Space Engineers

Space Engineers

APckCommand control bridge
1.183 MB
2022年12月17日 13時41分
2022年12月18日 3時10分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
このアイテムを使用するには、 DLC が必要です。

APckCommand control bridge

Reference control module blueprint for Command script.


1. Get the blueprint.
2. Get AutoPillock-controlled grids.
3. Get in the control module and use toolbar:
toolbar 3-1: (toggle:control) - capture controls on/off - sets ControlGyros to Off on cockpit, sends "toggle:ignore-user-thruster:true" to local APcl for WASD suppression
toolbar 3-2: (command:cycle-view) - switch render view HUD/BlackScreen
toolbar 3-5: (command:commit) - signal to selected units (APck command:signal) - completes wait-for-signal task
toolbar 3-9: (command:cast) - create static point using raycast to mouse pointer

When in control mode (HUD view):
  • Use mouse to move cursor
  • E button click to issue orders and activate buttons
  • Hold E and drag to select multiple units
  • Drag on empty space to deselect
  • Click E on task nodes to delete task
  • Bottom row of buttons change the default command (top center green text). Default command is issued when E-clicking.
  • E-clicking on a specific entity would issue a default action for that entity. For unit, it is follow. For target - attack. For static point - attack. For task - delete.
  • Hold D to show round menu. Its' contents depend on where you hover - empty space, friendly unit, selected target or casted point. Release D to activate option. It is used for issuing non-default command

  • [HUD-specific] Hold Q and drag mouse up-down to adjust 3d pointer depth (with unit(s) selected). Double tap Q to reset.

When in control mode (Black screen view):
  • Use mouse to move cursor
  • E button click to issue orders and activate buttons
  • Hold E and drag to select multiple units
  • Drag on empty space to deselect
  • Click E on task nodes to delete task
  • Bottom row of buttons change the default command (top center green text). Default command is issued when E-clicking.
  • E-clicking on a specific entity would issue a default action for that entity. For unit, it is follow. For target - attack. For static point - attack. For task - delete.
  • Hold D to show round menu. Its' contents depend on where you hover - empty space, friendly unit, selected target or casted point. Release D to activate option. It is used for issuing non-default command

  • [Black screen specific] Double tap Q to toggle free camera mode.
  • [Black screen specific] Use A/D/space/C to move free camera focus point. Use W/S to increase/decrease focus distance.
  • [Black screen specific] Double tap E to teleport camera to currently selected unit.

Uncomment "toggle:render-inactive-view" in PB CustomData to have only one View rendering at a time (default is "true", so both views are updated).

TGP note

This build is the only place to get the latest TGP script because I don't have time to publish it as a proper WS item at the moment.

TGP is my targeting script to work in APck ecosystem. It would provide multi-target tracking in global data link channel. Tracked targets are available to any APck-controlled unit or other systems like GRA, RWC, HudDog, etc.

To use it, activate remote control on one of those tracker custom turrets. It is on toolbar 2.

command:cast - raycast
command:cycle-target - next target
command:cycle-offset - next local point on target.
command:reset-trackers - reset turret rotors to zero

Those commands are bound to buttons 2, 3, 4 and 9 of remotes' toolbar.

command:probe-surface - raycast point on the ground/grid and tell APck to auto land on it.

You can cast as many points on a single target as you want, and then switch through them.
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2023年2月27日 19時34分
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2022年12月17日 13時54分
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7 件のコメント
cheerkin  [作成者] 2023年3月15日 14時54分 
RWC stands for rotor weapons controller, it is basically script variant of custom turret controller which I used for many years. I haven't released it though, because vanilla CTC covers the basics, and I don't want to invest time into making guides and docs for it since we have CTC. I moved the TrackerTurret feature from RWC into TGP, which is found on this blueprint.
TigersFangs 2023年1月21日 13時43分 
This might be a noobie question, but what is the RWC? I am just starting to learn your APck systems and have seen it referenced in several different places but can't for the life of me figure out which script it is. It is probably something obvious that I am just missing. These scripts are awesome and thank you for making them. I have lots of neat ideas for using them.
cheerkin  [作成者] 2023年1月20日 4時24分 
It is needed for transparent LCDs.
NeM 2023年1月20日 3時47分 
Why the mod ask for the decorative pack ? Is it really necessary ?
cheerkin  [作成者] 2023年1月9日 15時24分 
Makes sense. Try using 'command:drop', iirc it may do something like that.
Greenie /Taxibutler 2023年1月9日 15時19分 
Would be nice to have an option with the TGP script to remove the raycast or stop shooting at it. I know it goes away eventually (destruction or just timeout?) but no way to manually stop it other than just waiting. The reset trackers one just sets the turret back to 0,0 but doesn't remove said raycast
cheerkin  [作成者] 2022年12月18日 3時11分 
Added TGP script with two Tracker Turrets (toolbar 2).