Team Fortress 2
tips and tricks for sniper
โดย Tyler Durden
some tips and tricks and other stuff for sniper and to learn from mistakes and get better
Hey i know you're there!
Ever seen that little dot with your team's color at the end of your scope? well its not there to help you see better instead warn the enemy. yep the enemy can see it so the smart players will know to watch out from your scope aiming directly at walls where you expect your enemies to appear will help them avoid you. so try to find the place to leave your laser pointer where you can see the enemy but they can't see you. once the target pops up you'll have a fully charged shot and the surprise factor allowing you to put a fine whole in their skull
common weapons good players use
first we have the AWPer hand its basically a reskin of the stock rifle because it has no abilities. i do not know what it is but a lot of good players use this genuinely even i do! but its pretty much like all good things have secrets which is a phrase no one uses.

next is the bazaar bargain. a lot lot lot lot lot of tryhard snipers use this even tho your damage increasing when zooming in is slowed down by 50% this sniper rifle has been and will always be the goatee god of headshots sniper rifle. there is a lot of videos on YouTube discussing how good this rifle is hell even the legend himself lazy purple uses this.

next the sniper rifle... dose not really matter either way people who like stock use it, new players use it, and tryhards use it. either way i do not really know what to say its not just tryhards so will leave this topic like this.
zig zag SHOOT!
this is a technique i think i only use that i learnd on accident myself but sometimes if you keep moving right to left you may have a good chance to shoot the enemy as sniper without scoping in them from close and you can get the advantage and keep getting body shots like these because they are going to be trying to avoid your shots too but i don't think it works with scouts because they are too fast. i have been using this a lot as sniper in close up fights without an smg and it usually works.
mistakes you should not do
Don't be the statue sniper. the first mistake here goes to are snipers that prefer to relax take their time aim their shots and wait. its not fishing. don't be an easy target for the enemy always be on the move going from one position to the other finding new targets and information for your team. crouching down from time to time or straight up sitting isn't making it any better you just limit your ability to move even furthur.

hopeful camping. the second mistake is similar to the first but here we put emphasis on the camping part waiting for your target like waiting for Half-Life 3 won't make you a better player your hope won't help only two scenarios where charging your shot is justified. the first a over healed heavy as he can be killed with that one fully charged headshot. the second body shot kills but if your going for that method you'll be better of with a sydney sleeper as it has reduced charge time. in any other situation you don't need to wait until you have a fully charged shot you may ask yourself but you may ask yourself "but why thatonepurpleguy the more its charged the more damage it deals." well the answer is simple while you wait for your shot to charge up you could have shot three to four times by the time its fully charged and have killed someone. taking three to four shots has a better chance of hitting the target than one fully charged shot. so remember unless the situation really calls for it don't wait don't delay and don't mess with the enemy or you'll get your nuts ripped off that's a bad deal.

as Lazypurple said
(Lazypurple discusses this topic at 6:16)

some people may have the same sniper panic trying to get heads just like lazypurple you aim right on the head then you start to panic and flick your mouse off. the key to this is patience you haft to put your corssair near them and wait for them to walk in your crosshair then shoot! just easy like that you can maybe even get an enemy coming from a wall or a room in the map and because of your patience and waiting for them to go in your crosshair you got that kill.

Hope this helped!
more coming soon.