Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition

Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition

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UDK Install For Steam and Achievement Guide
By ☯UrKungFuNoGood☯
This guide explains how to install UDK in a way that Steam will recognize for the achievements, and explains the easiest way to go about getting a perfect 8/8 with the available achievements in the least amount of time possible.
Installing UDK With Steam
1.) Locate your tools library on Steam by opening the menu: Library>Tools
2.) Scroll down until you find UDK
3.) Right-mouse click on UDK and choose: Install Game...
  • This will not actually install UDK, but this is a required step and we will expand upon it later in the guide. This is done so that Steam creates for us a UDK directory in the typical Steam install path. Steam will have placed a txt file there which can be completely ignored for this entire process.
4.) Open a web browser and download the UDK from whatever source you prefer
5.) Once UDK is downloaded run the installer
6.) After the installer is finished, open windows file explorer and navigate to the directory you installed the UDK. This is by default:
  • C:\UDK\UDK-####-## (where #### is the year, and ## is the month of the build that you installed.)
7.) You will need to copy four subdirectories located here:
  • \Binaries
  • \Development
  • \Engine
  • \UDKGame
8.) Navigate to your Steam UDK directory. By default located at:
  • C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Unreal Development Kit
  • or if you live in the 21st century and use a 64 bit OS:
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Unreal Development Kit
9.) Paste here the four directories you copied during step 7
10.) Inside the \Binaries folder find the directory Win32 (don't worry, Steam will start UDK from here on a 64 bit system)
11.) Now find these two files:
  • UDK.exe
  • UDK.exe.config
12.) Rename them to:
  • UDKGame.exe
  • UDKGame.exe.config
13.) You can now start UDK from the Tools section of your library. But don't start it just yet unless you are already familiar with how to play Unreal Tournament and are comfortable moving between the game and this guide.
  • If you're really smart, you may be asking yourself why we renamed a couple of files to include the word "Game." This is so that when you start UDK from Steam you will not actually be starting the UDK editor, you will be starting the game that comes bundled with UDK.
Achievements: Introduction
The achievements are a variety of weapon related, item related, condition related and vehicle related.

There are three weapons you will need to locate and use to score four kills apiece with:

Link Gun

Rocket Launcher

Shock Rifle

There is one item you will need to locate and have possession of for at least one minute. This will take a minimum of two possessions as there is a time limit on how long you can use the item each time you pick it up:


There are three conditional achievements:

Score the first kill in any match:

Kill at least five enemy in one life

And this one regarding mutators

And last but not least there is one achievement related to using vehicles:

Run over four people using any vehicle. We'll be saving this achievement for last. Don't worry though, you don't have to run over four people in one match. Should time run out on you, just start another match.

Earning Your Achievements
There are eight achievements that can be earned in well under an hour. If you are fast, you should be done in just over half an hour.
We will almost certainly earn seven of these achievements in the course of earning the most time consuming of the eight achievements, "Spice of Life"
The eight achievements that we are after are:
UT Gameplay Basics
If you have never played Unreal Tournament before, here are the basics you will need to know in order to get all the achievements.

Traditional UT Jargon
In UT, a life is typically referred to as a spawn. When you are killed and re-enter the game, that is called a respawn. The gametypes that come with this version of the game have no limit on the amount of respawns available per match.

When someone scores a kill on another player it is called a "frag."

The little pieces a player sometimes explodes into are called "gibs." A shortened version of the word giblets. The "g" is pronounced as a "j." Don't let me catch you using a hard "g" to pronounce gibs. Ever.

Pickups are the items in the game that you need to compete. There are various types available.
Health pickups come in three types. A standard health pickup, a health vial, and "Big Ole Keg o' Health. Each will heal varying amounts. Run over them whenever you see them. They will make a distinctive whistling sound if they were absorbed.

There are three possible gametypes you can choose to play with this version of the game:
  • Deathmatch (the mode we will play first)
  • Team Deathmatch
  • Capture the Flag (this is the mode we will play last)

In order to get the achievements as fast as possible we will use Deathmatch for the majority of the process and switch to Capture the Flag for the final achievement. The reason we are doing it this way is that the DM map is small and you can find all the items and weapons the quicker than on the CTF map. It also follows that you will score kills more quickly since you will spend less time roaming a big map looking for the enemy. We will be focusing on getting the "Spice of Life" achievement which should net you six other achievements in the process.

