Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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CyanCloud's Republic of Guatemala
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21 DIC 2022 a las 3:17
19 DIC 2024 a las 23:42
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CyanCloud's Republic of Guatemala

En 1 colección creada por CyanCloud
CyanCloud's Historical and Semi-historical mods
9 artículos
Add Guatemala under the government of Juan José Arévalo.

UA. Spiritual Socialism. Libraries, Universities, Observatories, Research Laboratories and Medical Laboratories provide 1+ of Culture and 1+ of Faith. Cities get a free library

UB. Escuelas Tipo Federación. The Escuela Tipo Federación is a unique building of the Guatemalans. In addition to giving the same benefits as the Public School, the building it replaces, it gives extra points in science and culture. +1 Science for every 2 Citizens in this City. In addition to giving additional science and culture points. City must have a University.

UW. The IGSS. The IGSS is a potent national wonder unique to Guatemalans that provides a wealth of food and science, unlike its counterpart Oxford University, however it is more expensive to build and is unlocked later in the game. Must have built a University in all Cities. The cost goes up the more cities there are in the empire. The IGSS National Wonder provides 1 free technology and +5 Science and 4+ Food y Population growth in all cities increased by 10%. The civilization must have a university in all cities before it can construct the IGSS.

UW. Biblioteca Nacional de Guatemala. The Biblioteca Nacional de Guatemala (National Library of Guatemala) replaces the National College. It provides +5 of science and +3 of culture. Increases science production by 60%. A library is needed in every city. Must have built a Library in all Cities. The cost goes up the more cities there are in the empire.
16 comentarios
CyanCloud  [autor] 23 FEB a las 23:42 
I am Chilean and thanks for the comment!
ppgal97 18 FEB a las 12:07 
I do not know if you are Guatemalan, but I did not expect the marimba when I loaded the mod 10/10
CyanCloud  [autor] 19 DIC 2024 a las 23:44 
Changes 20/12/2024. Fixed a bug in the Unique Ability. Now works correctly.
CyanCloud  [autor] 20 SEP 2024 a las 17:22 
I don't plan to do that.
Gabwar 19 SEP 2024 a las 15:41 
Yo you gonna add any unique units?
CyanCloud  [autor] 17 MAR 2024 a las 19:16 
Changes 17/03/2024

*DiploScreen re-enabled
*Larger icons re-enabled.
CyanCloud  [autor] 10 MAR 2024 a las 15:42 
Changes 10/03/2024

*Music for Guatemala is enabled again.
*It is no longer possible for enemies to keep the dummy buildings related to the Guatemala trait when capturing cities of this civilization.
*It is not possible for enemies to keep the Escuela Federación when capturing Guatemalan cities.
CyanCloud  [autor] 17 FEB 2024 a las 12:02 
Changes 17/02/2024

*New trait (old trait had coding problems to keep it)
*New cartographic map in the game configuration screen.
*New DoM art
CyanCloud  [autor] 12 JUL 2023 a las 14:56 

*New artwork
*New trait
*Changes to the bonuses given by unique buildings
Iska and Ismet 25 MAR 2023 a las 10:56 
Omg yeah! Why don't we collaborate on a Guatemala civ? Let me add you as a friend, one sec