Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

The Cutthroat Collection
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The Cutthroat Collection, three spy shirts in one!

We wanted to make some classy, subtle shirts for the spy that could be mixed and matched with his bigger coats. We decided to combine them into a single item with multiple options to make up for being rather simple by modern spy shirt standards and give players more choice.

Fully compatible with large spy coats that don't affect Spy's default shirt and tie (Sky Captain, Chicago Overcoat, Lurker's Leathers, The Turncoat).
Položky (3)
The Cutthroat Collection - "Le Froid"
Vytvořil Sky
The Cutthroat Collection, three spy shirts in one! This style is "Le Froid", a fashionable*, paintable turtleneck. We wanted to make some classy, subtle shirts for the spy that could be mixed and matched with his bigger coat...
The Cutthroat Collection - "La Mode"
Vytvořil Sky
The Cutthroat Collection, three spy shirts in one! This style is "La Mode", a fashionable scarf and low-cut striped shirt. We wanted to make some classy, subtle shirts for the spy that could be mixed and matched with his big...
The Cutthroat Collection - "Le Gilet"
Vytvořil Sky
The Cutthroat Collection, three spy shirts in one! This style is "Le Gilet", a paintable vest, white shirt and gold striped tie! We wanted to make some classy, subtle shirts for the spy that could be mixed and matched with h...