Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

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20/6/23 修复了汉化方面的毛病 所有词条已经完整汉化 自用,整合了:7怪癖mod;240怪癖mod;血色庭院额外怪癖mod;已经修改所有我认为有用的怪癖(部分负面怪癖也很有用)现在每个英雄可以拥有7个正面怪癖+7个负面怪癖。有用怪癖和无用怪癖的出现比例为:15:1,改这个很累要一个个查,算法也有点蛋疼,给对游戏看法跟我一样的朋友用。后期可能会更新我订阅的所有mod的怪癖修改(我自己已经用上了只是懒得整合- -)。 使用了Florence "Bunsena" Burner 大佬的mod:https://...
「贴吧怪癖变态版」The OP Tieba Quirks
Criado por gouzeizeigou
//超级变态警告,超级变态警告,强度拉满,平衡党请勿使用,心力衰竭的玩家可以尝试 哈喽,这里是贴吧怪癖的作者 自从贴吧怪癖上线以来,我收到了两类不同的声音,有人觉得贴吧怪癖过强,有人觉得强度还不够,所以通用版的贴吧怪癖我着重考虑了平衡性。 但是我也不会放弃需要强度的玩家,所以今天,贴吧怪癖的变态版他来了! //————变态版特性 变态掉率:滑稽书掉率提高到原来的50倍,享受怪癖像串稀一样掉落的快乐(?),掉落物不再受副本等级限制 变态上限:原来限一的怪癖全部解禁。人手一个。堆叠上限增加 除此之外,变态版的更...
好感度怪癖【Love Token】
Criado por sunshine
MOD介绍 本mod新增“信物”类别掉落物(战斗结算或奇物互动均可获得),赠予英雄“信物”将提升英雄对您的好感度(由怪癖体现),伴随好感度的增加,英雄将获得额外的属性加成。 100%好感度后赠送史诗信物或传说信物,将特化好感度怪癖,并赋予人物不同的性格和能力,施展特殊能力时会说出对应的台词(部分台词可能需要配合美少女皮肤食用,不然...)。 信物介绍 稀有信物——花:赠予英雄提升10%好感度(最高100%),综合掉率10%。 史诗信物——剑:赠予英雄提升30%好感度,在英雄满好感度时赠予将特化好感度怪癖为“...
「贴吧怪癖」The Tieba Quirks
Criado por Kaze*
This mod Now have Full English Translation, Just no English Description, Have Fun :) 前言 ------------------------------------------ 本mod完全由 狗贼贼狗 制作,我仅仅是代为上传与做了些微小的工作 详情请见授权贴 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7250950429 推荐结合补给格子拓展mod使用,比如MEPE 想自行给缺少动画的英雄添加动画的教程 http...
好感度饰品【Love Trinkets】
Criado por sunshine
This mod has English description, if you want to know more about this mod, please read down 该mod添加了6件饰品,好感之花,审判之剑,钢铁之盾,魅惑之杖,复苏之书和死亡之骨,贴图同我的好感度怪癖mod。 获取方式:好感之花和死亡之骨在水晶商店购买,其余同原版先祖饰品获取方式。 可能有人看不到图片,所以我用语言描述下各个饰品的效果: 审判之剑 +10精准 +10暴击如果敌方生命值高于50% +25%伤害如果敌方生命值...
「星空夜愿 2.5」StarryNight Trinkets Pack
Criado por Kaze*
Apologize I'm Kaze, I'm very sorry, first of all, I didn't design this boss, but I wrote the code. Because of Nyx's criticized strength and mechanics, I had a lot of fights with 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 before, and I wasn't satisfied with the version I released later. It ...
Skadi Extra Trinket
Criado por ayaya
为斯卡蒂额外追加6件专属、1件通用饰品 2022/04/20.更新内容 海歌之杖属性、描述调整 2022/02/03.更新内容 在这祝大家春节快乐 蒂蒂的模组更新了这也跟着更新饰品: 潮湿的剑袋(爬爬先祖) 2022/01/09.更新内容 冬季更新2件冬泳饰品: 沙滩帽(水晶商店) 虎鲸抱枕(收藏家&密门) 2021/12/16.更新内容 为阿戈尔饰品追加共鸣效果 使用潮汐之剑攻击有小概率获得怪癖“浅海轻唱” 怪癖“浅海轻唱”会为阿戈尔饰品追加额外的效果 稀有度掉落相关 月光大剑(星空怪) 潮湿的剑袋(爬爬...
