the shotgun is considered a group weapon. You having your own shotgun is irrelevant if you have no shells remaining!

Burning Flash does NOT count as a firearm. The projectiles it fires are not as seemingly instantaneous in delivery as bullets fired from the Pistol, but the Burning Flash compensates for that by being more effective in stopping entities that are usually resilient to the Pistol. Even though each player has their own Burning Flash, it is still a group weapon because the group shares the 25 charges. Also like the Pistol, you can permanently banish entities that are more vulnerable to it, but it doesn't match the raw power of the Shotgun loaded with the correct shells.

Runes are what allow you to trap the entity in place if it tries to move through them. You can only place runes on the ground if you have marked both an entity and a behavior type in the journal though. Make sure to place them in areas the entity is likely to traverse, especially doorways that act like chokepoints. But beware: the entity has a chance of destroying the runes the moment it touches them, and this chance increases when playing on harder difficulties! You also only have a maximum of 5 runes available for the whole group, so use them wisely!

Incense is used to calm the entity down. It lowers the global activity but only if the entity is within range of the incense to begin with. You can also use it to check for the entity's favorite room but more on that later. You only have 3 sticks of incense to burn between the whole group.

Infrared Sensors are great for tracking the movement of the entity. If you pick a really good spot, you can also use them to tell when to shoot at the entity despite it being invisible! There are only 3 sensors for the whole group.

L.S.S. is also commonly known as a DOTS projectors. When using this equipment, you won't see the silhouettes very often but when they do appear, they are very obvious and easy to distinguish as it is simply the entity's outline covered in green! Your group only has 2 of these devices.

GhostPrinter is the device with the sole purpose of tracking footprints. Footprints are a primary evidence type in This is a Ghost. But just because the entity is walking nearby the device does not mean you will always see footprints, so be observant. As for the device itself, there are only two of them shared between the group.
People's opinions on what they consider a successful mission can vary. There may be players who are happy to make it out alive or simply not lose money or XP. On the other hand, others might not be content with anything short of a perfect investigation.

There is a notebook on each map that allows you to collect some of the following information all in one place. A Ouija board has also been added to the game to allow you to communicate with the entity and collect information.

No matter what your goals or references are, here are the following things for you to do:
  • Determine the entity's name (it will scribble its name)
  • Determine the entity's date of death (it will scribble a year)
  • Determine the entity's cause of death (the kids' blocks will levitate and spell it out)
  • Determine the entity's favorite room (there will be haze that is visible with night vision)
  • Determine the behavior of the entity (there are 3 to choose from)
  • Determine the type of the entity (there are up to a total of 15 types to choose from)
  • Banish the entity from the map (bring its HP down to zero)
  • Complete the optional quests (there are always 3 random ones given)
  • Complete the photo album (there are 8 photos in total to take)
Any disembodied voice in game is considered the Voices evidence. From child laughter, to whispers. The only exceptions are the growling that is heard when the entity is manifesting and the hunting noises.

Orbs vary in sizes. The photo is of an average orb size, but they can vary from what we like to call "micro-orbs" to extra large Spirit orbs. Orb location in game will likely indicate the entities favorite room, but watch carefully, because sometimes the orbs will wander into nearby areas.

The EMF Reader will pick up on the entities' electromagnetic fields. Anything the entity interacts with, as well as it physically manifesting, can give EMF. EMF 5 (the orange light) specifically is the only EMF rating that counts as an evidence for narrowing down the entity.

L.S.S. (also commonly known as a DOTS projector) will show the entity's outline covered in green when activated! It can be a bit rare for the ghost to trigger this specific evidence, but when it does it's extremely obvious.

Cursed Object
You will need to use your night vision to look around for a cursed object. Some can be trickier to find than others, but you will know once you've found one when you find an object that is transparent and white with a moving wave-like pattern. You can click on the object to confirm you've found the cursed object.

These require the GhostPrinter to appear. We aren't entirely sure how the entity triggers this piece of equipment, as just walking near it doesn't always mean you'll get the evidence. Be observant, when footprints do appear, they don't last long.

