Car Demolition Clicker

Car Demolition Clicker

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100% Achievements Guide
Autorstwa: Dinopunk
Guide for unlocking every achievement in Car Demolition Clicker.
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Welcome to the 100% guide for Car Demolition Clicker. I've put this guide together because I noticed the existing 100% guide is anything but. This guide will explain the best/fastest way to unlock all of the achievements in this game including the secret ones.
Level Advancement
First car down: Destroy your first car
Nice tools: Visit construction site stage
Let's refuel: Visit gas station stage
Rocket test: Visit proving grounds stage
Way too cold: Visit ice cave stage
Sweet Tooth Approved: Beat Darkside Truck

When you start the game you will be armed with only a pistol that does 1HP of damage to the car in front of you. Your first order of business will be upgrading this weapon a few times until you're making a few more dollars per shot. Once you reach $500 buy your first drone (achievements for drones explained later). Another $500 will get you a second and third drone. Drones will earn passive money as they fire upon the vehicles in each stage. Upon completing the first level you will be prompted to join a faction. This isn't super important yet, and much like the drone achievements I'll explain the faction ones in their own section.

As you progress through the stages of the game you'll be able up upgrade your drones to more powerful versions, however you will eventually hit a wall where the drones can't quite keep up with the HP of the boss trucks in the game. You will also plateau upon buying the minigun before the game starts asking you to spend diamonds on new weapons. DO NOT SPEND ANY DIAMONDS! Once you reach the point of the game where your minigun is useless and your drones can't handle the bosses simply open the menu on the map and choose "Power Reset". This will reset your progress back to level one, give you an x1.2 damage multiplier on everything, and also convert your destroyed cars into diamonds.

It took me seven resets before my drones were able to destroy everything without my input. Choosing to go with the Lab Rats faction makes the drone upgrades cheaper so this will help. With enough damage multipliers from resetting your drones will be able to be easily maxed out and take down everything including the difficult Darkside truck, netting you the last achievement in this category.
Fully loaded: Fill all drone slots
More than one: Buy a 2-gun drone
Three times a charm: Buy a 3-gun drone
Tentacle power: Buy 4-gun drone
Floating menace: Buy final drone

Parts of this walkthrough will reference back to previous sections, such as this one about the helper drones. You will be able to purchase your first set of drones in the very first level of the game. All three drones will cost you a total of $1,500 and this will unlock "Fully loaded". Upon completing the first level the game will ask you which faction you want to join, go with the Lab Rats because their perk gives you 50% off drone upgrades.

Once you beat 57 cars in-game you will be eligible to use the game's "Power Reset" option from the menu on the map screen. To help speed up the process of upgrading your drones I suggest grinding out 50 or so cars at a time and resetting. This will make your drones more powerful with the x1.2 damage multiplier you receive upon each reset and they will also earn more money per shot. (To get through the game it took me seven resets to make my drones powerful enough to take out the vehicles on their own.)

Upgrading the drones is simple but there are a lot of ranks you must go through to advance to the next type of drone. For example the basic one gun drone has four different levels you have to advance through before you get a two gun drone. Same goes with advancing from two to three guns, there are four levels of the two gun drone to get through. You will see when you go up a level because your drone icon will change color and its level will reset back to 1. Simply level it up again and you will continue advancing the drones and unlock bigger and stronger ones.

Once you reach the four gun drone the final achievement is essentially to unlock the level four version of it, which has no level cap. To do this you will need to pass through 200 levels of the level three drone before the final drone model is unlocked. When you start playing the game it's smart to upgrade your drones evenly, however once my drones starting killing everything in sight I focused my money on only one drone and dumped all my cash into upgrading that one. You do not need to get every drone to the final level, only one of them.
Still in progress: Collect 50 faction points for "Lab Rats" faction
Yes boss: Collect 50 faction points for "The Mob" faction
Behind the curtain: Unlock Observers faction (Secret)
Just looking: Collect 50 faction points for "Observers" faction (Secret)
Loyal to the end: Collect 1000 faction points

So far this guide has covered factions by going as far as to say "join the Lab Rats because it makes the drones cheaper to upgrade", but there are two other factions you need to join to get achievements for. Upon completing the first level you will be asked to join one of three factions, The Mob, Lab Rats, or The Observers. The Observers faction is locked for the time being forcing you to pick between the other two. Since you will be needing to use the reset feature multiple times in your playthrough you can simply choose The Mob for one of those playthroughs, get the 50 points, reset, and then go back to the Lab Rats for the drone perks.