「樱舞散华」SakuraMai Trinkets Pack
Criado por Kaze*
This mod is currently only available in Chinese 封面图来自互联网 侵删 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:Kaze* 程序:Kaze*、ayaya 美术:九九九九归一、OLD ASS、長門ちゃん、段竹 特效:長門ちゃん、Kaze* 介绍 ------------------------------------------ 共包含37件新饰品,其中1件饰品为特效饰品,类似丛雨丸,当你携带“神秘...
「脑叶公司饰品 NO.1」Lobotomy Corporation Trinkets Pack NO.1
Criado por Kaze*
Announcement ------------------------------------------ Sponsor:Aprotinin Code:Kaze* Art:OLD ASS Introduction ------------------------------------------ Ten trinkets from "Lobotomy Corporation". In the production process, game materials are used. This mod ...
「艾格雷姆之忆」Eyegrim's Memory Trinkets Pack
Criado por Kaze*
This mod is currently only available in Chinese 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:Eyegrim(艾格雷姆) 程序:ayaya 美术:lx 介绍 ------------------------------------------ 共包含11件新饰品,其中6件饰品使用了星夜的贴图,但重做了效果,可以与星夜的共存 前往此处找到对应作品集 查看详细预览 https://afdian.com/a/...
LoL Trinkets Pack
Criado por 丑橘保护协会
这一饰品合集包含游戏英雄联盟的血手,黑切,无尽,迅刃,石像鬼,杀人书,多兰盾等共计26件装备,获取方式同原版的稀有/非常稀有饰品。 它们蕴含着符文之地的魔力,拥有相当强大的力量,相同种类的装备还会提供独特的属性增益与减益。。。如果你和我一样喜欢英雄联盟的世界,或者想拥有各个维度的强大属性,那么欢迎订阅这个mod,我相信这会给你的游戏带来截然不同的体验。 最后,感谢《吉吉国王和他的花果山西天取经大冒险》的群友。没有他们的帮助,这个mod不可能能与诸位见面。 English is not my first la...
Minstrel Class trinkets pack
Criado por anaertailin
Zodiac Sign:十二生肖
Criado por 七封
这是一套以十二生肖为主题的饰品,各个生肖以符文形式存在, 同时设计了十二件各有寓意的装备,通过和生肖的交融结合成十二套各有特色的套装。 例如: 猪符和九齿钉耙的“倒打一耙”,极具反击特色; 龙符和青龙偃月刀“连斩”,神挡杀神; 再有虎符统御,天狗噬光,牛头马面驱魔斩鬼等等。 最后,猴符和金箍棒的套装属性,不是特意卖萌,是致敬我最喜欢的西游小说《大泼猴》,作者甲鱼不是龟。 这本书记不清看哭了多少次,他是我心中永远的猴子,还有这部电视剧我也期待了N年…… 套装属性天道无极,效果就是伤害上限+100%,就是突破极...
Fate 饰品
Equipment Preview Saber Archer Lancer Berserker Caster Mash Kyrielight ...
Describe your mod in 8000 characters or less here!...
「特效饰品 丛雨丸」Senren*Banka Trinket
Criado por Kaze*
(Sorry,My English is very bad,so this is Machine Translate,True English Introduction coming soon) Introduction ------------------------------------------ A new special effects Trinkets "Murasame Maru" will produce knife light effect and Murasame follow eff...
Lucia Trinkets
露西亚专属饰品 需要前置lucia class mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2149017929 饰品属性 获取方式 5级地图任务奖励 战斗结束搜尸体小概率获取...
Legendary Trinkets
Sorry my English is not good, all the sentences are translated by Google. This is a set of accessories for some classes, the properties have been tested for balance, it can better play the characteristics of the class. These items are available in English ...
贞德专属饰品 Need Ruler Class Mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1596685165&searchtext= Equipment Attributes Method Of Obtaining Champion Copy Task Reward Method Of Obtaining Buy from nomad wagon Comment: If there is an error in the t...