Many things the entity interacts with can leave fingerprints behind, but they aren't 100%. Be sure to check doors, light switches, the book and other objects with your UV light.

Not to be confused with an entity writing it's name or year of birth, drawing is a bit more unique. It can be a hate or threat message, an drawing or a pentagram written in blood.
Energy is basically the entity's health bar. Unfortunately, only the lead developer knows the specific numerical values of an entity's energy so we are unable to provide exact figures. But what we can determine from the in-game journal is that all entities have varying degrees of energy, and we can test this out in actual gameplay by bombarding each entity with the strongest firepower we can muster. This will be shotgun shells imbued with the correct ingredient, matching runes and exploiting the entity's vulnerability with either one of the two standard weapons. You banish the entity by draining its energy to zero. But beware: the journal states that some entities can regain energy!

Strength indicates how hard the entity can hit you as well as how hard it can throw objects. The strongest entities on Hard difficulty for example, will be able to send you from full health to 1hp in a single hit! But a weaker entity or one that has its strength reduced, will not be able to strip away as much health. This also applies to your shield: a stronger entity can demolish your shield, while a weaker or weakened entity means your shield can absorb more blows.

Speed is an incredibly vital stat for any entity. Its movement speed is consistently applied across the board, whether it's just roaming the map or if it's actively hunting you. But it's not just its own movement; the entity's speed also applies to how many interactions it can do in a chain, something that subsequently allows the entity to escalate quickly in global activity. It also seems to apply during apparitions, where a faster entity will disappear and reappear quicker and more often compared to a slower entity. And even if the average entity is reduced to its weakest state, it's still a major problem during hunts if it's able to move about at its top speed as it's much easier for an entity to land hits on you when it's moving as fast as it possibly can.
To clarify one important thing, identifying the correct entity is what matters most. You don't have to know the behavior of the ghost in order to banish it with your shotgun loaded with the correct shells (which we'll explore in the next section) or whichever weapon the entity is most vulnerable to. However, it is still necessary to know the behavior to achieve a perfect investigation, and it can make a difference in making it easier to deal with the entity.

Residual entities are the most passive ones. You can confirm them if you ever see a grey outline of the entity manifesting at any point. It might also be the case that you can hear a heartbeat on occasions if it's a Residual entity. Although it's not an absolute guarantee in any sense, any lack of obvious behavior from the entity indicates that it is more likely to be residual.

Residual entities can perform a special event and visions of hell.

Lost entities are the ones that physically manifest in front of you and momentarily grab you while making the screen go red. These manifestations can also cause global activity to increase.

Lost entities can perform a special event and do silent teleports.

Vengeful entities are the most dangerous ones as they can essentially start mini-hunts, long before they reach the paranormal activity levels to start hunting regularly. However, since they are mini-hunts: you only have to shoot them with a firearm or burning flash or block with your shield and then they disappear.

Vengeful entities can perform an unexpected hunt and visions of hell.

Selecting the correct behavior of the entity matters when it comes to runes. You can trap any entity in any rune, but this will be very brief, assuming that the entity isn't lucky enough to destroy it. In order to maximize your runes, you need to select both the correct entity AND the correct behavior!

You'll know you've picked the right combination when the entity is trapped in the rune for longer than usual and is rotating on the spot. The correct combo also happens to drain the HP of the entity: it would be wise to let the entity marinate in the rune for a duration, preferably shooting it with the shotgun after about 3 or 4 seconds.
When you are using ingredients to craft particular shotgun shells, you have to bear in mind that there is a chance you could lose shells, and quantity is shared with the entire group in multiplayer. You can buy crafting enhancements from the Merchant to reduce the chances of losing shells, but they only benefit your own crafting chances as an individual player. As the crafted shells are shared by everyone in multiplayer, have the player with the best crafting perks make your shotgun shells.

Furthermore, make sure you don't close the journal while crafting. Wait for the bar to fill up in order to complete the process. This is why it's a good tactic to save your shield and use it to protect yourself while you are crafting ammunition, whether that's against Vengeful entities or when the entity already has enough global activity to constantly hunt you.

