Fallout 76

Fallout 76

94 ratings
how to be a communist on fallout 76
By gavin
this guide shows how to do communist things on fallout 76
how to get in the mindset
start thinking internationally

forget propaganda you have heard from your capitalist systems and enter with an open mind

care for your fellow humans

in essence, fallout could be depicted as a game which shows how humans can prosper united, even after conditions that should have eradicated them.

how to actually be communist
well to begin all the communist items, skins and camp things there are you will have to spend atoms on. this proposes a dilemma as by purchasing these to become communist you are playing into the capitalist system, but you can get around this by not buying atoms and instead earning them through your hard work, the fruit of your labour.

ok so you have your atoms. look out in the atomic store for any "red menace" or generally communist things that come out, e.g. CCP flags

what to do ingame:

fight alongside liberators
there is this one cave that has communists and liberators so you can go there but they fight you no matter what so i guess you could use a stealth boy and pretend like they can see you and u are actually not fighting

have fun
Dead Last 8 May @ 9:09am 
love how the entire fallout series is about the failings of capitalism and ultra consumerism yet half the fans are moronic capcuks 161
Courier 69 21 Apr @ 5:51pm 
For those who might want to clown this, better not to waste your money. Your hard-earned points will end-up in the pockets of this guide's creators.
master of aces 15 Apr @ 12:33pm 
da commrad
TheJuiceman 12 Jan @ 5:52pm 
or you can just side with the settlers, a faction that has repeatedly openly said they are anarco communist.
Ellz 7 Jan @ 6:54pm 
Good comrade! Remember, property is theft, yes!
Et Imperium 7 Jan @ 3:11pm 
wait a minute, if you are buying atoms, are you not therefore helping a capitalist company called Bethesda?
b0de 18 Jan, 2023 @ 4:17am 
i've been playing this as a communist, who needs food buff
Chronos 11 Jan, 2023 @ 8:52am 
came for advice, left with a communist tattoo :steamfacepalm:
SkyBorik 2 Jan, 2023 @ 3:47pm 
best guide period
Boudica 2 Jan, 2023 @ 3:38pm 
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