Hitler Hates Anime

Hitler Hates Anime

Serious Guide for a Very Serious Game
作者: NoPringiehole
Tips and achievement info for the most hardcore and intense game on the market.
  • Sensitivity is very high by default and it can be worth turning it down, especially when combined with the red speed power up.

  • Power ups like the pink (size), blue (head) and green (stamina) are pretty much useless/detrimental. Red (speed) may be useful but can be hard to control.

  • Changing music from chill to fire and turning on brutal mode gives a ~2% performance boost.

  • Yellow/green (vision) power ups are the best especially when near the end of levels to find the last girls.
All achievements are pretty glitchy but all will pop eventually, often needing more than the displayed numbers to unlock.
  • Score 1-3: get 2.5k, 25k and 250k score (you get score for girl whacks).

  • Girls 1-3: get 5, 50, 500 girl whacks.

  • Power ups 1-3: get 2, 20 and 200 pick ups (the coloured mushrooms which respawn with time and changing level).