Even if you don't know what type of entity you're dealing with, you can tell you've got the right ingredient for your shotgun shells if you shoot the entity and you hear a reverberating sound: something that sounds like a paranormal echo that lasts for a few seconds. The entity's behavior makes NO difference in terms of choosing the right ingredient! Here is a list of the ingredients and which entities to use them on:
  • Ghost - Salt
  • Wraith - Quartz
  • Spirit - Crushed Sage
  • Yurei - Palo Santo Shard
  • Demon - St. John's Wort
  • Siren - Silver Powder
  • Yokai - Bone Powder
  • Kappa - Copper
  • Banshee - Ruby Dust
  • Oneiroi - Iron Fragments
  • Poltergeist - White Oak Ash
  • Raiju - Bone Powder
  • Shapeshifter - Obsidian
  • Revenant - Saint's Tears
  • Ifrit - Selenite
  • Echo of Death - Wolfsbane
You can further imbue the crafted shells with additional attributes. There is no definitive best or worst choice between them because circumstances will vary. In the past, individual players used to be able to craft their own shells, but an update changed it so that any crafting change applies to the entire stock of shells for all players in a multiplayer lobby.

Holy Water is something that finds a lot more value in higher difficulties, especially on Hard where it's not uncommon for entities to kill you in just two hits. Shells imbued with Holy Water will help reduce the entity's strength, ergo the entity will not be able to smack as much health out of you or wreck your shield the more you keep dousing it with Holy Water. In my honest opinion, the best time to use this additive is if you are dealing with an entity that is either known to be strong or known to be slow.

Sacred Oil is good for use against entities that move pretty fast by default. If you can slow down the entity, you make it harder for the entity to land hits on you, you make it easier for yourself to land further shots on it, and you reduce its chances to do simultaneous interactions and build up activity in that way. One or two entities are slow enough already where this additive might not be necessary against them. But from personal experience, I tend to use Sacred Oil because the difference in movement speed is humongous. If I get any inkling whatsoever that the entity is already fast before it starts hunting, I'm definitely using Sacred Oil!

Engraved Prayer is something I would not be surprised if it's the most common one people use across all difficulties. Entities have to pass a certain percentage of global activity to constantly hunt you, but you can reduce that global activity with Engraved Prayer. Even if the entity is in the middle of a hunt, you can stop that hunt if the reduction in global activity is enough to take it lower than its hunting range. This is major against entities that love to boost global activity in big spikes and in relatively short time, and it's also great for buying yourself more time in an investigation in case you need to gather more evidence or complete other quests. However, if you're a perfectionist and one of your objectives is to get 100% paranormal activity, then Engraved Prayer will be detrimental towards that aim. That's when you have to ask yourself if you would rather play it safe, or allow paranormal activity to escalate while trying other ways to mitigate the high risk in order to claim the high reward.
Whether you're playing solo or multiplayer, each player has their own photo album. This means that each individual player is responsible for compiling their own photos. At the same time, you can only take one type of each photo, whether it's the entity, an object, a door, a switch, etc. Duplicates of the same type of photo will not be captioned in the album or rewarded at the end of the contract.

If you are out to get the perfect contract, you need a 3-star rating for your photos in the post-game rewards. Ultimately, you want to get a 3-star rating for each individual photo you take. There is only very marginal room for error (or a glitch) where one of the photos can have a 2-star rating but as long as the rest of the album is decked with 3-star ratings, the post-game reward for photos will still be worth 3 stars and count towards a perfect contract!

To make sure you get 3-star ratings, you want to be very close to the things you are taking photos of. For example, be close to them but not so close that your camera lens is poking through the object or whatever is the target of your photography. For things like identity, year of birth, blood, drawings and cursed objects, you want to right-click on them first to confirm them before taking the photos, otherwise they will not captioned and thus will not count in terms of rewards!

Additionally, verify anything with the EMF tracker first to be sure that the source is still fresh. With things like the blocks, doors, thrown objects, switches and more specific interactions, if you don't get an EMF reading then you've missed out on the opportunity for a valid photo. Also bear in mind that you only need the photo of the entity if it is actually one of the mission objectives, otherwise it's not mandatory. While you can try to get more value for your album by saving your photos for ones that pay more than others, I don't recommend this on the basis that it can make the investigation more time-consuming and more dangerous: getting the 3-star rating for your album is what matters for a perfect contract, not the individual worth of each photo.

