

235 ratings
Base Building Guide: Locations and Essentials
By Arilizart
Hey ya'll! If you struggle with Subnautica's base mechanics or you just can't decide where the best location is to set up, then this guide is for you! In this guide I will take us through the beautifully terrifying planet that is 4546B, how base building works, what are the most efficient base designs, and where we can set up. In terms of locations, I will showcase base designs in every prospective biome. From the Safe Shallows to the Crash Zone and even the depths of the Grave River. So come along, and let us get into Subnautica base designs!
Hello! Welcome to my guide on base locations for Subnautica! (Note, there will be a separate guide for Below Zero)

Are you new to Subnautica?
Are you overwhelmed with choices of building locations?
Then this guide is for you!

What does this guide aim to accomplish?
This guide aims to go over each biome in Subnautica and discuss which is the best for building a base in. Each section of this guide will be focused on a separate biome, will showcase an example base in that biome, and go over the pros and cons of living there.

In the game, the map is divided into distinct and unique biomes. Each has its own flora, fauna, and available materials. Now not every biome is all in one place, most if not all have various areas of the same biome interspersed across the map. I won't build in every area, but I will build in every biome. If you dislike the location I build my example base in then that is perfectly ok. I'll give my reasoning for why I build where I did.

What about spoilers?
I'll do my best to be as spoiler free as I can, and there will be a spoiler free summary in each section if you want to avoid details about certain biomes. (But honestly if you don't want to be spoiled on what biomes there are, then my best advice is just build in the starting biome. This guide goes in depth of each biome in the game)

How will the biomes be assessed?
Each biome will be judged on what it offers the player and its drawbacks. These pros and cons are broken up in easily digestible points from 0 to 10. Having a 0 is the worst score, and having a 10 is the best score. The points are then tallied up to give the biome a fair overall score. The categories are as follows:

  • How safe is this biome?
  • How easy is it to power my base?
  • How much food is available?
  • How many resources are available?
  • How aesthetically pleasing is it?
  • How accessible is the rest of the map?
  • How soon in the game can I reach this location?

With these parameters a perfect score would be a total of 70 points. Obviously an awful score would be a 0. I'll make notes as well on why I give the scores I do.

What are the example bases?
The second aspect of this guide is showing an example base I build. These bases will try to offer insight into the applied pros and cons, and what I did to combat them. To try and keep it fair, each base will have the same requirements:

- It must include every base piece, with exceptions for power and decoration items.
This may seem odd, but it has a lot of practicality. If the base can withstand supporting all of that, then you should have no issue with your own designs. The other consideration is that I want to showcase all that the game has to offer, which includes all of the wonderfully crafted base pieces. Some of these buildables I've never even used! It is awesome to get a chance to try new building styles.
It needs to have the following rooms:

  • Storage
  • Bedroom
  • Power Station
  • Greenhouse
  • Scanner
  • Observatory
  • Parking for each sub

Now what I build is only a suggestion, you should build as much or as little as you want. Hopefully what I build offers you ideas for your own playthrough!

With all this in mind, let's start the guide!
Building Basics
This section of the guide is dedicated to understanding the basics of Subnautica's building system.

This may seem intuitive, but this guide is for player's of all levels of familiarity with the world of Subnautica! So let's get into some of the questions you may have about the base building system this game has.

  • How do I build?

Simply put, you need to acquire a Habitat Builder.

This handheld tool should be accessible to you from the beginning of the game. Just gather the right items to craft it and do so using the fabricator in your life pod. When right-clicked while in your hand you will get a display of available blueprints. Select a blueprint, and you will be able to place it somewhere in the world. Holding down left-click will begin building the blueprint, if you have the appropriate materials available in your inventory. Once you start to build, certain pieces will have snap-points, that connect them to existing buildings. You can't connect base pieces at odd angles, or place them where they will be obstructed by pre-existing terrain and/or structures.

  • Why build?

Well for one, that's like a third of the game. Secondly, building a base will supply you with a lot of needed resources. Easier to acquire water, food, and access to storage for materials. You can also build fabricators that allow you to craft new items and tools. It's just fun! There's no real wrong way to do it, just enjoy doing it.

  • What's the best way to start?

The rest of this guide is all about where to build, but you shouldn't take it as "this is ONLY where you can build!". The best way to start is to play the game, and when a location catches your eye, just start building there! Have fun with it! Here are the steps I follow when building a base -

  • Find an intriguing location
  • Think about what I want/need out of this base
  • Place down foundations
  • Position the biggest base pieces first
  • Connect the pieces
  • Place windows/reinforcement
  • Fill out interior
  • Prosper

  • How do I get more blueprints?

You may notice when you start the game you don't have a lot of options. As you explore the map you will find new blueprints, either through picking them up or by scanning a base piece in the world. Be sure to check everywhere thoroughly!

I hope this has helped you to better understand Subnautica's building! Now we can move on to discussing where the best places to build are.
Safe Shallows
The Safe Shallows are the sunny and vibrant reefs that the player starts in. When you make your world, your lifepod will spawn in a random location within this biome. This biome is easily characterized by its coral tubes, abundant sealife, and shallow waters.

Base Level - Baby Early
Spoiler Free Score - 56

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
This place isn't called the Safe Shallows for nothing. It is your starting location and is designed to be the most generous location in the game. There are no predators here. The only real threats you have to look out for are Crashfish and Gasopods. Both are easily avoidable, and don't actively hunt the player. There aren't any plants here that will hurt you, and the only dangerous environmental hazards are some heat vent locations.
8 on the safety rating.
Wait what? The Safe Shallows, that I just said is the most generous location, only gets an 8? Yes because later on there are actually locations that are safer, but not necessarily better.

How easy is it to power my base?
It doesn't get easier then this. The first power source you have available to you is the Solar Panel, which scales in usefulness depending on how close to the surface you are. Being in shallow water, this guarantees you endless energy as long as you build enough panels. There are also various thermal heat vents in the biome, which I recommend you take advantage of. These can be used to power thermal reactors. Also available to you are the bioreactor and nuclear reactor, but you won't need them in this biome.
10 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
Literally endless food. You swim around for a minute and you will see countless fish, including bladder fish which give you water.
10 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
This is where the shallows will falter. For early game it is great, there are lots of nodes for titanium and copper. There is also ample amounts of quartz, coral plates, crashfish powder, and acid mushrooms. However for mid to late game (especially late game), you'll find that you will always have to leave your base to go and get anything you need. When it comes to some higher tier materials, this will mean travelling across the map over and over again.
5 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
This place is pretty, but certainly not grand. You will get lots of flitting small fish to delight your view through the windows, but no large creatures to enjoy. At night the bioluminescence is beautiful, but not bright enough to light the area. If you build right, you can find spots to view the Reefback leviathans, or build up above the water to see the sun.
5 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
The Safe Shallows is center of the map, every biome is equal distance from you. You can't get much better. Again though there are drawbacks. The shallows are well, shallow. For a cyclops you will have to go around the shallows everytime, and it'll be difficult to park at your base (depending on where you build). Even your seamoth can get stuck in some places! It's because of this that I think the Safe Shallows is not accessible long term.
8 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
You start the game in this location...
10 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 56

Example Base
Shallows Base Example
This section is for the Safe Shallows base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
This is the first area of the game, it was a breeze. The only difficult part first getting all the base pieces, maneuvering the shallow water, and setting up the thermal reactors. I picked this spot for the power resources and also the neighboring Reefbacks. I used this base for the majority of making this guide.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
Just setting up power. If you aren't careful the vent can kill you, but it is easy energy.

