Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Ali Pasha Mosque
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21 січ. 2023 о 7:43
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Підпишіться, аби завантажити
Ali Pasha Mosque

В колекціях (1) автора equinox.nova
Buildings by equinox.nova
Предметів: 62


Ali-pašina Džamija Sarajevo

Džamiju je sagradio 1560/61. godine Hadim Ali-paša, budimski begler-beg, uz to je bio temišvarski i egipatski begler-beg, u vrijeme kada je upravljao Bosanskim sandžakom (1550.–1551. i 1553. godine). Oko džamije se razvila Ali-pašina mahala, koja se prvi put spominje 1562. godine. Ali-paša, rodom iz Drozgometve u Sarajevskom polju, je u testamentu napisao da mu se uz mezar podigne džamija od sredstava njegovog vakufa. On je umro 1557. (neki izvori navode 1560.), a džamija se sagrađena 4 godine kasnije. Njegov nišan nema natpisa. Džamija je izgrađena u klasičnom istanbulskom stilu. Nad ulazom u džamiju nalazi se kamena ploča sa natpisom u stihovima na arapskom jeziku. Napisano je ukrasnim dželi-pismom:

"Njegova ekselencija gazi Ali-paša podiže u ime Boga dom dobrih ljudi. Na svijetu nema sličnog hrama, To je bogomolja istinske spoznaje, dom iskrenih vjernika. Bog nam nadahnu njen kronostih: Stjecište asketa, dom onih koji Boga ljude."

Džamija je 1884. godine obnovljena prema projektu zagrebačkog arhitekta Ćirila Ivekovića.


Ali pasha Mosque

Hadim Ali Pasha built the mosque in 1560/61., Begler-Bey of Buda, was also Begler-Bey of Timisoara and Egypt, at the time when he ruled the Bosnian Sandzak (1550-1551 and 1553). Ali Pasha's Mahal (neighborhood), which was first mentioned in 1562, developed around the mosque. Ali Pasha, a native of Drozgometva in Sarajevo Field, wrote in his will that a mosque be built next to his grave from the funds of his endowment. He died in 1557 (some sources say 1560), and the mosque was built 4 years later. His gravestone has no inscription. The mosque was built in the classic Istanbul style. Above the entrance to the mosque is a stone tablet with an inscription in verses in Arabic. It is written in decorative script:

"His Excellency Gazi Ali Pasha builds in the name of God a home of good people. There is no similar temple in the world, It is a place of worship of true knowledge, a home of sincere believers. God inspired us with His chronology: The meeting place of ascetics, the home of those who worship God."

The mosque was renovated in 1884 according to the project of the Zagreb architect Ćiril Iveković.
Коментарів: 5
equinox.nova  [автор] 28 лют. о 9:26 
Maybe in the future when (and if) I get motivated again. 25 лют. о 12:38 
Can we expect other Ottoman buildings in Sarajevo like the Gazi Husrev Beg Mosque, Sahat Kula and Bezistan in the near future?
Starshine 15 лип. 2023 о 1:06 
Beautiful model, thank you
mr.malikutku 2 лют. 2023 о 8:19 
Great job, huge congratulations and thanks to you:steamthumbsup:
mthibau 25 січ. 2023 о 6:34 
Amazing Mod congratulations, instant subscribe!