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Trajann's Mounts for Khorne
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2022年12月11日 3時42分
7月20日 19時26分
11 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Trajann's Mounts for Khorne

Here's something fun. This mod adds 2 new mounts to the Khornate characters (minus the bloodthirster, which he's very upset about)

The first mount is named the Khornasaur, and it's exactly what it sounds like. It's a carnosaur, but one that's preaching the good name of Khorne. It's available to both the Herald of Khorne and Bloodreaper, unlocked at level 20 for both.

The second mount is the Skull Brute, which is basically a cuddly bear from hell. It's available for The Lord of Khorne, Exalted Hero of Khorne, and the Cultist of Khorne, unlocked at level 20 for all.

The idea behind this mod was to give the characters a mount to help them stand against the crazy powerful Khorne daemons. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the design of the juggernaut, but I felt like the small characters needed something with a bit more kick.

The Khornasaur, like the carnosaur, is an anti-large beast. But naturally being Khornate it's stats are much more juiced compared to that of the lizardmen counterpart. This allows the daemonic characters to truly become a menace to anything big and scary. The Skull Brute on the other hand allows the mortal characters to embrace the roll of front-line infantry blender. While it doesn't have the physical resistance of the daemons, it has more armour and melee defence, as well as a fairly high missile resist. So send them into anything man sized, and they'll be smiling while bathed in blood.

The stat differences allows the characters to fit more into specific roles, rather than just being "melee character that's good in melee". Or maybe this whole thing is just an overly complicated way for me to justify making cool models. We'll never know.

Please let me know any issues or feedback you have! This was a really fun project to work on, as it made me explore new aspects of modding that I didn't know before. Let me tell you, trying to make the animations work was an absolute nightmare. But I'm very happy with the final result, and I hope you will be too. Enjoy!

If you would like to support me, you can donate here: . It is by no means required, and even if I never receive a single cent, I will continue to make mods for as long as I have interest. But of course, any donations are greatly appreciated!

Mod profile picture courtesy of Fröb
Screenshots taken using Ultimate Lighting 2.0 by Mazisky

Tabletop Caps sub-mod courtesy of Deadpool:
78 件のコメント
Zimmerman 8月21日 18時23分 
Yes, I checked the mod works, but the rest cause game crash((
Trajann V  [作成者] 8月21日 17時53分 
No update is needed
Zimmerman 8月21日 16時54分 
Update please
Rush Walkthrough 8月6日 6時28分 
game crash with this mod on please update
Trajann V  [作成者] 7月18日 1時54分 
Nope. Daemons get the Khornasaur, mortals get the Skull Brute.
Arachosian 7月16日 19時43分 
any way to get the Khornasaur for the chaos lord of khorne?
Trajann V  [作成者] 6月20日 2時22分 
@Kharn the Bloody
It adds mounts to the vanilla Khorne characters. Anything beyond that is not covered. As far as compatibility goes I couldn't say, as I don't use SFO.
Kharn the Bloody 6月18日 0時20分 
Mod looks amazing. Nice work! If I understood correctly this mod add Mounts to Melee Hero Specialists and Melee Lords? Is it compatible with SFO? Any idea of anyone has an SFO submod up for your great looking mod?

Thanks for what you do. Modders are the best.
Trajann V  [作成者] 5月21日 20時51分 
Well then you'll have to figure out which mod is causing the issue.