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How to Identify Ghost Type from Behaviour
By IsaIzzy
Sometimes it can be tricky to identify the ghost type, especially when the ghost is reluctant to give evidence or you're playing on nightmare difficulty. Luckily, each type has its own unique behaviours which can help you quickly identify them with little or no evidence
Banshees will target a single player each game. It will hunt based on that player's sanity instead of group sanity and will seek out its target during hunts, ignoring other players. If the ghost ignores players even with line of sight, it is probably a banshee. Be wary though, if the target is outside during a hunt, the banshee will still attack other players.

Banshees are loud ghosts and are more likely to start singing events than other ghosts. They also have a chance to give a loud screech through parabolic microphones. This is unique and confirms a banshee.
Demons can hunt more regularly than other ghost types. Specifically, hey have:
- a cooldown of 20 seconds between hunts instead of the usual 25
- smudging prevents demons from hunting for 60 seconds instead of the usual 90
- demons can start a hunt from 70% average sanity while most ghosts hunt after 50% average sanity

Additionally the crucifix is more powerful against demons with a 5 metre range instead of the usual 3 metres

Deogens can track players regardless of where they are, making hiding ineffective. As described in the journal, running is more effective than hiding. The deogen's speed decreases the closer it gets to players

Deogens have a 33% chance to give a unique spirit box response of heavy breating.This can confirm a deogen

Deogens (and thayes) are more likely to interact with D.OT.S. projectors and ghost writing books so if these pieces of evidence take a long time it is unlikely (but not impossible) to be a deogen (or thaye)

Note that deogens have an average sanity threshold to start a hunt of 40% (lower than normal)

On difficulties with only 2 evidence (custom or nightmare), the deogen has spirit box as guaranteed evidence
A goryo will only appear in a D.O.T.S. projector through the feed of a video camera. If players at the scene do not see the ghost appear in the projector but a player at the van sees it through the camera, it is a goryo

Goryos will never change their favourite room, no matter what the difficulty, and they don't wander much. If you confirm the ghost has changed room, it is definitely not a goryo. Also, activity being confined to the ghost room and nearby areas indicates a high chance of a goryo
Hantus like the cold and will never turn on the fuse box, instead turning it off. This is because hantus speed depends on the temperature of the room. Hantus move faster at lower temperatures and slower at higher temperatures. Observing ghost speed at different temperatures can help identify a hantu but can be dangerous.

A hantu's icy breath can be seen when it is materialised, confirming a hantu, although this is difficult to notice
A jinn will never turn off the breaker box, although it can still be overloaded by lights and trip. So a breaker box remaining on all game can indicate (but not confirm) a jinn

A jinn's unique ability allows it instantly drain 25% sanity. When used, players in the same room or within 3 metres will experience the sanity drop. Additionally, an EMF reading will occur at the breaker box. If an EMF reader goes of but the breaker box didn't turn on/off, t is likely to be a jinn

Jinns can also be identified during a hunt but it is dangerous. If the breaker box is on and a jinn has line of sight, its speed will increase until it reaches 3 metres of the player. Note the speed increase is instant and only occurs during line of sight (not to be confused with a revenant which occurs without line of sight)
Mares like the dark and have increased activity in the dark. As such, a mare will never turn lights on. Mares have increased chance to perform light breaking ghost events. As mentioned in the journal, mares have an increased chance to attack in the dark. In the dark mares can hunt from 60% average sanity (higher than normal) but in the light they can hunt from 40% (lower than normal). Mares will wander to darker rooms and have increased interactions in the dark and decreased interactions in the light.

A mare's unique ability is immediately turning off the lights after a player turns them on. Note this doesn't work when spamming the light switch and other ghost types can display this by coincidence
Moroi can curse a target after spirit box and parabolic microphone interactions. The curse of the moroi doubles sanity drain and sanity falls even in the light. This is paused when outside and removed with sanity pills. If one player's sanity falls faster than everyone else after a spirit box interaction, it is likely a moroi

Moroi become faster as average sanity decreases

The effect of using smudge sticks on a moroi during are a hunt are doubled - it cannot see or kill players for 12 seconds instead of 6
Mylings have quieter footsteps and vocalisations during a hunt than other ghosts.

When a parabolic microphone is pointed at an idle ghost, Mylings will make growling and murmuring sounds more often
Obake have a 16.7% to leave unique fingerprint evidence behind:
- 6 fingered handprints
- two fingerprints on light switches
- five fingered prints on keyboards and cell block gates
Additionally. when an obake interacts with a surface there is only a 75% chance to leave fingerprint evidence (as opposed to 100% for other ghosts with fingerprint evidence). Obakes can also reduce the time fingerprints are visible
On difficulties with only 2 evidence (custom or nightmare), the obake has fingerprints as guaranteed evidence

At least once per hunt, the obake's model will change when the model flickers into visibility and change back the next time it is visible

These are both unique and confirm an obake if you can accurately spot them
An oni will often appear in ts physical form. It will appear as a shadow or translucent form during ghost events less frequently than its physical form and will spend a longer time visible when it flickers during hunts. It will also never trigger the event where the ghost appears as mist and hisses at the player. If this event occurs an oni can be ruled out
Lit candles within 4 metres of an onryo will prevent them from hunting. Onryos prioritise blowing out the candle instead of using a crucifix. By lighting candles and placing a crucifix together you can tell if the ghost is an onryo. Be wary though since every third candle that the onryo blows out will also cause it to hunt
Phatoms are difficult to identify from behaviour. They will disappear for the current event if their picture is taken. This will not end the current event or hunt. In the journal the ghost's image will not appear and the image will be clear but the photo will still be labelled as ghost and count as a ghost photo. Note this can occur with any ghost type at the end of ghost events