Do I recommend you build here?
Yes absolutely.

Images of my base design:

Kelp Forest
Likely the second biome players will encounter in Subnautica's depths, the Kelp Forests are a vital location that you will need access to for progression in the game. The Kelp Forest is known for
its imposing swaying kelp that glows at night, and is a much needed resource for the majority of the game.

Base Level - Early Game
Spoiler Free Score - 62

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
The Kelp Forests are a tricky biome to rate on this, because its safety depends on which area you are in and how well you can maneuver caves. There are carnivorous creatures called Stalkers that swim between the kelp. They only attack the player if you get too close to them, and are the earliest "enemy" you meet in the game. Depending on where you are you might meet enemies from other biomes on the border of the kelp forests. Under this biome are smaller caves that are lined with stinging jelly plants, which may prove troublesome to new players. Overall, it is fairly safe.
8 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
Solar panels are very effective still, and the kelp produces a lot of biomass for powering a power reactor. You shouldn't have power problems.
10 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
While yes you can eat the kelp, I don't really recommend it long term. Definitely helpful in a pinch. That combined with the wide variety of munchable fish makes this biome lousy with food options.
10 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
You can get the majority of everything you need from here. You can't get rarer materials you'll need for late game, but mid game this biome will carry you.
8 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
I mean what can I say, it's spooky dark kelp that glow at night, and there are tons of fish to swim by your base as well as big toothy friends. The main issue is trying to find a good spot to build in.
8 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
Depending on which area of this biome you build in you'll get different neighboring biomes. What you want to be more accessible is up to you. All of the kelp forest is central on the map.
8 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
This is likely the second biome you encounter, so pretty much immediately.
10 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 62

Example Base
Kelp Base Example
This section is for the Kelp Forest base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
Calm, tranquil, lots of fish. The Stalkers are just kinda goofy. A little frustrating because there isn't a lot of space to build. Dark. Best way I found to power the base is with Solar Panels.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
Just finding a place to build. The kelp forests aren't very big, and there are many areas for it, I think like four or five. I spent a long time trying to find a good spot.

Do I recommend you build here?
Yes. The kelp forests are a great place to build, especially if you are new to the game.

Images of my base design:

Grassy Plateaus
Red Grass, Grassy Plains, Reefback zone, players have given many names to this odd biome. I say odd because it is likely the most overlooked zone in Subnautica. There just isn't much that instantly grabs ones attention. You'll know this biome from its empty waters and red grassy sand dunes, and will likely only encounter it as you pass through it to other biomes. The Grassy Plateaus are home to the loved Reefback leviathans, as well as several predator species.

Base Level - Early Game
Spoiler Free Score - 49

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
This biome, as sparse as it may seem, is host to a slew of dangers. Now thankfully they can be mostly avoided, as long as you stay in open water and don't go too close to the sand. However, as there is nothing in the open water, you'll have to confront it eventually. Under the sand are Sandsharks and Biters. Sandsharks ambush you from under the seabed, and Biters are small pesky fish that nibble away at your health. The other danger is the Tiger Plant, a sponge like crop that targets the player with spiky projectiles. If you go near the sand, expect to get hit at least once everytime.
6 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
Thankfully the Grassy Plateaus are within a range where solar panels are still viable. There aren't any options for thermal energy, so the next best option is a bioreactor. But really just a good number of solar panels should do ya.
10 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
The biodiversity in terms of edible fish has decreased. You can find enough fish to eat, but I find it takes longer to get enough than other biomes. Definitely recommend a greenhouse for late game survival.
7 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
The primary resource you will get from this area is quartz. Quartz can be found in endless abundance in the red grass. There are limestone and sandstone outcrops, but it isn't as common. You won't find higher end materials for later game. The better aspect of this biome is its connection to the Jellyshroom caves, which do have better materials.
8 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
I'll be real with you, this place is kinda ugly :/ but that is only my personal taste. But this is my guide, so I'll do what I want nyehehe. There aren't glowing swaying plants to enjoy, or endless schools of colorful fish, Sandsharks won't swim nicely by your windows, and the only real beauty are the Reefbacks (but those can be found in many other biomes).
0 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
The Grassy Plateaus are still one of the early areas, and therefore are central to the map. You really have access to a wide range of other biomes with relative ease. Since there aren't many obstacles in the Plateaus (like massive plants or shallow water) it is very easy to park a cyclops here.
10 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
This area can be accessed quickly, but it is deeper than the other beginning areas. This biome challenges the player to begin prepping for deeper dives. I recommend getting an oxygen tank before exploring.
8 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 49

Example Base
Grassy Base Example
This section is for the Grassy Plateau base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
This place is great! I love the variety of fish, the grass is pretty, and the Reefbacks are so calming to listen to. There's a lot of space to build, and the rocky towers are neat.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
The locals are a bit nibbly. The Biters and Sandsharks will get after ya.

Do I recommend you build here?

Images of my base design:

Jellyshroom Caves
Jellyshroom is a great word. It perfectly describes the transluscent neon pink mushrooms that dot the caverns beneath the Grassy Plateaus. The Jellyshroom Cave is one large cave system that spans beneath the starting area, with entrances dotted about the Grassy Plateaus. This is also an important area for the Degasi storyline, and you can get many base pieces to scan here. As beautiful as they are, the Jellyshrooms are also deadly. There is no ready access to the surface, so drowning is a real possibility. Massive snakes and other predators lurk in the dark. It is not typically players' first choice to call home.

Base Level - Mid-Game
Spoiler Free Score - 34

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
This is our first biome that really has a negative score for safety. Without the high capacity oxygen tank you can not reliably make it to the surface, and that's if you build right beneath one of the few exits of the cave. Otherwise you simply don't have access to oxygen. Then there are the predators. The Jellyshrooms house Crabsnakes, massive creatures that will ambush you as you swim by. The sand is home to Sandsharks in some areas, and you can find pinching Cave Crawlers or biting Biters. I actually died once building my example base for this one.
4 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
This is a tough one. First, you can not use solar panels here, as there is no access to sunlight. Bioreactors are also less feasible due to the low amounts of bio material naturally in the cave, and nuclear is too late game. So really your only option is a thermal reactor. Luckily the caves have multiple lava geysers that can supply you with energy, and magnetite can be found in abundance to build your reactors. You'll likely need to build at least 5 to successfully power your whole base, and you'll need thermal protection to prevent dying from the intense heat to install the reactors. So while yes there is ready access to power, you won't get there until mid game at least.
7 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
There are fish here, but it is kind of the same issue with the Grassy Plateau. You may be looking for awhile, and in the meantime having to dodge every deadly thing residing in these caves!
5 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
The only real reason to visit the Jellyshroom Cave in terms of resources is magnetite, which is found everywhere. Unfortunately magnetite isn't used for common recipes. You really won't find much else.
3 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
Oh yeah, this place is dripping with aesthetics. Dark waters, striking neon pink glowing mushrooms, the rumbling of the volcano activity. It doesn't get much better. You won't get schools of fish going by, but the Crab Snakes are cool to look at.
10 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
This place is terrible for accessibility. You can't get a cyclops into the caves, and I don't recommend trying a prawn suit either. Your seamoth will always be under threat from the Crab Snakes. So you'll always have to park your subs outside of the caves, maybe even in a separate base? Which at that point nulls the whole point of living in the caves.
0 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
You'll need to at least get a better oxygen tank, the thermal reactor blueprint, and a seamoth. This is a mid game base.
5 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 34

