Hell Let Loose

Hell Let Loose

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Guide for the attacking Commander in offensive mode
[1stA]Zap Rowsdower tarafından
I love offensive mode but all too often I see attacking teams get stuck on the second point and lose. It's no wonder that people don't like the mode, but being familier with the meta for attacking as commander, you can easily guide your team to victory.
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Mindset of the attacking Commander
The most important resource you have as the attacking commander is time. You only have 30 minutes to cap a point. It's also worth noting that unlike warfare, only the strongpoint counts for capping.

It only takes a minute to cap and assuming you have enough manpower, you can go into overtime if you're capping the point.

Your primary task as Commander of the attacking team is to ensure your team has the garrisons they need to spawn near the enemy objective in a timely manner, and to "gently" remind squads lingering on the previous point to redeploy. Time is of the essence on the attack!
Always be prepping for the next point
As you can see in this map, the round has just started. Your blueberries will run into the point and easily take it. Whilst you're attacking a point, it's always a good idea to send supplies along the enemies second row (note the green spots in E2 and H2) and to send your recon teams (or yourself in a jeep) there. That means if the next point is Foy (mid) or Flak Battery (the right point in H3) your recon can immediately build a blue zone garrison close to the new strongpoint.

Let's assume your team has taken road to Recogne and the next point is indeed flak position in H3. Immediately recon has been able to build a garrison in H2, now is the time to tell all the squad leaders to redeploy their squads from road to recogne to H2.

A very common mistake is blueberries staying at the previous point (road to recogne) fighting the remaining defenders. This is a huge mistake, as you often see attackers wasting up to ten minutes fighting kilometers away from the next point. Anyone remaining at road to recogne in this example is wasting the most precious resource, time.

To drive the point home, now you're attacking flak battery. Ensure you've marked the default garrison the defenders have. As you haven't wasted 10 minutes with half the team on the other side of the map the attack is going well. During this time, you should again be dropping supplies on the enemie's second line in the event the next map is West Bend or Southern Edge, send your recon squads there. Bam, Flak Battery has been taken! The next point is revealed to be West Bend, immediately your recon builds a garrison in C4 and the attack can continue.

The point is to keep the pressure up on the defenders. Don't allow them to spawn in at the next point and have 5-10 minutes to leisurely find good positions and set up defenses. The speed with which you can re-deploy the team to where they need to be is key to winning as the attacking team.
Bonus section: Tanks
Bonus tip. Ensure your tanks are pushing with the main infantry force. Offensive mode really limits the size of the map and some strongpoints are sorrounded by open ground. Be sure to remind your tanks to be with the infantry. Sitting 400 meters away hurling HE into the point racks up a lot of kills, but if your infantry can't even get to the strongpoint that tank is helping noone.
2 Yorum
shugarkane 30 May 2023 @ 1:42 
yeah the gamemode is underrated and wasted potential. I love the fact that people build in this mode and actually use machine gun emplacements.

I personally favourite the offensive only servers because of this.
Bill D. Garrison 29 Oca 2023 @ 2:23 
Bit of a basic guide but helpful.

Future preping is nice but make sure you have enough garrisons to attack the current point so you can prep for a future that will happen. E4 and F4 corners are your best option for prep since that will cover all three objectives.

Tanks are your best asset in any game mode they are the meat grinders. You want them to win the tank battle then grouped up park up infront of an objective to blow anything that even looks at your guys pushing in and hunting spawns with HE splash.