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Tyranid Weaponry: Hive-Fleet Grendel (WIP) (WEAPONCORE)
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Tyranid Weaponry: Hive-Fleet Grendel (WIP) (WEAPONCORE)


Update 25.07.2024 - Severe weapon rebalances, check comments for more precise info.

This WIP mod is a roughly made pack of weapons for my exclusive Tyranid Hive Fleet creations which is straigh up inspired by Warhammer 40k setting and Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 videogame. This stuff is meant to be used with Tyranids: Hive Fleet Grendel encounter mod for full functionality.

This mod uses a WeaponCore system by DarkStar. Shoutout to Darth411 for letting me use some of his project models an MightyOdin for creating them.

The mod includes several weapons for the new branch of tyranid forces: a Hive-fleet Grendel, a fleet unique to Space Engineers game universe.

The list of weapons includes but not limited to:

Pyro-acid cannon



A standard long-range armament of the Hive-Fleet forces. Fires a slow acidic projectile that travels across long distance, with a small spread. On impact, a pyro-acid blast explodes, dealing high damage in medium radius and low damage in much bigger radius at once. Due to its high flammability, the acid deals x3 damage to any components, basically burning everything through armour and hull.
Pyro-acid cannons comes in 4 different varieties: Standard, Kraken, Voidprowler and Razorfiend (for a specific class of living voidships).
Range - 2500m (dmg starts falling off after 1500m to 20% of base dmg)
Damage - 3000 in 5m radius and 100 in 10m radius. +300% against components, -50% against heavy armor, +200% against small grids.
Range - 3000m (dmg starts falling off after 2000m to 20% of base dmg)
Damage - 6500 in 6m radius and 200 in 14m radius. +300% against components, -50% against heavy armor, +200% against small grids.
Range - 4500m (dmg starts falling off after 2500m to 20% of base dmg)
Damage - 13000 in 9m radius and 300 in 22m radius. +300% against components, -50% against heavy armor, +200% against small grids.
Razorfiend Pyro-acid cannon fires twice as fast as Voidprowler one and doesn't have a damage falloff


A specialised biomorph which is capable of emitting a stream of a superheated organic plasma, burning through any armor and destroying energy shields. A Bio-plasma weapon comes in 2 different varieties: Standard and Heavy.
Range - 1200m (no falloff)
Damage - 118000 per volley. +300% against any armour type, +500% against shields.
Range - 1800m (no falloff)
Damage - 400000 in 3m radius per volley. +300% against any armour type, +500% against shields.
Feeder tentacle

Feeder tentacles are main weaponry of a Strangler living voidships. These homing tendrils are extremely powerful, capable of tearing through the sturdiest warship hulls like through the paper walls, devouring anything inside.
Range - 400m (no falloff)
Damage - 30000 in 4m radius. -90% against shields.
Strangler tentacle

An additional weaponry of the Strangler living voidships. This tentacle propels itself to the target and pulls it in the direction of the host, right in the grasp of the Feeder tentacles.
Range - 2000m (no falloff)
Damage - 1500.
Special effect - pulls target in the direction of weapon position.
Tyranid ship tooth

Colossal gaping maws of the Clutch Hive-Fleet voidships are filled exactly with these. The teeth works as a ramming upgrade, constantly dealing an insane amount of damage in a small range in front of them. Under the pressure of enourmous voidship jaws any energy shields are exploding in a matter of seconds, and the vessel itself is next.
Range - 120m (dmg starts falling off after 50m to 5% of base dmg)
Damage - 2500 in 10m radius per second. +1000% against shields.
Predator cannon

One of unique biomorphs of the Hive-Fleet Grendel, this giant artillery piece fires a burst of sighly homing explosive biomorphs with one sole purpose: to hunt down light enemy ships. Upon impact, projectile-biomorph explodes in a cloud of its shell pieces, tearing light armoured hulls apart with just a several hits. A Predator cannon weapon comes in 2 different varieties: Voidprowler and Razorfiend (for a respective living voidships classes).
Range - 1500m (no falloff)
Damage - 3500 in 7m radius and 15600 shrapnel dmg (26 pellets). -75% against heavy armor, -75% against components (for shrapnel).
Range - 2500m (no falloff)
Damage - 4500 in 8m radius and 36000 shrapnel dmg (36 pellets). -75% against heavy armor, -75% against components (for shrapnel).
Heavy deathspitter

Heavy deathspitter fires a stream of corrosive blasts with high spread, scattering the damage across the target at longer ranges. This weapon can be found only on Vanguard class living ships of the Hive-Fleet Grendel.
Range - 1500m (dmg starts falling off after 900m to 50% of base dmg)
Damage - 7740 total damage in 6m radius and 9m depth per volley. +200% against small grids.