Example Base
Jellyshroom Base Example
This section is for the Jellyshroom Cave base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
This is a very atmospheric and beautiful place to build. It is frustrating trying to find the cave entrances, maneuvering in the cave, and always having to leave to find materials. I am biased on the colour because I love pink, and living in this area illuminates the interior/exterior of your base in a pink hue. Despite its issues I honestly love it! I built above some thermal vents right by a big mushroom.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
Having to leave my cyclops outside the caves really sucked. You can only really use a seamoth down here, because it is too awkward even for a prawn suit to try and exit. Maybe you could have a separate prawn suit that just always stays in the cave? Otherwise it's just the Snakes, they are trigger happy. The last frustration was simply not having space for building, kinda cramped down here.

Do I recommend you build here?
If you have never played subnautica before, then no. But if you are looking for more of a challenge then sure! Just be aware of what you are getting yourself into.

Images of my base design:

South Island
The South Island, also known as the Floater Island, is the first stage of the Degasi storyline and a critical location for the game. It has a lot of needed base pieces for the player to learn, and flora for food farming. It is easily recognized from the massive Floaters beneath the island keeping it afloat, and the Degasi bases on top. It is a popular base location, but more of a catchy base location than a functional one.

Base Level - Early Game
Spoiler Free Score - 43

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
You can't get safer than this place. There is nothing here. The only thing that could hurt you are the Crawlers on land, but there are so few of them and they are so easily avoidable they might as well not be there.
10 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
For my example base I built in the water attached to the island. With that in mind, I was still able to power the whole thing form just solar panels. You really can't get much easier than that, and with plenty of plant matter on the surface you will have endless bio mass for a bio reactor.
10 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
This one is hard for me to answer. With enough grow beds you can easily have so much food you'll be feeding Crawlers with it. However, that is your only source of food there. I cannot stress this enough, that is it. We'll get more into why this is a problem, but trust me it is a problem. If you can hack it, you'll have enough food.
8 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
This is where the island falters. There is nothing out there, the island is floating above the seafloor, and the nearest deposit of materials is 300m straight down into an abyss patrolled by a Ghost leviathan. You really won't find anything here, no metal, no quartz, nothing.
0 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
Oh gosh, I'm gonna make people mad. It isn't pretty here. I built my example base on what I believe to be the prime location, which means ease of access and room for building. You can build your base under the island to see the glowing Floaters sure, but you'll be challenged for space to build or park any subs. Building anywhere else means facing an endless open ocean with absolutely nothing in it. Not even Reefbacks to enjoy. The only upside is seeing the sky, if you build parts of your base above water.
3 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
The South Island lays in the southern most part of the map, and as such is pretty far removed from everything else. You'll have to travel quite a ways to get any resources, but hey at least you can always move a cyclops around freely.
2 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
If you really wanted, you could make a beeline for the island. From the top of your lifepod, follow the tail end of the aurora south, it points towards a large cloud formation, and inside it is the South Island. Between you and that island are no large enemies to eat you, and you can just swim there. I usually do that first thing after making a scanner so I can quickly get my base pieces.
10 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 43

Example Base
South Island Base Example
This section is for the South Island base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
It was difficult to find a place, and difficult to line it up right so the foundations would work. There is also just, nothing here? It is so empty. At least I got to collect a lot of plants!

What were the biggest challenges building here?
Just lining stuff up. I was also disappointed I built such a big tank when there is no fish out here ;--;

Do I recommend you build here?
This is actually a great starting location if you are new to the game. The easy energy and endless food, plus the lack of predators, makes it a great location. Personally I don't like it because I miss my fish friends. (And it is too disconcerting hovering over the Ghost leviathan...)

Images of my base design:

Mushroom Forests
These Mushroom Forests reside not in caves, but in massive groves amidst rocky tunnels and sandy banks. You'll recognize it by its towering trunks of coral, off which gray coloured mushrooms branch from. The underside of these mushrooms glow a soft reddish orange, and at night illuminate the forest. Most notably one location of this biome houses a massive example of the mushroom tree species which stretches almost to the ocean surface.

Base Level - Early-ish?
Spoiler Free Score - 57

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
When it comes to this place the main danger is being so far from the surface. I definitely recommend you get a seamoth before attempting to build here. Otherwise you only have two troubles, both of which are rarely found and easily avoided. Bonesharks patrol the borders of this biome, and within its twisting caves the mysterious Mesmer can ensnare you.
8 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
This area has many boons at its disposal. For your bioreactors there are plenty of gelsacks, and you while it is deeper you can still utilize solar panels effectively. With a good farm and enough panels your power is not a problem.
9 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
There are plenty of fish that can be found in these waters, and a good farm goes a long way. Unfortunately there is not a lot of variety.
8 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
This is probably the best location in terms of ready materials. The most common building materials can all be found either immediately in this biome, or in any of the bordering biomes. You will never have to travel far for any material.
10 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
What can I even say. You get, to build a base, either IN A MUSHROOM, or underneath their glowing caps! And glowing cyan jellyrays blissfully swim outside your base? It doesn't really get better.
10 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
This is pretty central, but out of the way for some of the story areas.
6 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
As mentioned earlier I recommend getting a seamoth before building here, or at the very least a seaglide. You will be on average 200 m below the surface.
6 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 57

Example Base
Mushroom Base Example
This section is for the Mushroom Forest base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
This is my favourite biome to build in hands down. The giant mushroom tree is iconic. The glow is amazing. The sharks and jelly rays are amazing. There are reefbacks, endless materials, it is mostly central to the map. Holy mushrooms, I could go on. I love this place.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
I used this base for my entire playthrough after the Shallows base. The only real challenge was maneuvering through the shrooms.

Do I recommend you build here?

Images of my base design:

Bulb Zone
On the outskirts of the map this biome sits with several bulbous blue flora. Amidst the bizarre plants swim the shocking Ampeel, a dangerous fish that can stun your machines and easily kill you. The Bulb Zone, as it's named, is not a common biome for players to explore as there isn't much there. It is still eerily beautiful.