SPOILER WARNING! Below is the complete list of collectible photos.
For those who wish to discover them on their own, DO NOT view the following photo.

All the entities have different stats from each other along with their own unique aspects and abilities. Global Activity values indicate at what percentage the entities start to hunt you constantly. Movement Speed is self-explanatory as is evidence. Ingredient and Vulnerabilities denote what the entities are most susceptible to in terms of weaponry. I will list the entities in the order as they are presented in the journal and unlocked when purchasing them from the Merchant.
The Ghost boasts the fastest average speed of any entity in the game. There are other entities that can match it for top speed, but when you reduce each entity to its lowest speed possible, the Ghost is still comfortably the fastest of them all. This means that on top of being fast during hunts, expect the Ghost to perform chains of interactions in order to increase global activity.

Hunting Activity: 60%
Movement Speed: 200-400
Evidence: Voices, L.S.S., Fingerprints, Drawing
Shotgun Ingredient: Salt
Secondary Vulnerability: Pistol
We used to think that the Wraith was a silent hunter, but we were wrong. According to the journal, its stealthy approach is down to it being less likely to produce apparitions. Yes, it's one of the slowest ghosts in the game and it can only start hunting at 85%, but we've come across a couple of vicious Wraiths lately that just would not stop building up in global activity. Don't let the stats fool you; do not underestimate this entity!

Hunting Activity: 85%
Movement Speed: 120-250
Evidence: Voices, EMF5, Cursed Object, Footprints
Shotgun Ingredient: Quartz
Secondary Vulnerability: Pistol & Burning Flash
This entity doesn't really have any significant features other than it always seems to possess the largest orbs of any entity in the game. But as far as we're aware, the entity having the largest orb does not mean that it always is a Spirit. It is also one of the entities in the game that has the highest amounts of energy.

Hunting Activity: 70%
Movement Speed: 170-300
Evidence: Voices, Orb, Cursed Object, Fingerprints
Shotgun Ingredient: Crushed Sage
Secondary Vulnerability: Pistol & Burning Flash
Not too sure about this one, but have heard a rumour that it starts off slow then speeds up in movement with hunts depending on global activity? Still needs further testing.

Hunting Activity: 75%
Movement Speed: 110-400
Evidence: Voices, Cursed Object, Footprints, Drawing
Shotgun Ingredient: Palo Santo Shard
Secondary Vulnerability: Burning Flash
Not only does it require the least amount of global activity to start hunting regularly, but neither the pistol nor burning flash do a single thing to calm this entity down! On top of that, a Demon will attempt to possess you and it can 'pull' you towards it during hunts as well! The Demon gives you very little breathing space which is why you need to identify it quickly and craft the correct shells with what little time you have available.

Hunting Activity: 50%
Movement Speed: 150-400
Evidence: Orb, EMF5, L.S.S., Cursed Object
Shotgun Ingredient: St. John's Wort
Secondary Vulnerability: None
This entity is obvious in the sense that it sings. However, you lose health if you're within the Siren's proximity while it sings, and this is even a one-hit kill if you are within range to be losing health the entire time and allow the Siren to finish singing its song on Hard difficulty! It will physically manifest in a bright outline when it sings, so you must find the entity and stop it from singing, preferably with the burning flash.

Hunting Activity: 80%
Movement Speed: 150-400
Evidence: Voices, Orb, L.S.S., Footprints
Shotgun Ingredient: Silver Powder
Secondary Vulnerability: Burning Flash
Pay attention to global activity because the Yokai really ramps it up every time it physically manifests during an apparition compared to the average entity. If you suddenly have an apparition and notice that paranormal activity is anywhere between 20-40% higher than before it started, chances are it's most likely the Yokai.

