Killing Floor

Killing Floor

122 ratings
Random more or less useful things
By Ben and 1 collaborators
Over the past I've collected a lot of tiny little useful things, which mostly other people have shared with me. Since I'm a lazy person and not getting younger, I felt like writing this down somewhere and perserving it for future generations.

If you have something that I'm missing and should def. be in this guide, feel free to harass me somewhere until I've successfully ignored you for long enough and you eventually give up.
You should know...

  • to open the ingame console
  • ...where your Killing Floor installation folder is
Remove film grain
I personally really don't like the film grain effect while spectating, which makes everything look like garbage.

Download the file from thread[] and place it in your killingfloor\Textures folder, after renaming the original file (InterfaceArt2_tex.utx) for backup purposes.
Joining (+spectate) servers using the console
For some reason, joining peoples games using steam/the friends list almost never works. However you can use the dialogue and the IP-Address + port from there and use that to quickly connect to their server via the in game console.

Open the game, hit your console key and type "open", followed by a white-space, then hit CTRL+v to paste the IP and hit return to connect.

This should look something like this:


You only want to spectate, add "?spectatoronly=1" right after the IP (no white-space!)

Changing nickname mid game
Changing your nickname in Steam doesn't automatically apply to your in-game nickname, before either the map changes or you reconnect to the server.

Using the following command lets you apply the steam name change instantly, without having to reconnect.


If you're logged in as admin you can even change your in-game nickname to whatever the ♥♥♥♥ you want, without having to change it in your Steam profile.

admin setname NewNameGoesHere
Looking up stored server passwords
You're playing on this awesome password protected server you've in your favourites and your friend wants to join, but you can't remember the password any more?

Go to your killingfloor\System folder and open the file called "KillingFloor.ini". Hit CTRL+F and search for "favorites".

Voila, all your favourites including the passwords.
Monitoring connection and fps
If you like having an eye on your ping, packet-loss etc. (without hitting Tab every time), and/or your fps, this might be for you.

Using the console you can enable both separately. To disable, simply use the same command again.

Network statistics in the upper left corner
stat net

Show FPS in upper right corner
stat fps

For the sake of convenience, you can bind this to a key with something like:

set input F2 stat net | stat fps

Using that you can simply use F2 to toggle it on and off.
Hide HUD
Sometimes you just want to take a clean screen-shot of your beautiful wipe or peoples health bars are kind of blocking your vision.

By typing the following command in the in-game console, you can enable/disable the HUD.


Or again, simply bind it to a key:

set input F1 togglescreenshotmode
3rd person mode
Not especially useful but still fun:

If enabled server-side you can use the following console command to toggle between 1st and 3rd person mode.


or bind it

set input F4 togglebehindview
Missing aimdot
You're playing on a cardboard box and you've turned all the graphics settings down to a minimum? This will also remove the aim-dot (EBR, Zedgun) and doesn't really help your performance all that much.

Go to your in-game video settings end re-enable the "Projections" check box on the lower right hand side.
Grittier looking zeds
You feel like the way how Zeds look kinda got old?

Maybe the "grittier Zeds" mod is something for you:
Even though I'm quite sure everyone already knows about this, I still feel it's worth mentioning.

You can change the default amount you're tossing (£50) to something different. You can even have multiple keys to toss like £100, £1000 or even all your remaining dosh, using a really high number like £9999999.

This is great because you don't have to smash your B key 20 times if you want to give someone £1000 and I really like having the "toss all I have" thing since I'm always tossing my cash to someone next to me, when I'm leaving the trader.

set input b tosscash 100 set input m tosscash 999999

Or, of course, the good old trolololo mousewheel money spam bind:

set input mousewheelup tosscash 1 set input mousewheeldown tosscash 1
Say vs. Teamsay
Something I see in almost every single pub game is people using "TeamSay" (default T) instead of "Say" (default Y) text chatting in-game. Even though green looks nice and fancy, TeamSay doesn't really make sense in KF. The problem with TeamSay is, that spectators can't read what alive (and dead) people are saying and vice versa. This often times leads to a lot of confusion and one-sided conversations.

Do. Not. Use. Team. Say.
Map/Kickvote from the lobby
While in-game, you can bring up the in-game menu basically everywhere by using the following command:


Mapvote menu:

Kickvote menu:
joined as spectator.
KF does a great job of not telling you who joined as spectator. To check who's currently watching you being bad at the game either hit ESC and click on "communications", or simply open the kickvote menu by hitting "k" (default).
Fixing weird looking perk icons on the scoreboard
Go to your ingame settings, HUD and set the HUD opacity slider back to 100%.
Remove annoying lobby videos
If you're tired of these short TWI video clips blasting your ears out while you're waiting for people to ready up, go to your Killingfloor/Movies folder and simply delete all of them.

Sweet sweet silence.
[Cheat / Exploit] Free dosh
I'll probably get some hate for this but if you don't like it then don't use it, it's that simple. TWI tried to fix it once (and completely broke dual pistols) but I guess they stopped caring after that. I think that this exploit is kinda dumb and lame and I'd much rather have the option (server-side) to change the starting cash, even if that would disable perk progression/achievements.

