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Lotus AI Strategy Mod
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Lotus AI Strategy Mod

AroAI is fully compatible and recommended!

****** For best results load Lotus AI last in load order ******

##### General AI Behavior Changes #####

# The AI should in general declare wars much more often than it did before and be much better at creating the games main formable tags.

# The AI should be much more reasonable/realistic in what it demands in war goals. At least more player-like. Particularly, there should be less border-gore. The AI will actually use the Transfer Vassal cb, which was simply not implemented in vanilla ai.

# The AI should attempt to pass popular laws more frequently.

# The AI should be much more aggressive with it's generals, recruiting more generals and splitting armies into smaller stacks so it can both defend & attack.

# The AI will naval invade much more frequently and aggressively than before, and should not get stuck in wars because it has to do a naval invasion and can't figure out how.

# The AI will seek to annex vassals that it can and will seek to subjugate weak countries that it can.

# The AI should be less inclined to sit in a stalemated war forever without white peacing.

# The AI should be quicker to accept peace when it has lost a war.

Full change list is too long for steam description check GitHub for full change list:

##### Game Start Changes #####

# Removed all starting treaty ports except Macau. (They are just no longer treaty ports, the tiles are still owned by their respective overlords)

# Parma, Lucca, and Modena have been removed from Austria's Custom Union because Austria will very often retain a deathgrip on them even if Italy forms. This helps Italy integrate all of the minors more consistently.

# The borders between the Mexico, the US and Canada have been adjusted to allow for the AI to consistently recreate clean borders. (and also allows for player USA to get everything historic Mexico in 1 or 2 wars without getting truce locked) There is slightly less uncolonized land now, but typically the US has to spend more of it's time filling that in now with less of Mexico/Canada helping.

# Mexico & the USA now start at war along with Texas to help with the border situation & issue of Mexico backing down & trucelocking.

# Hokkaido now starts fully owned by Japan.

# Mindanao in the Phillipines now starts fully owned by Spanish Phillipines, because the AI very rarely chooses to ever colonize the last bit of the Phillipines and that small tag adds nothing meaningful to the game.

# Western Australia now starts fully owned by Western Australia, because the AI very rarely (never?) chooses to colonize this bit of Australia and that small tag adds nothing meaningful to the game.

# Added Russian claims to the 2 central Asian states that are fully enclosed in the Caucuses.

# The level 40 Barracks in Lower Egypt has been reduced to level 10, and the level 10 Barracks in Ankara upgraded to level 30, to help Ottomans not get curbstomped quite so badly and consistently. Additionally, as Ottomans still get their asses kicked by Egypt pretty consistently, Adana is now fully owned by Ottomans at game start.

# Mexico has been given two level 5 naval bases because as AI it sometimes liked to declare war on Caribbean countries without realizing it doesn't have the boats to do so. NOTE: The root issue here has since been addressed and the AI shouldn't declare overseas wars if it doesn't' have enough boats, but I left the naval bases for Mexico for now.

# Liberia is no longer a protectorate of the USA; This is the only way I could figure out how to stop USA from colonizing in West Africa & getting involved in African colonial wars. (they are forced to have an interest in that region because of the protectorate)

# Cape Colony is now a Dominion instead of a Puppet so it can do things on it's own.

# The decentralized nations in New Zealand have been removed & consolodated into the United Tribes tag. This is the best solution I could think of for now as to how to stop USA from taking South Island every game. (As they need the interest in Oceania in order to get Hawaii) There is no way to limit where countries colonize other than strategic regions.

# USA & Brazil both start with 5 extra Barracks in their capitals to help them win their initial wars as AI (Brazil in particular needed help, USA was losing a little more often than I'd like, but it's not abhorrent for Mexico to win).

##### Journal/Event/Decision Changes #####

# The Heavenly Kingdom war now starts instantly after choosing a decision in the corresponding event, and Heavenly Kingdom gets an Annex wargoal on Qing.

