Fresh Start Cleaning Simulator

Fresh Start Cleaning Simulator

Оценок: 199
Fresh Start 100% Achievements Guide
От Plu
A quick overview on getting all the achievements in Fresh Start
В избранное
В избранном
Completing Levels Achievements
Ready up!
Finish the tutorial
Railroad to Success
Finish Railstation
Moving up in the world!
Finish Alps
Cold Cleaner!
Finish Iceland
Finish Forest
Finish Asia
Cherry blossom
Finish Japan
Firefighter Extraordinaire!
Finish Australia
The Hero of the Coast
Finish Beach
Finish Garden
No place like home
Finish Poland

Great job! You've unlocked the whole map!

Collecting Achievements
Helper of nature
Destroy 100 debris piles in total
Restorer of nature
Destroy 200 debris piles in total
Destroy 300 debris piles in total
Slow beginnings
Collect 500 trash in total
A Veteran Cleaner
Collect 2500 trash in total
Master Cleaner
Collect 5000 trash in total
Convenient Cleaner
Recycle 1000 trash using pocket recycler
Watering Friend
Use Sprinklerbot a 100 times in total
Hoover Friend
Use Hooverbot a 100 times in total
Suck up 500 000 units of water in total

Note! You can keep sucking up water even if your tank is full and it will count!

Miscellaneous Achievements
For this achievement, jump a bunch of times

You completed every level 100%

Familiar face
Familiar face
3rd level, right at the start. Walk forward towards the signpost and then go left. The chicken is next to the river on the rocks. See the pictures below:
When entering the Asia level, right after you spawned, go to the right before you cross the bridge. The lama should be in the rocks on the right
Ancient technology
Ancient technology
In the Australia level, its basically at the furthest point in the map. When getting 95% on the map, this is also the place where the quest items for the koala's spawn. You'll find a caravan here and the its behind the caravan.
I'm Human!
I'm Human!
In the Garden level, on the second island. Follow the skipping stones you'll see a rock pile on the right with a brick wall connecting. Using the stones as shown on the 3rd picture to jump up on the wall, you'll find the cow on a skateboard!

Big hat on his hip
Big hat on his hip
You can find this in the Garden level. On the left side of the map, close to the fountain. Its in the most left wall close to the corner.

Edit 11 july
The hole in the wall is gone, but the hat is still in that location. You can jump ontop of the fence or on a dirt hill to reach it.

Pet Pal
Pet Pal
Pet every type of animal. Below are pictures showing in what level what animal you can pet.

1. A Duck and a Rabbit - You can find them on the Railstation Level (The first one)
2. A Sheep - You can find it on the Alps level.
3. A Puffin and a (Snow) Fox - You can find them on the Iceland level.
4. A Deer - You can find this majestic animal in the Forest level.
5. A Panda - You can find this cute creature on the Asia level.
6. A Koala and a Galah - Those beautiful guys can be found on the Australia level.
7. A Seagull - This one will appear on the Beach level.
8. A Cow - You will find it on the last level - Poland

You did it! You've pet all the pettable animals in this game!

Getting lost on what last animals you need to pet? I recommend checking out the guide below:
Even if guide is writen about how to change things in your savefile and you are not interested in that, it does show the steps on finding your save file, what part to look at and what animals you are still missing! For me that was a big help in seeing what last animal I needed, without having to replay all the levels.

This achievement can be buggy. The developers posted this about the bug not working:
Автор сообщения: Chicken Launcher Team
NOTE: Our fix sadly does not work retroactively, so you have to pet those animals again if you had befriended them before our fix. Also you have to pet all of them on ONE save for the achievement to pop-up. We are sorry for any inconvenience and if you’ll still have any issues with getting this achievement please contact us at:

If you want to send us your save file:
To find the save file you have to open up any folder on your computer. Paste this in a direction field: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Awaken Realms\Fresh Start\
The proper save file should be named "slot_X.nplhsave" Where x stands for the number of the slot.
For more information about that, you can go to this pinned discussion thread.
Thank you for reading the guide and enjoy your achievements!

Комментариев: 52
looukoum 24 ноя. 2024 г. в 16:38 
Is there a way to check which level is 100% in a menu or something ? I'm pretty sure I did all the levels 100% but I didn't unlock the perfectionist achievement... I redid Poland twice but nothing
Jörð Wylde 19 ноя. 2024 г. в 1:30 
After you clean a mud pile do you need to suck up EVERY bit of trash that comes out to get 100%? Only i've been on this forest map for about 30mins now and one bit of trash has thrown itself over a fence and i cannot get it. I don't want to start over if it doesn't matter, but i don't wanna do the rest only to find out i need to get it.
RoyGBiv7 3 окт. 2024 г. в 12:46 
Just a note for anyone curious: While the achievement says to "use" the bots 100 times each, you only have to place them-- they don't need to do anything. Getting the final upgrade in the bot tree will help a lot.
Hyper 15 сен. 2024 г. в 0:52 
Should probably move the section on the Ancient Technology achievement so that it comes before the Big Hat On His Hip achievement as the Garden level is before the Australia level.
JeramZ 16 авг. 2024 г. в 3:03 
Thank you for this guide. I managed to get perfectionist achievement for clearing all stages 100% except africe 99% (due to the trash bug below ground).
Thorin199 3 июл. 2024 г. в 5:49 
So I got 100% achiev when I did above 100% in Asia, had 99% in Africa level and I got 100% after clearing Poland second time (first time I got 99%).
Moon 7 июн. 2024 г. в 12:42 
I still struggled with getting 100% in Poland, but I got it to pop by going back to a different level. As soon as that loaded in, I got the 100% for Poland achievement.
agt 24 дек. 2023 г. в 22:23 
firefighter; cant find the bowls for the koalas
Tuketi 24 ноя. 2023 г. в 20:41 
@Goulart - Poland is the last level and you will get the Perfectionist after completing it. Make sure you actually got to 100% in every previous level.
Goulart 24 ноя. 2023 г. в 20:24 
I just did everything 100% but the lvl after poland dont open to me, and i think i need it to the prefecionist, what can i do?