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Activate all free items on the Steam store
Készítő: Jazzverso
Add all free games, soundtracks and software in the Steam store to your Account with a single browser extension and webpage.
How To
  • Visit Steamdb[]
  • Install browser extension[]
  • Login into Steam store in the same browser
  • Click "If you want to hide demos, click here to hide demos and legacy media." If you wish to skip demos.
  • Close Steam if you have it running to prevent lag
  • Click Activate these packages now button
  • Leave the page open, it will automatically run every hour
  • Only 50 packages can be activated per hour
  • Keep in mind that free games will not give +1 to your game count
  • ????
  • Profit

⚠️Accidentally Activated Thousands of Demos?⚠️
Follow this guide on how to repair that issue quickly and easily:
4 megjegyzés
What about free games or DLC that does add +1
Roland of the Deep máj. 27., 20:37 
I noticed a few days ago, it's that the dialogue mentioning / giving you the option to hide them goes away after you've already started the script or whatever.
Jazzverso  [készítő] máj. 17., 0:09 
Yes you can on the steamdb website or if you accidentally activated demos there is another guide to remove demos from your account in the "More Guides" section
Roland of the Deep máj. 16., 19:38 
Dang, can't hide demos?