Base Level - Mid-Game
Spoiler Free Score - 27

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
Not safe. Ampeels are mean, bonesharks are mean, and if you stray too far in any direction on the border of this biome you will meet a leviathan. It is also deep enough that I wouldn't rely on swimming to the surface for air. Now you can try to outmaneuver any enemies, but in general I wouldn't bother. Just avoid the biome.
3 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
This depends on where you build. In my example base I used thermal power. I also died a few times building it because of the devilish neighbors >:( You can also use solar panels, but enough thermal reactors will do ya just fine.
8 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
Few fish, no plants to eat. Not, good.
3 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
It's no bueno. There really isn't a reason to come here in terms of materials. Anything found here can be found elsewhere (in safer areas). What is here is sparse.
3 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
Ok yes it is pretty. The ampeels glow at night and the bulbs are also very luminous. The place I built in is one of my favourite places to build because of its location inside a "cave". I have to rate it fairly though compared to other places.
5 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
This is the worst part of it, the Bulb Zone only has one area for its biome and it is in the furthest north part of the map.
0 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
You'll need a modified seamoth, so this isn't a location you can build in until you've definitely already built a base somewhere else. For this reason it isn't a starter base, it is a mid game base.
5 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 27

Example Base
Bulb Base Example
This section is for the Bulb Zone base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
This is one of my favourite places in Subnautica to build. Right on the border of the Bulb Zone and Mushroom Forests. There is a "cave", that is more like an arch, which sits next to a thermal area. This location offers a lot to the player, despite how unsafe it is. It is so pretty, there are lots of resources and food, and power is very manageable.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
The fauna are diverse and aggressive. Biters, Mesmer, Bonesharks, and Ampeels all stalk these water. In the distance the sound of a Reaper can be heard, but it is faint compared to the rumblings of the Reefbacks above this area.

Do I recommend you build here?
Yes. I am biased, because this is one of 2 of my go-to places to build whenever I play this game. Honestly though, this place is really good. It is a unique location.

Images of my base design:

Underwater Islands
This biome is very cool, but most likely you will only have visited it in passing. Suspended pieces of land held up by floaters sit like bobbles on a chandelier. These islands float under the water at varying depths and in various sizes. Amidst them swim hungry bonesharks, and above gentle reefbacks pass through. Below these islands is a deep wasteland of thermal activity and endless boneshark nests. Not a home for the faint of heart.

Base Level - Mid-Game
Spoiler Free Score - 25

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
Not safe. It is deep, and the bonesharks are endless. Thankfully that is the only enemy you'll have to deal with, but you will always have them around. At one point while building they destroyed my seamoth -_- .
5 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
This one is tough. Too deep for solar panels, and the place I recommend building on has only a few thermal vents on it. It is a larger island about mid depth wise. The only other option, due to how sparse the islands are for the bio reactor, is to build thermal reactors on the bottom and make connective lines alllllll the way to your base.
5 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
Another loss, there really isn't anything to eat here. The fish are sparse.
3 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
Again there really isn't any material worth coming here for. There are at least more nodes, and there are things to mine with a prawn suit (good luck maneuvering one of those around here). What saves this biome is the fact that the bordering biomes have more materials, but it is a pain to travel back and forth.
3 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
Eh, I dunno. It doesn't do it for me. The sharks are cool and sure the islands can be cool, but they really are too far away from eachother to get a good atmospheric shot of them all. You can't see the other islands from the one you want to build on, so from your base view it just is like a sparse biome and then void.
3 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
This is awful. The islands are weirdly surrounded by these tall spikes which I think is meant to act as a border, but it seems so unnatural. What ends up happening is instead any time you want to leave you have to awkwardly maneuver over them and then back down. You are always gonna bump into something. The biome itself is also awkwardly close to the edge of the map, stuck between the Blood Kelp Islands and the North Island. And yes you really have to go over the spikes because if you pilot anything the other direction into the Blood Kelp you are met with a ghost leviathan!
3 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
You'll probably have progressed to having a cyclops by the time you get here. This is another base you would build after you've already established a base. Mid game.
3 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 25

Example Base
Underwater Islands Base Example
This section is for the Underwater Islands base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
I like it here in short bursts. The calming bellows of the Reefbacks are a source of comfort between having to repeatedly smack every Boneshark away from you! I built on the one island I could find that had thermal vents.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
The islands don't give you a lot of room to build, and trying to power your base is awkward. Besides resigning to just going nuclear, it's just a little too deep for solar to be good, just a little too barren for bio, and the vents aren't hot enough for the thermal. I had to use everything but nuclear and it was still waning.

Do I recommend you build here?
No. There are better places that offer more.

Images of my base design:

North Island
The North Island, or the Mountain Island, (or the ____ island but that is a spoiler ), is the second dry land you can access in the game. It is formidable both on its shores and in the surrounding waters. There isn't really a lot to say about this location.

Base Level - Mid-Game
Spoiler Free Score - 36

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
-_- It ain't looking good gang. The North Island really only serves one purpose, be the place they put the giant space gun on. Because of this they reasonably put a fair number of enemies in this location. There are nippy crabs on land, and in the water you will be faced with a slew of monsters gunning for ya. A Reaper patrols the right side of the island, and a Ghost Leviathan not too far from the left side. Right around the island are Warpers and Bonesharks in their respective locations, and any shallow area you go to is full of Biters.
1 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
This depends on where you build. I choose what I thought would be the safest, but also what I think anyone wanting to build at this location would want to see. A clear view of the gun. This means building towards the surface which also means endless sunlight energy. Solar Panels will do ya fine. Otherwise there is a lot of urananite crystals, so nuclear power isn't outside of the realm of possibility here. I can't recommend a bio reactor because there simply isn't enough material without farms.
8 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
Unlike its sister island, the north shores offer no respite in terms of satiating your hunger. It is not teeming with edible fruits and potatoes. Its waters do not fare better. You need multiple farms to make this work out.
4 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
With a good prawn suit the resources are very available. There are a lot of nodes, as well as scattered rarer materials. You will probably have trouble getting basic building materials however. It doesn't help that any venture outside means dealing with the neighbors.
5 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
Ehhhhhh. Ok on one hand, giant gun, on the other hand, that is really all it has going for it. There isn't anything to look at, no unique flora to appreciate, and the local fish won't nicely swim by your hull.
5 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
There are drawbacks to being here. One, it is at the edge of the map. Two, you have to maneuver around the islands rocky outcroppings, making cyclops traveling hard. Then three, there are freaking leviathans and warpers around! It is hard enough to travel over and then down and then over again with these land masses, but then the fish gotta mess with you too! You will always encounter problems leaving or coming back from your base here.
3 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
Just like the southern island you can swim straight shot here. Do I recommend it? No! WHat? Don't do that. Sigh, but you still could so uh.
10 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 36

Example Base
North Island Base Example
This section is for the North Island base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
Getting here I got trailed by a Reaper, and while living here I just constantly heard it in the background. Building on the islands is difficult, because your base pieces are made for the water. The islands also don't have a lot of area for building on. I really like what this base came out to though, especially the solar panel area.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
Just finding a place, and the Warpers.

Do I recommend you build here?
Not really. This isn't like other biomes where I straight up say no, this one is just more inconvenient for not a lot of payoff. It isn't pretty, there's nothing really here, and just too much work to make it work.

Images of my base design:

Grand Reef
It is spooky, it is gorgeous, it is grand! The Grand Reefs are a beautiful and enchanting biome that stretch from mid to deep waters. They contain a lot of pertinent story material, and many interesting locations for a base exist here. It is most known for the blue floating orbs loosely anchored to the seabed.