You receive one faction point for every vehicle you destroy. Knowing this that means you need to destroy 50 cars in both The Mob and Lab Rats factions to get their respective achievements. Doing this will also unlock the option to join The Observers, netting you the "Behind the curtain" achievement. Simply reset, pick The Observers, destroy 50 cars, and the "Just looking" achievement is yours. The Observers also get a 50% discount on drones but I find sticking with the Lab Rats to be most effective in the long run.

You will need to grind quite a bit to get the "Loyal to the end" achievement. I find the easiest way to do this is to enter a level where your drones can tear through the beginning cars but struggle with the boss. As long as you don't upgrade them too far you will be able to get "stuck" like this. Press the Escape key to bring up the in-game menu and put a check in the boxes to auto-restart and auto-start the boss. Now just leave the game on and walk away; let your drones take care of the starter cars, lose to the boss, automatically restart, and repeat. Doing this will also help you earn more diamonds when you eventually need to reset your progress.
Too bright: Destroy a neon sign (Secret)
In the first alley level there is a blue and yellow neon sign hanging up on the right side of the screen. You can shoot this sign off the wall, doing so will get you this achievement.

Just a little help: Use a perk
Perks are accessible from the menu on the right hand side of the screen in-game. Click to open it and you'll see damage upgrades, targeting options, and flaming barrels to drop on the cars. Click any perk to purchase it and this achievement will unlock.

It's all about the money: Hold 10 milion $
While you are grinding out cars to get 1,000 faction points you will unlock this by leaving the game alone and letting the drones do their thing. You might want to try setting up the automatic grinding on a later level where your drones get more money per shot so this goes faster.

New start: Use reset option
It is not possible to unlock every achievement in this game without resetting your progress. As such you will get this achievement in the process of grinding for diamonds to unlock the final weapon.

Lock and load: Buy final weapon
This is the achievement that will take you the most time to unlock. Earlier in the guide I said your weaponry will plateau at the minigun because after this the game will start prompting you to use diamonds to pay for additional weapons. I said not to do this and this achievement is why; any diamonds you spend will not be given back to you when you reset your progress so it's important to hoard them from the start to save on the amount of time it takes to unlock this.

Again, don't spend any diamonds upgrading your gun or your drones! If you throw enough regular cash at the drones they will be able to take care of themselves and get you through the game on their own.

The final weapon is named The Chaos Engine. It costs 250 diamonds, however you will need more than this to get to the final weapon because you have to buy everything before it in order to reach it in the upgrade menu. The total amount of diamonds you will need to reach and purchase The Chaos Engine is 517 diamonds! (Thanks to NeedAName in the community discussion board for calculating the exact number.)

This will require several resets as each time you reset the game your destroyed cars is converted into diamonds. The number of resets it takes depends on how long you leave the game to grind on its own so I can't give you an exact figure. I simply did the trick where I upgraded my drones to be strong enough to take out the regular vehicles in a level but lose to the bosses. I let this run for several hours while I did things like household chores and going to work.

Eventually you will reach the needed 517 diamonds and then you can start a new game over and join The Mob faction to get a 50% discount on weapon upgrades instead of drones. Stick to automatic and rapid-fire weapons as they will net you the most money per clip the fastest. The rifles shoot slowly and do give a lot of cash but it's faster to just use a rapid fire gun if one is available. The Chaos Engine will eventually be the last weapon you can upgrade to. You do not need to max out its level, you simply need to own the gun and the achievement will unlock.

Perfectionist: Obtain all other achievements (without post-release ones)
Assuming you've done everything in this guide you should unlock this achievement when you get The Chaos Engine and unlock the "Lock and load" award, unless you forgot to do something like shooting out the neon sign for the "Too bright" secret achievement.

The "without post-release ones" clause refers to achievements with a red background, ones that were added in patches after the official release of the game. The only achievement with a red background is "Sweet Tooth Approved" which you'll probably have unlocked long before you get this one, so don't worry about the confusing phrasing.
And that's all 22 achievements for Car Demolition Clicker! It is not a perfect game but it's an amusing timewaster I suppose and it's a relatively easy 100% to add to your list of completed games if you're into that sort of thing.

If you have any questions or comments I'd love to hear them. I keep up with each of my guides as best I can so I will be happy to answer anything you might need to ask. Thankfully as far as I can tell this game has no "glitched" achievements that don't unlock properly so you shouldn't need to worry about that.

If this guide helped you and you'd like to say thanks I'd appreciate a Profile Award or even some spare trading cards, for any game I collect them all! I should be open to trade with so feel free to initiate one with me and I'll accept it. :)

See you next game!
Komentarzy: 1
Konrad_PL 27 lutego 2023 o 9:26 
thank you very much, this guide will definitely speed up my maxing out of this game :gwent_love: