Forgive, Believe, Create.
"Whether you believe it or not.

I am SO f*cking proud of you.

You've proven me wrong.
And you didn't do it for me.
You did it for YOU.

I see you!
I often look back at my younger self and cringe... very hard.
I didn't know what I know now, nor did I know how to navigate myself.
It's only inevitable.

"To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid".

Don't carry the shame... Carry the lessons instead.
Forgive your younger self.


Remind yourself that YOU'RE STILL F*CKING HERE!
Look at you go, you little soldier you!
Remind yourself of the hardships in your life.
Look at all your positives and negatives and marvel at the person you are today.
BE PROUD of who you are. Be proud of what you have come through to achieve.

Use that! See what you've come through to get here?
See your strength and resilience?
See that smile cracking through your lips?

Because you know, what I say is true.

You see you!


Now you know who you 'were'.
Now you know who you now 'are',
So now you know what you're capable of.

Who do you want to be?
What do you want to do in this life?
For the love of f*cking god, don't say "a high paying job". What a waste of your life.
Pick something that actually matters, to you!

Think big.

Fight for a cause!
Change someone's life for the better.
Heck, change the world!
CREATE your meaning!
Leave your footprint on this Earth that will still be here long after you leave it.
Be the person that I know you can be.
Be the person that looks back on their life and says "Yep, I f*ckin did it, I DID THAT SH*T!!!"

Not the person that says "I have a big house and fancy toys, but why do I feel like I'm missing something? What? I can't take these with me after I die? What did I work all my life for then? What did I achieve? Why do I not feel fulfilled? Why do I feel regret? The system in society (other people) told me to achieve these things, so why do I still feel empty inside?"
Because that person lives the life in somebody else's image. Not their own.

You're a fighter!
You have compassion and empathy toward other humans!
Just don't forget to have that same compassion and empathy for yourself, please.

Because YOU'RE important!
And everyone, past, present and future, is just as important as you too. (Regardless of rank in society, that's an artificial system).

Don't undersell yourself.
You know who you can be.
You know what you can do.
Now f*cking do it!

The conditions of our existence in this place, may be strange.
But it is not, meaningless.
From one random human roaming this strangely-beautiful planet to another, I love you.
There's your meaning.

Love in Unity & Unity in Love."
holy tunt 29 Dec, 2022 @ 9:14pm 