Base Level - Mid-Game
Spoiler Free Score - 43

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
You have to contend with a few nasty critters here. Warpers, Crabsquid, and a Ghost Leviathan all call this region home. It is also too deep to reach the surface for air.
3 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
Where I built there are several geysers to power the base with thermal power. There are also going to be a good amount of gelsacks to help power a bio reactor. You can't use solar panels down here, especially in the location I suggest you build in which is under a cave.
8 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
There are a few fish, but not enough to sustain you. You also won't find edible plants down here. Definitely are going to need a farm.
6 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
This area has a lot of nodes for mining, and many good building materials both inside and outside of the cave. You probably will need to travel outside the biome for a few things though.
7 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
It ain't called grand for nothing folks. The glowing blue orbs are complimented by serene jellyrays gliding between them. The music is fantastic for this area, and what can I even say about the caves man!
10 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
A little awkward here. You can't get a cyclops down to where I built, so you'll have to park it somewhere the Ghosty won't nibble on it. The reef is also on the edge of the map, so everytime you travel you will have to make the ascent.
4 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
This location is right beneath the South Island, but you will need at least an upgraded seamoth to be here. Not to mention the thermal reactors.
5 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 43

Example Base
Grand Reef Base Example
This section is for the Grand Reef base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
I really like this area. It has a lot of spooky vibes, while still being in a good enough location on the map. The Ghost is annoying, but it never came over to where I choose to build.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
Hard to name anything, save for the trip back and forth. That and you can't get a cyclops to where I built. Power can also be kinda of a struggle.

Do I recommend you build here?
This is a cool spot. If you feel confident, then go for it!

Images of my base design:

Blood Kelp Islands
Hauntingly beautiful as they are nightmarishly deadly. The Blood Kelp is often regarded as the scariest location in the game. Possibly second only to the Lost River. This biome is dark and full of terrors, with stretching tendril like plants that grow red pustules along their strands. This place is not for the beginner player.

Base Level - Late-Game
Spoiler Free Score - 32

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
Not safe. Warpers, Biters, Crab Squid, Ampeels, and a big ol Ghost Leviathan. It is deep dude, no air. There are thin caverns full of Blood Crawlers, a spider crab like cousin of the Cave Crawler. This whole place just screams nope.
2 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
Bruh, impossible. No solar, no thermal, and no bioreactor without some serious farms. You'd need like three of them. Nuclear is the only way to go for late game energy requirements.
2 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
The only edible fish in the area is a Spinefish, a fish that looks skeletal. Gonna go out on a limb and say it isn't good eatten.
2 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
This is where the location shines! There are endless rare resources in the form of big nodes. You will have plenty of rare and common building materials.
10 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
This place is very nice. Super creepy vibe, very glowy, lots of big glowy enemies, it's a look. I really enjoyed my base build here once it was all done.
10 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
Uhhh, having to drive past the leviathan is bad, and being on the edge of the map is bad.
3 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
This is a late game location. You need to have something that can withstand 500m, as well as nuclear blueprints.
3 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 32

Example Base
Blood Kelp Base Example
This section is for the Blood Kelp base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
Honestly really chill. Somehow the Ghost never even came over to where I built. The music here is awesome, the ambience is a delight, and it is very creepy! I power the base using a combo of nuclear and bio.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
Probably getting resources. The Warpers and Biters are also an annoyance. Otherwise it was alright.

Do I recommend you build here?
Yeah sure if a want. It's a bit out of the way of the rest of the map, and having to travel over the bordering landscape is frustrating. The place is genuinely really pretty, and the neighbors are cool to look at through the glass.

Images of my base design:

Sea Treader Path
One startling find for new players is the Sea Treader Path. This biome is often overlooked, due to being mistaken as a continuation of the Grand Reef. The two sit right next to eachother at the edge of the southern map. Unlike the Grand Reef, the Path is sparse and dark. The only source of joy in its murky waters are the peaceful giants who call it home. You'll know it by the twisting trails in the seabed that have been made over a millenia of use.

Base Level - Mid-Game
Spoiler Free Score - 31

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
This biome almost has a zero for me. That is only because my cyclops got destroyed by the freaking GHOST LEVIATHAN WHO IS RIGHT OVER THE ONLY SOURCE OF- deep breath, ok ok fine whatever it's fine. The Ghost isn't ~technically~ in this biome. But it borders it, and any time you need to leave for anything you will encounter it. There are also warpers who are happy to follow you anytime you leave your base. Then lastly, this place is too deep to rely on the surface for air.
4 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
Uhhhhh. Hm. Again, almost a zero. I tried to take advantage of the thermal vents on the outskirts of the biome. I thought if I made a power line, I could power a base further away from the Ghost. I will say this. If you do that, you will die. You will. The Ghost's path is right above the only thermal vents you could use. It is too dark for solar panels. Now you could use a bio reactor. The Sea Treaders drop super reactive waste that can be used to power the reactor efficiently. This leaves you with a dilemma. You can try to go nuclear, you can try to contend with the Ghost, or you can have several bio reactors and try to supply them with enough material.
4 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
There isn't enough here to feed you. You will need a farm.
3 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
There are lots! The Sea Treaders reveal resources as they walk. Their feet bring materials up to the surface, allowing you to follow them and get items. There are also mineable nodes.
10 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
It is pretty uh sparse. Now I built right where the Sea Treaders pass by, and that is always wonderful to watch them they are so cute omg. I really have to just give this place a fair rating though.
4 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
No bueno. Edge of the map. You always have to go past the Ghost. Very bad.
2 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
This is a late game area. Definitely will need an improved seamoth at least.
4 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 31

Example Base
Sea Treader Base Example
This section is for the Sea Treader Path base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
I like having the Sea Treaders around, I think they are my favourite creature in Subnautica. Otherwise I was struggling.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
Power. Too deep for solar, the bio works but you really have to keep up for it, and thermal means fighting the Ghost head on. I caved and went for nuclear while taking pictures.

Do I recommend you build here?
I really like it, but it is simply too frustrating to recommend.

Images of my base design:

Sparse Reef
Named for the ominous lack of life in this location, your PDA will message you when you approach this biome with, "Life signs in this area are unusually sparse". Not much of a reef, but it is definitely empty. Also surprisingly a very manageable early game base.

Base Level - Early-Game
Spoiler Free Score - 54

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
There are no enemies here and the majority of the biome is less than 100m, very good.
10 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
Solar panels all the way baby!
10 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
Now this place is called the Sparse Reef for a reason. There isn't a lot of anything there except for Reefbacks, and you can't eat those. Luckily the southern island is nearby, so you should be able to get a farm going early on.
5 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
Surprisingly a lot of good relevant resources. There are many mineable nodes that contain titanium, lithium, etc.
8 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
So sure, there are some cool spikes reaching towards the sky. The reefbacks are lovely and the little tripod dudes are cute. The water is a gross green colour though and there is nothing else going for this area.
5 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
This is more reasonable. A majority of the other needed biomes are close to this one. The sparse reef isn't on the edge of the map, and there isn't any big bad stopping you from maneuvering around.
8 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
You could go straight here after getting some materials. It is close enough to the safe shallows and there are no enemies keeping you away.
8 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 54

Example Base
Sparse Reef Base Example
This section is for the Sparse Reef base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
It was ok. It is kinda boring here. It is also difficult to pick a good spot.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
The biome is weird. There is a division between an area of spires closer to the surface, and a deeper flatter area. Sure, I could have picked a flat spot to build, but then I couldn't have powered the whole base solely with solar panels. I also wouldn't have gotten the cool spires.

Do I recommend you build here?
I like it well enough, yes I can recommend this location.

