Red Dead Online

Red Dead Online

I named this "The Venomous Emile"
"I made this sketch for my Canadian friend (emilej15) whose we met in Red Dead Online. We met together while my little brother Dipeey (God rest his soul) and I were playing in a gaming Internet cafe. We, all of us, had a blast together playing that game lol~

4 comentarios
dodgeram15008 5 FEB 2024 a las 9:43 p. m. 
Venomoose Emile xD
Mysterious Stranger 5 MAR 2023 a las 7:59 a. m. 
Probably an event considering rockstar loves to lock every good item in RDO in a battle pass ripoff that they later entirely abandon
Nazareneن  [autor] 22 FEB 2023 a las 5:07 p. m. 
I'm not sure, either it was from an event or MOD menu 🌝👀
Mysterious Stranger 20 FEB 2023 a las 5:34 p. m. 
would you know how they got that deer-like mask?