「废墟图书馆天启鸟饰品」The apocalypse bird trinkets
Criado por gouzeizeigou
本mod为还原废墟图书馆中三鸟书页以及天启鸟书页的饰品mod 内容包涵:饰品:小喙,长臂,巨目 补给:异想体书页:小喙,异想体书页:巨目 已阅丁真,鉴定为:超模饰品 饰品获取:水晶商店 注意事项:天启鸟状态触发时有剑冢鬼叫,小心被吓到(不过图书馆玩家应该习惯了) 小喙书页装备在高鸟书页左边才有大量真伤,不在左边则没大量真伤,如何搭配看个人喜好 欢迎加群:732048214 有中文翻译和English localization √...
「新岁丹楹」New Year's Trinkets Pack
Criado por Kaze*
新年的钟声即将响起,爆竹声声打破旧日的烦恼,礼花缤纷迎来新年的吉兆,祝各位新年快乐,幸福美满~! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:Mhdss 程序:ayaya 原画:lx 说明 ------------------------------------------ 共9件饰品 均为“迎新”稀有度(获得方式同先祖饰品) 前往此处找到对应作品集 查看详细预览 https://afdian.com/a/Maikaze/album 关于 ----...
Mtg Trinket Pack
Criado por 黄俊浩
Add 10 MTG Trinket Rarity is equivalent to very rare During the test, the effect may be modified at any time Available in Chinese and English, all non-Chinese versions display English...
Criado por yilin
三件小鹿专属饰品,稀有等同于先祖级,只能通过冠军本取得 新增动画特效 characters or less here!...
The Hollow - CC Trinkets
Criado por Muscarine
The Hollow - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ http://i.imgur.com/MTRHURf.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/TTWGIEL.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/AEJGu3V.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/4SokHR5.png 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1...
The Hood - CC Trinkets
Criado por Muscarine
The Hood - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.Description ----------------- Crimson Court Trinket Set for The Hood. Requires... The Hood. And... Crimson Court. --------...
The Offering - CC Trinkets
Criado por Muscarine
The Offering - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ http://i.imgur.com/MTRHURf.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/TTWGIEL.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/AEJGu3V.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/4SokHR5.png 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog -----------------...
Tifa Lockhart - CC Trinkets
Criado por Muscarine
Tifa Lockhart - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.Description ----------------- Crimson Court Trinket Set for Tifa Lockhart by muscarine. Requires... Tifa Lockhart. An...
The Tusk - CC Trinkets
Criado por Muscarine
The Tusk - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ http://i.imgur.com/MTRHURf.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/TTWGIEL.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/AEJGu3V.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/4SokHR5.png 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.D...
The Shrapnel - CC Trinkets
Criado por Muscarine
The Shrapnel - Trinket Set - For Crimson Court +++ 1.Description 2.Known Issues 3.Credits and Permissions 4.Changelog ----------------- 1.Description ----------------- Crimson Court Trinket Set for The Shrapnel. Requires... The Shrapnel. And... Crimson Cou...
More Collector Trinkets
Criado por RedFlagDiver
!/Regrettably, I must announce I will no longer be working on this mod and all the variations. It was a really fun experience but I no longer have any interest in modding. If anyone wants to take over they are quite welcome to do so, with credit. Thank you...
Modded Classes Color of Madness Act-Outs
Criado por Marvin Seo
This mod is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod. Furthermore, “Darkest Dungeon” and the Darkest Dungeon logo are...
Trinket Overhaul Project - T.O.P.
Criado por JavitoVk
30/6/2018 -Updated to be CoM compatible. Fixed old stats! Mod version: 4.0 Latest working build: 23941 Hello everyone, This mod takes 75 backer trinkets and redesign them completely. Now compatible with Crimson Court and Colour of Madness!!! This includes:...
Lucia Class trinkets pack
Criado por Kamo Master
露西亚的意识体小伙伴们,被仿制后以星晶首饰的形态出现在这个世界上 Lucia's companions,the minds.After being imitated, they appears in the form of CoM trinkets in this world 黎明酱专用首饰,已增加至六件,全部为水晶农场首饰,都会给黎明酱的游玩机制带来较大影响。 Lucia special trinkets, has been increased to six, all CoM trinkets.It wi...