To be clear: I really don't think it's necessary to do that since you always have the option to zerk for a few waves or just play sharp with LAR + MK wave 2-5, but sometimes people just want to goof around, do dumb sh!t and play stupid loadouts without having to switch perks to get certain weapons for a reasonable price-tag.

Anyway, there is three ways to cheat money, either by yourself or with a team-mate.

1. Suiciding
This one isn't really all that effective, you'll probably have to do it a few waves to make it really worth it.

At the end of the wave, right when the trader time starts, drop all your weapons and dosh right at where you initially spawn on the map and use the following command to kill yourself. You'll respawn instantly and should have enough time to pick up your dropped dosh. Make sure to die with your 9mm out, you can pick that one up too and sell it for extra cash.


2. Selling dualies yourself (a.k.a self-printing or self-cooking)
This is the second way of making some extra dosh on your own. Even though it works as firebad too, it's significantly slower compared to doing it as Sharp so I recommend picking Sharp as a perk for that purpose.

- Buy as many dual pistols you can afford and drop them in front of you
- Do NOT keep any of the pistols in your inventory!
- Switch perk
- Pick the pistols up and sell them (either by walking over them or tapping your crouch key once)

Depending on how much money you invested into buying dualies, you can make quite a good amount of profit. The problem about self-printing with random people around is that like 9/10 times, someone is going to see your weapons on the ground and either going to keep or sell them. So you might want to talk to people first or get into a sneaky corner and hope for the best.

3. Selling dualies with a team-mate (a.k.a. printing or cooking)
It's pretty much the same as self-printing, the difference is that you can make way more per trader wave and it's easier than self printing.

- Make sure either you or your team-mate is Sharp (It doesn't work if you're both Sharp)
- Sharp buys dual pistols, drops them the person who's selling them being a different Perk
- Person selling gives money back to sharp
- Rinse and repeat
[Cheat / Exploit] Going overweight
You feel like you've tried out all the possible 15/15 kg loadouts and it's kinda getting old? Maybe this is something for you even though this is basically cheating / exploiting again.

Lets say you want to play Sharp with an EBR, handcannon, a MK23 and a hunting shotgun.

- Get all the weapons (either dropped by team-mates or buy them) and have them in your inventory, while being Support Specialist
- Get an extra .44 magnum
- Equip your knife
- Switch perk to Sharp

You'll drop the .44 but keep all the other weapons.

The same works with melee weapons but the game always prioritizes dropping a pistol first. I'm not entirely sure about the order though, feel free to play around with it on testmap or something.
[Cheat / Exploit] Carrying the same weapon twice
This only works with weapons which have a skinned equivalent, such as the Handcannon, M32, AK, HSG-1, Schneidzegg, SCAR etc.

If you get the timing right it's possible to play something like dual M32 for instance.

- Buy the first weapon and drop it in front of you (doesn't matter which one you buy first)
- Enter the trader menu again and place your mouse over the other weapon, exit the trader menu
- Jump towards the first weapon that you'll land on it, enter the trader menu and buy the second weapon (double click), while picking up the first one

Alternative: Have a teammate dropping the weapon on you, but that requires some good coordination.

It gets harder the lower your ping is but with a bit of practice, it's fairly consistent.
[Cheat / Exploit] Quicker quickheal
The default quickheal isn't really all that quick. Paste the following line into the in-game console to rebind the default quickheal key (default: Q). From then on you need to hold the quckheal key for roughly a second (instead of tapping it), otherwise it won't work.

set input q getweapon syringe | onrelease SwitchToLastWeapon | onrelease quickheal

If Q isn't your quickheal key, change the line accordingly.
nmmblez 28 Jul, 2022 @ 8:40am 
I have to disagree with Teamsay vs Say. I make an effort to label the zones in my maps so using TeamSay reveals the player location, so if someone calls for help and you don't see them, the chat will include a description of where they are.

Also, who cares about dead players? Dead people shouldn't be part of any conversation.
BlackSix 28 Jul, 2022 @ 12:39am 
I've found that using the machete instead of the 44 also works, and is more lightweight, so it's more flexible. Very neat trick, btw, didn't know about it, thx!
Hakurei Reimu 25 Jul, 2022 @ 8:41pm 
very nice
hinar 15 Apr, 2022 @ 12:18pm 
should include binding tosscash 1 to mousewheel
WinRAR 18 Jul, 2019 @ 2:46am 
Philippians 3:19 5 Jun, 2018 @ 5:53pm 
Ben  [author] 13 Sep, 2017 @ 1:52am 
Not for me, neither for other people I know who're using it. I recently reinstalled and used the film grain thing again without any issues. The idea of "setname" is that if you change your steam name mid game, the change won't apply until the map changes. With setname you can force the change mid game. If you're admin however (as far as I remember), you can change the name to whatever you want with that. Command should be "admin setname somename".
Ben  [author] 15 Jul, 2017 @ 12:43pm 
Yes you're right, it's togglescreenshotmode.

󠀡 15 Jul, 2017 @ 3:25am 
Screenshotmode doesn't work!!!
Ben  [author] 10 Jul, 2017 @ 4:21pm 
@Darth You did not switch perk.

Quoting myself:
- Buy as many dual pistols you can afford and drop them in front of you
- Do NOT keep any of the pistols in your inventory!
- Switch perk
- Pick the pistols up and sell them (either by walking over them or tapping your crouch key once)