SCP: Labrat

SCP: Labrat

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[Obsolete] How to fix controller bindings and finally be able to play the game
By Prag
A step by step guide on how to fix your controller bindings so you too can finally play the game.
You started the game, hyped to play it just to find out you can't open your inventory? You tried to blink but no button did the trick? You were fed up and tried to quit but not even the menu button worked? Then this guide is for you! Here you'll learn how to navigate the SteamVR-Controller-Binding interface and fix the bindings yourself, so you too can finally experience getting spawn-trapped by peanut.

  • SteamVR as OpenXR runtime
  • Some VR-Controllers
  • SCP: Labrat
  • Up to half an hour of free time

You got Vive Controllers? Use the shortcut described in Part 1!
Part 1: Opening the binding interface
Let's start with opening the binding interface. Don't worry, I'll keep it simple.

Step 1:
Open SCP: Labrat in VR mode. SteamVR should start up automatically. It should roughly look like this:

Step 2:
Navigate to "Devices > Controller Settings". You should end up here:

Step 3:
Select "SCP LABRAT" from the drop-down menu. Then press on "Custom". Two new buttons should appeard, click on "CHOOSE ANOTHER". You should now be in this window:

Step 4:
If you got Vive Controllers you can take the shortcut and click the "Activate" button of "SCP LABRAT Vive Controls" under "Community Bindings" (It's under "My Shared Bindings" in the picture above becaus I made it). You can now safely close the window as well as this guide. Have fun playing!

Else you have to press on "Edit" under "Current Binding". You should be here now:

Part 2: Preparing your custom binding
Before we can start binding we have some preparations to do because not all binding-options are available under all configurations.

Step 1:
Click on "Options" in the top right corner. This window should appear:

Step 2:
Click on the button where it says "htc/vive_controller" in the image above. A selection should appear now. Select "oculus/touch_controller", regardless of what controller you have. Then click on close.

Step 3:
Open the "oculustouchcontroller" tab. You now should be here:
Part 3: Tracking and haptics
Let's set up tracking and haptics first before we start binding, as these are the easiest to do.

Step 1:
Activate "Mirror Mode" located in the bottom center.

Step 2:
Click on "Poses", this new window should appear:

Step 3:
On the left side you'll see different options. Click on "unused" of "Left Hand Raw" and set it to "devicepose". After that Click on "unused" of "Left Hand Tip" and set it to "pointer". Then click on "Close".

Step 4:
Click on "Haptics", this new window should appear:

Step 5:
Click on "unused" on the left side and set it to "haptic". Then click on "Close".
Part 4: Binding it
Now we can actually start binding. This is the hardest part and the part where you will spend the most time in. I can't do a real step-by-step guide here since there are many different controllers with different layouts I don't know. What I can do is tell you how the GUI works and give you the action and mode names and what they do.

Mirror Mode:
"Mirror Mode" will mirror all actions you define on the left controller automatically to the right controller. This can be both convenient and unconvenient. Use it as you desire.

Assing an action to a button:
To set up a binding you first need to click on the + symbol for the specific button you want to assing the action to. A selection with different kind of modes should appear now, like this:

Note: an explanation of the most important modes is further down.

As an example I've now choosen "BUTTON", which looks like this:

To assing an action to the mode, you'll need to click on the button which says "None" from whichever category you choose. This selection should appear now:

Note: an explanation of all actions is further down.

Here you can choose your desired action. If you're done don't forget to click on the little checkmark.

Most Important Modes:
Simple button. You click it, it does something. Useful for e.g. blinking.
Like a button but it toggels, so actually like a lever. You click it, it activates, you click it again, it deactivates.
Like a DPAD from a console controller. You can bind up to 5 actions to it (Up, Down, Left, Right, Center).
Like a joystick from a console controller. You can (and should!) only really bind walking to it. Don't forget to set the position parameter as well.
Set's an analog action. Used for e.g smooth positioning of the trigger button.
Note: not all controllers have all the modes. Some may differ and not be listed here. Don't be hold back by that to try them.

All Actions:
Usage on Left Controller
Usage on Right Controller
grippressed / grip
Grabbing (Items etc.)
Grabbing (Items etc.)
Toggling Inventory
Toggling Pause Menu
triggerpressed / trigger
Item Interaction (e.g. Toggling Flashlight)
Item Interaction (e.g. Toggling Flashlight)
Note: binding actions do different things on different conroller sides. That means you can not for example toggle the inventory with a button on the left controller.

Closing and Additions:
As an example these are my bindings for a Vive Controller:

If you've set up all your bindings don't forget to save it via the "Save Personal Binding" button at the bottom center. After saving you can safely close all the windows as well as this guide. Have fun playing!

Pochiki Prankster 5 Aug, 2023 @ 10:24pm 
Lefty PK 13 May, 2023 @ 2:41pm 
thanks helped a lot