This biomorph fires a giant spike-like creature that travels a 500m distance before awaking and starting to seek any available target in its huge range. Upon colliding with the target, this torpedo propels itself deep into the hull and explodes into the swarm of tiny leeches, bursting out of the prey to find their own targets. On their way out, leeches devoures through the ship systems, causing the whole vessel to shut down for 8 seconds.
Range - 5000m (no falloff)
Damage - 30000 in 3m radius and 6m depth and 176000 total shrapnel dmg.
Special effect - EMP effect for 8 seconds on successful hit.
Harpy launch bay

Harpies are lesser tyranid bioforms oftenly used to occupy the fighter role in planetary and space battles, providing a stable amount of firepower and distraction to the enemy. This organic bay is capable of breeding and releasing the swarms of these bioforms in the action to support the main invasion forces.
Range - 1800m (no falloff)
Damage - 420 in 4m radius (for each Harpy shot)
Leech spewer

Another unique biomorph of the Grendel forces. Rapidly fires a homing corrosive leeches.
Range - 1000m (no falloff)
Damage - 3500 in 10m depth.
Drool cannon

Generates an enormous bursts of acid capable of digesting the whole ships in a matter of seconds.
Range - 900m (dmg starts falling off after 500m to 20% of base dmg)
Damage - 130 in 100m radius per second.
Spike point

The giant spikes shot by the carapace of the void ship with enormous velocity tears clear through any foe that dared to come too close.
Range - 240m (no falloff)
Damage - 10mil. in 50m depth. -100000% against shields.
Spore emitter

This organ fires a swarms of homing flak spores to shoot down any incoming missile.
Range - 3000m (no falloff)
Damage - 3000 (against projectiles)

P.S. The mod has no buildstages for its blocks, neither the models for the new building component, because the weaponry of this mod shouldn't be used by the players.
64 comentário(s)
Teshin626 25 de out. às 12:31 
Just the weapons I needed to throw on too Hombre's Symbiote Ships

Keep up the good work, looks great
_Nazarov7576_  [autor(a)] 3 de out. às 4:05 
Attention! The mod was broken for some time (silly me), now it isn't. I hope...
tubular 21 de set. às 13:51 
ohhhhhh, more weapon health, I like that. This'll be a fun update to test out!
_Nazarov7576_  [autor(a)] 25 de jul. às 23:59 
Update 25.07.2024, list of rebalances

Pyro-acid: reduced projectile speed on all variants, reduced the damage of the second explosions by half, reduced the damage bonus against components from 300% to 200%, reduced shield pen factor from 0.25 to 0.15.

Bio-plasma: complete rework. Now fires a streams of homing plasma arcs to overload the shields. MASSIVELY reduced damage and penetration capabilities. Added homing capabilities. Removed damage bonuses against armor. Effective range reduced. Reduced the rate of fire.

Leech Spewer: reduced overwhelming penetration capabilities, 2x decrease to rate of fire, effective range reduced.

Predator cannon: damage penalty against heavy armor is changed from 0.5 to 0.25.

Bio-Torpedo: EMP effect is swapped for gyroscope disabling, duration of the effect reduced by half. Increased rate of fire.

Overall changes: all weapons now have 20% more health.
Arara 14 de jul. às 9:05 
Why do this include MES version ? :sefacepalm:
Arith 25 de mai. às 8:50 
Given the lack of shielding on the bioships, any weapon that disables systems is most effective
Arith 25 de mai. às 8:49 
I found a way to deal with these things with less risk, in quarrinas st module one, the poloron cannon disables ship systems, this is very nice when fighting these, as I don't end up flying a 20th of a ship.
Arith 24 de mai. às 8:08 
Personally I like the shield penetration, it gives me reason to fight them and fear them, I installed them in an st world and have been inspired to fit my ships with armor capable of withstanding a hit, normally I leave my shields on because I haven't had anything overload them before, I love the challenge
bradleyslawman 30 de abr. às 15:17 
Cant you make a version where shield penetration is off for when people play single player it is a very good mod but annoying for that reason
Krox 30 de abr. às 3:21 
It's too broken to play with. First of all all of the nids just instalock to your position in ship and obliterate you penetrating up to 5 blocks and bypasses the shields with no problem. I even checked the ammo.cs list to see the modifier shield bypass and all of them (almost) were set to 1f (100% penetration) which again is broken. The mod is nice, I like the design,ships, but for the bypass shield really not cool especially when all of them do it and they just instalock at your position(I know this is a normal behaviour but paired with 1f bypass is overkill). // BypassModifier = 1.0f, // Is set to most of weapons. A more cool and reasonable way it would be that ony the biggest and very few selected weapons bio cannons to be able to penetrate 50% and deal more damage against shields and the rest to be set to 0% and deal 5 times more damage against shields so you can have atleast a chance and not being sniped in your ship. Hope this will not be taken personal but as a small advice.