Images of my base design:

Crag Field
In Subnautica there are a few biomes that are very much like eachother, enough that they get confused. The Sparse Reef, Dunes, Crash zone, and Crag Field all kind of blur together. The Crag Field is dangerously close to the Crash zone, which is home to a Reaper Leviathan. Stone spikes worn by the flow of water and passage of time line a rolling landscape. There are roaming Bonesharks and Reefbacks that accompany you through this desolate place.

Base Level - Mid-Game
Spoiler Free Score - 44

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
Bonesharks swim in the open waters, Mesmer dart between the rocks, and the seabed grows Tigerplants. You can mostly avoid the enemies here if you keep your head on a swivel.
5 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
In my example base I only needed solar panels to power the base. You definitely can also go nuclear in the late game, but you can't really used bio or thermal here.
8 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
The crag area doesn't have a lot on the menu. Very few small fish to collect, and you'll always be contended with local predators.
5 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
There are a lot of nodes to mine with a prawn suit, and loads of scrap metal. There is also regular rocks to get. Overall, you will be good on early and mid tier materials.
8 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
Like, it isn't bad but it isn't good either. Cool spikes, cool fish, too grey. If it had more colour it would be better, but as it is you might get bored with the bland. The reefbacks definitely help though.
6 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
This place kinda sucks. You have to either pilot your cyclops past the reaper, over the shallows (which is a bumpy ride) or go the long way around to avoid both. It isn't on the edge, but it might as well be.
5 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
You can get here pretty early, but you'll need a seamoth.
7 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 44

Example Base
Crag Field Base Example
This section is for the Crag Field base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
Kinda boring. I found a cool arch that I built a tunnel through. The area is just mostly dark and barren. Other than that you really only get interactions with Bonesharks and Tiger plants.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
Just dealing with the local fauna.

Do I recommend you build here?
You can, it's fine but not great.

Images of my base design:

Crash Site
The downed Aurora vessel is well known to the player from the beginning of the game. It's crash into 4546-B has left a devastating scar on the reef area, which is now littered with debris. The exact location the ship went down is now one big sandy area dotted with materials, and carefully patrolled by a Reaper. This location is toward the back of the ship.

Base Level - Don't
Spoiler Free Score - 27

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
It isn't. Reaper mean. I'm salty because I lost another cyclops...
0 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
Where I built I am about 5m from the surface. Solar panels are the way to go. The developers never intended anyone to build here so there are no real sources of power besides solar and nuclear.
10 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
There isn't. Besides scavenging the boxes, you won't find food.
0 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
Fair must be fair. There are endless resources. They are mostly only common building resources, supply crates, and blueprints.
8 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
It isn't. The reaper is a terrible and obnoxious neighbor. The water is gross, the sand is gross, there are no plants, and there is human junk everywhere.
0 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
We are on the edge of the map, and we always have to contend with the reaper on one side and shallow as heck water on the other. Or we take the long way around. Man it is not great.
2 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
You need a radiation suit if you want to get here sooner, and then after you fix the Aurora you should be fine. This location is relatively close and it is shallow enough to not need a seamoth. Have fun getting swallowed whole!
7 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 27

Example Base
Crash Site Base Example
This section is for the Crash Site base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
Awful. This place is not fun to build in. The constant grating sound of the Reaper's roars are the only thing you can hear. The water is a gross colour, and the rest of the game is so far away from you.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
This place is not meant for players to build in. The area is littered with debris, and the Reaper kills anything in its path. You really don't have a place to build anything. I ended up building right on the border, not only for safety but just because there was nowhere else.

Do I recommend you build here?

Images of my base design:

The Dunes are a larger area of the game, often untraveled due to your PDA's numerous messages about it... "There are multiple leviathan class creatures in this area". The Dunes are endless rolling sands dotted with sparse plant life. It is not lacking in inhabitants, and any one daring to live here is out of their frankly out of their mind.

Base Level - Don't
Spoiler Free Score - 31

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
NO. There are endless Reaper Leviathans, Sandsharks, and Warpers. You will die. Your submarines will explode. DON'T
0 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
There are thermal vents in the dunes which can be used to power your base. I will also add that the Dunes are surprisingly lively, so a bio reactor wouldn't be too bad a choice. Of course nuclear is a great option, but there isn't urananite available in this area.
8 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
There are multiple species available for eating, I don't think you'll be starving. Just remember that every time you go outside you will be followed by at least 2 leviathans.
8 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
There are plenty of building materials, but that is about it. No specialty materials.
6 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
It is just sand dunes with very loud and obnoxious neighbors. Not great.
2 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
Everytime you go anywhere you will be chased ruthlessly, and it is on the edge of the map. No bueno.
2 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
Ehhhhhhhhhh. I guess you can get here as soon as you get a seamoth? But why would you?!
5 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 31

Example Base
Dunes Base Example
This section is for the Dunes base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
..... f*ck this place

What were the biggest challenges building here?

Do I recommend you build here?

Images of my base design:

Many never experience the *deep breath* absolute... joy that this biome is. The Mountains are further north of the Northern Island. Sprawled out are peaks and valleys dotted with mineable ores and rich deposits. Why do most players never get here? Because as soon as you cross into this area the simultaneous roars of five F*CKING REAPER LEVIATHANS immediately inform you to GTFO! Dude just don't build here why why why are you reading this section. There's no score there is only pain.

Base Level - Don't
Spoiler Free Score - 12

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
0 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
Besides nuclear, good luck. You have thermal areas, but they are few and far and all the while papa Reaper is watching you.
2 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
There is none.
0 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
There are a lot but none of them are worth being out here.
10 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
It isn't.
0 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
It isn't. Edge of the map. 5 REAPERS BLOCK YOU.
0 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
0 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 12

Example Base
Mountains Base Example
This section is for the Mountains base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?

What were the biggest challenges building here?

Do I recommend you build here?

Images of my base design:

Lost River
The Lost River is the player's harsh introduction to the massive cave system beneath the surface map. This cave is home to a slew of foes, and is also the migratory path for infant Ghost Leviathans. The Lost River is known for it's several fossilized remains, and the silt mineral "river" that occupies the seabed. This is not a place for the weak stomached.

Base Level - Don't
Spoiler Free Score - 23

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
It isn't. I think I died here more than any other area, due to just the hyperactive baby Ghost! It may be baby but it is deadly! Everytime I left my base it was on me like fish on sushi. You can even see it in some of my base photos because it literally was always on top of me! That doesn't even include the Bleeders, the Skela-eels (idk what they're called), and the Mesmer. Then lastly the seabed is a no go without a prawn suit, because otherwise you just die in the silt.
-5 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
I found thermal vents around the area, and wonderfully there is one positioned in juuust the right spot for building in front of the giant skeleton. I think a bio reactor could also work, as there are a lot of gel sacks that spawn, but I wouldn't rely on it. I used nuclear and thermal.
8 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
:/ No, the only edible fish is a bone fish, no meat on em.
0 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
This is probably the best place in the entire game for resources. The mineral deposits lay underneath the green murky seafloor. You should definitely invest in a prawn suit with a drill arm.
10 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
Ohhhh yeaaah it has style. The massive piles of bones, the giant skeleton, the creepy atomosphere, ooooo baby. If it were safer I would live here.
10 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
You are in a cave, at the edge of the map, behind two Ghost leviathans.
0 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
This is end game stuff, this'll be one of the last places you visit.
0 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 23

Example Base
Lost River Base Example
This section is for the Lost River base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
Worst experience, contended by only the Mountain and Dune biomes. Wowie zowie the f*ckin Ghost leviathan has absolutely no chill. It was relentless! It was easy to pick a base location at least, because I knew I wanted to be by the big boy skeleton.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
The neighbors... or should I say the one neighbor specifically.