Hunting Activity: 90%
Movement Speed: 150-300
Evidence: Voices, Footprints, Fingerprints, Drawing
Shotgun Ingredient: Bone Powder
Secondary Vulnerability: Pistol
One thing we've noticed with the Kappa is that it can escalate in global activity quicker with more basic interactions such as touching doors, light switches or throwing objects. Other than that, we're not really sure if it possesses a unique identifier that distinguishes it from other entities. There was an old theory that it was the only entity in the game that could turn on sinks when it was very rare to see, but any entity can cause water as an interaction.

Hunting Activity: 80%
Movement Speed: 150-400
Evidence: Voices, EMF5, Fingerprints, Drawing
Shotgun Ingredient: Copper
Secondary Vulnerability: Burning Flash
This entity can emit a scream during hunts and can also stun-lock you which you'll recognise when you can't move and the screen temporarily goes a shade of blue.

Hunting Activity: 60%
Movement Speed: 150-400
Evidence: Voices, Orb, Footprints, Fingerprints
Shotgun Ingredient: Ruby Dust
Secondary Vulnerability: Burning Flash
This entity LOVES to destroy the fuse box and when it does so, there is a significant spike in global activity! If you realise that light switches suddenly aren't working, go check the fuse box. If it's spitting sparks, it's been destroyed by an Oneiroi!

Hunting Activity: 90%
Movement Speed: 150-250
Evidence: Orb, EMF5, Footprints, Drawing
Shotgun Ingredient: Iron Fragments
Secondary Vulnerability: Pistol

You'll know you're dealing with the Poltergeist when you see it's special event: nearby doors constantly opening and closing with objects being tossed around. This also spikes both its strength and its global activity immensely. It can one-hit kill you on Hard after doing the event!

Hunting Activity: 65%
Movement Speed: 150-400
Evidence: Voices, L.S.S., Cursed Object, Footprints
Shotgun Ingredient: White Oak ash
Secondary Vulnerability: Pistol & Burning Flash
You can immediately identify the Raiju if you ever notice electricity coming out of the light switches. On top of that, when it is hunting, the Raiju can glow with a special type of fire.

Hunting Activity: 75%
Movement Speed: 150-400
Evidence: Orb, EMF5, L.S.S., Fingerprints
Shotgun Ingredient: Bone Powder
Secondary Vulnerability: Pistol
If it wasn't already obvious to you by now, the Revenant can drain your health by mere proximity! If you ever see your health bar starting to decline even though the entity is not appearing or seemingly doing anything, immediately circle Revenant in the journal and start crafting shotgun shells with saint's tears. Now the Revenant will not always drain your health, it can choose whether to do it or not. But prolonging the investigation for a perfect contract is rarely ever worth it if the Revenant can drain you to death before you've gathered everything. On rare occassions, however, the Revenant can be lazy (or nice) and choose to not use it's special ability, so keep your eyes open and watch that HP bar when it's a possibility, even if it hasn't silently attacked you yet.

Hunting Activity: 90%
Movement Speed: 150-400
Evidence: EMF5, Cursed Object, Footprints, Fingerprints
Shotgun Ingredient: Saint's Tears
Secondary Vulnerability: Burning Flash
This entity is very true to its namesake and is capable of changing its ghost model during apparitions as well as when it's trapped in runes.

Hunting Activity: 65%
Movement Speed: 150-400
Evidence: Orb, L.S.S., Cursed Object, Drawing
Shotgun Ingredient: Obsidian
Secondary Vulnerability: Burning Flash
Similar to a Jinn, this entity's power seems to stem from the fuse box being active. As it grows in power, its model also becomes more red and translucent.

Hunting Activity: 70%
Movement Speed: 150-400
Evidence: EMF5, L.S.S., Fingerprints, Drawing
Shotgun Ingredient: Selenite
Secondary Vulnerability: Burning Flash
Coming soon...

Hunting Activity: 50%
Movement Speed: 220-380
Evidence: EMF5, Orb, Drawing, Cursed Object
Shotgun Ingredient: Wolfsbane
Secondary Vulnerability: Pistol
The entity has a favourite room which is really the first thing you must look for: it's the room that will have haze floating in it which you can only see with night vision. If you suspect that you're in the right area but don't see it, you can try confirming it by burning incense to see if it will make the haze appear. However, I would recommend burning incense only if global activity has increased to at least 15 or 20% early on. Once you have the favourite room, you know roughly where to place things such as the laser projectors and the footprint devices.

