Postal 3
136 个评价
由 ZhiendRazzy 和其他 1 人合作完成
This guide is a large collection of modifications that will make playing POSTAL III much more enjoyable. The guide also includes basic tips and third-party guides to help fix some of the game's bugs, such as audio, and the guide also includes new skins for the game on Steam.
I think it’s worth pointing out a few details directly to the management.

[UPD 13/10/2023] October 13, 2023 unexpectedly an update was released for Steam version POSTAL III and now DRM protection and broken achievement is no longer a problem.

And therefore, this guide will now only contain modifications for the game, and some useful third-party guides (surprisingly, all of them did not stop working after the patch).

[UPD 01/29/2024] Also January 29, 2024 the developers from the «ZOOM» team again released a patch for the game, which fixed some more problems in the game , namely strong freezes (for 4 hours of play, not a single freeze, Hurray), 2 broken achievements («Real American» and «Kavorkian»), sound artifacts (not working for everyone), artificial intelligence (partially), and also added the «FurtGun» DLC completely.
Developers from «ZOOM» 01/29/2024 released a patch for the game, which was supposed to improve the stability of the game and fix some problems. He did it, but at the same time he broke some points, one of them was achievements.

To fix them, you have 2 ways.

The first one is simple. You need to scroll through this manual to the «MODIFICATIONS» tab and in the «FIXES» section find modification «POSTAL III FIX». Then download it and simply drop it into the root folder of the game.

The second method is more difficult. You will need to do everything as described by the user ABRAoriginal in discussions[] of the game on Steam.

In short, in the root folder of the game there is a file «autoexec.cfg», which contains the line «host_thread_mode», which the developers from the «ZOOM» team for some reason they decided to include it, although there is even a note from «TrashMasters» themselves: There are still a lot of glitches. Turn it off.

Well, I think, as everyone has already understood, we just need to disable this option.

To do this, you need to go to the root folder of the game. If you don’t know how to do this, then you need to go to Library on Steam ➔ right-click on the POSTAL III icon ➔ select properties ➔ click on the button, installed files ➔ then click browse.

Then you need to go to the folder P3 ➔ CFG ➔ and open the file «autoexec.cfg» using Notepad or another text editor.

Then you will find a line there called «host_thread_mode», in which you need to replace the number 2 with 0. And after this achievements will work as they did before the patch.
In the recently released patch for the game dated 01/29/2024, the developers seem to have finally fixed the sound artifacts in the game. However, some users still note that they have not disappeared anywhere.

If you are also unlucky, then I have translated this guide for you. To fix this issue you need:

First you need to go to the game settings, and there will be a «additional» button at the bottom, press it, then check the «developer console» checkbox. After pressing the button «~», the console will open. In it, enter «snd_rebuildaudiocache», after which you will have a download (approximately 30 seconds) and that's it.
This mod fixes the bugs that the developers of the «ZOOM» platform made in the latest update.

The main fixes are:
  1. Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to obtain any of the achievements;
  2. Fixed display of LOD models:
  3. Fixed the displacement of the entire game interface:
  4. Fonts from the old version of the game have been returned.
Link: POSTAL 3 FIX[]

Installation: Transfer the contents of the folder PIII_FIX, the root folder of the game.
This is perhaps the best mod of all that has been released so far. Its essence is to correct a huge bunch of things from the original POSTAL III.

The main things are:
  1. DRM has been completely removed, that is, if you play, for example, on the disk version of the game, you can install this mod;
  2. Fixed crash from throwing grenades, again suitable for the disk version with DRM removed;
  3. Fixed weapon damage values ​​that were incorrectly read by NPC (NPCs with weapons only dealt 1 damage to the player). Please note that this fix makes the game more difficult;
  4. Fixed the screen sometimes remaining tilted when taking fall damage.
Also added its own programming language AngelScript.

And many more changes that can be read on the modification page.

Link: Angel[]

Installation: Transfer absolutely everything that is in the archive to the root folder of the game.
The «Tweaked» modification adds a lot of unused content to the game, which is simply lying in the game files, and also adds some new functions.

Here is the list from a recent update:
  1. Matches are now a separate weapon (sometimes they can disappear when you pick up a can of gasoline);
  2. Added many unused voice lines for some NPC (black man, white man, zombie, Uwe Boll, hobo, Ron Jeremy, gays, hockey moms, Lt. Deutschbagge, male ecologist and Krotchi);
  3. The missile launcher now has its own sound when wearing a holster, the sound of taking it out of the holster, and the sound of picking up ammunition;
  4. Mothers now use an unused protest animation;
  5. Gamma meth and matches can now be linked;
  6. Jeniffer, Sergei Mavrodi and the Postal babies will no longer attack you if you accidentally push them.
And many more changes that can be read on the modification page.

