Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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Simon Stalenhag Pack
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Vật phẩm (5)
Electromagnetic Hovercraft-14
Tạo bởi BENZIN
Mälaröarna Loop Electromagnetic Hovercraft Model-14 Designed to reach to the remotest places with the help of the new electromagnetic levitation technology. From the visual novel "Tales From The Loop" by Simon Stålenhag We also opened up a new Discord serv...
Tạo bởi MauveTheWolf
Callsign Series, CallsignZero Please make sure to read the description! Basics CallsignZero is a small flying home, built and ready for arctic camping. The design itself was based on artwork by Simon Stalenhag and the interior was added later on. Included ...
CallsignThree (Small Logistics)
Tạo bởi MauveTheWolf
Callsign Series, CallsignThree Basics CallsignThree is a small/medium logistics vehicle used to transport stormworks containers. This vehicle can hold one container and reach speeds of 81 at full throttle. The generator keep...
Tạo bởi averagegmod_enjoyer
I have kinda fallen for retro-futuristic artwork and this happened to catch my eye. The car Michelle and skip drive in the art book "The Electric State." A standard Oldsmobile, yet to me it was the hero of the book. STATISTICS ----------------- -Definitely...