Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Crusader Kings (Also District 9 and I am the Tong Master)
By ThatOneGuyNextDoor
Here you will learn how to get the three achievements named above. Its easy, really.
Crusader Kings (also, District 9 and I am the Tong Master)
To start out, do the focuses Abandon Westminster, Support the Afrikaaner Broederbond, Support Ossewabrandwag and Support Nazification of South West Africa. Build up your Industry, Civilian Factories first, especially in Transvaal, as that will give you another achievement, District 9, as well. Do not build an army, but do produce a variety of equipment to build one later, I usually add at least a few factories on Artillery and Support equipment as those are very useful. For political advisors, get the Fascist Demagogue, the Silent Workhorse and the Captain of Industry. Around mid to late 1938 do the Focus Support the German Coup, (followed by A King for our People) this will trigger the South African civil war. To win this, rush for the supply depots and encircle your out of supplies enemies and destroy them where possible. Going for Grand Battleplan will be very useful as it grants you both Command power to use Force attack more often and Breakthrough, however, Superior Firepower should also work just fine. Win the civil war by mid 1939 at the latest and join the Axis. Build up an army of at least 10 Divisions, add whatever you like to add, I went with 7 Inf, 1 Art, 1 AA with Art, AA, Engineer support, later adding Logistics as well. When Italy joins the Axis, set up a Naval invasion order from Taranto to Tel Aviv and the two tiles above it. Wait until the Axis gain Naval supremacy, you probably won't be able to help a lot with this but it will happen anyways, then launch your naval Invasion. Once these three Tiles are secured, you will get the Crusader Kings Achievement.

By this point, the year should be 1940 or 1941. If you have been building your industry as described above, you will have gotten the District 9 achievement as well, and releasing any 1 Subject, such as Namibia, while independent will also grant you the I am the Tong Master achievement. Unless your Invasion of the Levant gets crushed like mine was, you can probably also go on to win the War and potentially get the Rule Britannia achievement.