Link: POSTAL III Tweaked[]

Installation: Go to the p3 folder inside the root folder of the game and transfer the contents of the archive into it.
The modification changes the standard third-person view, making it more like a camera from the «Grand Theft Auto» series.
It also adds a first-person view, although it does not work quite correctly, but for a change it will do (to switch between cameras, press «V»).
But the most important thing is that MODIFICATION ADDES THE OPPORTUNITY TO JUMP (please note that Dude will not jump initially. To make him do this, you must first stand up into cover to any wall using the «Space» key and immediately exit it, after these shenanigans Dude will finally be able to fully jump).
Link: VCAM: Improved Camera[]

Installation: transfer the «P3» folder to the root folder with the replacement game.
Close Captions
This mod adds working close captions in-game, as of now, it only includes Dude's lines.
Link: Close Captions

Installation: Transfer the contents of the «ingame_closecaptions» folder to the «P3» folder inside the root folder of the game.
No Splash Screens
Skips all cutscenes at startup and immediately launches the main menu.
Link: No Splash Screens[]

Installation: folder «P3» drop into the folder with the game.
Gore Mod
Adds new effects and blood particles.
Link: Gore Mod

Installation: Just put everything in the game folder, and the folder called «nmrih» too.
Classic Dude
The modification repaints Dude's clothes black, matching the style of Dude from «POSTAL 2».
Link: Classic Dude[]

Installation: go to the «P3» folder and drop the «materials» folder there.
HeadGibs Fix
The modification corrects the mechanics due to which pieces would fly out when an NPC's head was torn off. This didn't work before because the developers removed the properties necessary for it to function from the model.

Link: HeadGibs Fix

Installation: Go to the «P3» folder inside the game’s root folder and drop the «materials» folder there with replacing the files.
Simple Dot Crosshair
Replaces the standard crosshair with a simple dot.
Link: Simple Dot Crosshair[]

Installation: transfer the «P3» folder to the root folder with the replacement game.
Alternative Catnip Effect
Makes the effect of taking catnip less harsh.
Link: Alternative Catnip Effect[]

Installation: transfer the «P3» folder to the root folder with the replacement game.
Rick Hunter's Voice
This is a rather old modification, years 2012-2013. Replaces the voice acting of Corey Cruise with the voice acting of Rick Hunter from POSTAL 1&2. But the modification does not change the voice in cut scenes, but only remarks during the gameplay.

The voices themselves are taken from the Beta Mod Pack, and ported them:
  1. TheZhizneradostnyj;
  2. Joster285.
Download links:
Rick Hunter (POSTAL)[]
Rick Hunter (POSTAL 2)[]

Installation: transfer the Dude folder along the path P3_englishsoundcharactersDude.
Music Replacement
The soundtrack in the game is of course great, but unfortunately there are also very bad musical compositions, and good songs are usually used in the wrong places or sound very little.

So by simply replacing the original mp3 files in the music folder in the game's root folder with our own, we can replace any song in the game.

I changed some of the songs at my own discretion. I tried to pick up songs suitable for the missions themselves. Almost all the songs were already in the POSTAL III itself, but some musical compositions were taken from other POSTAL, namely from the second part and from the film by Uwe Boll.

Link: New Soundtrack[]

Installation is pretty simple. Just move the folder «P3» to the root folder with the file replacement game.