Elden Ring Trinkets
Criado por soulsknight
本MOD加入了艾尔登法环中的一些护符、武器、道具作为饰品;加入了一些道具作为商店补给;加入了一些祷告作为怪癖 1、增加了10件饰品,稀有度为先祖,仅为跛行者掉落 2、增加了10件饰品,稀有度为先祖 3、增加了15件饰品,稀有度为非常稀有 4、增加了18件饰品,稀有度为稀有 5、增加了6件饰品,稀有度为优良 6、增加了20件饰品,稀有度为普通 7、增加了9个商店补给 8、增加了6个怪癖,不能通过完成副本获得,只能通过佩戴饰品击杀怪物或被攻击时获得 特别注意:请注意一些带有“永久反击”饰品的描述,不要给没有反击...
Hunters Treasure Comet Trinkets
Criado por Kaze*
This mod have Full English Translation, Just no introduction picture in English, Have Fun :) Thanks for @ShallowIris @LAmumu providing Korean Translation Thanks for @mysticl hat providing Russian Translation Announcement -----------------------------------...
Unique Items : Mega Trinkets Pack
Criado por zxcqwe
Unique Items : Mega Trinkets Pack This mod add 209 Very Rare Trinkets(!!) This Unique trinkes have many special options but trying to keep balance. Only purpose is 'variety of experiences' and 'collection' (Don't warry about Difficulty) Welcome feedback, r...
希望怪癖【Hope Quirks】
Criado por sunshine
MOD介绍 Mod添加了新的补给品——希望之烛,使用后获得可随副本探索战斗而升级的怪癖——希望怪癖,怪癖共十一个等级(零到十),伴随着怪癖等级的提升,英雄将获得不断提高的加成。怪癖等级越高,升级所需时间将会增加,从零升级到十,大概需要带英雄下十个中本。(Mod属于好感度怪癖姊妹篇,类似于简化后的好感度怪癖,无额外的台词和效果,仅为数值加成,个人推荐和好感度怪癖任选其一,一起使用当然也是可以的。) 属性介绍 希望:零 无加成 希望:一 +1%抗性 希望:二 +1%基础属性 +1%抗性 希望:三 +1%基础属性...
「异界饰品包」The Farplane Trinkets
Criado por yyyyy
what's this? This is a powerful trinkets pack that drops in the same way as very rare trinkets Back story The town recently spread a message, a farplane portal was opened outside the town, some do not belong to this world, full of magic power of the object...
Criado por 异度旅人
Since the strength of CC sets in the original game is not worthy of the difficulty of collecting, I dared to redo all CC trinkets Contains new effects, and everyone's exclusive abilities - Of course, these trinkets are not not unbalanced! While the effect ...
7 Quirks, 7 Lockable
Criado por Whisper The Wolf
Just like the good old days... You too can now experience the times when characters could have 7 Good and 7 Bad quirks! This makes it so you can now have 7 of both quirk types on your characters, as well as lock up to 7 of them (Decision brought out as to ...
拔刀剑 Slash Blade
Criado por 苏小琪
This mod needs English localization patch https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3314212989 by Just a jar. Pre-mod description: This mod is complete Slash Blade mod, don't run it with other Slash Blade mods. This mod provides exclusive trin...
Cultist Simulator Trinkets Chinese ver.
Criado por Harunoea
「通用饰品补充包-第一弹」Universal Trinkets Pack
Criado por yyyyy
https://pic.imgdb.cn/item/66a8e658d9c307b7e938da5e.jpg https://pic.imgdb.cn/item/66a1e8cfd9c307b7e91b820f.png When we subscribe to too many class mods, it's inevitable that dungeon rewards will often consist of trinkets for less desirable classes, which ca...
【更多饰品】More trinkets
Criado por Ms.CookieS
Added 11+4 trinkets Close to the original style Strive for balance as much as possible ============================================= 2024/2/13 @VEZ'NAN Remind me about this issue The material comes from Bloody Circus / original edition I apologize for this...
Criado por 图帕雷松
Integrating 200+ additional quirks, each hero can now have 7 positive quirks + 7 negative quirks. Modifications to the Quirk Bundle: Adjusted the spawn rate of Crimson Curse Quirks to make all Quirks more weighted; Fixed a bug where the Blood Pump and Bloo...
Numa coleção por 777
13 itens