Double Dragon IV

Double Dragon IV

Double Dragon IV 100% Achievement Guide
由 Twiig 發表
Billy & Jimmy face a new they have what it takes to defeat evil once again?
Welcome to the next chapter in the Double Dragon series! Who’s ready to jump, kick, and punch their way through the 12 missions & 100 floors in the tower to 100% DD IV?! That’s all it takes to perfect this game, with the catch being that you have to beat the game numerous times using different characters. The achievements themselves are pretty straightforward, but this guide is to help with understanding and tips/tricks along the way that I learned by playing through this amazing game. I found that having a friend to run this game cooperatively makes 100%ing this game a lot quicker/easier.
Part I: First Playthrough
Clear all 12 missions using Billy.

The first step is to go through the missions to unlock “Complete Mission 6” achievement, “Complete Mission 8” achievement, and “Complete All Missions” achievements. After completing the game the first time, it will unlock Tower Mode to be selected in the main menu. A good thing to note is, if you run out of lives you can hit the start button to continue with more lives so that should take off some of the pressure.

GO_TO_JAPAN – Complete Mission 6.

OKADA_TOWER – Complete Mission 8.

STORY_CLEAR – Complete all Missions.

Tip: One suggestion I have is to try not to waste lives on the platforming levels, mission 12 throws a lot of different enemies at you so you’ll want to have a few lives left for a cushion.
Part II: Tower Mode
Fight through tower mode to unlock Mysterious Warrior at floor 40, then use him to floor 100!

There are six achievements associated with tower mode itself, while also tower mode is the way to unlock characters to be played in story mode & tower mode. You unlock achievements in the tower after clearing the 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, and 100th floors. By the time you get to floor 30 in the tower, you have unlocked all the characters needed to do all the story missions except for one, the Mysterious Warrior. He is unlocked after clearing level 40 and he is the character I used to clear the 100th floor in tower mode. Double Dragon 1 Jimmy Lee (Billy’s brother) is unlocked after clearing level 35, but he doesn’t have any achievement associated with him for some reason. ☹

G.O.D._10F – Clear the 10th floor.

G.O.D._20F – Clear the 20th floor.

G.O.D._30F – Clear the 30th floor.

G.O.D._40F – Clear the 40th floor.

G.O.D._50F – Clear the 50th floor.

G.O.D._MASTER – Clear the 100th floor.

Tip: I would use a friend to co-op your way up to floor 40 if your having trouble, unlock the Mysterious Warrior, and then co-oping your way up to level 100 using two Mysterious Warriors since he is the most power character in the game. The levels with Casey/Shannon (girls with guns) are the most dangerous because they can do a ton of damage, so watch out for them.
Part III: Character Grinding
Complete all Missions using various characters.

This is the grindy-ish part of the guide if you’re wanting to 100% this game. Like I said above, it cuts down playtime dramatically if you have a friend to do runs with. You unlock the character achievements with the character you’re playing as, as well as the one your friend plays as. Playing through the game solo, you would have to beat it 20 times to get all achievements but it can cut the time in about half with a friend playing too. Be sure to use each character's specials!

ABOBO – Complete all Missions using Abobo.

ASHIDA – Complete all Missions using Ashida.

AYUMI – Complete all Missions using Ayumi.

BURNOV – Complete all Missions using Burnov.

CASEY_SHANNON – Complete all Missions using either Casey or Shannon.

CHIN – Complete all Missions using Chin-Taimei.

CODY – Complete all Missions using Cody.

JAKE – Complete all Missions using Jake.

KODANI – Complete all Missions using Kodani.

LINDA – Complete all Missions using Linda.

MASON – Complete all Missions using Mason.

MYSTERIOUS – Complete all Missions using MysteriousWarrior.

RANZOU – Complete all Missions using Ranzou.

RIGHT_ARM – Complete all Missions using Right-Arm.

ROWPER – Complete all Missions using Rowper.

SEIMEI – Complete all Missions using Chin-Seimei.

SOENO – Complete all Missions using Soeno.