# The Alaska Purchase & Canadian Border Treaty both now have no relations requirements other than not being at war. This is mainly to help the AI, thoug it technically makes things easier for the player it is trivial.

# The American Civil war (when it starts by event) now give both sides an annex cb. This is because it will never spawn with clean borders.

# Great Britain now has a copy of Netherlands decision to give territory to East India Company that the AI will automatically take.

# Added a decision to Netherlands that will annex all of Dutch East Indies subjects into DEI, and turn DEI into a puppet. It requires Nationalism, and the AI will take it.

# Added a decision to Great Britain that will annex all of British Raj subjects into British Raj. It is available once the Raj tag is activated fpr East India Company. (usually like 20-30 years into the game the AI gets it)

# These new decisions I feel are necessary due to the backwards mechanics behind annexing vassals. The AI does not understand that it needs to reduce relations with its overlord in order to be able annex its own subjects, and barely understands needing to reduce reduce relations with the subject it wants to annex. The mechanic itself is counter-intuitive, because good relations should be a good thing, and in games like EU4 you annex vassals with good relations, not poor ones.

# Added a decision for Great Britain and Netherlands to automatically re-vassalize an indepdendent Raj or Dutch East Indies. IMO there is no reason these tags should ever be independent if there is no mechanics or flavor for them becoming countries run by the native population, they just sit there being a nonsensical independent european colony. What's worse is the reason they become independent is usually because of nested wars causing automatic peace deals.

# Reduced Colonial Investment level requirement of British Raj decision from 5 to 3.

# Britian now has an additional decision to directly annex vassals in Malaya, unlockable by the same requirements as it's Raj decisions.

# France now has a decision to annex Algeria if it is France's puppet, again for the same reasons & because France starts with the Algiers state they are clearly intended to take Algeria & did historically (maybe not in 1836, oh well). The issue was Britain/Spain like to Transfer Vassal CB Algeria away from France and then it become a really ugly border due to Algiers state still belonging to France.

# Russia now has a decision to annex the 3 central asian minors if they are vassals of Russia.

# Removed Miskito Kingdom protectorate from Great Britain as it would sometimes cause GBR to get dragged into a pointless war with the US.

# Added a Russian claim to the state Kars (Ottoman held on the border with Ottomans, historically taken by Russia)

# Added a decision for Germany to annex any German subjects it still has after forming Germany.
Popularne dyskusje Zobacz wszystkie (1)
25 listopada 2022 o 21:24
Mod Compatibility
Komentarzy: 229
Tompero (oficial) 16 marca o 15:39 
Its working in the 1.6?
Lotus  [autor] 13 marca 2023 o 11:24 
I currently have no plans to revive this mod, sorry. @Choo_Choo_Orea seemed to be working on something perhaps.
Bordeaux Jeaux 13 marca 2023 o 8:19 
Can you pleeeaaassseee update this mod for 1.2? Idk how compatible it is so far, but this is by far the best Vic3 mod and idk if I can play without it!
Choo_Choo_Oreo 20 lutego 2023 o 17:47 
Thank you, I'm going to use this as a base to have overall aggressive AI in future versions of the game.
Lotus  [autor] 20 lutego 2023 o 16:34 
Oh, yes, you are free to use it.
Choo_Choo_Oreo 20 lutego 2023 o 12:13 
Yes, but can I use it? I can update it if needed.
Lotus  [autor] 20 lutego 2023 o 12:11 
@Choo_Choo_Oreo this mod is discontinued, it is no longer functional
Choo_Choo_Oreo 20 lutego 2023 o 10:11 
Can I use the mod for public us in its basic form?
brubie 29 grudnia 2022 o 13:27 
Sad to hear you go Lotus. I hope someone else can pick this up, mod is great and I would love to see this or something similar continue!
scroopy noopers 27 grudnia 2022 o 18:31 
I would (and I'm sure many others) donate to a modder willing to bring this back to life