Whether or not you have already found the favourite room, try looking for an orb with night vision. In fact, if you haven't seen the haze yet, the orb tends to float around the entity's favourite room as well. Orbs can vary in size, the only noteworthy detail to add to that being that unless you see the largest-sized orb possible, the entity cannot be the Spirit. But orbs can be tiny as well and easy to overlook so search thoroughly. Whether or not you already know the favourite room, it's quite easy to confirm or rule out orb as an evidence type.

Night vision also serves another fantastic purpose in early game: it can be used to detect a cursed object. For each map in the game, there is a range of objects that can be cursed so it will take time and experience to notice them and know which ones can be cursed. But once you know which ones can be cursed then like the orb, it should be simple to confirm or rule out cursed object as a primary evidence type.

In addition to the favourite room, you also want to locate where the kids' blocks are so you know where to go to learn about the entity's cause of death, and also look for the blood stain as it's one early and easy photo for the album. Right-click on the blood stain first before taking a photo! If you happen to find a cursed object, you must right-click on it while using night vision before you can get paid for taking a photo of it.

Depending on the layout of the map and where the favourite room is, one more thing you might want to consider early on in the game is placing infrared sensors to monitor the movement of the entity. You'll want to know if it sets foot in the main building, stays in one particular room or prefers to stay outdoors somewhere. The movement of an entity can vary greatly, even if it means spending a lot of time away from its favourite room.
Unless the entity has been very generous to you from the beginning, now is the time where you need to start gathering more information and evidence. It is total RNG where and when the entity decides to write down its identity and year of birth, both of which you want to right-click on before taking photos. You can also get the entity to write its info in an empty book. You do have to be close to the kids' blocks for the entity to reveal its cause of death but again, it's RNG as to how early or late into the game this particular interaction occurs. You can take a photo as the blocks are levitating, but you do not need to right-click on them.

As for evidence, you want to be scanning EVERYTING the entity touches with the EMF tracker, not just for seeing if you get EMF-5 for evidence but also to take photos of any interactions you don't have in the album yet. Any time it touches doors or light switches, you want to toggle to your UV flashlight to check for fingerprints. They don't always appear every single time so keep checking again and again. You can also take a photo of fingerprints so long as you have your UV light shining on them. Similarly with footprints, you can take a photo of them as long as you can see them, but they don't appear often so as well as being observant, you want to place the devices in spots that cover some if not most of the entity's movement patterns.

Drawing is different from an entity writing its personal information. You'll know for sure when you see actual drawings on walls or floors. L.S.S evidence does not occur often but usually has better results when you place the devices on walls, either in the favourite room or in hallways where the entity tends to traverse through regularly. Voices is an evidence type that doesn't occur often and you can't really do much to influence, it's RNG if it happens or not.

The rest of mid game should be focused on confirming the entity's type and behaviour as well as completing any optional quests. Even if you don't know the specific type of entity you're dealing with, as long as you've narrowed down the range of entities to anywhere between 2 to 4, you can craft shells with the right ingredient and fire at it with the shotgun until you hear the reverberating sound. As you get more used to the game, you'll be able to include other telltale clues besides just the primary evidence (or lack of) in order to help eliminate entities from the shortlist.

Any optional quests such as using burning flash against the entity, triggering it by talking to it, this is stuff that you want to do before it gets in hunting range or before you try to permanently banish it. Quests such as finishing the contract with a minimum of 80 health points means you might want Engraved Prayer for your shells so that you can reduce global activity and prevent the entity from hunting. But then Engraved Prayer is detrimental to an objective such as reaching 100% paranormal activity, in which case you might want either Holy Water or Sacred Oil instead.
This is the final phase of the game, where you're now ready to banish the entity from the map for good. While you can technically banish the entity with either the pistol or the burning flash depending on which it is more vulnerable to, it's still a wise idea to craft shells with the matching ingredient for the entity you're dealing with and make sure you have the correct behavior type selected as well so that your runes can drain HP as well as trap the entity in place for longer. Whether or not you're running low on shotgun shells, allow the entity to spend time in the rune so that it can drain more of its HP over time.