To be more specific, here is a list of replaced tracks:
  1. Musical compositions from the mission Роrn World have been replaced with a cut Goodbye Almond Eyes (Remix) and she now plays during the mission Bodyguard Jennifer Walcott;
  2. Music Cash Robbery from mission Rescue Champ has been replaced on Lost, Left, All Alone, which plays a little earlier;
  3. Song Against My Father in the mission Champ Training why it has no words (instrumental), and therefore replaced by its full version;
  4. Melody Showbiz Crisis from mission Paradise Bridge not everyone likes it, but on the Internet I found a remix of this song, and now it sounds wildly beautiful, so we add Showbiz Crisis (Redux);
  5. Very atmospheric composition Didjeri Voodoo only sounds in cut scenes in the game , and even that is very cut off, so I replaced the song Lost, Left, All Alone in the first half of the mission Champ Rescue on Didjeri Voodoo, while LLAA is already playing in the second half of the mission;
  6. During the mission Desedased Cat Roundup the title theme from will now play POSTAL The Movie;
  7. During the mission Cash Mart Robbery will now play Cash Robbery, who previously played in the mission Rescue Champ (she just looks more organic here);
  8. Disgusting song during the fight with the rhinoceros in the mission Gay Rodeo replaced with a great one a musical composition Village People CowBoy, which again sounded only in the cut-scene;
  9. During the mission Daveland will now play a more appropriate song that was originally played during the mission Bodyguard Jennifer Walcott;
  10. Probably the worst music track in the game during the mission Save Uwe Boll's Career has been replaced on The Nearing Light, which played in the mission Delivery of Toy Crotches;
  11. Melody during the mission Assault on Ecotologists Headquarters was replaced with the music from the final battle POSTAL 2: Paradise Lost;
  12. Strange music during the mission Apocalypse. Again has been replaced with Lost, Left, All Alone. Yes, maybe the atmosphere is a bit lost from this, but it becomes more fun to arrange a massacre on the streets of Catharsis;
  13. Another disgusting musical composition in the game, which sometimes played on the streets of the city and in the mission Champ Training after killing all opponents, was replaced by The Nearing Light;
  14. During the battle with Hugo Chavez, Didjeri Voodoo will now also play.

If you want to replace the songs in the game yourself, then do the following.
  1. Download any song in «mp3» format;
  2. Go to the music folder, which is located along the path POSTAL III → P3 → sound → music;
  3. Find in this folder the song you would like to replace;
  4. Rename your song with the same name you would like to replace in the «music» folder;
  5. Move your song to the replacement folder.

By the way, 11/10/2023 the game’s soundtrack was added to Steam.
No Recoil
The name is quite eloquent. The essence of the modification is that it removes recoil from absolutely all weapons in the game.
Link: No Recoil[]

Installation: Transfer the contents of the archive to the game folder and replace the files.
Cheats Menu
This mod essentially replaces the debug menu with a list of cheats. It includes 11 fun cheats for you to play with.
If you want to know what some of them do, just check the text file «Cheat List».

Oh, and to access cheats, hold «Shift» and then press «F1».

Link: Cheats Menu[]

Installation: Go to the «P3» folder inside the root game folder and transfer the contents of the archive into it.
Omega Punch
I don’t recommend installing this modification if you go through the game as a pacifist or on a good path (since if the enemy runs too close to you, the Dude will hit him with his butt or elbow and kill him).
This is a simple mod that changes the value of hit damage to a higher one. Your damage will become so huge that anyone who gets hit by you will fly into space. Yes, it's a cheat, but given the melee system in the game, this mod can't hurt.
Link: Omega Punch[]

Installation: folder «P3» drop into the folder with the game.
100% Save
If you do not want to go through some difficult level, like «Gay Rodeo», then this save is perfect for you. To start a specific level, select the «New Game» button in the main menu.

Link: 100% Save[]

If the link does not work, download from «Google Drive» from the link below.

Link: 100% Save (Google Drive)[]

Installation: go to the folder «game» and «P3» throw it into the folder with the game.
Jesus Save
From the link below you can download the save before the battle with Hugo Chavez (the link to the save is in the video description). The main thing is not to kill anyone except himself and get the holy ending.
Link: Jesus Save

Installation: go to the «P3» folder and drop «Save» into it.
I mention these modifications at the end for a reason. All released modifications (currently these are «Beta Mod Pack» and «Improvement Mod») were not updated for the new version of the game from Steam.

I do not guarantee stable operation of these modifications on the Steam version of the game (at least until they are updated). It seems that according to user comments they should work fine, but just in case, I warned you.

Also, these modifications are compatible with all other modifications from this manual.
Beta Mod Pack
«Postal III Beta Mod Pack» is a mod that tries to achieve the full picture and a real beta atmosphere POSTAL III (2008-2009). The list of changes is huge, for example:
  1. Sky from Beta;
  2. Beta model of the Dude;
  3. Texture corrections, optimization;
  4. Beta textures of grass, roads and buildings, etc.
You can read the full list of changes on the modifications page.