WILLIAMS – Complete all Missions using Williams.

YAMAZAKI – Complete all Missions using Yamazaki.

THE_GENERALIST – Complete all Missions with many characters.

Tip: I want to note that platforming with some of the characters can be tricky because of their “jumping” style….it helped me to watch someone playing through the stages as Ranzou to get the timing and landing spots of his jumps! Using a running jump is recommended. I’ll link the video of someone playing below. At 25:29 he executes the long jumps on the platforming stage.
Extra Info
If you’re into just Duel Mode and want to know how to unlock the characters for it, I’ll list them here even though there are no achievements associated with Duel Mode. You should have all of these unlocked if you’ve already done the above.

  • Abobo and BurnovBeat Mission 6 (Story Mode)
  • Chin TaimeiBeat Mission 7 (Story Mode)
  • CodyBeat Mission 5 (Story Mode)
  • Jake and AshidaBeat Mission 12 (Story Mode)
  • Kodani and JakeBeat Mission 10 (Story Mode)
  • Linda and Linda M.Beat Mission 3 (Story Mode)
  • MasonBeat Mission 4 (Story Mode)
  • Right ArmBeat Mission 8 (Story Mode)
  • RowperBeat Mission 2 (Story Mode)
  • WilliamsBeat Mission 1 (Story Mode)
  • Yamazaki and Soeno Beat Mission 9 (Story Mode)
  • Double Dragon 1 Jimmy LeeAscend to Floor 35 (Tower Mode)
  • Mysterious WarriorAscend to Floor 40 (Tower Mode)

Also, wanted to give credit for the double dragon logo artwork I found on google.
Evilwaluigi on DeviantArt made this killer DD logo so I wanted to be sure to give him credit.

Art Profile:
DD Logo Art:
That’s all! If you have any questions or corrections, feel free to list them below. The Double Dragon games are some of my all-time favorites, and I really enjoyed this installment of the series. Hopefully this guide gave you some info to aid in getting that 100% perfect game! If this guide helped you out in any way, or you just love the Double Dragon series, feel free to give this guide a thumbs up! Thanks!
9 則留言
Twiig  [作者] 2 月 25 日 上午 11:05 
I’ve had pretty decent runs with Abobo and Jimmy Lee…you’re super close to getting to floor 40 to unlock Mysterious Warrior! :praisesun: if you want to try a co-op run just add me :cupup:
Topo 2 月 25 日 上午 10:40 
Which character do you think is the most powerful next to Mysterious Warrior in Tower Mode? I only reached floor 35 so far. I used Jake.
Twiig  [作者] 2 月 24 日 下午 7:01 
No prob! Love this game :praisesun:
Topo 2 月 24 日 下午 7:00 
Gowther 2023 年 6 月 6 日 下午 10:29 
Worth noting that you have to beat the game with each character without getting a game over. Makes it extremely difficult with the weaker ones like Ayumi. You can't quit out and do the ones you're missing later either.
Twiig  [作者] 2023 年 3 月 29 日 下午 8:27 
I never got a notification saying you replied again bro! And that sucks your save data got corrupted, if you're needing help with that floor level 100 run, hit me up sometime! :cupup:
ND-Ground 2023 年 2 月 19 日 下午 9:45 
Thank you for your answer, this game it’s so buggy, my save data got corrupted so maybe that conflicts my achievement. The 100 floor achievement it’s imposible for me playing solo, and of course online it’s so dead.
Twiig  [作者] 2023 年 2 月 19 日 下午 1:24 
I've heard that "THE GENERALIST" achievement can take a little extra playtime to pop, some saying that they played the tower for about five minutes after completing their last missions run for it to finally unlock. Leave the game running or close out and reboot it to see if it unlocks. Triple check to make sure you've done a playthrough with every character because if you've completed all characters then you definitely should get it!
ND-Ground 2023 年 2 月 19 日 下午 12:58 
"THE GENERALIST" don't popped up, i have every trophy but the 100 floor and this one, also i played the story with every character, even the ones who hasn't his own archievement.