Do I recommend you build here?

Images of my base design:

Coral Tree
The ethereal and blissful respite between two dangerous areas. A welcoming place that players know well. The glowing Coral Tree sits between the Lost River and the deeper still Lava zones, and is the birthing place for infant Ghost Leviathans. It is a massive underwater tree at the center of a blue mineral pool. You learn reading the PDA that Ghosts lay their eggs in the protective boughs of the tree, then as they grow they move upwards out of the caves and to the open ocean.

Base Level - Late-Game
Spoiler Free Score - 38

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
So so so, how do I score this. Let's assume at this point that you accept that your only source of oxygen is subs and your base. There is no surface to be found, you are deep underground. Besides drowning just in the water, there is also the chance of drowning in the eerie mineral lagoon. Going into it slowly suffocates the player. Other than that, there are no predators. Only peaceful blue rays pass you by. I'll ignore the environmental things because it is so late game you ought to have a prawn suit.
10 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
This is tougher. No solar, and I don't recommend bio. You can use thermal, as there are several vents around, but you have to run power lines. Otherwise you can go nuclear, which is easier since in these higher level area there is easy access to urananite.
10 on the power rating.

How much food is available?
There is none. There are bladder fish, but that is it.
0 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
In this biome specifically, some but not as much as its more dangerous neighboring areas. There are nodes to drill and plenty of misc resources.
8 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
It is a glowing blue/pink/purple tree, in a blue misty cave, with angelic glowing manta rays overhead. Need I say more?
10 on the aesthetic rating.(wish it could be higher)

How accessible is the rest of the map?
Nope nope nopity no. To leave you have to travel through the Lost River, past two Ghost leviathans, and then you'll still be on the outskirts of the map.
0 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
This is late game son.
0 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 38

Example Base
Coral Tree Base Example
This section is for the Coral Tree base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
This was very chill, a nice break after the Lost River biome craziness. Super easy to build as there are no enemies to bother you. The only difficulties were gathering resources since most of what I needed was a journey away. Always nice and bright here, the tree is beautiful. I think I got carried away building because I wanted so much to have pretty areas and lots of glass. Making a power station was awkward, and I had to make a long power line connecting all the thermal reactors.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
Honestly just getting materials. Everything else was a delight! So many ray friends :)

Do I recommend you build here?
Despite it's beauty, I still don't think this is a good base place. It simply isn't practical. There isn't enough food, there isn't a ready variety of power sources, and you have to go past the Ghost anytime you need anything.

Images of my base design:

Lava Lakes
The very last location of the game, the infamous Lava Zones. There are the inactive, and the active, and for this guide I've just lumped them together because there isn't enough of a distinction to make between them. This is the area that tests players on everything. It is so deep your only hope is a fully upgraded prawn suit. Above you is nothing but the darkness of the stone and beneath you is the red hot glow of flowing magma. Spurts of lava erupt precariously, and the seabed is dotted with spires of spewing hot thermal water. The greatest threat and most iconic part of this area is the presence of the massive Dragon Leviathan.

Base Level - Don't. Seriously.
Spoiler Free Score - 11

Pros and Cons
How safe is this biome?
It isn't. Lava Lizards stalk you through the water, energy leeches attach themselves to your subs, Warpers are always watching, and the Dragon Leviathan spits fireballs at you.
0 on the safety rating.

How easy is it to power my base?
This is super weird. SO ok, solar is out (no sun, we in a cave), bio is out (nothing readily available to power it) and somehow beyond all reason thermal is out? This, oh, this pained me. I spent so long, and died too many times trying to set up thermal reactors. The water itself boils you alive, yet somehow the ambient temperate of the LAVA ZONE is only 50C?? I don't know if my game finally started to die from the amount of bases I have on the save, or if this area is really just like this. I tried the thermal spires, which mind you on the surface heat up your reactor easily, but down here they give you nothing! I put thermal reactors right on top of lava, and they were not hot enough. It's dumb. The only thing you can reliably do is nuclear. There it is, the only zone that requires nuclear power is somehow the one biome I had eagerly anticipated to use thermal reactors in. Because somehow the f*cking lavA ZONE ISN'T HOT ENOUGH FOR THE *sounds of keyboard smashing in the background*
0 on the power rating... -_-

How much food is available?
There are Eyes and Boomerangs, that's all folks. You will need extensive farms.
1 on the food rating.

How many resources are available?
There are endless amounts of resources ranging from common to rare things. Lots and lots of mining opportunities.
10 on the resource rating.

How aesthetically pleasing is it?
Maybe this is just a me thing, but this area doesn't really do it for me? For the lava zone it really isn't ~glowy~ enough, it is too dark, the Dragon is cool but too obnoxiously loud, and not enough cute fishes.
5 on the aesthetic rating.

How accessible is the rest of the map?
This is the least accessible place.
-5 on the map rating.

How soon in the game can I reach this location?
This is the final area...
0 on the accessible rating.

Overall Score is - 11

Example Base
Lava Base Example
This section is for the Lava Lakes base example.

What was my experience building in this biome?
I got very frustrated dealing with the power. When building I wanted to try and make it accessible as possible by avoiding overcomplicated bases or high tier power sources. Sure, every base can be powered by nuclear, but not everyone wants to go through the trouble of getting to that tier of power. Very dumb that I can't use thermal reactors down in the lava zone.
Finding a place to put down a base was relatively easy. Lots of flat area, you can't really go wrong? I choose to build near the pit entrance down to the deeper Lava Zone so I could take advantage of the view of the lava falls! It was frustrating traversing the long tunnel up and down just to get any kind of material down here. So be aware that this biome mostly has high tier materials for specific things you only really build once.

What were the biggest challenges building here?
Definitely the heat and the enemies. You need protection against the heat, which constantly drains your health. There are Lava Lizards, Warpers, and the massive Dragon Leviathan. You can try to avoid them, but especially the Lava Lizards have insane range and will just snipe you for no reason. Then lastly the power draining Energy Leeches while yes are very cute are still also annoying!

Do I recommend you build here?
No :/
There's no reason to. You only need this area to farm high end materials and to get to the end of the game. It's too hard to get a Cyclops down in here, the enemies are too annoying to live with, it is simply not worth the hassle.

Images of my base design:

This section is dedicated to answering/addressing some of the lovely comments that I've gotten after making this guide.
First I'd like to say thank you all who have given this guide any attention. You are all very lovely, and know that even if I haven't called out your comment specifically, I have read it and enjoyed each and every one.

LowTierVirgil commented:
my man wasted his whole life in this guide and no one posted a comment, so i guess im the first one, also great guide! :steamthumbsup:

This was the first comment, thought it was funny. Thank you!

Trevorkrause commented:
Thank you :steamthumbsup: I need no base im going home.

Ok you got me, this made me laugh. Thank you!

Sputnik commented:
Far too spoilery, but I enjoyed your bases nonetheless. You've got a good eye for a screenshot.