During hunts, phantoms will flicker into visibility every 1-2 seconds instead of the usual 0.3-1 seconds, making them invisible for longer than normal periods of time
Poltergeists are known for throwing items and can be identified by throwing multiple items at once. Poltergeists will also throw items more frequently and with more force than other ghosts. Look for items thrown long distances or thrown simultaneously

During hunts, poltergeists have a 100% chance to throw an item in their path every 0.5 seconds, compared to other ghosts with a 50% chance. If the ghosts seems to throw every object in its path (especially with greater than normal force) it is probably a poltergeist
Raiju like electronic equipment. They move faster when within 6 metres of electronic equipment, can interfere with them up to 15 metres away (compared to 10 metres for other ghosts) and can start hunts at 65% average sanity when near active electrics

On difficulties with only 2 evidence (custom or nightmare), EMF 5 and ghost orbs confirms a raiju since the only other ghost that has these is the obake, which has fingerprints as a guaranteed evidence
A revenant's only unique trait can only be spotted during a hunt, making it difficult and dangerous to notice. The ghost's speed will be slower than normal before it spots a player. After spotting a player it will move much faster than normal until it reaches that player's last known position, after which it will slow down gradually
Shades are relatively friendly ghosts. They will not hunt or perform EMF level 3 activity when there are players in the same room as it (although it can wander and do these). Shades also have a very low hunt threshold of 35% average sanity

Shades prefer the shadow form and will tend to use it more often than other forms when materialising in ghost events. They also have a chance of appearing as a shadow when summoned by a summoning circle or music box
The only sign of spirits is they cannot hunt for 180 seconds after being smudged by a smudge stick (double the usual 90 seconds)
The thaye is unique since its speed and activity are linked to time not average sanity. A thaye will be very fast early on but gradually decrease in speed. It will be less likely to hunt, perform interactions and give evidence as time goes on, so identifying a thaye quickly is important

Thayes (and deogens) are more likely to interact with D.OT.S. projectors and ghost writing books so if these pieces of evidence take a long time it is unlikely (but not impossible) to be a thaye (or deogen)

On difficulties with only 2 evidence (custom or nightmare), D.OT.S. projector evidence and ghost writing confirms a thaye since the only other ghost that has these is the deogen, which has spirit box as a guaranteed evidence
The Mimic
The mimic can be frustrating by impersonating other ghosts and giving their evidence and behaviour i addition to its own. To identify a mimic, look for an extra piece of evidence or contradicting evidence and behaviour. The mimic can also change which ghost it is impersonating so look for a shift in ghost evidence or behaviour

Note a mimic will always give ghost orbs even on a 0 evidence game
The Twins
The twins are self explanatory - there are two ghosts, a main twin in the ghost room and a decoy twin elsewhere. They will perform simultaneous interactions with the environment such as throwing items. Noticing two interactions at the same time in different rooms can be a tell-tale sign of the twins

The twins have different movement speeds during hunts, so look for slight changes in movement speed between hunts (the main twin is 10% slower than normal and the decoy twin is 10% faster than normal). Note there is a 50/50 chance for which twin initiates a hunt and the crucifix only works for the main twin

The decoy twin can only give EMF 5 as evidence and cannot be detected by motion sensors so noticing disturbances away from the ghost room without any temperature drop can indicate the twins

Tip: if the twins are suspected, place an EMF reader in the ghost room. If you notice an interaction elsewhere and hear the EMF reader, the twins are very likely to be the ghost type
Wraiths will never step in salt. If a ghost steps in salt, a wraith can be eliminated. If the ghost never steps in salt then a wraith is highly likely

Wraiths teleporting to the player cause an EMF reading of 2 or 5. If there are no interactions around that could cause this reading, a wraith is a possibility
Talking near a yokai will increase the chance of it performing interactions or hunting. While talking, the yokai can start hunts as early as 80% average sanity so be cautious until it is ruled out

Yokai can only sense voices and electronics within a 2.5 metre range. During a hunt, without line of sight (preferably with a door closed) try talking while out of a yokai's range. If the ghost enters the room it is unlikely to be a yokai. Note that yokais and any other ghost can also enter the room randomly rather than be being drawn by the sound so multiple attempts may be needed to rule out a yokai
The yurei's special ability allows it to sharply close a door and drain 15% sanity from all players in a 2.5 metre range. Sudden closing of fully open doors (especially alongside drops in sanity) are a strong indicator of a yurei

A yurei is the only ghost which can apply this to the front door without starting a hunt
adam10burra 21 Jul, 2023 @ 3:59am 
"Goryos will never change their favourite room, no matter what the difficulty" thats 100% a lie. ive had multiple goryos change ghost room
Wahtur 12 Feb, 2023 @ 1:06pm 
Amazing guide
McLovin 5 Jan, 2023 @ 6:04am 
思以莞尔 2 Jan, 2023 @ 2:51am 
D1KINGp 30 Dec, 2022 @ 11:24am 
ZOMBIE 29 Dec, 2022 @ 5:25am 
wraiths will do everything in their power to not even be NEAR salt, as stated in the journal.
VaultGirl101 29 Dec, 2022 @ 3:00am 
As of the new update, wraiths don’t interact with salt anymore. They won’t leave a footprint in it and the objective for getting a ghost to walk in salt has been removed. My way of testing is a motion sensor lined with salt. If it triggers the sensor but no footstep in the salt probably a wraith
JustAnIncel 28 Dec, 2022 @ 9:29pm 
from what i understand wraiths can still interact with salt but it counts as an interaction and not a footstep
still true in technicality that it cant step in it