Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Number of Players: 2
Marcadores: Custom Models, Misc
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24 jul. 2014 às 2:13
27 jul. 2014 às 23:29
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Numa coleção por The Wok [Ultra Instinct]
Warfare! Maps
1 item
*Even if you don't like this game please rate it! It helps alot to the creation of the game!*

Battle against your friends in this strategic game of chance and skill!


Phase 1:
This is the deployment phase, in this phase you can re-organize your troops in any way you wish as long as it's behind your corresponding blue rectangle

Phase 2:
After deployment the admin must remove the rectangles. Now the game turns turn-based. In this stage of the game you can move all units to a maximum of 2 spaces.

Phase 3: Now on the third turn the battle has begun, players are only allowed to move 5 units per turn corresponding to the amount of tiles that unit can move.

Movement |

In each turn you are allowed to move 5 units corresponding to the amount of tiles they can move and their turn action. At the end of the tile movement they can rotate to the direction of their choosing, and attack. After you attack, you cannot rotate a unit until the next turn! If you rotated before moving to go to another direction, you may not turn again to attack someone, only if they are directly in front of you!

*You must rotate the unit in the direction they are going!

*You may jump over a unit if the unit you are using can go that far in tiles, else you will only be able to swap the locations, and in the next turn move the unit.

Cavalry units are allowed to move 3 tiles per turn.

Spearman can move 2 tiles.
Frontline Infantry can move 1 tiles.

Archers are allowed to move 1 tiles.

Combat |

*Trees provide a +1 defense bonus from archer fire and cavalry charges!

*To attack other units you must be 1 tile away (unless you're an archer) from them, this can be diagonally, vertically or horizontally.

* When attacking from any direction that is not the front of a unit, the enemy unit is killed. Any attack from the front will need both players to roll their die, and see the winner (This does not apply to spearmen attacking horsemen). Whoever rolls the largest number (including bonuses) wins, and kills the other unit. When losing and using an archer unit, the enemy unit just survives and no penalties are given to the archer.

*If both players roll the same amount on the die, you must roll again until one side loses.

*When you defeat an enemy you may either stay on your tile, or move onto the defeated units tile.

*If a unit is sorrounded either vertical or horizontally (Not diagonally) by three or more units the sorrounded unit is killed.

When attacking a unit from the front (except archers, spearmen, and cavalry) you gain a +1 charge bonus against the enemy. Which means both player have to roll the die, and the person with the bonus adds 1 to the value of their die. Archers are easy picking for your cavalry, since any direction you attack the archers from is an instant kill. Watch out for spearmen though, as an attack to the front of them will instantly kill your cavalry. When fighting against a cavalry unit a dice roll is needed to determine who is the winner (unless you flank their cavalry). +3 dice roll when taking fire from archers in any direction.

*Be careful with your cavalry as they are the foundation of your army!

Infantry (Frontline)-
The grunts of the army. When taking fire from enemy missiles from the front, they get +2 to the dice roll.

Infantry (Spearmen)-
These men are great for taking care of cavalry, but do not bode well in hand to hand engagements. An attack with them to the front of cavalry will kill the cavalry unit. When fighting against enemy frontline infantry they get a -2 to the dice roll.

These men are best suited for taking out the enemy infantry, by means of flanking or just shooting over your friendlies' head's. By no means should they be close to cavalry, or even confronting them.These units must be no farther than 3 tiles away from an enemy to fire at them. They also will be killed instantly in any form of enemy charge, unless you are fighting archers. Fighting other archers will need both players to roll the die and determine the winner.

*Attacking diagonally from the front of an enemy will grant no bonus, both players will roll the die and see the outcome.
*Killed by any unit instantly

Flanking |

Any unit in the game can flank any other type of unit (Except Archers vs Cavalry) and can instantly kill that enemy unit.
26 comentários
Arsdor 23 mar. 2017 às 15:19 
It is simple and genius in the same time.
TheEggSample 19 mar. 2015 às 22:03 
This is a pretty cool game man, has some pretty cool potential with more maps and all... Me and my friend had an idea though, take it or leave it, as goes... Maybe a sort of general unit? one per side/team, that could be fairly susceptible to attacks (or not susceptible, not sure how this will work balance-wise), but provides a small bonus, or buff (like +1) to attacks and defenses in a small radius of 1-2 squares... IDK, just throwing out possible suggestions, me and my friend are going to try playing around with it, see if we can come up with a balanced figure. Anyways, great game :)
SiegeSC 19 mar. 2015 às 21:57 
Played this a friend today, I find that the base game itself is terrific and very tactical at heart. It's simple yet intuitive, however, I can see there is definitely infinite room for more variety. Such ideas my friend and I came up with are additional terrain bonuses (such as high ground gets a defensive advantage), maybe a reinforcement system to gain additional troops if they're lost, and a general for both sides and if your general dies you gain -1 attack. Otherwise, I find this game to be excellent and look forward to any additional updates if there are any.
Kimiko 27 nov. 2014 às 23:11 
MrPork, that's great to hear! I'm glad that you are doing designs and hope that eventually you can make a physical copy when the means arise. Good luck!
The Wok [Ultra Instinct]  [autor] 27 nov. 2014 às 11:11 
Dear Kimiko,

First off, I would like to thank you for noticing and appreciating my creation. Long before I found Table Top Simulator I was writing down designs for my own board game. The only problem is that I'm an only child and my parents are either working or usually sleeping from exhaustion so I didn't have anyone to test the ideas with. The all of a sudden BAM, this jewel of a game shows up and allows me to create my own designs for an affordable price and have other people play it and find problems. Iv'e always wanted to make this into a a physicial copy , but I have no idea where I would have my 3D models or the board created and so it has just stayed on this workshop. Maybe one day this could be on the shelves of stores!
Kimiko 26 nov. 2014 às 21:04 
MrPork, thank you for making this very clever and intuitive game! Is this a game you have a physical copy of in the works? I look forward to playing around with this.
Bramzz 28 ago. 2014 às 16:23 
Wow very nice art-style! If you want to play a match with me, you can add me :)
The Wok [Ultra Instinct]  [autor] 28 ago. 2014 às 16:17 
What do you think of the design for my cards? :D, I have been working a bit on the art style for them!
Bramzz 27 ago. 2014 às 19:33 
nice :)
The Wok [Ultra Instinct]  [autor] 27 ago. 2014 às 18:12 