What you want to do from the game's main menu is choose "Instant Action," On the menu that follows you will want to choose "Game Mode." This brings up another screen where you can choose "Deathmatch." Once you click the Deathmatch option, the menu will automatically revert to the previous set of choices.

Now choose Map and click on "Deck."

Click on "Settings" and change:
Bot Skill Level to "Novice"
Number of Opponents to "5" We choose this number to have a variety of bots to kill, but not so many as to give the bots a chance to outscore you by killing each other.
Set "Goal Score" to "5." This probably won't matter, you should be able to kill five novice bots in just a couple of minutes.
Finally change "Time Limit" to "5." Again this probably won't matter, but just in case, you don't want to be stuck in a game that lasts too long. The "Spice of Life" achievement requires that you finish a match for it to count towards your total.
"Force Respawn" can be left set to "No." This has to do with whether or not the game will automatically spawn you back into the match when you die. With it set to "no," you can spawn in any time you want by clicking the left moust button.

and from there go to the Settings option. Once you're on the Settings menu, change the bot skill level to novice (unless you actually want to have some challenge playing), change the
gamerz31w 16 Mar, 2023 @ 1:28pm 
So nothing will change in Unreal Tournament 3 X/UT3X,right?
Skarn 16 Mar, 2023 @ 1:23pm 
The "g" is pronounced as a "j." Don't let me catch you using a hard "g" to pronounce gibs. Ever.

gamerz31w 5 Sep, 2022 @ 9:32pm 
I want new official UDK updates.
☯UrKungFuNoGood☯  [author] 5 Sep, 2022 @ 7:00pm 
Hi all. I'm sorry I never finished this guide. I'm glad to see that others are stepping up and helping each other out.
Best of luck to you all in this and life
gamerz31w 11 Aug, 2022 @ 5:42am 
It also deserve official brand new videogame updates of Unreal Development Kit of Unreal Game Engine 3 after the latest build.
gamerz31w 11 Aug, 2022 @ 5:41am 
It seems Direct & Play within .NET Framework 4.3 for Jazz Jackrabbit iOS Kismet Tutorial earlier videogame build cannot be properly installed.
Michael 9 Aug, 2022 @ 7:58pm 
Can confirm that this is still workable.

Here is where I found UDK version 2015-02 , instead of waiting on TestDriver to grant access to their hosted file through Google Drive .

If you're having issues after following all instructions, don't be afraid to play with compatibility settings (including DPI, in case of scaling or resolution issues) and running the game as an Administrator . On a normal day, I scale everything to 150% at 1080p resolution. This UDK game worked out just fine, though it opens up windowed and to the left, no matter what.

Thank you very much, ☯UrKungFuNoGood☯ , for this excellent guide. I'm having fun with this, all the while riding a beautiful feeling of novelty.
gamerz31w 1 Mar, 2022 @ 2:46pm 
As it turns out Unreal Tournament Forum has been closed.
SlakTarN^^ 1 Mar, 2022 @ 1:52pm 
So 2022 update! This still works, tho TestDriver have restricted the access to the UDK downloads. EA_AE has uploaded version "2015-02" to mediafire witch worked good enough. Download speed was trash.

Had some problem where steam launched Unreal Dev Kit in 32bit on 64 bit machine, witch caused a lot of lag but for the 120 min I played it worked.
Sergeant Tuff-Stuff 20 Jun, 2021 @ 1:48pm 
Did everything above,but the game still does not save.It retains my settings but that is all it does..Btw,this tutorial is not right for Win/10.The UDK installer already puts those files you said to add into the system.However there is a step while installing the UDK installer at the end that you didn't mention.It asks if you want to install something extra(the name escapes me right now) and I opted not to because you hadn't mentioned it in any of the steps.
The game itself plays perfectly but since it doesn't save any progress,going back through a campaign from the start over and over again gets a little tiresome.I will probably delete this out of my games sooner than later.