Thank you! I wrestle everyday with the knowledge that my steam profile has over 200 screenshots in it now because of this guide o_o

2Gameman commented:
Very insightfull guide. Helps alot. How long did it take to make all of this?

Short answer is too long, better answer is hardly any time at all because I had fun every moment! Probably about a month

coop commented:
whats the big room in all the pictures ive never seen that is it a mod

Hey coop! Another person answered this for ya -

Jaq replied:
coop the big room is a large room, it was a part in below zero and they added it into this version in a recent update I think (not sure how to reply I hope this message gets to you)

Don't worry Jaq I got you. Also awwww thank you for your kindness Jaq :)

chonna.nelson replied:
can somebody PLEASE tell me how to build the structures!?

It's all good my dude! What you are looking for is a device called the "Habitat Builder", and you can get it by making one using the fabricator. I think in Below Zero you have to find blueprints for it, but in Subnautica you should just know the blueprint automatically. Have fun building!

Ender's games replied:
It's a good guide but giving points with the idea of getting oxygen from the surface is a bit irrelevant. You can spend most of the game except for the first few hours without seeing the surface.
Also, technically after midgame, you can always run nuclear.
I guess the idea of this is where to setup your main base. You can (and probably should) have outposts in different parts. Lost River is almost a must, for example.

Thank you for the reply! I thought you brought up good points. 1; I count oxygen because this guide is aimed at players of any level of familiarity with the game. It is true though that once you get past fixing the aurora, you basically will never see the sun again till the end. 2; I know nuclear is always an option for energy, but I avoided it because it is expensive and I just never use it. 3; Outposts across the map is a great idea, and you are right in inferring this is more about main base locations.

dorito1209 replied:
Where is the blood kelp trench? I see you have the northern blood kelp zone, but the trench is quite different, and I would appreciate to know your opinion on this place.

Omg a celebrity, I love seeing you in grocery stores and gas stations! One base per biome, not biome location. Like the grassy plateaus have three locations, and I only built in one of them. I didn't build in the trench because the northern blood kelp area simply interested me more. My opinion on the trench is basically the same as the north, only less in aesthetics because it is more open? Thanks for the comment!

Joseph Stalin replied:
instructions unclear i made the gulag


Kimo replied:
Great guide! Helps me a lot. Bunch of 'work', I mean love you put in. Definitely worth an award. I trusted your math, just that one time at Blood Kelp Islands when the spoiler free score is indicated with 36 and the overall score at the end of the section is 32, I added the numbers. So 36 is probably an initial score that you changed later on. I guess. However that may be, let me say again: Thank you for this great guide with beautiful screenshots.

Thanks! The 'work' is sus, but I'll overlook it since you helped me with math lol, I fricken hate math

christopher.southworth replied:
There is an enormous amount of work and love put into this guide. Highest possible recommendation from me! I've played Subnautica for many years, since Early Access and on many different devices, and this is the most comprehensive base guide I have ever seen. Well done!

Awww geez, this is really sweet! Thank you for the kind words friend!

From loads of people - "Where is the crater edge/void base?"
I choose biomes off of a combo of what was listed as a unique biome in the wiki and my own interest in building there. There isn't really any point in building in the void, despite "Crater Edge" being an official biome on the wiki. If you are wondering what I would rate it, the answer is 0. If you are really that desperate for a void base, check out what this person did -
taco360 replied:
Amazing guide, your writing was so much fun to read through! I can understand why you didn't include a section on The Void / Crater's Edge, but I've actually built a base there myself. It was quite the experience, and I thought some may be curious, so I put together this document [] based on your format. Hope it helps anyone who was looking for something like this!
Thank you! Tacos are my favorite food.

Alterra replied:
In your opinion what would be the best place to put your base without points for scenery and safety?

Ok first thing, it is really on the nose and really funny that Alterra has no care about safety or positive scenery lol. The best place is the sand field above the area I placed the Bulb Zone base. It is a huge area of level sand between the Mushroom Forest and the Bulb Zone near the front of the Aurora. Build a power plant around the thermal vents in the Bulb area, then link it to the sandy field. You can build a huge place here, it is close to the openings to the deeper areas, you can't really go wrong. Have fun!
bigbob 17 May @ 10:05pm 
I wanna disagree with the 0 on accessibility with the lava zone. I built my base right next to the castle specifically, and was within swimming distance from the thermal facility, which has a teleporter directly to the gun, from which I could obtain my other basic necessities. I would usually keep my seamoth parked at the gun for that reason too, so that I could both get around easier, and get to my other base at the base of the mushroom forest, where I had immediate access to the opening of the lost river behind the gun.

I may also be biased, because I really don't mind the sea dragon nor the reaper. The reaper behind the gun was named greg, and the sea dragon was named Craig and Craigory, for the one guarding the Castle and the Containment facility respectively. I had little issues with any of them, I would regularly park my cyclops near greg and read PDA entries for the ambiance of roars, same with Craig. Had little issues with thermal reactors personally, so I dunno
NidAlak 9 May @ 6:54pm 
Minor Location spoilers:

There's several other LR entrances. (Have personally taken a cyclops through all)

The first entrance I is right next to the lifepod in the Blood Kelp zone. Going in that way you're right next to the "story location" of the LR, and IIRC you can get to the Cove Tree and down into the Lava Zones without ever finding/seeing the two baby ghosts.

Second entrance is in the Deep Grand Reef, if you find the cave with the old seabase head 'downhill' and you'll end up in the Lost River, IDR how close to landmarks.

Almost forgot, the bottom of the Blood Kelp Trench is an entrance to Lost River.

Added fun: A Dragon Leviathan can get stuck underground in the ILZ, so you'll occasionally see random fireballs flying out of the ground wherever he happens to be.. very dangerous and nerve-wracking to hear his roaring nearby.

Info-dump aside, I enjoyed reading through the guide! Thanks for making it :D (especially laughed at the Dune/Mountain parts)
Nehehyr 6 May @ 7:38pm 
I do disagree with the score on the Bulb Biome, Bioreactors do wonders in it, the bulbs are actually edible too and provide a good amount of water and if you build more towards the edge of it there is very few Ampeels and lots of resources
justyouraveragedog 5 May @ 9:09am 
so a summary of this is that half of places are beautiful but you'll be fish food and a quarter is safe and the rest is ugly and you'll still be fish food
ContessaRose89 19 Apr @ 4:38pm 
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! So useful! Seriously. Also warning about the dangers..................thanks, just super thanks.
taco360 11 Apr @ 7:46pm 
Amazing guide, your writing was so much fun to read through! I can understand why you didn't include a section on The Void / Crater's Edge, but I've actually built a base there myself. It was quite the experience, and I thought some may be curious, so I put together this document [] based on your format. Hope it helps anyone who was looking for something like this!
Alterra 31 Mar @ 3:09pm 
In your opinion what would be the best place to put your base without points for scenery and safety
2gameman 26 Mar @ 3:01pm 
chuckjr. The Void is all around the map. Plus as the name suggests there is NOTHING and no reason to build your base there other then to be a daredevil.
chuckjr 15 Mar @ 5:08pm 
you should make a base in the void.
Forlorn 14 Mar @ 10:53am 
You can just kill the leviathans to make building in dangerous areas easier.