Link: Beta Mod Pack

Improvement Mod
«POSTAL III: Improvement Mod» basically simplifies the passage of the game and slightly changes the appearance, for example:
  1. In almost all tasks, the number of targets required to complete tasks has been changed (such as instead of 15 cats you need to collect only 5);
  2. The karma meter has been removed;
  3. The Dude's model is taken from the modification "Beta Mod Pack";
  4. Changing the appearance of the interface;
  5. Beta icons of weapons and items in the inventory.
You can again see the full list of changes on the modifications page.

Link: Improvement Mod

Catharsis Reborn
Catharsis Reborn is the most extensive modification within POSTAL III. A new storyline with re-drawn and voiced cut-scenes. New types of weapons, ammo for them, new Dude model, beta locations.

At the moment, the mod is in development, but from the bottom of my heart I ask you to support the developers, they really deserve it.

Link: Catharsis Reborn

Controlled by POSTAL III is a global modification that changes the plot, location, enemies, weapons, balance. The plot builds on the original plot of POSTAL III, and continues the plot of POSTAL 2. The mod is still in development, so I propose to support the authors and look at its state now.

Link: Controlled by POSTAL

The «Redux» modification adds new features that were in the plans, but never made it to the final version of the game, such as new maps, new missions (restored from old game trailers), new variety of NPC and game mechanics (for example, a new inventory system).

The modification is still in development, but I ask you to go to the mod page and support the authors.

Modification page: Redux
This modification is not for POSTAL III, but for POSTAL 2.

This modification transfers the POSTAL III to the Unreal Engine 2 engine, on which POSTAL 2 runs. The mod is still in development at the moment, but I really want to ask you all to show support for the authors.

Official modification group: Unreal[]

First, I'll explain how to put covers on Steam.

To get started, you should change the cover on the main page of the game in your library.
Right-click on the image above ➔ manage ➔ set custom artwork.
Then select the downloaded images.

Next comes the vertical cover of the game, which will be either in your formed collection, or simply mixed with all the games.
The principle is the same. Right-click on the image POSTAL III ➔ manage ➔ set custom artwork.

And last but not least, there is a cover for a recent game. It can be set after you run POSTAL III and go to the library tab at the top.
And on the new one, right-click on the image POSTAL III ➔ manage ➔ set custom artwork.

To download images, do the following.
1) Left click on the image you want to download;
2) Copy the link address;
3) Paste this address into your browser;
4) Download and install according to the guide above.
Inner Covers

If you chose the main cover already with a logo, then just click on the empty space below, download and put it as a logo.

If you chose a cover without a logo, then download them below and put them at your discretion.

Standard logos

Stroke logos

Logos with shadows

Outer Covers

Extended Covers

I would like to thank the following users for their assistance with this guide:
  1. FOX;
  2. Kizoky;
  3. Afflicted;
  4. Tommy Lee;
  5. Lemon Soda;
  6. ABRAoriginal;
  7. [ΞD] LivingSamurai.
Well, somehow it turned out to fix POSTAL III. I hope the guide was helpful to you. If you have any questions or suggestions, don't forget to write in the comments. Thank you for your unholy visit, now GO OUT and come back again.
69 条留言
postmortem 9 月 7 日 下午 12:48 
OK thanks
ZhiendRazzy  [作者] 9 月 7 日 上午 11:18 
Hi, I had no conflicts with Ultra Patch for all the modifications presented in the guide.
postmortem 9 月 7 日 上午 11:16 
Hey, I want to ask you a question: can I combine POSTAL III Tweaked and UltraPatch or is it not possible due to a file conflict?
Rowid 04 8 月 16 日 下午 5:44 
Great work:steamhappy:
here comes the party ruiner 6 月 20 日 上午 7:10 
hi, I'm the author of Postal 3 Angel, ask me anything

VCAM should work with Angel as it only modifies camera cvars
The Big Lebowski 4 月 27 日 下午 4:33 
is there any mod here that improves audio design (sometimes the audio plays to soon or is to loud) or anything about animations?
The Big Lebowski 4 月 27 日 下午 4:32 
ah ok
ZhiendRazzy  [作者] 4 月 27 日 下午 12:13 
@The Big Lebowski
Well, if the mod breaks and is not compatible with the mod, then you will have to reinstall the game again.

It's better to make a backup copy, and if the mod doesn't work, you can simply put the original files back in place.
The Big Lebowski 4 月 27 日 上午 11:32 
What happens if I dont make a back up?
ZhiendRazzy  [作者] 4 月 27 日 上午 10:09 
@The Big Lebowski
I honestly don’t know, I haven’t played with this mod yet.

Formally it should, but before installing just make a backup copy of the original files.