As for rune placement, it's usually better to place them in doorways that act as choke points. You can even stack them in a corner if you want, in case the entity succeeds in breaking at least one of the runes but I would strongly recommend making sure you have the correct rune first before doing something like this. If global activity is high enough to the point where the entity is constantly hunting, then you absolutely want to seek shelter in a room where you only have to point at one doorway and defend yourself with runes as well as weapons.

The harder the difficulty, the more shotgun blasts it will require to banish the entity permanently. This is also another good incentive for allowing the runes to do some of the work in draining the entity's HP instead of relying entirely on the shotgun. If the entity starts hunting before you have figured out its type, either use your shield to defend yourself while you access the journal and craft the correct shells, or make the decision to rush to your bike and leave if the situation is overwhelming to the point where you cannot banish the entity. Better to leave than to die. Bear in mind however, only the lobby host can make the decision to exit the map in a multiplayer game!
Most of the entities give away clues that allow you to identify their type immediately. If you're able to do this, you can get straight to work in crafting the correct shells and be better prepared to dispose of them even if they are the ones most likely to kill you! Here are the giveaways:

If the entity starts regularly hunting between 50 and 60% global activity, it's a Demon

If you get involuntarily pulled in random directions during a hunt, it's a Demon

If the entity screams and/or stun-locks you during hunts, it's a Banshee

If the entity repeatedly opens and closes nearby doors, it's a Poltergeist

If the entity ever changes its physical model, it's a Shapeshifter

If the entity starts to glow with a red aura as it grows in power, it's an Ifrit

If the entity produces sparks of electricity at light switches, it's a Raiju

If the entity sings, it's a Siren

If the entity starts a hunt silently, it's a Wraith

If the entity spikes global activity dramatically with apparitions, it's a Yokai

If the entity ever destroys the fuse box, it's an Oneiroi

If the entity passively drains your health while seemingly doing nothing, it's a Revenant
Thanks for reading! This guide is a work in progress, it will be edited with any relevant new information or future updates. If you find any of it useful, click on the thumbs-up and favorite buttons, and feel free to give some feedback in the comments!

Big thanks to SubmssvHellkitten for contributing in the making of this guide! She also helps Nuci, the Developer, with beta testing and is in the localization team for This is a Ghost.

If you play Phasmophobia, you check out my Steam guide for it.

If you play Demonologist, you can check out SubmssvHellkitten's Steam guide for it as well.
Комментариев: 9
ScarletVampiree 27 мар. 2023 г. в 23:04 
how exactly do you get all those photos?
DaMegaTaco 21 фев. 2023 г. в 14:40 
You should mention the book that can be found in a few levels (maybe all?) including near the sink on the little house level or whatever it is called. I have also found it in the basement of the 3 floored home, but that's it as far as I know. It is super useful because not only will the ghost write its name & birth date in it, but it can also write the cause of death & favorite room as well as it will leave fingerprints on the book if it has fingerprints as one of the evidence.
ThePurpleGamer 18 фев. 2023 г. в 18:05 
this helped out a lot :steamthumbsup:
SteelFyre 18 фев. 2023 г. в 11:38 
Very nice! Well done.
ynto 15 фев. 2023 г. в 6:18 
thank you very much for keeping this guide updated :)
just a little notice - in Revenant section, the SG ingredience is Saint's Tears but in description is Bone Powder
BrokenWish 14 фев. 2023 г. в 17:40 
This helps so much! The materials to put in the ammo are so confusing.
TTVPupp22 14 фев. 2023 г. в 7:51 
Is this with the new update dropped yesterday? I know they changed ingredients on some ghosts :CryingGhost:
♥Lilith♥Liliana♥ 6 фев. 2023 г. в 4:31 
OMG thank you for the photo thing its been driving me crazy only to find out they had been missing >.< or not working from the start
ThaTwHiT3g1rl 2 фев. 2023 г. в 20:53 
what does the global score mean?